Hide subreddits, remove promoted links, see full image actually shows the full image, html5 video player, remove background effects, copy video adress
These are versions of this script where the code was updated. Show all versions.
- option to remove promoted links, activated by default
- fix sub hiding when navigation occurs (it was only working when refreshed previously)
- removed DOM overflow tracking, reddit fixed it themself so not needed anymore- fixed hiding subreddits- custom feed state kept in memory (collapsed/expanded)
- Fix issue with border
- Added option to hide recent section
- added an option to remove the border radius from all elements (honestly it's ugly), by default it's checked. If you uncheck you have to refresh.
- set the peach menu on top of everything else so it can always be clicked
- matching for new.reddit.com
- This version now support only the most recent version of reddit. For previous version support use the version 1.8.2- Updated the topic removal to support new class system- Updated subreddit hidding to target new class
- Updated the description for more up to date info
- Added a separate menu- Added an option to hide subreddits (it won't appear in r/all or r/popular). You can hide as many as you want. This is Case Sensitive. You can hide based on a word. If you hide r/funny it will hide everything that contains r/funny not only r/funny but also r/funnymemes (if this subreddit exists). if you write only funny then it will hide r/iamfunny, r/funny, r/omgthisisSoFunny etc. Separate each keyword with ;- Forgot to call the function at the right place, adding same changelog as previous push but just one line changed
- Added a separate menu- Added an option to hide subreddits (it won't appear in r/all or r/popular). You can hide as many as you want. This is Case Sensitive. You can hide based on a word. If you hide r/funny it will hide everything that contains r/funny not only r/funny but also r/funnymemes (if this subreddit exists). if you write only funny then it will hide r/iamfunny, r/funny, r/omgthisisSoFunny etc. Separate each keyword with ;I'm not sure to what extent this works it's very primitive. If something is not hidden you can open the menu and click save it will try to hide it again. If it still deosn't work send me a feedback and i'll look into it.
- Fix show spoiler/nsfw images with external links (at least to imgur).
- Added Unblur option for nsfw and spoiler images. Right click on the blurred image and you will get a context menu with "show image".- Added Caption expansion. Have to MIDDLE click on the caption to expand it. If anyone knows how i can stop the propagation of a left click instead i'll change it but i tried and i have no idea what's going on. - Disabled Get Direct link as it stopped working, needs rework.
- Added unmute video on click
- Unmute on video click
- added video controls for opened topics
- fixed video player, if you unmute a video everything else stays muted. Removed (hidden) reddit video controls and using html5 base controls instead. If you want this to become an option instead of forcing html5 video player i can add this as a function to enable/disable at will.
- Added "See full tweet"
- Proper fix for image preview (mousedown) (look previous update 2min ago for actual changes)- Reattached topic observer
- Actually fixed the show image, will no longer load the post when the script doesn't load properly, binded to mousedown
- Fixed image sometimes still opening the whole topic when clicked on show image- Extended the show image features to more post types- Show image now also works for albums- Image now opens in a popup (click away to close) instead of extending the post