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YouTube - Hide End Cards (unless hovering)

Hides those big links that sometimes show up over the endings of videos -- unless you hover over the player.

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Install as user style?
/* ==UserStyle==
@name         YouTube - Hide End Cards (unless hovering)
@description  Hides those big links that sometimes show up over the endings of videos -- unless you hover over the player.
@namespace    lednerg
@version      20.10.11
@author       lednerg
@license      CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0
==/UserStyle== */
@-moz-document domain("youtube.com") {
div[class*="video-player"]:not(:hover) div[class^="ytp-ce"],
div[class*="ytp-autohide"] div[class^="ytp-ce"] {
display: none !important;