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Notify Library

Very Simple JS Notifications Library

This script should not be not be installed directly. It is a library for other scripts to include with the meta directive // @require https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/401626/1109786/Notify%20Library.js

// ==UserScript==
// @version      2.0
// @license      MIT
// ==/UserScript==
/* **************
Notify Library
Developed by pizidavi
- text    required
- type    optional
- success
- info/information
- warn/warning
- error
- timeout	optional (default: 5s)
************** */
var Notify = function Notify(options) {
var _this = this;
const CSS = '#notify { position: fixed; top: 0; right: 0; z-index: 9999; } #notify > div { display: none; position: relative; width: 300px; padding: .5em .8em; margin: 1em 1em 0 0; border-radius: 2px; background-color: white; color: #2c3e50; font-size: 17px; cursor: pointer; transition: .4s ease-in; }';
const TYPES = {
'success': '#2ecc71',
'info': '#3498db',
'information': '#3498db',
'warn': '#f9ca24',
'warning': '#f9ca24',
'error': '#e74c3c',
if (!document.querySelectorAll('#notify').length) {
const style = document.createElement('style');
style.innerText = CSS;
const div = document.createElement('div');
div.id = 'notify';
const template = document.createElement('div');
_this.options = options;
_this.container = document.querySelector('#notify');
_this.template = template;
if (!_this.options || typeof _this.options != 'object') {
throw 'Options required';
if (!_this.options.text) {
throw 'Options TEXT must not be empty';
if (_this.options.type) {
const background = TYPES[_this.options.type];
if (background) {
_this.template.style.backgroundColor = background;
_this.template.style.color = 'white';
} else {
throw 'Type not found';
_this.id = 'noty_' + Math.random().toString(36).substring(2);
_this.template.setAttribute('id', _this.id);
_this.template.querySelector('span').textContent = _this.options.text;
_this.template.style.right = '-110%';
_this.template.addEventListener('click', function() {
Notify.prototype.show = function () {
var _this = this;
if (!_this.container.querySelector('#'+_this.id)) {
_this.container.prepend(_this.template); }
_this.template.style.display = 'block';
setTimeout(function() {
_this.template.style.right = '0';
}, 50);
if (_this.options.timeout !== false) {
_this.closeTime = setTimeout(function() {
}, (_this.options.timeout || 5000));
return _this;
Notify.prototype.close = function () {
var _this = this;
if (!_this.container.querySelector('#'+_this.id)) return;
_this.template.style.right = '-110%';
setTimeout(function() {
}, 450);
return _this;