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GFYCAT | Show all Download Links (GIF, MP4, WEBP, WEBM)

Adds direct links to all image (.gif, .webp) and video (.mp4, .webm) formats and sizes on Gfycat.

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// ==UserScript==
// @name            GFYCAT | Show all Download Links (GIF, MP4, WEBP, WEBM)
// @namespace       de.sidneys.userscripts
// @homepage        https://gist.githubusercontent.com/sidneys/1af7b31282fa5019b6213d48e3b47c88/raw/
// @version         2.0.0
// @description     Adds direct links to all image (.gif, .webp) and video (.mp4, .webm) formats and sizes on Gfycat.
// @author          sidneys
// @icon            https://gfycat.com/assets/apple-touch-icon/apple-touch-icon-180x180.png
// @include         http*://*.gfycat.com/*
// @include         http*://gfycat.com/*
// @include         http*://redgifs.com/*
// @include         http*://*.redgifs.com/*
// @require         https://greasyfork.org/scripts/38888-greasemonkey-color-log/code/Greasemonkey%20%7C%20Color%20Log.js
// @require         https://greasyfork.org/scripts/374849-library-onelementready-es6/code/Library%20%7C%20onElementReady%20ES6.js
// @grant           GM.addStyle
// @grant           unsafeWindow
// @run-at          document-idle
// ==/UserScript==
* ESLint
* @global
/* global onElementReady */
Debug = false
* Inject Stylesheet
let injectStylesheet = () => {
/* Container
======================================= */
display: block;
animation: var(--animation-fade-in);
/* Header
======================================= */
.gif-info__direct-download-links h4
margin: 1rem 0 0.5rem 0;
font-weight: 700;
/* Data
======================================= */
.gif-info__direct-download-links p,
.gif-info__direct-download-links a
margin: 0;
.gif-info__direct-download-links a
display: inline;
list-style: none;
transition: all 150ms ease-in-out;
.gif-info__direct-download-links a:after
content: "\\A";
white-space: pre;
.gif-info__direct-download-links a:hover
text-decoration: underline;
color: white;
/* Animations
======================================= */
--animation-fade-in: 'fade-in' 500ms ease-in-out 0s 1 normal forwards running;
@keyframes fade-in {
from {
filter: opacity(0);
to {
filter: opacity(1);
* Convert filesize in bytes to human-readable format
* @param {Number} bytes - Filesize in bytes
* @return {String} - Filesize, human-readable
let bytesToSize = (bytes = 0) => {
const sizeList = ['B', 'K', 'M', 'G', 'T']
const i = parseInt(Math.floor(Math.log(bytes) / Math.log(1024)))
return `${Math.round(bytes / Math.pow(1024, i), 2)}${sizeList[i]}`
* Get GIF Info
* @return {Object} - GIF Info
let getGifInfo = () => {
// Get url of current GIF
const canonicalHref = document.querySelector('link[rel="canonical"]').href
// Parse id of current GIF, removing trailing tags
const gifIdFull = canonicalHref.split(/[\\/]/).pop()
const gifId = gifIdFull.split('-')[0]
// Use GIF Id to lookup GIF Info
const cachedGifsMap = new Map(Object.entries(unsafeWindow.___INITIAL_STATE__.cache.gifs))
const gifInfo = cachedGifsMap.get(gifId)
return gifInfo
* Add buttons
* @param {Element} targetElement - Target Element
* @param {Object} gifInfo - GIF Info
* @param {function=} callback - Callback
let addButtons = (targetElement, gifInfo, callback = () => {}) => {
// Create link menu from gifInfo.content_urls property
const containerElement = document.createElement('div')
containerElement.className = 'gif-views gif-info__direct-download-links'
containerElement.innerHTML = `
<h4>GIF Name:</h4>
<h4>GIF Download Links:</h4>
<a href="${gifInfo.max5mbGif}" target="_blank" type="image/gif">GIF (${!!gifInfo.content_urls.largeGif ? bytesToSize(gifInfo.content_urls.largeGif.size) : 'large'})</a>
<a href="${gifInfo.max2mbGif}" target="_blank" type="image/gif">GIF (${!!gifInfo.content_urls.max2mbGif ? bytesToSize(gifInfo.content_urls.max2mbGif.size) : '< 2M'})</a>
<a href="${gifInfo.max1mbGif}" target="_blank" type="image/gif">GIF (${!!gifInfo.content_urls.max1mbGif ? bytesToSize(gifInfo.content_urls.max1mbGif.size) : '< 1M'})</a>
<a href="${gifInfo.mp4Url}" target="_blank" type="video/mp4">MP4 (${!!gifInfo.mp4Size ? bytesToSize(gifInfo.mp4Size) : 'large'})</a>
<a href="${gifInfo.mobileUrl}" target="_blank" type="video/mp4">MP4 (${!!gifInfo.content_urls.mobile ? bytesToSize(gifInfo.content_urls.mobile.size) : 'mobile'})</a>
<a href="${gifInfo.webpUrl}" target="_blank" type="image/webp">WEBP (${!!gifInfo.content_urls.webp ? bytesToSize(gifInfo.content_urls.webp.size) : ''})</a>
<a href="${gifInfo.webmUrl}" target="_blank" type="video/webm">WEBM ${!!gifInfo.webmSize ? '(' + bytesToSize(gifInfo.webmSize) + ')' : ''}</a>
// Render link menu
targetElement.insertBefore(containerElement, targetElement.firstChild.nextSibling)
console.debug('buttons added:', `${document.querySelectorAll('.gif-info__direct-download-links a').length}`)
// Callback
* Init
let init = () => {
// Add Stylesheet
// Wait for button container
//onElementReady('.share-desktop-container .actual-gif-image', false, () => {
onElementReady('link[rel="canonical"]', false, () => {
console.debug('onElementReady', 'link[rel="canonical"]')
// Lookup GIF info
const gifInfo = getGifInfo()
if (!gifInfo) {
console.error('Could not find GIF info, aborting.')
// Add buttons to container element
addButtons(document.querySelector('.share-desktop-container .gif-info'), gifInfo, () => {
// Status
console.info('Added Download Links for GIF:', gifInfo.gfyName)
* @listens window:Event#load
window.addEventListener('load', () => {