Remove login message and popup. Remove cookies warning. Unlock links on the page.
// ==UserScript== // @name Instagram - browse not logged // @name:fr Instagram - naviguer non-identifié // @name:ru Instagram - просмотр без авторизации // @namespace // @version 0.4.3 // @description Remove login message and popup. Remove cookies warning. Unlock links on the page. // @description:fr Enlève les message et dialogue d'inscription. Enlève la demande de cookies. Débloque les liens de la page. // @description:ru Удаляет некоторые напоминания о входе в аккаунт. Удаляет напоминание про куки. Разблокирует ссылки на странице // @author Achernar // @match* // @grant none // ==/UserScript== (function() { "use strict"; // find newly added links var q, obs=new MutationObserver(function(muts){ for (let mut of muts) { for (let n of mut.addedNodes) { if (n.classList.contains('Nnq7C')) fixLinks(n); else if (n.classList.contains('RnEpo') && n.classList.contains('Yx5HN')) { q=n.querySelector('.aOOlW.bIiDR'); if (q); } } } }); obs.observe(document.body, {attributes: false, childList: true, subtree: true}); q=document.querySelector('.RnEpo.Yx5HN .aOOlW.bIiDR'); if (q); function openLink(ev, force, t) { if (force) { if (!t || (t.href == location.href) ) return; } else if (document.documentElement.classList.contains('touch')) { let t=this; setTimeout(function(){openLink(ev, true, t);}, 200); return; } (this || t).cloneNode(false).dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent('click',ev)); if (ev.ctrlKey) { ev.stopPropagation(); ev.preventDefault(); } } function fixLinks(r) { (r || document.body).querySelectorAll(':scope a[href^="/"]').forEach(function(e){ if (!e.sclk) { e.sclk=true; if (!e.href.endsWith('/related_profiles/')) e.addEventListener('click',openLink, true); } }); } // fix links already on page setTimeout(fixLinks,200); setTimeout(fixLinks,2000); // page lazy to load? setTimeout(fixLinks,10000); setTimeout(fixLinks,20000); // hide message & popup var st=document.createElement("style"); st.textContent=`._abab._abck[style="width: 100%;"], section.xZ2Xk.IXSPt, #scrollview + div:not([class]):not([style]) > div:not([class]):not([style]) > div.x1uhb9sk {display: none;} body[style*="overflow"] {overflow: initial !important;} #scrollview, .xixxii4 {position: unset !important;} body[style*="overflow"] > div._Yhr4[role="presentation"] {display: none;}@keyframes hidestart{from {width: 0;} to {width: ;} }body>div._Yhr4[role="presentation"] {animation-name: hidestart;animation-timing-function: step-end;animation-duration: 1s;} body > [id^="mount_"] > div > div > span[id] + div { position: static !important; } body > [id^="mount_"] > div > div > span[id] + div + div:not([class]):not([style]) { display: none !important; }`; document.head.appendChild(st); })();