Made it for Dragon Typer. I'm sure he'll let you use it too. Use this to get garage full of Wampus cars on nitro type.
// ==UserScript== // @name Made for Dragon Typer - Garage full of Wampus cars! (Nitro type) // @namespace // @version 1 // @description Made it for Dragon Typer. I'm sure he'll let you use it too. Use this to get garage full of Wampus cars on nitro type. // @author Ginfio // @match // ==/UserScript== /*88+pro.get_post(local_); game = Nitro Type; game.give(Dragon Tper, Wampus); amount = garageFull; */ var carId = 97; var cr = ""+carId+"_large_1.png"; window.onload = function(){ var t = document.querySelectorAll(".is-empty"); var pC = document.querySelector(".profile-car"); t.forEach(function(tt){ tt.className = "garage-spot"; }) var nw = document.querySelectorAll(".garage-spot"); nw.forEach(function(gs){ gs.addEventListener("click", function(){ pC.src = cr; setTimeout(function(){ pC.src = cr; pC.setAttribute("class", "profile-car is-exiting"); }, 200); setTimeout(function(){ pC.setAttribute("class", "profile-car is-entering"); pC.src = ""; document.querySelectorAll(".mtm")[0].innerHTML = "Wampus" }, 300) }) }) var x = document.querySelectorAll(".garage-vehichleImage"); x.forEach(function(y){ = "url("; y.setAttribute("data-tip", "Wampus"); }) }