See the franchise's correct watch order and all entries. Easily check if an entry has Live-Action/Dorama adaptations, and copy the entry or all franchise entries' title(s).
// ==UserScript== // @name Watch Order & Adaptations Finder // @namespace Search for Live-Actions\Doramas\All Related Entries + Correct Watch Order + Copy Entry Title // @version 54 // @description See the franchise's correct watch order and all entries. Easily check if an entry has Live-Action/Dorama adaptations, and copy the entry or all franchise entries' title(s). // @author hacker09 // @include // @include // @include /^https:\/\/myanimelist\.net\/((anime|manga)(id=)?(\.php\?id=)?)(\/)?([\d]+)/ // @exclude* // @exclude* // @icon,SIZE,URL&url= // @run-at document-end // @connect // @connect // @grant GM.xmlHttpRequest // @grant GM_openInTab // ==/UserScript== (function() { 'use strict'; var hasRun = true; //Create a new variable async function Prog() { //Run the program if (document.hasFocus() && hasRun) //If the tab has focus and it's the first time the script runs { //Starts the if condition hasRun = false; //Change the var condition if (location.href === '' && document.querySelector(".header-profile-link").innerText.match(/hacker09|IridescentJaune|tsubasalover/)) { //If the user is on the [[ Live Action Adaptations ]] Edit Club page document.querySelectorAll('[id*="Relation"]').forEach((element, i) => { //ForEach list = 'none'; //Hide all 3 lists element.insertAdjacentHTML('beforebegin', `<div class="toggle-icon${i}" style=" width: 0; height: 0; border-top: 10px solid transparent; border-bottom: 10px solid transparent; border-left: 10px solid black; cursor: pointer; display: inline-block; margin-right: 5px; "></div>`); //Create the toggle icon HTML string const toggleIcon = element.previousElementSibling; //Add the toggle icon toggleIcon.addEventListener('click', () => { //Add a click event listener to the toggle icon if ( === 'none') { //if the list is hidden = ''; //Show the list // Change the triangle to point down = '10px solid black'; = '0'; = '10px solid transparent'; = '10px solid transparent'; } else { //If the list is visible = 'none'; //Hide the list // Change the triangle to point right = '10px solid transparent'; = '10px solid transparent'; = '10px solid black'; = '0'; } }); }); document.querySelectorAll('[valign="top"]')[6].insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', ` <div style="margin: 10px 0;"> <input type="text" id="SearchNum" placeholder="ID" style="padding: 5px;width: 57px;height: 7px;"> <button id="SearchBTN" style=" margin-top: 5px; background-color: #4065ba; border: none; color: #fff; cursor: pointer; font-size: 11px; padding: 4px 8px; ">Search</button> </div> `); // Add event listeners for search document.getElementById('SearchBTN').addEventListener('click', performSearch); document.getElementById('SearchBTN').addEventListener('keypress', function(e) { if (e.key === 'Enter') { performSearch(); } }); function performSearch() { event.preventDefault(); // Prevent default action document.querySelectorAll('[id*="Relation"]').forEach((element) => { //ForEach list = ''; //Display all lists }); document.querySelectorAll('a').forEach(link => { const onclickValue = link.getAttribute('onclick'); if (onclickValue) { const uniqueNumbers = new Set(onclickValue.match(/\d+/g)); if (uniqueNumbers.has(document.getElementById('SearchNum').value)) { = 'cyan'; link.scrollIntoView({ behavior: 'smooth', block: 'center' }); } } }); } document.querySelectorAll('[valign="top"]').forEach((el,i) => { //ForEach row if (document.querySelector(".header-profile-link").innerText.match(/IridescentJaune|tsubasalover/) && i !== 6) { //Show only the Club Relations = 'none'; //Hide everything besides the Club Relations } }); } //Finishes the if condition if (location.href === '') { //If the user is on the Official Guidex Index $("b:contains('Guides available:')")[0].innerHTML = '<b style="font-weight: normal;">(Click on the letter you want to jump to.)</b><br><div style="cursor: pointer;"><b id="GoToA">Guides available: A</b> | <b id="GoToB">B</b> | <b id="GoToC">C</b> | <b id="GoToD">D</b> | <b id="GoToE">E</b> | <b id="GoToF">F</b> | <b id="GoToG">G</b> | <b id="GoToH">H</b> | <b id="GoToI">I</b> | <b id="GoToJ">J</b> | <b id="GoToK">K</b> | <b id="GoToL">L</b> | <b id="GoToM">M</b> | <b id="GoToN">N</b> | <b id="GoToO">O</b> | <b id="GoToP">P</b> | <b id="GoToQ">Q</b> | <b id="GoToR">R</b> | <b id="GoToS">S</b> | <b id="GoToT">T</b> | <b id="GoToU">U</b> | <b id="GoToV">V</b> | <b id="GoToW">W</b> | <b id="GoToX">X</b> | <b id="GoToY">Y</b> | <b id="GoToZ">Z</b><div> <style>#topBtn {display: block;position: fixed;bottom: 20px;right: 30px;z-index: 99;font-size: 18px;border: none;outline: none;background-color: #2e51a2;color: white;cursor: pointer;padding: 15px;border-radius: 4px;}</style><button onclick="document.documentElement.scrollTop = 0;" id="topBtn" title="Go to top" style="transform: rotate(90deg); display: block;"><</button>'; //Adds a text and makes the letters clickable. Also adds a scroll to top button on the page for (let i = 'A'.charCodeAt(0); i <= 'Z'.charCodeAt(0); ++i) { //For every charCode document.querySelector(`b#GoTo${String.fromCharCode(i)}`).onclick = () => document.querySelectorAll('b')[i - 36].scrollIntoView(); //Scroll the page until the letter can be seen } //Finishes the for condition } //Finishes the if condition else //If the user isn't on any Guide Index { //Starts the else condition const findButton = document.createElement("a"), copyButton = document.createElement("a"), chiakiButton = document.createElement("a"); //Creates an "a" element so the button will appear var ChiakiFranchiseTitle, ChiakiFranchiseTitleWithSymbols, MalClubText, ChiakiDocument, IMDBAsianWiki, hasAnime = '', ChiakiTextData = [], ChiakientryidSArray = [], MyDramaListText = ' and MyDramaList', MyDramaListCheck = '👍 Found on MyDramaList.'; //Create new global variables if (location.pathname.split('/')[1] === 'manga') { //If the user is in an manga entry const Relations = await (await fetch('' + location.href.split('/')[3] + '/' + location.pathname.match(/\d+/)[0] + '/relations')).json(); //Fetch hasAnime = => relation.entry).find(entry => entry.type === "anime"); //Try getting 1 entry that is an anime } //Finishes the if condition var entryid = hasAnime !== undefined && hasAnime !== '' ? hasAnime.mal_id : location.pathname.match(/\d+/)[0]; //Get the anime id GM.xmlHttpRequest({ //Starts the xmlHttpRequest method: "GET", url: '' + entryid, onload: (response) => { //Starts the onload event listener ChiakiDocument = new DOMParser().parseFromString(response.responseText, 'text/html'); //Parses the fetch response if (ChiakiDocument.querySelector("h2") !== null) { //Starts the if condition ChiakiFranchiseTitle = ChiakiDocument.querySelector("h2").innerText.split(' Watch Order')[0].replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]+/g, " ").trim(); //Get the anime title on the h2 element and remove the Watch Order text, symbols, and whitespaces ChiakiFranchiseTitleWithSymbols = ChiakiDocument.querySelector("h2").innerText.split(' Watch Order')[0].trim(); //Get the anime title on the h2 element (with symbols) and remove the Watch Order text, and whitespaces } //Finishes the if condition ChiakiDocument.querySelectorAll("").forEach((TextElement, i) => { //Loop through the elements ChiakientryidSArray.push(ChiakiDocument.querySelectorAll(" > a:nth-child(1)")[i].href.match(/\d+/)[0]); //Add All Anime Links on chiaki to an Array const TotalRawDuration = TextElement.textContent.split("×")[1].split("|")[0].trim(); //Creates a variable to hold the total unprocessed times const ALLChiakiTitles = ChiakiDocument.querySelectorAll("span.wo_title")[i].innerText; //Creates a variable to get all the anime titles on chiaki site const TotalEpisodes = TextElement.textContent.split("|")[2].match(/\d+|\?/g)[0]; //Creates a variable to hold the total episodes const EpisodeType = TextElement.textContent.split("|")[1].trim(); //Creates a variable to get the episode types var eps = ' eps'; //Create a variable called eps var Duration = ''; //Creates a blank variable var PerEp = ' per ep'; //Create a variable called PerEp if (TotalEpisodes === '1') { //If the entry has only 1 ep eps = ' ' + EpisodeType; //Change the variable called eps PerEp = ''; //Change the variable called PerEp } //Finishes the if condition if (EpisodeType !== 'TV') { //If the entry type isn't TV if (TotalEpisodes !== '1') { //If the entry doesn't have only 1 ep eps = ' ' + EpisodeType + 's'; //Change the variable called eps } //Finishes the if condition Duration = ' of ' + TotalRawDuration + PerEp; //Defines the Duration variable if the episode type isn't TV } //Finishes the if condition ChiakiTextData.push(ALLChiakiTitles + ',, ' + TotalEpisodes + eps + Duration + ',\n'); //Add Everything to an Array }); //Finishes the for condition } //Finishes the onload event listener }); //Finishes the xmlHttpRequest GM.xmlHttpRequest({ //Starts the xmlHttpRequest method: "GET", url: "" + (hasAnime !== undefined ? ChiakiFranchiseTitle : document.querySelector("[itemprop*='name']").innerText.split('\n')[0]) + '&adv=titles&ty=68,77,83,86', onload: (response) => { //Starts the onload event listener const MyDramaListDocument = new DOMParser().parseFromString(response.responseText, 'text/html'); //Parses the fetch response if (MyDramaListDocument.querySelector(".m-b-sm") === null) { //If MyDramaList did not return any r###lts MyDramaListText = ''; //Display to the user that MyDramaList Won't be opened if OK is clicked MyDramaListCheck = '✖ NOT Found on MyDramaList.'; //Display the confirmation that the anime doesn't have any adaptations found on MyDramaList } //Finishes the if condition } //Finishes the onload event listener }); //Finishes the xmlHttpRequest copyButton.addEventListener("click", () => { navigator.clipboard.writeText(document.querySelector("[itemprop*='name']").innerText.split('\n')[0]); //Copy the entry title with symbols }); //Detect the single mouse click copyButton.addEventListener("dblclick", () => { navigator.clipboard.writeText(document.querySelector("[itemprop*='name']").innerText.split('\n')[0].replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]+/g, " ")); //Copy the entry title without symbols }); //Detect the double mouse click copyButton.addEventListener("contextmenu", (e) => { //Detect a mouse click hasAnime !== undefined ? navigator.clipboard.writeText(ChiakiTextData.join('').trim()) : ''; //Copy the array to the clipboard e.preventDefault(); //Don't show the right-click default context menu }); //Detect the mouse right click hasAnime !== undefined ? copyButton.setAttribute("title", "Click To Copy Entry Title (+ Symbols)\n2 Clicks To Copy Entry Title (Without Symbols)\n\nRight click to Copy ALL Anime Only Entry Titles on The Broadcast Order With EP Numbers, Entry Types and Duration Times") : copyButton.setAttribute("title", "1 Click To Copy Entry Title (+ Symbols)\n2 Clicks To Copy Entry Title (Without Symbols)"); //Detect a mouse hover on the button and shows an explanation text copyButton.setAttribute("style", "cursor: pointer;margin-left: 13px;height: 10px;width: 10px;background-size: cover;display: inline-block;transform: scale(1.8);vertical-align: top;margin-top: 7px;"); //The CSS for the copy button = `url(${document.querySelector(".dark-mode") !== null ? '' : ''})`; //The copy button image findButton.addEventListener("click", async () => { //Detect the mouse click and search for the anime title if (location.pathname.split('/')[1] === 'manga' || confirm('If you want to search using the Entry Title instead of the Franchise Title\nPress OK')) { //Show the confirmation alert box text ChiakiFranchiseTitle = document.querySelector("[itemprop*='name']").innerText.split('\n')[0]; //Change the Franchise title we got from Chiaki to the entry title (to search on mydramalist) ChiakiFranchiseTitleWithSymbols = document.querySelector("[itemprop*='name']").innerText.split('\n')[0]; //Change the Franchise title we got from Chiaki to the entry title (to search on the mal club) } //Finishes the if condition if ([...ChiakiDocument.querySelectorAll('')].find(el => el.innerText.includes('TV')) !== null) { //If the Franchise has at least 1 entry that the type is TV const response = await (await fetch('')).text(); //Fetch new DOMParser().parseFromString(response, 'text/html') > -1 ? MalClubText = '👍 Found on the [[ Live Action Adaptations ]] MAL Club' : MalClubText = '✖ NOT found on the [[ Live Action Adaptations ]] MAL Club'; //If the title is found on the MALClub, display the confirmation whether or not the anime has adaptations found on the MALClub MyDramaListCheck.match('👍') !== null || MalClubText.match('👍') !== null ? IMDBAsianWiki = 'IMDB, AsianWiki' : IMDBAsianWiki = 'IMDB and AsianWiki'; //Change the IMDBAsianWiki variable depending on if mydramalist or the mal club returned any r###lts or not if (confirm('Franchise Title: ' + ChiakiFranchiseTitle + '\n\n' + MyDramaListCheck + '\n' + MalClubText + '\n\nDo you want to open ' + IMDBAsianWiki + MyDramaListText + ' to confirm that information and get more detailed info?')) { //Show the confirmation alert box text GM_openInTab("" + ChiakiFranchiseTitle + "&ref_=nv_sr_sm"); //Open IMDB on a new tab GM_openInTab("" + ChiakiFranchiseTitle); //Open AsianWiki on a new tab if (MyDramaListCheck.match('NOT') === null) { //If MyDramaList returned any r###lts GM_openInTab("" + ChiakiFranchiseTitle + '&adv=titles&ty=68,77,83,86'); //Open MyDramaList on a new tab } //Open MyDramaList on a new tab only if any r###lts were found on the website } //Finishes the if condition } //Finishes the if condition else { //If the anime doesn't have any entry type = TV alert("This Franchise doesn't even have any TV type entries, it's very likely that there are adaptations of any kind for this Franchise, so there's no need to search."); //Show a message to the user } //Finishes the else condition }); //Finishes the event listener findButton.setAttribute("title", "Search for Live-Actions/Doramas"); //Detects a mouse hover on the button and show the text Find Live-Actions findButton.setAttribute("style", "cursor: pointer;margin-left: 15px;height: 10px;width: 10px;background-size: cover;display: inline-block;transform: scale(1.8);vertical-align: top;margin-top: 7px;"); //The CSS for the findButton = `url(${document.querySelector(".dark-mode") !== null ? '' : ''})`; //The find button image function Append(element) { //Creates a new Append function document.querySelector(".title-english") === null ? document.querySelector("[itemprop*='name']").append(element) : document.querySelector(".title-english").previousElementSibling.parentNode.insertBefore(element, document.querySelector(".title-english").previousElementSibling); //Append depending on if the entry has an English title or not } //Finishes the Append function chiakiButton.addEventListener('mousedown', async function(e) { //Detects when the user middle clicks on the chiakiButton if (e.button === 1 && hasAnime !== undefined) //If the middle mouse button was clicked { //Starts the if condition e.preventDefault(); //Prevent the default middle button action from executing var IsBroadcast = false; //Check if the franchise should be watched using the broadcast order or not const response = await (await fetch('')).text(); //Fetch const GuideIndexnewDocument = new DOMParser().parseFromString(response, 'text/html'); //Parses the fetch response const GuideIndexLinkElement = [...GuideIndexnewDocument.querySelectorAll('b')].find(el => el.innerText.includes('|' + entryid + '|')); //Gets the topic element that probably has the link of the Franchise and adds that to a variable const FinalArray = ChiakientryidSArray.filter(d => !GuideIndexnewDocument.querySelector(".body.clearfix").innerText.match(/(?<=\|\b)\d+/gi).includes(d)); //Get the ids that has and the Guide is missing const GuideMissingIds = document.createElement("div"); //Creates a div element GuideMissingIds.setAttribute("style", "font-size: 80%;display: none;"); //Set the CSS for the button FinalArray.forEach(function(entryid) { //For every anime id that the guide index is missing GuideMissingIds.innerHTML += GuideMissingIds.innerHTML = `<br><a href="${entryid}">${entryid}</a>`; //Add to the GuideMissingIds div a line break + the anime link with the link as text too }); //Finishes the foreach condition const condition = IsBroadcast === false && FinalArray.length !== 0 && FinalArray.length !== ChiakientryidSArray.length; //If the entry isn't broadcast and there's at least 1 missing id on the guide index and if the guide index is not missing the same amount of total links that Chiaki has for the franchise const target = condition ? "_blank" : "_self"; //Open on a new tab or on the same tab depending on the condition if (GuideIndexLinkElement !== undefined) { //If the anime id was found on the guide index if (GuideIndexLinkElement.previousElementSibling.innerText.match('あ') !== null) { //If the anime name has the あ symbol in it on the guide index alert('Recommended watch order:\nBroadcast order.'); //Shows an alert IsBroadcast = true; //Check if the franchise should be watched using the broadcast order or not open("" + entryid, target); //Opens the in a new tab } //Finishes the if condition else { //If the anime name doesn't have the あ symbol in it on the guide index alert('Recommended watch order:\nAEGC Guide Order.'); //Shows a text open(GuideIndexLinkElement.previousElementSibling.href, target); //Opens the GuideIndexLink in the a new tab } //Finishes the if condition } //Finishes the if condition else { //If the anime ID was NOT found on the guide index alert("Not found on the AEGC Club!\nOnly will be opened."); //Show a message open("" + entryid, "_self"); //Open in a new tab } //Finishes the else condition if (condition) { //If the condition is met var LinksButton = document.createElement("button"); //Creates a button element LinksButton.innerHTML = 'Show AEGC Club Missing Links'; //Defines the element text LinksButton.setAttribute("style", "margin-left: 10px; background-color: red; color: white; font-weight: bold;"); //Set the CSS for the button LinksButton.onclick = function() { //Detects the mouse click on the Show Links Button if ( === "none") { //If the Show missing links button is hidden = ''; //Show the missing links button LinksButton.innerHTML = 'Hide AEGC Club Missing Links'; //Defines the element text } else { //If the Show missing links button is being shown = "none"; //Hide the missing links button LinksButton.innerHTML = 'Show AEGC Club Missing Links'; //Defines the element text } //Finishes the else condition }; //FInishes the onclick event listener Append(LinksButton); //Display the button to show the IDs that has and the Guide is missing Append(GuideMissingIds); //Display the IDs that has and the Guide is missing } //Finishes the if condition if (GuideIndexLinkElement !== undefined && FinalArray.length === ChiakientryidSArray.length - 1) { //If the anime id was found on the guide index and the missing links are equal to all of the total links -1 LinksButton.remove(); //Remove the button that shows the missing links const TwoFranchises = document.createElement("a"); //Creates an a element TwoFranchises.innerHTML = "<br>It seems that this entry is related to 2 Anime Franchises.<br>Both and the AEGC Club will be opened."; //Defines the element text TwoFranchises.setAttribute("style", "font-size: 80%;text-decoration: none;"); //Set the CSS for the button Append(TwoFranchises); //Append the NotFoundMessage close to the title element open("" + entryid, "_self"); //Opens in the same tab to show all the related anime entries on MAL on the correct watch order for the anime franchise and specifies that should be opened on a new tab } //Finishes the if condition if (GuideIndexnewDocument.querySelector(".body.clearfix").innerText.match(new RegExp('(?:\\|' + entryid + '\\|)', 'gi')).length > 1) { //If 2 identical anime ids were found on the guide index const OtherFranchiseMessage = document.createElement("a"); //Creates an a element OtherFranchiseMessage.innerHTML = "<br>According to the AEGC club this entry also has another related entry that consider as being from another franchise."; //Defines the element text OtherFranchiseMessage.setAttribute("style", "font-size: 80%;text-decoration: none;"); //Set the CSS for the button Append(OtherFranchiseMessage); //Append the OtherFranchiseMessage close to the title element } //Finishes the if condition } //Finishes the if condition }); //Finishes the mousedown event listener chiakiButton.addEventListener("click", () => { //Detect the mouse click open(hasAnime !== undefined ? "" + entryid : "" + entryid, "_self"); //Opens in the same tab to show all the related anime entries on MAL on the correct watch order for the anime franchise and specifies that should be opened on a new tab }); //Finishes the addEventListener click chiakiButton.addEventListener("contextmenu", (e) => { //Detect a mouse click open(hasAnime !== undefined ? "" + entryid : "" + entryid, "_self"); //Open in the same tab to show all the related anime entries on MAL on the correct watch order for the anime franchise, including reading material e.preventDefault(); //Don't show the right-click default context menu }); //Detect the mouse right click chiakiButton.setAttribute("style", "cursor: pointer;margin-left: 15px;height: 10px;width: 10px;background-size: cover;display: inline-block;transform: scale(1.8);vertical-align: top;margin-top: 7px;"); //The CSS for the chiakiButton chiakiButton.setAttribute("title", hasAnime !== undefined ? "Click to see all related anime entries only on the Broadcast Watch Order\nMiddle Click to see all related anime entries only on the Broadcast/Chronological Watch Order\nRight Click to see all related entries on the Broadcast Watch Order. (Including reading material)" : "This franchise has no anime adaptations!\nClick to open to show all related entries on the Broadcast Watch Order. (Including reading material)"); //Detects a mouse hover on the button and shows some text info = `url(${hasAnime !== undefined ? '' : ''})`; //The button favicon Append(copyButton); //Append the button next to the title element Append(findButton); //Append the button next to the title element Append(chiakiButton); //Append the button next to the title element } //Finishes the else condition } //Finishes the Prog function } //Finishes the if condition Prog(); //Run the program window.addEventListener('focus', () => { Prog(); }, { once: true }); //Run the program when the tab gets focus })(); //Finishes the whole function