When you're viewing a site you own on squarepsace, click a button to go to the SS admin panel (not quite in edit mode for that page, but at least for its category, usually)
// ==UserScript== // @name Open Squarespace admin/edit page // @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/ // @version 0.1 // @description When you're viewing a site you own on squarepsace, click a button to go to the SS admin panel (not quite in edit mode for that page, but at least for its category, usually) // @author Darin Kelkhoff // @match https://www.yoursite-from-squarespace.com/* // @grant none // ==/UserScript== (function() { 'use strict'; function __openSSEditor() { try { var url = 'https://' + Static.SQUARESPACE_CONTEXT.website.identifier + '.squarespace.com/config/pages/' + Static.SQUARESPACE_CONTEXT.collection.id; // alert("Trying... " + url); window.open(url) } catch(e) { alert("Error opening squarespace edit page - are you sure this is a squarespace site?\n\n" + e); } } var editButton = document.createElement("button") editButton.onclick = __openSSEditor; editButton.innerHTML = "Edit"; editButton.style.position = "fixed" editButton.style.bottom = "10px" editButton.style.right = "10px"; editButton.style.zIndex = "999999"; document.querySelector("body").appendChild(editButton); })();