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Close Zoom Tabs!

make you not have to click the button to close like 100 zoom tabs that get opened every day!

Install this script?
// ==UserScript==
// @name         Close Zoom Tabs!
// @namespace    http://tampermonkey.net/
// @version      0.1
// @description  make you not have to click the button to close like 100 zoom tabs that get opened every day!
//               especially now that chrome has re-added the checkbox to auto-open zoom, this makes it a 0-effort
//               process - to click a zoom link, then just click the "join with video" button.
//               Note:  If your company has a custom zoom domain, you may need to add a second @match line for it
//               e.g., https://mycompany.zoom.us/j/*
// @author       Darin Kelkhoff
// @match        https://zoom.us/j/*
// @grant        window.close
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
'use strict';
function makeTransparent(selector)
try // try, in case element isn't found in dom
document.querySelector(selector).style.background = "transparent";
catch(e) {}
function fadeToBlack()
console.log("starting fade to black");
document.querySelector('body').style.transition = "all 4s linear";
document.querySelector('body').style.backgroundColor = "black";
function close()
console.log("time to close the zoom window now");
setTimeout(fadeToBlack, 1000); // wait a second for elements to be in dom
setTimeout(close, 5*1000); // wait a few seconds, to make sure zoom opened.