Shows the Duration Time with seconds for all animes.
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The script;
Uses the Official MAL API.
Makes easier to make sure that you are watching/(have found) the correct episode that you were looking for.
Caches the Duration time with seconds when you load an anime page for the first time.
You will also probably start noticing that sometimes the seconds are wrong for some entries, please click on the "Edit Anime Information" button to suggest to MAL Anime DB Moderators the correct duration for that anime.
*The script also works without being logged in.
*If an anime has the value Duration: 00 sec. per ep., it means that the duration for that anime is Unknown (MAL doesn't have the duration for that anime).
*To know if the current Duration time shown is the cached version hover your mouse over the bold Duration text and you will see that "Duration" is clickable.
*Click on the bold Duration text to update the Duration time to see the latest Duration with seconds. This also updates the Duration with seconds on the script cache.
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