Configure a list of shortcuts for Vim-mode + :commands for toggling panes on Overleaf
// ==UserScript== // @name Overleaf Editor Custom VIM Keybindings (legacy, for Ace editor only) // @description Configure a list of shortcuts for Vim-mode + :commands for toggling panes on Overleaf // @namespace // @version 0.3.7 // @match* // @grant none // Source 1: // Source 2: // @license MIT // ==/UserScript== (function() { 'use strict'; // poll until editor is loaded setTimeout(function(){ var card; var editor = window._debug_editors[window._debug_editors.length -1] $(document).keyup(function(event){ switch(event.keyCode) { case 27: esc() case 96: esc() } }); function esc(){ card = $('.writefull-suggest-card'); if(card.css("display")=='flex'){ card.css("display",'none') // Restore the focus back to ACE editor // Ref: editor.focus() // side-effect - a side box is drawn } }; var DA = {48:-1,49:0,50:1,51:2}; $(document).keypress(function(e){ if(e.which>47 && e.which < 52){ card = $('.writefull-suggest-card'); if(card.css("display")=='flex'){ console.log(DA[e.which]) card.find('li.replacement').eq(DA[e.which])[0].click(); // Ref: editor.focus() // side-effect - a side box is drawn } } }); },2000); // End of chunk // The following chunk is the main Vim emulator piece, defining a bunch of functions + shortcuts + remapping of keys. const retry = setInterval(() => { if (window._debug_editors === undefined) return clearInterval(retry) // get current editor instance // get current editor instance var editor = window._debug_editors[window._debug_editors.length -1] // Option for a vertical split. Source: editor.setOption("showPrintMargin", true) // session wrap at 80: thanks to help from Harutyun Amirjanyan, // Source: //editor.setOption("wrap", 80) // Enforcing soft-wrap while allowing for auto-completion (not killing it). ace.config.on("session", function(session) { // session.setOption("wrap", 80) // This may break auto-completion. session.setWrapLimitRange(80, 80) //Caveat: no more wrap to the pane of size smaler than 80 col. }) // Unbind Ctrl+L ==> for Overleaf, this is to go to certain line/location. Not necessary with Vim bindings editor.commands.bindKeys({"ctrl-l":null}) // vim keyboard plugin var vimKeyboard = window.ace.require("ace/keyboard/vim") //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 2021-10-20 - // g0, g$, and g^ as a bonus vimKeyboard.handler.defaultKeymap.push({ keys: "g$", type: "motion", motion: "moveToLineEnd" }, { keys: "g^", type: "motion", motion: "moveToLineStart" }, { keys: "g0", type: "motion", motion: "moveToLineStart" }) vimKeyboard.Vim.defineMotion("moveToLineEnd", function(cm) { cm.ace.selection.moveCursorLineEnd() cm.ace.selection.clearSelection() return cm.getCursor() }) vimKeyboard.Vim.defineMotion("moveToLineStart", function(cm) { cm.ace.selection.moveCursorLineStart() cm.ace.selection.clearSelection() return cm.getCursor() }) // j k within long lines"j", "gj", "normal")"k", "gk", "normal") // Override $ and 0"0", "g0", "normal")"$", "g$", "normal") // add custom keybindings - insert mode applies on insert"jj", "<Esc>", "insert") // Equilivantly, from // window.ace.require("ace/keyboard/vim")'jj', '<Esc>', 'insert')"jk", "<Esc>", "insert") //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Remapping one key to another is doable, in Normal mode // `nmap h j` can be defined as the following: // Though, why should this mapping be here anyways? It is just meant for demo purpose. //"h", "j", "normal") // Define local commands ==> matching elements along with a identifier that matches. // Maintenance note: if one hotkey/cmd does not work, check here for the matching HTML element. editor.commands.addCommands( [ { // Note, this is not working as the element will change to "Split screen" // At least, we need an "or-condition" for the querySelector. name: "Projects", exec: function() { document.querySelector('a[class*="toolbar-header-back-projects"]').click() } }, { // Note, this is not working as the element will change to "Split screen" // At least, we need an "or-condition" for the querySelector. name: "FullScreen", exec: function() { document.querySelector('a[tooltip*="Full screen"]').click() } }, { name: "ToggleHistory", exec: function() { document.querySelector('.fa-history').click() } }, { name: "ToggleLog", exec: function() { document.querySelector('.log-btn').click() } }, { name: "jumpToPdf", exec: function() { document.querySelector(".fa-arrow-right").click() } }, { name: "VimtexTocToggle", exec: function() { document.querySelector('a[tooltip*="the file-tree"]').click() } }, { name: "CloseComment", exec: function() { document.querySelector('a[class*="review-panel-toggler"]').click() } }, { name: "TogglePDF", exec: function() { //document.querySelector('a[tooltip*="the PDF"]').click() // This stops working (2022-01-31) document.querySelector('a[class*="custom-toggler-east"]').click() } }, { name: "OmegaPress", exec: function() { // For the Toggle Symbol Palette, press it twice, to remove the gray-box should the Overleaf project is page is restored. document.querySelector('button[tooltip*="Toggle Symbol Palette"]').click() document.querySelector('button[tooltip*="Toggle Symbol Palette"]').click() } }, { name: "FindTypoNext", exec: function() { document.querySelector('mwc-icon-button[id="writefull-next"]').click() } }, { name: "FindTypoPrevious", exec: function() { document.querySelector('mwc-icon-button[id="writefull-previous"]').click() } }, { name: "TestFocus", exec: function() { editor.focus() } }]) // add keybindings for jump to pdf vimKeyboard.Vim.mapCommand("\\v", "action", "aceCommand", { name: "VimtexTocToggle" }, { context: "normal" }); vimKeyboard.Vim.mapCommand("\\lv", "action", "aceCommand", { name: "jumpToPdf" }, { context: "normal" }); vimKeyboard.Vim.mapCommand("\\o", "action", "aceCommand", { name: "TogglePDF" }, { context: "normal" }); // add keybindgs for jump to typos // Note, [s and ]s has unknown complications. Just avoid using it. vimKeyboard.Vim.mapCommand("\]", "action", "aceCommand", { name: "FindTypoNext" }, { context: "normal" }); //vimKeyboard.Vim.mapCommand("N", "action", "aceCommand", //{ name: "FindTypoNext" }, { context: "normal" }); vimKeyboard.Vim.mapCommand("\[", "action", "aceCommand", { name: "FindTypoPrevious" }, { context: "normal" }); //vimKeyboard.Vim.mapCommand("P", "action", "aceCommand", //{ name: "FindTypoPrevious" }, { context: "normal" }); // ESC to regain focus vimKeyboard.Vim.mapCommand("<ESC>", "action", "aceCommand", { name: "TestFocus" }, { context: "normal" }); // bind to ;lv vimKeyboard.Vim.unmap(";") vimKeyboard.Vim.unmap(",") vimKeyboard.Vim.unmap("\[\[") vimKeyboard.Vim.unmap("\]\]")";lv", "\\lv", "normal")",v", "\\v", "normal") // Use ,o to activate two hotkeys: hide file-menu and hide PDF preview",o", "\\v\\o", "normal") //vimKeyboard.Vim.mapCommand(",o", "action", "aceCommand", // { name: "FullScreen" }, { context: "normal" }); //Use cmd statment to change theme: :light vs :dark //Ref: vimKeyboard.Vim.defineEx("light", "", ()=>editor.setTheme("ace/theme/dreamweaver")) vimKeyboard.Vim.defineEx("dark", "", ()=>editor.setTheme("ace/theme/gruvbox")) //vimKeyboard.Vim.defineEx("full", "", ()=>editor.commands.exec("FullScreen")) vimKeyboard.Vim.defineEx("home", "", ()=>editor.commands.exec("Projects")) vimKeyboard.Vim.defineEx("back", "", ()=>editor.commands.exec("Projects")) vimKeyboard.Vim.defineEx("history", "", ()=>editor.commands.exec("ToggleHistory")) vimKeyboard.Vim.defineEx("log", "", ()=>editor.commands.exec("ToggleLog")) vimKeyboard.Vim.defineEx("ShowPDF", "", ()=>editor.commands.exec("TogglePDF")) vimKeyboard.Vim.defineEx("ClosePDF", "", ()=>editor.commands.exec("TogglePDF")) vimKeyboard.Vim.defineEx("OpenPDF", "", ()=>editor.commands.exec("TogglePDF")) vimKeyboard.Vim.defineEx("PDF", "", ()=>editor.commands.exec("TogglePDF")) vimKeyboard.Vim.defineEx("pdf", "", ()=>editor.commands.exec("TogglePDF")) // Close comment: CC, cc, CloseComment vimKeyboard.Vim.defineEx("CloseComment", "", ()=>editor.commands.exec("CloseComment")) vimKeyboard.Vim.defineEx("CC", "", ()=>editor.commands.exec("CloseComment")) vimKeyboard.Vim.defineEx("cc", "", ()=>editor.commands.exec("CloseComment")) // Toggl the omega icon, for symbol palette vimKeyboard.Vim.defineEx("o", "", ()=>editor.commands.exec("OmegaPress")) // Test editor-focus vimKeyboard.Vim.defineEx("focus", "", ()=>editor.commands.exec("TestFocus")) // Test typo-find vimKeyboard.Vim.defineEx("tnext", "", ()=>editor.commands.exec("FindTypoNext")) // set the modified keyboard handler for editor editor.setKeyboardHandler(vimKeyboard.handler) console.log("Custom key bindings applied") }, 100) })();