
Unblock Brave from archive.is

a pointless cat and mouse game

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// ==UserScript==// @name        Unblock Brave from archive.is// @namespace   Violentmonkey Scripts// @match       https://archive.is/*// @match       https://archive.today/*// @match       https://archive.vn/*// @grant       none// @version     1.6// @author      -// @description a pointless cat and mouse game// @run-at      document-start// ==/UserScript==(function() {"use strict";const inject = function() {"use strict";function delete_cookie(name) {document.cookie = name + '=; expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:01 GMT;';}var cookies = document.cookie.split(";");for (var i = 0; i < cookies.length; i++)delete_cookie(cookies[i].split("=")[0]);if (navigator.brave) { //don't interfere with brave shieldObject.defineProperty(window.navigator, "brave", {enumerable: false,get: function() {return undefined;}});}function wrap_fn(source, applyfn) {return (new Proxy(source, {apply: applyfn,get(target, key) {const property = target[key];return (typeof property === 'function') ?property.bind(target) :property;}}))}Reflect.ownKeys = wrap_fn(Reflect.ownKeys, function(target, thisArg, argList) {let ret = target.apply(thisArg, argList);if (argList.length > 0 && argList[0] === window.navigator) {return []}return ret})Object.getOwnPropertyNames = wrap_fn(Object.getOwnPropertyNames, function(target, thisArg, argList) {let ret = target.apply(thisArg, argList);if (argList.length > 0 && argList[0] === window.navigator) {return []}return ret})Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors = wrap_fn(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors, function(target, thisArg, argList) {let ret = target.apply(thisArg, argList);if (argList.length > 0 && argList[0] === window.navigator) {return {}}return ret})Object.getPrototypeOf = wrap_fn(Object.getPrototypeOf, function(target, thisArg, argList) {let ret = target.apply(thisArg, argList);if (argList.length > 0 && argList[0] === window.navigator) {delete ret.brave}return ret})navigator.hasOwnProperty = wrap_fn(navigator.hasOwnProperty, function hasOwnProperty(target, thisArg, argList) {if (argList.length > 0 && argList[0] === "brave") {return false}return target.apply(thisArg, argList);})}const script = document.createElement("script");const target = document.head || document.documentElement;script.text = "(" + inject.toString() + ")();";target.appendChild(script);target.removeChild(script);})();