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Made for Dragon Typer - Garage full of Wampus cars! (Nitro type)

Made it for Dragon Typer. I'm sure he'll let you use it too. Use this to get garage full of Wampus cars on nitro type.

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// ==UserScript==
// @name         Made for Dragon Typer - Garage full of Wampus cars! (Nitro type)
// @namespace    https://youtu.be/hAiM2XY2hzo
// @version      1
// @description  Made it for Dragon Typer. I'm sure he'll let you use it too. Use this to get garage full of Wampus cars on nitro type.
// @author       Ginfio
// @match        https://www.nitrotype.com/garage
// ==/UserScript==
game = Nitro Type;
game.give(Dragon Tper, Wampus);
amount = garageFull; */
var carId = 97;
var cr = "https://www.nitrotype.com/cars/"+carId+"_large_1.png";
window.onload = function(){
var t = document.querySelectorAll(".is-empty");
var pC = document.querySelector(".profile-car");
tt.className = "garage-spot";
var nw = document.querySelectorAll(".garage-spot");
gs.addEventListener("click", function(){
pC.src = cr;
pC.src = cr;
pC.setAttribute("class", "profile-car is-exiting");
}, 200);
pC.setAttribute("class", "profile-car is-entering");
pC.src = "https://www.nitrotype.com/cars/97_large_1.png";
document.querySelectorAll(".mtm")[0].innerHTML = "Wampus"
}, 300)
var x = document.querySelectorAll(".garage-vehichleImage");
y.style.backgroundImage = "url(https://www.nitrotype.com/cars/97_small_1.png)";
y.setAttribute("data-tip", "Wampus");