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Zoom automatically raise hand

By detecting how many others are raising their hand, if exceed the threshold you set, then the program will automatically raise your hands.

Install this script?
// ==UserScript==
// @name         Zoom automatically raise hand
// @name:zh-TW   Zoom自動舉手
// @namespace    http://tampermonkey.net/
// @version      0.4
// @description  By detecting how many others are raising their hand, if exceed the threshold you set, then the program will automatically raise your hands.
// @description:zh-TW 檢測有多少人舉手,如果超過閾值,程序將自動舉手
// @author       You
// @match        *://zoom.us/wc/*
// @grant        none
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
'use strict';
var bar = document.getElementsByClassName("footer__inner")[0];
var tray = document.createElement("div");
tray.innerHTML = '<span>Raise hand if </span> <input id="hands" style="width: 30px; background-color: black;border: solid 1px white;"></input> hands are raising <button id="handBtn" style="background-color: black; border: solid 1px white;">Set</button> <button id="stopBtn" style="background-color: black; border: solid 1px white;">Stop</button><br><span id="pluginText">The plugin will only work when opening the participant list.</span>';
tray.setAttribute ('id', 'mask');
tray.style.position = "absolute";
tray.style.color = "white";
tray.style.backgroundColor = "rgba(0,0,0,0)";
tray.style.left = "250px";
tray.style.top = "5px";
tray.style.zIndex = "999999";
bar.insertBefore(tray, bar.childNodes[1]);
var interval2;
var hands;
var text23 = document.getElementById("pluginText");
function startHang(){
interval2 = setInterval(function(){
var array = document.getElementsByClassName("participants-icon__participants-raisehand");
if(typeof(document.getElementsByClassName("nonverbal-icon raisehand-icon")[0]) == "undefined"){
text23.innerHTML = "Please open the participant list in order to run the code.";
text23.style.color = "red";
text23.innerHTML = "Plugin is running.";
text23.style.color = "white";
var handStatus = document.getElementsByClassName("nonverbal-icon raisehand-icon")[0].className;
if((hands <= array.length && handStatus.indexOf("selected") == -1)||(hands > array.length && handStatus.indexOf("selected") != -1)){
}, 2000);
var handBtn = document.getElementById("handBtn");
handBtn.onclick = function(){
hands = Number(document.getElementById("hands").value);
if(typeof(document.getElementsByClassName("nonverbal-icon raisehand-icon")[0]) == "undefined"){
text23.innerHTML = "Please open the participant list in order to run the code.";
text23.style.color = "red";
text23.innerHTML = "Plugin is running.";
text23.style.color = "white";
var stopBtn = document.getElementById("stopBtn");
stopBtn.onclick = function(){
text23.innerHTML = "Plugin is stoped.";
// Your code here...