Adds 'Next screenshot' and 'Previous screenshot' buttons to screenshots uploaded to (Lightshot) so the user can cycle through the screenshots uploaded to the website.
// ==UserScript== // @name Add 'Next screenshot' and 'Previous screenshot' buttons // @namespace // @version 0.1.3 // @description Adds 'Next screenshot' and 'Previous screenshot' buttons to screenshots uploaded to (Lightshot) so the user can cycle through the screenshots uploaded to the website. // @author SUM1 // @icon // @match* // @grant none // ==/UserScript== (function() { 'use strict'; if (/^https?:\/\/\/\w{1,9}\/?$/.test(document.URL)) { // Check if we're on a screenshot URL. If we are, let style = 'padding:5px 10px;border:1px solid #000;border-radius:5px;margin:3px;cursor:pointer;'; // declare a variable for the style of the buttons; let styleHover = style + 'border-color:#545;color:#545;'; // declare a variable for the style of the buttons while hovering over them; let styleMouseDown = style + 'background-color:#ccc;'; // declare a variable for the style of the buttons while clicking them. let prevButton = document.createElement('button'); // Create the 'Previous screenshot' button. prevButton.innerHTML = '← Previous screenshot'; // Create its text. prevButton.setAttribute('onclick', 'window.location.href = (parseInt(window.location.href.substring(\\//) + 4), 36) - 1).toString(36)'); // Set its function for when clicking it. The function takes the URL's alphanumerical string (which is in base 36; all digits and letters), subtracts 1 from it then takes the user to the new URL. = style; // Set its style to the previously declared style. prevButton.onmouseenter = function(){ = styleHover;}; // Set its style to change to the previously declared hover style when the mouse hovers over it. prevButton.onmouseleave = function(){ = style;}; // Set its style to change back when the user moves the mouse away. prevButton.onmousedown = function(){ = styleMouseDown;}; // Set its style to change to the previously declared mousedown style when the user clicks the button. prevButton.onmouseup = function(){ = style;}; // Set its style to change back when the user releases the mouse button. document.body.insertBefore(prevButton, document.querySelector('div.image-constrain')); // Add the button to the webpage, above the screenshot. let nextButton = document.createElement('button'); // Create the 'Next screenshot' button. nextButton.innerHTML = 'Next screenshot →'; // Create its text. nextButton.setAttribute('onclick', 'window.location.href = (parseInt(window.location.href.substring(\\//) + 4), 36) + 1).toString(36)'); // Set its function for when clicking it. The function takes the URL's alphanumerical string (which is in base 36; all digits and letters), adds 1 to it then takes the user to the new URL. = style; // Set its style to the previously declared style. nextButton.onmouseenter = function(){ = styleHover;}; // Set its style to change to the previously declared hover style when the mouse hovers over it. nextButton.onmouseleave = function(){ = style;}; // Set its style to change back when the user releases the mouse button. nextButton.onmousedown = function(){ = styleMouseDown;}; // Set its style to change to the previously declared mousedown style when the user clicks the button. nextButton.onmouseup = function(){ = style;}; // Set its style to change back when the user releases the mouse button. document.body.insertBefore(nextButton, document.querySelector('div.image-constrain')); // Add the button to the webpage, above the screenshot. } })();