Youtubeのチャットをニコニコ風に画面上へ流す(再アップ) Make youtube chats move in danmaku-style.
// ==UserScript== // @name Flow Youtube Chat // @description Youtubeのチャットをニコニコ風に画面上へ流す(再アップ) Make youtube chats move in danmaku-style. // @version 1.19.2 // @match* // @grant GM.setValue // @grant GM.getValue // @grant GM.deleteValue // @grant GM.listValues // @grant GM.setClipboard // @license AGPL-3.0-or-later // @namespace FlowYoutubeChatScript // @noframes // @require[email protected]/dist/bundles/rxjs.umd.min.js#sha384-Opyi337NBU4M11Xx1aRUN4dZejlRWsq277uHWHyysNm4frJzmqu7KvgkHu4YWTqk // @require[email protected]/dist/deep-diff.min.js#sha384-0Ywk0zro7cwc1qs9cJjyGhLbEzWPL9Qw4toVNrYtqHTL7kboLNyhePWOiLBb0lUj // @require[email protected]/dist/astring.min.js#sha384-/CFO1wx9JFmRDs/KY6V6kvOw79jr7O9zoMW3bKOSQtpK1+QLsT0I1j6fav8u8vvM // @require[email protected]/dist/iife/jsep.iife.min.js#sha384-CFM0Dwr/nycUHzB5IWL+HEB2vghQhbUc4NJqz3UCdk+Hu7WpOuFktcvVexJbc4Od // @require[email protected]/dist/min/index.js#sha384-kqUFMXizyaodUGfm0UszFxndXukhSB/yEpOt+q9w/RgjyOK0wz9gXoEYb2FW1/ex // @require[email protected]/dist/micro-memoize.min.js#sha384-W1hqD6GTNQ97ZqDR18GhfU1G9qcDLs4sL7BPYND2ncvGNNiLUmUp37Ph+hzm+OPt // @require[email protected]/libs/lz-string.min.js#sha384-0d+Gr7vM4Drod8E3hXKgciWJSWbjD/opKLLygI9ktiWbuvlDwQLzU46wJ9s5gsp7 // @run-at document-end // ==/UserScript== /*! For license information please see index.js.LICENSE.txt */ /* jshint esversion: 6 */ ;(() => { var __webpack_modules__ = { 371: module => { "use strict" module.exports = function equal(a, b) { if (a === b) return !0 if (a && b && "object" == typeof a && "object" == typeof b) { if (a.constructor !== b.constructor) return !1 var length, i, keys if (Array.isArray(a)) { if ((length = a.length) != b.length) return !1 for (i = length; 0 != i--; ) if (!equal(a[i], b[i])) return !1 return !0 } if (a.constructor === RegExp) return a.source === b.source && a.flags === b.flags if (a.valueOf !== Object.prototype.valueOf) return a.valueOf() === b.valueOf() if (a.toString !== Object.prototype.toString) return a.toString() === b.toString() if ( (length = (keys = Object.keys(a)).length) !== Object.keys(b).length ) return !1 for (i = length; 0 != i--; ) if (!, keys[i])) return !1 for (i = length; 0 != i--; ) { var key = keys[i] if (!equal(a[key], b[key])) return !1 } return !0 } return a != a && b != b } }, 742: module => { module.exports = (function (e) { var r = {} function t(n) { if (r[n]) return r[n].exports var a = (r[n] = { i: n, l: !1, exports: {} }) return e[n].call(a.exports, a, a.exports, t), (a.l = !0), a.exports } return ( (t.m = e), (t.c = r), (t.d = function (e, r, n) { t.o(e, r) || Object.defineProperty(e, r, { enumerable: !0, get: n }) }), (t.r = function (e) { "undefined" != typeof Symbol && Symbol.toStringTag && Object.defineProperty(e, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module", }), Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }) }), (t.t = function (e, r) { if ((1 & r && (e = t(e)), 8 & r)) return e if (4 & r && "object" == typeof e && e && e.__esModule) return e var n = Object.create(null) if ( (t.r(n), Object.defineProperty(n, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: e, }), 2 & r && "string" != typeof e) ) for (var a in e) t.d( n, a, function (r) { return e[r] }.bind(null, a), ) return n }), (t.n = function (e) { var r = e && e.__esModule ? function () { return e.default } : function () { return e } return t.d(r, "a", r), r }), (t.o = function (e, r) { return, r) }), (t.p = ""), t((t.s = 0)) ) })([ function (e, r, t) { "use strict" t.r(r), t.d(r, "validateHTMLColorName", function () { return l }), t.d(r, "validateHTMLColorSpecialName", function () { return i }), t.d(r, "validateHTMLColorHex", function () { return u }), t.d(r, "validateHTMLColorRgb", function () { return g }), t.d(r, "validateHTMLColorHsl", function () { return y }), t.d(r, "validateHTMLColorHwb", function () { return L }), t.d(r, "validateHTMLColorLab", function () { return S }), t.d(r, "validateHTMLColorLch", function () { return m }), t.d(r, "validateHTMLColor", function () { return G }) const n = e => e && "string" == typeof e, a = [ "AliceBlue", "AntiqueWhite", "Aqua", "Aquamarine", "Azure", "Beige", "Bisque", "Black", "BlanchedAlmond", "Blue", "BlueViolet", "Brown", "BurlyWood", "CadetBlue", "Chartreuse", "Chocolate", "Coral", "CornflowerBlue", "Cornsilk", "Crimson", "Cyan", "DarkBlue", "DarkCyan", "DarkGoldenrod", "DarkGray", "DarkGrey", "DarkGreen", "DarkKhaki", "DarkMagenta", "DarkOliveGreen", "DarkOrange", "DarkOrchid", "DarkRed", "DarkSalmon", "DarkSeaGreen", "DarkSlateBlue", "DarkSlateGray", "DarkSlateGrey", "DarkTurquoise", "DarkViolet", "DeepPink", "DeepSkyBlue", "DimGray", "DimGrey", "DodgerBlue", "FireBrick", "FloralWhite", "ForestGreen", "Fuchsia", "Gainsboro", "GhostWhite", "Gold", "Goldenrod", "Gray", "Grey", "Green", "GreenYellow", "HoneyDew", "HotPink", "IndianRed", "Indigo", "Ivory", "Khaki", "Lavender", "LavenderBlush", "LawnGreen", "LemonChiffon", "LightBlue", "LightCoral", "LightCyan", "LightGoldenrodYellow", "LightGray", "LightGrey", "LightGreen", "LightPink", "LightSalmon", "LightSalmon", "LightSeaGreen", "LightSkyBlue", "LightSlateGray", "LightSlateGrey", "LightSteelBlue", "LightYellow", "Lime", "LimeGreen", "Linen", "Magenta", "Maroon", "MediumAquamarine", "MediumBlue", "MediumOrchid", "MediumPurple", "MediumSeaGreen", "MediumSlateBlue", "MediumSlateBlue", "MediumSpringGreen", "MediumTurquoise", "MediumVioletRed", "MidnightBlue", "MintCream", "MistyRose", "Moccasin", "NavajoWhite", "Navy", "OldLace", "Olive", "OliveDrab", "Orange", "OrangeRed", "Orchid", "PaleGoldenrod", "PaleGreen", "PaleTurquoise", "PaleVioletRed", "PapayaWhip", "PeachPuff", "Peru", "Pink", "Plum", "PowderBlue", "Purple", "RebeccaPurple", "Red", "RosyBrown", "RoyalBlue", "SaddleBrown", "Salmon", "SandyBrown", "SeaGreen", "SeaShell", "Sienna", "Silver", "SkyBlue", "SlateBlue", "SlateGray", "SlateGrey", "Snow", "SpringGreen", "SteelBlue", "Tan", "Teal", "Thistle", "Tomato", "Turquoise", "Violet", "Wheat", "White", "WhiteSmoke", "Yellow", "YellowGreen", ], o = ["currentColor", "inherit", "transparent"], l = e => { let r = !1 return ( n(e) && t => ( e.toLowerCase() === t.toLowerCase() && (r = !0), null ), ), r ) }, i = e => { let r = !1 return ( n(e) && t => ( e.toLowerCase() === t.toLowerCase() && (r = !0), null ), ), r ) }, u = e => !!n(e) && e && /^#([\da-f]{3}){1,2}$|^#([\da-f]{4}){1,2}$/i.test(e), d = "(([\\d]{0,5})((\\.([\\d]{1,5}))?))", s = `(${d}%)`, c = "(([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|100)%)", f = `(${c}|(0?((\\.([\\d]{1,5}))?))|1)`, h = `([\\s]{0,5})\\)?)(([\\s]{0,5})(\\/?)([\\s]{1,5})(((${c}))|(0?((\\.([\\d]{1,5}))?))|1))?([\\s]{0,5})\\)`, $ = "(-?(([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|2[0-9][0-9]|3[0-5][0-9])((\\.([\\d]{1,5}))?)|360)(deg)?)", g = e => { if (n(e)) { const r = "([\\s]{0,5})([\\d]{1,5})%?([\\s]{0,5}),?", t = "((([\\s]{0,5}),?([\\s]{0,5}))|(([\\s]{1,5})))", n = new RegExp( `^(rgb)a?\\(${r}${t}${r}${t}${r}${t}((\\/?([\\s]{0,5})(0?\\.?([\\d]{1,5})%?([\\s]{0,5}))?|1|0))?\\)$`, ) return e && n.test(e) } return !1 }, y = e => { if (n(e)) { const r = new RegExp( `^(hsl)a?\\((([\\s]{0,5})(${$}|(([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|2[0-9][0-9]|3[0-9][0-9]|400)grad)|((([0-5])?\\.([\\d]{1,5})|6\\.([0-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-8])|[0-6])rad)|((0?((\\.([\\d]{1,5}))?)|1)turn))((([\\s]{0,5}),([\\s]{0,5}))|(([\\s]{1,5}))))(([\\s]{0,5})(0|${c})((([\\s]{0,5}),([\\s]{0,5}))|(([\\s]{1,5}))))(([\\s]{0,5})(0|${c})([\\s]{0,5})\\)?)(([\\s]{0,5})(\\/?|,?)([\\s]{0,5})(((${c}))|(0?((\\.([\\d]{1,5}))?))|1))?\\)$`, ) return e && r.test(e) } return !1 }, L = e => { if (n(e)) { const r = new RegExp( `^(hwb\\(([\\s]{0,5})${$}([\\s]{1,5}))((0|${c})([\\s]{1,5}))((0|${c})${h}$`, ) return e && r.test(e) } return !1 }, S = e => { if (n(e)) { const r = "(-?(([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-5][0-9])((\\.([\\d]{1,5}))?)?|160))", t = new RegExp( `^(lab\\(([\\s]{0,5})${s}([\\s]{1,5})${r}([\\s]{1,5})${r}${h}$`, ) return e && t.test(e) } return !1 }, m = e => { if (n(e)) { const o = new RegExp( `^lch\\((([\\s]{0,5})((([0-9]|[1-9][0-9])?((\\.([\\d]{1,5}))?)|100)(%)?)([\\s]{1,5})${"" + d}([\\s]{1,5})((${$})|(0|${f})|(([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|2[0-9][0-9]|3[0-5][0-9])((\\.([\\d]{1,5}))?)|360))([\\s]{0,5})((\\/([\\s]{0,5})${f}))?)\\)$`, ) return e && o.test(e) } return !1 }, G = e => !!((e && u(e)) || g(e) || y(e) || L(e) || S(e) || m(e)) r.default = e => !!( (e && u(e)) || l(e) || i(e) || g(e) || y(e) || L(e) || S(e) || m(e) ) }, ]) }, }, __webpack_module_cache__ = {} function __webpack_require__(moduleId) { var cachedModule = __webpack_module_cache__[moduleId] if (void 0 !== cachedModule) return cachedModule.exports var module = (__webpack_module_cache__[moduleId] = { exports: {} }) __webpack_modules__[moduleId](module, module.exports, __webpack_require__) return module.exports } __webpack_require__.n = module => { var getter = module && module.__esModule ? () => module.default : () => module __webpack_require__.d(getter, { a: getter }) return getter } __webpack_require__.d = (exports, definition) => { for (var key in definition) __webpack_require__.o(definition, key) && !__webpack_require__.o(exports, key) && Object.defineProperty(exports, key, { enumerable: !0, get: definition[key], }) } __webpack_require__.o = (obj, prop) =>, prop) ;(() => { "use strict" const Function_dual = function (arity, body) { if ("function" == typeof arity) return function () { return arity(arguments) ? body.apply(this, arguments) : self => body(self, ...arguments) } switch (arity) { case 0: case 1: throw new RangeError(`Invalid arity ${arity}`) case 2: return function (a, b) { return arguments.length >= 2 ? body(a, b) : function (self) { return body(self, a) } } case 3: return function (a, b, c) { return arguments.length >= 3 ? body(a, b, c) : function (self) { return body(self, a, b) } } case 4: return function (a, b, c, d) { return arguments.length >= 4 ? body(a, b, c, d) : function (self) { return body(self, a, b, c) } } case 5: return function (a, b, c, d, e) { return arguments.length >= 5 ? body(a, b, c, d, e) : function (self) { return body(self, a, b, c, d) } } default: return function () { if (arguments.length >= arity) return body.apply(this, arguments) const args = arguments return function (self) { return body(self, ...args) } } } }, apply = a => self => self(a), Function_identity = a => a, constant = value => () => value, Function_constTrue = constant(!0), constFalse = constant(!1), Function_constUndefined = constant(void 0), Function_constVoid = Function_constUndefined, flip = f => (...b) => (...a) => f(...a)(...b) function Function_pipe(a, ab, bc, cd, de, ef, fg, gh, hi) { switch (arguments.length) { case 1: return a case 2: return ab(a) case 3: return bc(ab(a)) case 4: return cd(bc(ab(a))) case 5: return de(cd(bc(ab(a)))) case 6: return ef(de(cd(bc(ab(a))))) case 7: return fg(ef(de(cd(bc(ab(a)))))) case 8: return gh(fg(ef(de(cd(bc(ab(a))))))) case 9: return hi(gh(fg(ef(de(cd(bc(ab(a)))))))) default: { let ret = arguments[0] for (let i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) ret = arguments[i](ret) return ret } } } const getCurrentVersion = () => "3.5.7", globalStoreId = Symbol.for( `effect/GlobalValue/globalStoreId/${getCurrentVersion()}`, ) globalStoreId in globalThis || (globalThis[globalStoreId] = new Map()) const globalStore = globalThis[globalStoreId], globalValue = (id, compute) => { globalStore.has(id) || globalStore.set(id, compute()) return globalStore.get(id) }, isTruthy = input => !!input, isString = input => "string" == typeof input, isNumber = input => "number" == typeof input, Predicate_isBoolean = input => "boolean" == typeof input, isBigInt = input => "bigint" == typeof input, isSymbol = input => "symbol" == typeof input, Predicate_isFunction = input => "function" == typeof input, isUndefined = input => void 0 === input, isNever = _ => !1, isRecordOrArray = input => "object" == typeof input && null !== input, Predicate_isObject = input => isRecordOrArray(input) || Predicate_isFunction(input), Predicate_hasProperty = Function_dual( 2, (self, property) => Predicate_isObject(self) && property in self, ), Predicate_isTagged = Function_dual( 2, (self, tag) => Predicate_hasProperty(self, "_tag") && self._tag === tag, ), isNullable = input => null == input, isNotNullable = input => null != input, Predicate_isIterable = input => Predicate_hasProperty(input, Symbol.iterator), isRecord = input => isRecordOrArray(input) && !Array.isArray(input), not = self => a => !self(a), getBugErrorMessage = message => `BUG: ${message} - please report an issue at` Symbol.iterator class SingleShotGen { self called = !1 constructor(self) { this.self = self } next(a) { return this.called ? { value: a, done: !0 } : ((this.called = !0), { value: this.self, done: !1 }) } return(a) { return { value: a, done: !0 } } throw(e) { throw e } [Symbol.iterator]() { return new SingleShotGen(this.self) } } class PCGRandom { _state constructor(seedHi, seedLo, incHi, incLo) { if (isNullable(seedLo) && isNullable(seedHi)) { seedLo = (4294967295 * Math.random()) >>> 0 seedHi = 0 } else if (isNullable(seedLo)) { seedLo = seedHi seedHi = 0 } if (isNullable(incLo) && isNullable(incHi)) { incLo = this._state ? this._state[3] : 4150755663 incHi = this._state ? this._state[2] : 335903614 } else if (isNullable(incLo)) { incLo = incHi incHi = 0 } this._state = new Int32Array([ 0, 0, incHi >>> 0, (1 | (incLo || 0)) >>> 0, ]) this._next() add64( this._state, this._state[0], this._state[1], seedHi >>> 0, seedLo >>> 0, ) this._next() return this } getState() { return [this._state[0], this._state[1], this._state[2], this._state[3]] } setState(state) { this._state[0] = state[0] this._state[1] = state[1] this._state[2] = state[2] this._state[3] = 1 | state[3] } integer(max) { if (!max) return this._next() if (0 == ((max >>>= 0) & (max - 1))) return this._next() & (max - 1) let num = 0 const skew = (-max >>> 0) % max >>> 0 for (num = this._next(); num < skew; num = this._next()); return num % max } number() { return ( (1 * (67108863 & this._next()) * 134217728 + 1 * (134217727 & this._next())) / 9007199254740992 ) } _next() { const oldHi = this._state[0] >>> 0, oldLo = this._state[1] >>> 0 !(function (out, aHi, aLo, bHi, bLo) { let c1 = (32557 * (aLo >>> 16)) >>> 0, c0 = (19605 * (65535 & aLo)) >>> 0, lo = (32557 * (65535 & aLo)) >>> 0, hi = (19605 * (aLo >>> 16) + ((c0 >>> 16) + (c1 >>> 16))) >>> 0 c0 = (c0 << 16) >>> 0 lo = (lo + c0) >>> 0 lo >>> 0 < c0 >>> 0 && (hi = (hi + 1) >>> 0) c1 = (c1 << 16) >>> 0 lo = (lo + c1) >>> 0 lo >>> 0 < c1 >>> 0 && (hi = (hi + 1) >>> 0) hi = (hi + Math.imul(aLo, 1481765933)) >>> 0 hi = (hi + Math.imul(aHi, 1284865837)) >>> 0 out[0] = hi out[1] = lo })(this._state, oldHi, oldLo) add64( this._state, this._state[0], this._state[1], this._state[2], this._state[3], ) let xsHi = oldHi >>> 18, xsLo = ((oldLo >>> 18) | (oldHi << 14)) >>> 0 xsHi = (xsHi ^ oldHi) >>> 0 xsLo = (xsLo ^ oldLo) >>> 0 const xorshifted = ((xsLo >>> 27) | (xsHi << 5)) >>> 0, rot = oldHi >>> 27 return ( ((xorshifted >>> rot) | (xorshifted << (((-rot >>> 0) & 31) >>> 0))) >>> 0 ) } } function add64(out, aHi, aLo, bHi, bLo) { let hi = (aHi + bHi) >>> 0 const lo = (aLo + bLo) >>> 0 lo >>> 0 < aLo >>> 0 && (hi = (hi + 1) | 0) out[0] = hi out[1] = lo } const YieldWrapTypeId = Symbol.for("effect/Utils/YieldWrap") class YieldWrap { #value constructor(value) { this.#value = value } [YieldWrapTypeId]() { return this.#value } } const structuralRegionState = globalValue( "effect/Utils/isStructuralRegion", () => ({ enabled: !1, tester: void 0 }), ), internalCall = (name => { const wrap = { [name]: body => body() } return function (fn) { return wrap[name](fn) } })("effect_internal_function"), randomHashCache = globalValue( Symbol.for("effect/Hash/randomHashCache"), () => new WeakMap(), ), symbol = Symbol.for("effect/Hash"), Hash_hash = self => { if (!0 === structuralRegionState.enabled) return 0 switch (typeof self) { case "number": return Hash_number(self) case "bigint": return string(self.toString(10)) case "boolean": case "symbol": return string(String(self)) case "string": return string(self) case "undefined": return string("undefined") case "function": case "object": return null === self ? string("null") : self instanceof Date ? Hash_hash(self.toISOString()) : isHash(self) ? self[symbol]() : random(self) default: throw new Error( `BUG: unhandled typeof ${typeof self} - please report an issue at`, ) } }, random = self => { randomHashCache.has(self) || randomHashCache.set( self, Hash_number(Math.floor(Math.random() * Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER)), ) return randomHashCache.get(self) }, combine = b => self => (53 * self) ^ b, optimize = n => (3221225471 & n) | ((n >>> 1) & 1073741824), isHash = u => Predicate_hasProperty(u, symbol), Hash_number = n => { if (n != n || n === 1 / 0) return 0 let h = 0 | n h !== n && (h ^= 4294967295 * n) for (; n > 4294967295; ) h ^= n /= 4294967295 return optimize(n) }, string = str => { let h = 5381, i = str.length for (; i; ) h = (33 * h) ^ str.charCodeAt(--i) return optimize(h) }, structure = o => ((o, keys) => { let h = 12289 for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) h ^= Function_pipe(string(keys[i]), combine(Hash_hash(o[keys[i]]))) return optimize(h) })(o, Object.keys(o)), array = arr => { let h = 6151 for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) h = Function_pipe(h, combine(Hash_hash(arr[i]))) return optimize(h) }, cached = function () { if (1 === arguments.length) { const self = arguments[0] return function (hash) { Object.defineProperty(self, symbol, { value: () => hash, enumerable: !1, }) return hash } } const self = arguments[0], hash = arguments[1] Object.defineProperty(self, symbol, { value: () => hash, enumerable: !1, }) return hash }, Equal_symbol = Symbol.for("effect/Equal") function equals() { return 1 === arguments.length ? self => compareBoth(self, arguments[0]) : compareBoth(arguments[0], arguments[1]) } function compareBoth(self, that) { if (self === that) return !0 const selfType = typeof self if (selfType !== typeof that) return !1 if ("object" === selfType || "function" === selfType) { if (null !== self && null !== that) { if (isEqual(self) && isEqual(that)) return ( !( Hash_hash(self) !== Hash_hash(that) || !self[Equal_symbol](that) ) || (!( !structuralRegionState.enabled || !structuralRegionState.tester ) && structuralRegionState.tester(self, that)) ) if (self instanceof Date && that instanceof Date) return self.toISOString() === that.toISOString() } if (structuralRegionState.enabled) { if (Array.isArray(self) && Array.isArray(that)) return ( self.length === that.length && self.every((v, i) => compareBoth(v, that[i])) ) if ( Object.getPrototypeOf(self) === Object.prototype && Object.getPrototypeOf(self) === Object.prototype ) { const keysSelf = Object.keys(self), keysThat = Object.keys(that) if (keysSelf.length === keysThat.length) { for (const key of keysSelf) if (!(key in that) || !compareBoth(self[key], that[key])) return ( !!structuralRegionState.tester && structuralRegionState.tester(self, that) ) return !0 } } return ( !!structuralRegionState.tester && structuralRegionState.tester(self, that) ) } } return ( !(!structuralRegionState.enabled || !structuralRegionState.tester) && structuralRegionState.tester(self, that) ) } const isEqual = u => Predicate_hasProperty(u, Equal_symbol), equivalence = () => equals, Inspectable_NodeInspectSymbol = Symbol.for("nodejs.util.inspect.custom"), toJSON = x => Predicate_hasProperty(x, "toJSON") && Predicate_isFunction(x.toJSON) && 0 === x.toJSON.length ? x.toJSON() : Array.isArray(x) ? : x, format = x => JSON.stringify(x, null, 2), toStringUnknown = (u, whitespace = 2) => { try { return "object" == typeof u ? stringifyCircular(u, whitespace) : String(u) } catch (_) { return String(u) } }, stringifyCircular = (obj, whitespace) => { let cache = [] const retVal = JSON.stringify( obj, (_key, value) => "object" == typeof value && null !== value ? cache.includes(value) ? void 0 : cache.push(value) && value : value, whitespace, ) cache = void 0 return retVal }, Pipeable_pipeArguments = (self, args) => { switch (args.length) { case 1: return args[0](self) case 2: return args[1](args[0](self)) case 3: return args[2](args[1](args[0](self))) case 4: return args[3](args[2](args[1](args[0](self)))) case 5: return args[4](args[3](args[2](args[1](args[0](self))))) case 6: return args[5](args[4](args[3](args[2](args[1](args[0](self)))))) case 7: return args[6]( args[5](args[4](args[3](args[2](args[1](args[0](self)))))), ) case 8: return args[7]( args[6]( args[5](args[4](args[3](args[2](args[1](args[0](self)))))), ), ) case 9: return args[8]( args[7]( args[6]( args[5](args[4](args[3](args[2](args[1](args[0](self)))))), ), ), ) default: { let ret = self for (let i = 0, len = args.length; i < len; i++) ret = args[i](ret) return ret } } }, EffectTypeId = Symbol.for("effect/Effect"), StreamTypeId = Symbol.for("effect/Stream"), SinkTypeId = Symbol.for("effect/Sink"), ChannelTypeId = Symbol.for("effect/Channel"), effectVariance = { _R: _ => _, _E: _ => _, _A: _ => _, _V: getCurrentVersion(), }, EffectPrototype = { [EffectTypeId]: effectVariance, [StreamTypeId]: effectVariance, [SinkTypeId]: { _A: _ => _, _In: _ => _, _L: _ => _, _E: _ => _, _R: _ => _, }, [ChannelTypeId]: { _Env: _ => _, _InErr: _ => _, _InElem: _ => _, _InDone: _ => _, _OutErr: _ => _, _OutElem: _ => _, _OutDone: _ => _, }, [Equal_symbol](that) { return this === that }, [symbol]() { return cached(this, random(this)) }, [Symbol.iterator]() { return new SingleShotGen(new YieldWrap(this)) }, pipe() { return Pipeable_pipeArguments(this, arguments) }, }, effectable_StructuralPrototype = { [symbol]() { return cached(this, structure(this)) }, [Equal_symbol](that) { const selfKeys = Object.keys(this), thatKeys = Object.keys(that) if (selfKeys.length !== thatKeys.length) return !1 for (const key of selfKeys) if (!(key in that) || !equals(this[key], that[key])) return !1 return !0 }, }, StructuralCommitPrototype = { ...{ ...EffectPrototype, _op: "Commit" }, ...effectable_StructuralPrototype, }, TypeId = Symbol.for("effect/Option"), CommonProto = { ...EffectPrototype, [TypeId]: { _A: _ => _ }, [Inspectable_NodeInspectSymbol]() { return this.toJSON() }, toString() { return format(this.toJSON()) }, }, SomeProto = Object.assign(Object.create(CommonProto), { _tag: "Some", _op: "Some", [Equal_symbol](that) { return ( isOption(that) && isSome(that) && equals(this.value, that.value) ) }, [symbol]() { return cached( this, combine(Hash_hash(this._tag))(Hash_hash(this.value)), ) }, toJSON() { return { _id: "Option", _tag: this._tag, value: toJSON(this.value) } }, }), NoneHash = Hash_hash("None"), NoneProto = Object.assign(Object.create(CommonProto), { _tag: "None", _op: "None", [Equal_symbol]: that => isOption(that) && isNone(that), [symbol]: () => NoneHash, toJSON() { return { _id: "Option", _tag: this._tag } }, }), isOption = input => Predicate_hasProperty(input, TypeId), isNone = fa => "None" === fa._tag, isSome = fa => "Some" === fa._tag, none = Object.create(NoneProto), option_some = value => { const a = Object.create(SomeProto) a.value = value return a }, TagTypeId = Symbol.for("effect/Context/Tag"), STMTypeId = Symbol.for("effect/STM"), context_TagProto = { ...EffectPrototype, _tag: "Tag", _op: "Tag", [STMTypeId]: effectVariance, [TagTypeId]: { _Service: _ => _, _Identifier: _ => _ }, toString() { return format(this.toJSON()) }, toJSON() { return { _id: "Tag", key: this.key, stack: this.stack } }, [Inspectable_NodeInspectSymbol]() { return this.toJSON() }, of: self => self, context(self) { return make(this, self) }, }, context_TypeId = Symbol.for("effect/Context"), ContextProto = { [context_TypeId]: { _Services: _ => _ }, [Equal_symbol](that) { if (isContext(that) && this.unsafeMap.size === that.unsafeMap.size) { for (const k of this.unsafeMap.keys()) if ( !that.unsafeMap.has(k) || !equals(this.unsafeMap.get(k), that.unsafeMap.get(k)) ) return !1 return !0 } return !1 }, [symbol]() { return cached(this, Hash_number(this.unsafeMap.size)) }, pipe() { return Pipeable_pipeArguments(this, arguments) }, toString() { return format(this.toJSON()) }, toJSON() { return { _id: "Context", services: Array.from(this.unsafeMap).map(toJSON), } }, [Inspectable_NodeInspectSymbol]() { return this.toJSON() }, }, makeContext = unsafeMap => { const context = Object.create(ContextProto) context.unsafeMap = unsafeMap return context }, isContext = u => Predicate_hasProperty(u, context_TypeId), _empty = makeContext(new Map()), make = (tag, service) => makeContext(new Map([[tag.key, service]])), add = Function_dual(3, (self, tag, service) => { const map = new Map(self.unsafeMap) map.set(tag.key, service) return makeContext(map) }), unsafeGet = Function_dual(2, (self, tag) => { if (!self.unsafeMap.has(tag.key)) throw (tag => { const error = new Error( "Service not found" + (tag.key ? `: ${String(tag.key)}` : ""), ) if (tag.stack) { const lines = tag.stack.split("\n") if (lines.length > 2) { const afterAt = lines[2].match(/at (.*)/) afterAt && (error.message = error.message + ` (defined at ${afterAt[1]})`) } } if (error.stack) { const lines = error.stack.split("\n") lines.splice(1, 3) error.stack = lines.join("\n") } return error })(tag) return self.unsafeMap.get(tag.key) }), get = unsafeGet, getOption = Function_dual(2, (self, tag) => self.unsafeMap.has(tag.key) ? option_some(self.unsafeMap.get(tag.key)) : none, ), merge = Function_dual(2, (self, that) => { const map = new Map(self.unsafeMap) for (const [tag, s] of that.unsafeMap) map.set(tag, s) return makeContext(map) }), GenericTag = key => { const limit = Error.stackTraceLimit Error.stackTraceLimit = 2 const creationError = new Error() Error.stackTraceLimit = limit const tag = Object.create(context_TagProto) Object.defineProperty(tag, "stack", { get: () => creationError.stack }) tag.key = key return tag }, Context_isContext = isContext, Context_empty = () => _empty, Context_make = make, Context_add = add, Context_get = get, Context_unsafeGet = unsafeGet, Context_getOption = getOption, Context_merge = merge, Equivalence_make = isEquivalent => (self, that) => self === that || isEquivalent(self, that), isStrictEquivalent = (x, y) => x === y, strict = () => isStrictEquivalent, Equivalence_string = strict(), Equivalence_mapInput = Function_dual(2, (self, f) => Equivalence_make((x, y) => self(f(x), f(y))), ), isNonEmptyArray = self => self.length > 0, either_TypeId = Symbol.for("effect/Either"), either_CommonProto = { ...EffectPrototype, [either_TypeId]: { _R: _ => _ }, [Inspectable_NodeInspectSymbol]() { return this.toJSON() }, toString() { return format(this.toJSON()) }, }, RightProto = Object.assign(Object.create(either_CommonProto), { _tag: "Right", _op: "Right", [Equal_symbol](that) { return ( isEither(that) && isRight(that) && equals(this.right, that.right) ) }, [symbol]() { return combine(Hash_hash(this._tag))(Hash_hash(this.right)) }, toJSON() { return { _id: "Either", _tag: this._tag, right: toJSON(this.right) } }, }), LeftProto = Object.assign(Object.create(either_CommonProto), { _tag: "Left", _op: "Left", [Equal_symbol](that) { return isEither(that) && isLeft(that) && equals(this.left, that.left) }, [symbol]() { return combine(Hash_hash(this._tag))(Hash_hash(this.left)) }, toJSON() { return { _id: "Either", _tag: this._tag, left: toJSON(this.left) } }, }), isEither = input => Predicate_hasProperty(input, either_TypeId), isLeft = ma => "Left" === ma._tag, isRight = ma => "Right" === ma._tag, Option_none = () => none, Option_some = option_some, Option_isNone = isNone, Option_isSome = isSome, match = Function_dual(2, (self, { onNone, onSome }) => Option_isNone(self) ? onNone() : onSome(self.value), ), getOrElse = Function_dual(2, (self, onNone) => Option_isNone(self) ? onNone() : self.value, ), orElse = Function_dual(2, (self, that) => Option_isNone(self) ? that() : self, ), orElseSome = Function_dual(2, (self, onNone) => Option_isNone(self) ? Option_some(onNone()) : self, ), fromNullable = nullableValue => null == nullableValue ? Option_none() : Option_some(nullableValue), getOrUndefined = getOrElse(Function_constUndefined), getOrThrow = Function_dual(2, (self, onNone) => { if (Option_isSome(self)) return self.value throw onNone() })(() => new Error("getOrThrow called on a None")), map = Function_dual(2, (self, f) => Option_isNone(self) ? Option_none() : Option_some(f(self.value)), ), flatMap = Function_dual(2, (self, f) => Option_isNone(self) ? Option_none() : f(self.value), ), flatMapNullable = Function_dual(2, (self, f) => Option_isNone(self) ? Option_none() : fromNullable(f(self.value)), ), filterMap = Function_dual(2, (self, f) => Option_isNone(self) ? Option_none() : f(self.value), ), filter = Function_dual(2, (self, predicate) => filterMap(self, b => (predicate(b) ? option_some(b) : none)), ), liftPredicate = Function_dual(2, (b, predicate) => predicate(b) ? Option_some(b) : Option_none(), ), containsWith = isEquivalent => Function_dual( 2, (self, a) => !Option_isNone(self) && isEquivalent(self.value, a), ), contains = containsWith(equivalence()), exists = Function_dual( 2, (self, refinement) => !Option_isNone(self) && refinement(self.value), ), findFirst = Function_dual(2, (self, f) => { let i = 0 for (const a of self) { const o = f(a, i) if (Predicate_isBoolean(o)) { if (o) return Option_some(a) } else if (Option_isSome(o)) return o i++ } return Option_none() }) Symbol.iterator const Order_make = compare => (self, that) => self === that ? 0 : compare(self, that), Order_number = Order_make((self, that) => (self < that ? -1 : 1)), Order_boolean = Order_make((self, that) => (self < that ? -1 : 1)), Order_mapInput = Function_dual(2, (self, f) => Order_make((b1, b2) => self(f(b1), f(b2))), ), greaterThan = O => Function_dual(2, (self, that) => 1 === O(self, that)), greaterThanOrEqualTo = O => Function_dual(2, (self, that) => -1 !== O(self, that)), clamp = O => Function_dual(2, (self, options) => (O => Function_dual(2, (self, that) => self === that || O(self, that) < 1 ? self : that, ))(O)( options.maximum, (O => Function_dual(2, (self, that) => self === that || O(self, that) > -1 ? self : that, ))(O)(options.minimum, self), ), ), Tuple_make = (Object.fromEntries, (...elements) => elements), getFirst = self => self[0], getSecond = self => self[1], mapBoth = Function_dual(2, (self, { onFirst, onSecond }) => [ onFirst(self[0]), onSecond(self[1]), ]), mapFirst = Function_dual(2, (self, f) => [f(self[0]), self[1]]), mapSecond = Function_dual(2, (self, f) => [self[0], f(self[1])]), allocate = n => new Array(n), Array_makeBy = (n, f) => { const max = Math.max(1, Math.floor(n)), out = new Array(max) for (let i = 0; i < max; i++) out[i] = f(i) return out }, Array_fromIterable = collection => Array.isArray(collection) ? collection : Array.from(collection), matchLeft = Function_dual(2, (self, { onEmpty, onNonEmpty }) => isNonEmptyReadonlyArray(self) ? onNonEmpty(headNonEmpty(self), tailNonEmpty(self)) : onEmpty(), ), matchRight = Function_dual(2, (self, { onEmpty, onNonEmpty }) => isNonEmptyReadonlyArray(self) ? onNonEmpty(initNonEmpty(self), lastNonEmpty(self)) : onEmpty(), ), Array_prepend = Function_dual(2, (self, head) => [head, ...self]), Array_append = Function_dual(2, (self, last) => [...self, last]), Array_appendAll = Function_dual(2, (self, that) => Array_fromIterable(self).concat(Array_fromIterable(that)), ), isArray = Array.isArray, Array_isNonEmptyArray = isNonEmptyArray, isNonEmptyReadonlyArray = isNonEmptyArray, isOutOfBound = (i, as) => i < 0 || i >= as.length, Array_clamp = (i, as) => Math.floor(Math.min(Math.max(0, i), as.length)), Array_get = Function_dual(2, (self, index) => { const i = Math.floor(index) return isOutOfBound(i, self) ? Option_none() : Option_some(self[i]) }), Array_unsafeGet = Function_dual(2, (self, index) => { const i = Math.floor(index) if (isOutOfBound(i, self)) throw new Error(`Index ${i} out of bounds`) return self[i] }), Array_head = Array_get(0), headNonEmpty = Array_unsafeGet(0), lastNonEmpty = self => self[self.length - 1], tailNonEmpty = self => self.slice(1), initNonEmpty = self => self.slice(0, -1), Array_take = Function_dual(2, (self, n) => { const input = Array_fromIterable(self) return input.slice(0, Array_clamp(n, input)) }), span = Function_dual(2, (self, predicate) => splitAt( self, ((self, predicate) => { let i = 0 for (const a of self) { if (!predicate(a, i)) break i++ } return i })(self, predicate), ), ), Array_drop = Function_dual(2, (self, n) => { const input = Array_fromIterable(self) return input.slice(Array_clamp(n, input), input.length) }), findFirstIndex = Function_dual(2, (self, predicate) => { let i = 0 for (const a of self) { if (predicate(a, i)) return Option_some(i) i++ } return Option_none() }), Array_findFirst = findFirst, Array_findLast = Function_dual(2, (self, f) => { const input = Array_fromIterable(self) for (let i = input.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { const a = input[i], o = f(a, i) if (Predicate_isBoolean(o)) { if (o) return Option_some(a) } else if (Option_isSome(o)) return o } return Option_none() }), Array_replace = Function_dual(3, (self, i, b) => Array_modify(self, i, () => b), ), Array_modify = Function_dual(3, (self, i, f) => getOrElse(Array_modifyOption(self, i, f), () => Array.from(self)), ), Array_modifyOption = Function_dual(3, (self, i, f) => { const out = Array.from(self) if (isOutOfBound(i, out)) return Option_none() const next = f(out[i]) out[i] = next return Option_some(out) }), Array_remove = Function_dual(2, (self, i) => { const out = Array.from(self) if (isOutOfBound(i, out)) return out out.splice(i, 1) return out }), Array_reverse = self => Array.from(self).reverse(), sort = Function_dual(2, (self, O) => { const out = Array.from(self) out.sort(O) return out }), Array_zip = Function_dual(2, (self, that) => Array_zipWith(self, that, Tuple_make), ), Array_zipWith = Function_dual(3, (self, that, f) => { const as = Array_fromIterable(self), bs = Array_fromIterable(that) if (isNonEmptyReadonlyArray(as) && isNonEmptyReadonlyArray(bs)) { const out = [f(headNonEmpty(as), headNonEmpty(bs))], len = Math.min(as.length, bs.length) for (let i = 1; i < len; i++) out[i] = f(as[i], bs[i]) return out } return [] }), Array_containsWith = isEquivalent => Function_dual(2, (self, a) => { for (const i of self) if (isEquivalent(a, i)) return !0 return !1 }), Array_equivalence = equivalence(), splitAt = Function_dual(2, (self, n) => { const input = Array.from(self), _n = Math.floor(n) return isNonEmptyReadonlyArray(input) ? _n >= 1 ? splitNonEmptyAt(input, _n) : [[], input] : [input, []] }), splitNonEmptyAt = Function_dual(2, (self, n) => { const _n = Math.max(1, Math.floor(n)) return _n >= self.length ? [copy(self), []] : [ Array_prepend(self.slice(1, _n), headNonEmpty(self)), self.slice(_n), ] }), copy = self => self.slice(), unionWith = Function_dual(3, (self, that, isEquivalent) => { const a = Array_fromIterable(self), b = Array_fromIterable(that) return isNonEmptyReadonlyArray(a) ? isNonEmptyReadonlyArray(b) ? dedupeWith(isEquivalent)(Array_appendAll(a, b)) : a : b }), Array_union = Function_dual(2, (self, that) => unionWith(self, that, Array_equivalence), ), Array_of = a => [a], Array_map = Function_dual(2, (self, f) =>, Array_flatMap = Function_dual(2, (self, f) => { if ((self => 0 === self.length)(self)) return [] const out = [] for (let i = 0; i < self.length; i++) { const inner = f(self[i], i) for (let j = 0; j < inner.length; j++) out.push(inner[j]) } return out }), Array_flatten = Array_flatMap(Function_identity), Array_filterMap = Function_dual(2, (self, f) => { const as = Array_fromIterable(self), out = [] for (let i = 0; i < as.length; i++) { const o = f(as[i], i) Option_isSome(o) && out.push(o.value) } return out }), Array_getSomes = Array_filterMap(Function_identity), Array_filter = Function_dual(2, (self, predicate) => { const as = Array_fromIterable(self), out = [] for (let i = 0; i < as.length; i++) predicate(as[i], i) && out.push(as[i]) return out }), Array_reduce = Function_dual(3, (self, b, f) => Array_fromIterable(self).reduce((b, a, i) => f(b, a, i), b), ), Array_some = Function_dual(2, (self, predicate) => self.some(predicate)), Array_unfold = (b, f) => { const out = [] let o, next = b for (; Option_isSome((o = f(next))); ) { const [a, b] = o.value out.push(a) next = b } return out }, Array_getEquivalence = item => Equivalence_make((self, that) => { if (self.length !== that.length) return !1 for (let i = 0; i < self.length; i++) if (!item(self[i], that[i])) return !1 return !0 }), dedupeWith = Function_dual(2, (self, isEquivalent) => { const input = Array_fromIterable(self) if (isNonEmptyReadonlyArray(input)) { const out = [headNonEmpty(input)], rest = tailNonEmpty(input) for (const r of rest) out.every(a => !isEquivalent(r, a)) && out.push(r) return out } return [] }), dedupe = self => dedupeWith(self, equivalence()), join = Function_dual(2, (self, sep) => Array_fromIterable(self).join(sep), ), Chunk_TypeId = Symbol.for("effect/Chunk"), emptyArray = [], Chunk_getEquivalence = isEquivalent => Equivalence_make( (self, that) => self.length === that.length && toReadonlyArray(self).every((value, i) => isEquivalent(value, Chunk_unsafeGet(that, i)), ), ), Chunk_equivalence = Chunk_getEquivalence(equals), ChunkProto = { [Chunk_TypeId]: { _A: _ => _ }, toString() { return format(this.toJSON()) }, toJSON() { return { _id: "Chunk", values: toReadonlyArray(this).map(toJSON) } }, [Inspectable_NodeInspectSymbol]() { return this.toJSON() }, [Equal_symbol](that) { return isChunk(that) && Chunk_equivalence(this, that) }, [symbol]() { return cached(this, array(toReadonlyArray(this))) }, [Symbol.iterator]() { switch (this.backing._tag) { case "IArray": return this.backing.array[Symbol.iterator]() case "IEmpty": return emptyArray[Symbol.iterator]() default: return toReadonlyArray(this)[Symbol.iterator]() } }, pipe() { return Pipeable_pipeArguments(this, arguments) }, }, makeChunk = backing => { const chunk = Object.create(ChunkProto) chunk.backing = backing switch (backing._tag) { case "IEmpty": chunk.length = 0 chunk.depth = 0 chunk.left = chunk chunk.right = chunk break case "IConcat": chunk.length = backing.left.length + backing.right.length chunk.depth = 1 + Math.max(backing.left.depth, backing.right.depth) chunk.left = backing.left chunk.right = backing.right break case "IArray": chunk.length = backing.array.length chunk.depth = 0 chunk.left = Chunk_empty chunk.right = Chunk_empty break case "ISingleton": chunk.length = 1 chunk.depth = 0 chunk.left = Chunk_empty chunk.right = Chunk_empty break case "ISlice": chunk.length = backing.length chunk.depth = backing.chunk.depth + 1 chunk.left = Chunk_empty chunk.right = Chunk_empty } return chunk }, isChunk = u => Predicate_hasProperty(u, Chunk_TypeId), Chunk_empty = makeChunk({ _tag: "IEmpty" }), esm_Chunk_empty = () => Chunk_empty, Chunk_make = ( => 1 === as.length ? Chunk_of(as[0]) : unsafeFromNonEmptyArray(as), Chunk_of = a => makeChunk({ _tag: "ISingleton", a }), Chunk_fromIterable = self => isChunk(self) ? self : makeChunk({ _tag: "IArray", array: Array_fromIterable(self) }), copyToArray = (self, array, initial) => { switch (self.backing._tag) { case "IArray": !(function (src, srcPos, dest, destPos, len) { for (let i = 0; i < Math.min(src.length, 0 + len); i++) dest[destPos + i - 0] = src[i] })(self.backing.array, 0, array, initial, self.length) break case "IConcat": copyToArray(self.left, array, initial) copyToArray(self.right, array, initial + self.left.length) break case "ISingleton": array[initial] = self.backing.a break case "ISlice": { let i = 0, j = initial for (; i < self.length; ) { array[j] = Chunk_unsafeGet(self, i) i += 1 j += 1 } break } } }, toReadonlyArray = self => { switch (self.backing._tag) { case "IEmpty": return emptyArray case "IArray": return self.backing.array default: { const arr = new Array(self.length) copyToArray(self, arr, 0) self.backing = { _tag: "IArray", array: arr } self.left = Chunk_empty self.right = Chunk_empty self.depth = 0 return arr } } }, Chunk_reverse = self => { switch (self.backing._tag) { case "IEmpty": case "ISingleton": return self case "IArray": return makeChunk({ _tag: "IArray", array: Array_reverse(self.backing.array), }) case "IConcat": return makeChunk({ _tag: "IConcat", left: Chunk_reverse(self.backing.right), right: Chunk_reverse(self.backing.left), }) case "ISlice": return unsafeFromArray(Array_reverse(toReadonlyArray(self))) } }, Chunk_get = Function_dual(2, (self, index) => index < 0 || index >= self.length ? Option_none() : Option_some(Chunk_unsafeGet(self, index)), ), unsafeFromArray = self => makeChunk({ _tag: "IArray", array: self }), unsafeFromNonEmptyArray = self => unsafeFromArray(self), Chunk_unsafeGet = Function_dual(2, (self, index) => { switch (self.backing._tag) { case "IEmpty": throw new Error("Index out of bounds") case "ISingleton": if (0 !== index) throw new Error("Index out of bounds") return self.backing.a case "IArray": if (index >= self.length || index < 0) throw new Error("Index out of bounds") return self.backing.array[index] case "IConcat": return index < self.left.length ? Chunk_unsafeGet(self.left, index) : Chunk_unsafeGet(self.right, index - self.left.length) case "ISlice": return Chunk_unsafeGet( self.backing.chunk, index + self.backing.offset, ) } }), Chunk_append = Function_dual(2, (self, a) => Chunk_appendAll(self, Chunk_of(a)), ), Chunk_prepend = Function_dual(2, (self, elem) => Chunk_appendAll(Chunk_of(elem), self), ), Chunk_drop = Function_dual(2, (self, n) => { if (n <= 0) return self if (n >= self.length) return Chunk_empty switch (self.backing._tag) { case "ISlice": return makeChunk({ _tag: "ISlice", chunk: self.backing.chunk, offset: self.backing.offset + n, length: self.backing.length - n, }) case "IConcat": return n > self.left.length ? Chunk_drop(self.right, n - self.left.length) : makeChunk({ _tag: "IConcat", left: Chunk_drop(self.left, n), right: self.right, }) default: return makeChunk({ _tag: "ISlice", chunk: self, offset: n, length: self.length - n, }) } }), Chunk_appendAll = Function_dual(2, (self, that) => { if ("IEmpty" === self.backing._tag) return that if ("IEmpty" === that.backing._tag) return self const diff = that.depth - self.depth if (Math.abs(diff) <= 1) return makeChunk({ _tag: "IConcat", left: self, right: that }) if (diff < -1) { if (self.left.depth >= self.right.depth) { const nr = Chunk_appendAll(self.right, that) return makeChunk({ _tag: "IConcat", left: self.left, right: nr }) } { const nrr = Chunk_appendAll(self.right.right, that) if (nrr.depth === self.depth - 3) { const nr = makeChunk({ _tag: "IConcat", left: self.right.left, right: nrr, }) return makeChunk({ _tag: "IConcat", left: self.left, right: nr }) } { const nl = makeChunk({ _tag: "IConcat", left: self.left, right: self.right.left, }) return makeChunk({ _tag: "IConcat", left: nl, right: nrr }) } } } if (that.right.depth >= that.left.depth) { const nl = Chunk_appendAll(self, that.left) return makeChunk({ _tag: "IConcat", left: nl, right: that.right }) } { const nll = Chunk_appendAll(self, that.left.left) if (nll.depth === that.depth - 3) { const nl = makeChunk({ _tag: "IConcat", left: nll, right: that.left.right, }) return makeChunk({ _tag: "IConcat", left: nl, right: that.right }) } { const nr = makeChunk({ _tag: "IConcat", left: that.left.right, right: that.right, }) return makeChunk({ _tag: "IConcat", left: nll, right: nr }) } } }), Chunk_isEmpty = self => 0 === self.length, isNonEmpty = self => self.length > 0, Chunk_head = Chunk_get(0), Chunk_unsafeHead = self => Chunk_unsafeGet(self, 0), Chunk_headNonEmpty = Chunk_unsafeHead, Chunk_tailNonEmpty = self => Chunk_drop(self, 1), Duration_TypeId = Symbol.for("effect/Duration"), bigint0 = BigInt(0), bigint24 = BigInt(24), bigint60 = BigInt(60), bigint1e3 = BigInt(1e3), bigint1e6 = BigInt(1e6), bigint1e9 = BigInt(1e9), DURATION_REGEX = /^(-?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\s+(nanos?|micros?|millis?|seconds?|minutes?|hours?|days?|weeks?)$/, decode = input => { if (isDuration(input)) return input if (isNumber(input)) return Duration_millis(input) if (isBigInt(input)) return Duration_nanos(input) if (Array.isArray(input)) { if (2 === input.length && isNumber(input[0]) && isNumber(input[1])) return Duration_nanos( BigInt(input[0]) * bigint1e9 + BigInt(input[1]), ) } else if (isString(input)) { DURATION_REGEX.lastIndex = 0 const match = DURATION_REGEX.exec(input) if (match) { const [_, valueStr, unit] = match, value = Number(valueStr) switch (unit) { case "nano": case "nanos": return Duration_nanos(BigInt(valueStr)) case "micro": case "micros": return micros(BigInt(valueStr)) case "milli": case "millis": return Duration_millis(value) case "second": case "seconds": return seconds(value) case "minute": case "minutes": return minutes(value) case "hour": case "hours": return hours(value) case "day": case "days": return days(value) case "week": case "weeks": return weeks(value) } } } throw new Error("Invalid DurationInput") }, zeroValue = { _tag: "Millis", millis: 0 }, infinityValue = { _tag: "Infinity" }, DurationProto = { [Duration_TypeId]: Duration_TypeId, [symbol]() { return cached(this, structure(this.value)) }, [Equal_symbol](that) { return isDuration(that) && Duration_equals(this, that) }, toString() { return `Duration(${Duration_format(this)})` }, toJSON() { switch (this.value._tag) { case "Millis": return { _id: "Duration", _tag: "Millis", millis: this.value.millis, } case "Nanos": return { _id: "Duration", _tag: "Nanos", hrtime: toHrTime(this) } case "Infinity": return { _id: "Duration", _tag: "Infinity" } } }, [Inspectable_NodeInspectSymbol]() { return this.toJSON() }, pipe() { return Pipeable_pipeArguments(this, arguments) }, }, Duration_make = input => { const duration = Object.create(DurationProto) isNumber(input) ? isNaN(input) || input <= 0 ? (duration.value = zeroValue) : Number.isFinite(input) ? Number.isInteger(input) ? (duration.value = { _tag: "Millis", millis: input }) : (duration.value = { _tag: "Nanos", nanos: BigInt(Math.round(1e6 * input)), }) : (duration.value = infinityValue) : (duration.value = input <= bigint0 ? zeroValue : { _tag: "Nanos", nanos: input }) return duration }, isDuration = u => Predicate_hasProperty(u, Duration_TypeId), zero = Duration_make(0), Duration_nanos = nanos => Duration_make(nanos), micros = micros => Duration_make(micros * bigint1e3), Duration_millis = millis => Duration_make(millis), seconds = seconds => Duration_make(1e3 * seconds), minutes = minutes => Duration_make(6e4 * minutes), hours = hours => Duration_make(36e5 * hours), days = days => Duration_make(864e5 * days), weeks = weeks => Duration_make(6048e5 * weeks), toMillis = self => { const _self = decode(self) switch (_self.value._tag) { case "Infinity": return 1 / 0 case "Nanos": return Number(_self.value.nanos) / 1e6 case "Millis": return _self.value.millis } }, toHrTime = self => { const _self = decode(self) switch (_self.value._tag) { case "Infinity": return [1 / 0, 0] case "Nanos": return [ Number(_self.value.nanos / bigint1e9), Number(_self.value.nanos % bigint1e9), ] case "Millis": return [ Math.floor(_self.value.millis / 1e3), Math.round((_self.value.millis % 1e3) * 1e6), ] } }, matchWith = Function_dual(3, (self, that, options) => { const _self = decode(self), _that = decode(that) if ("Infinity" === _self.value._tag || "Infinity" === _that.value._tag) return options.onMillis(toMillis(_self), toMillis(_that)) if ("Nanos" === _self.value._tag || "Nanos" === _that.value._tag) { const selfNanos = "Nanos" === _self.value._tag ? _self.value.nanos : BigInt(Math.round(1e6 * _self.value.millis)), thatNanos = "Nanos" === _that.value._tag ? _that.value.nanos : BigInt(Math.round(1e6 * _that.value.millis)) return options.onNanos(selfNanos, thatNanos) } return options.onMillis(_self.value.millis, _that.value.millis) }), Duration_greaterThanOrEqualTo = Function_dual(2, (self, that) => matchWith(self, that, { onMillis: (self, that) => self >= that, onNanos: (self, that) => self >= that, }), ), Duration_equals = Function_dual(2, (self, that) => ((self, that) => matchWith(self, that, { onMillis: (self, that) => self === that, onNanos: (self, that) => self === that, }))(decode(self), decode(that)), ), Duration_format = self => { const duration = decode(self), parts = [] if ("Infinity" === duration.value._tag) return "Infinity" const nanos = (self => { const _self = decode(self) switch (_self.value._tag) { case "Infinity": throw new Error("Cannot convert infinite duration to nanos") case "Nanos": return _self.value.nanos case "Millis": return BigInt(Math.round(1e6 * _self.value.millis)) } })(duration) nanos % bigint1e6 && parts.push((nanos % bigint1e6) + "ns") const ms = nanos / bigint1e6 ms % bigint1e3 !== bigint0 && parts.push((ms % bigint1e3) + "ms") const sec = ms / bigint1e3 sec % bigint60 !== bigint0 && parts.push((sec % bigint60) + "s") const min = sec / bigint60 min % bigint60 !== bigint0 && parts.push((min % bigint60) + "m") const hr = min / bigint60 hr % bigint24 !== bigint0 && parts.push((hr % bigint24) + "h") const days = hr / bigint24 days !== bigint0 && parts.push(`${days}d`) return parts.reverse().join(" ") }, Either_right = right => { const a = Object.create(RightProto) a.right = right return a }, Either_left = left => { const a = Object.create(LeftProto) a.left = left return a }, Either_isLeft = isLeft, Either_isRight = isRight, Either_match = Function_dual(2, (self, { onLeft, onRight }) => Either_isLeft(self) ? onLeft(self.left) : onRight(self.right), ), Either_merge = Either_match({ onLeft: Function_identity, onRight: Function_identity, }), Either_getOrThrowWith = Function_dual(2, (self, onLeft) => { if (Either_isRight(self)) return self.right throw onLeft(self.left) }), BUCKET_SIZE = Math.pow(2, 5), MASK = BUCKET_SIZE - 1, MAX_INDEX_NODE = BUCKET_SIZE / 2, MIN_ARRAY_NODE = BUCKET_SIZE / 4 function hashFragment(shift, h) { return (h >>> shift) & MASK } function toBitmap(x) { return 1 << x } function fromBitmap(bitmap, bit) { return (function (x) { x = ((x = (858993459 & (x -= (x >> 1) & 1431655765)) + ((x >> 2) & 858993459)) + (x >> 4)) & 252645135 return 127 & ((x += x >> 8) + (x >> 16)) })(bitmap & (bit - 1)) } function arrayUpdate(mutate, at, v, arr) { let out = arr if (!mutate) { const len = arr.length out = new Array(len) for (let i = 0; i < len; ++i) out[i] = arr[i] } out[at] = v return out } function arraySpliceOut(mutate, at, arr) { const newLen = arr.length - 1 let i = 0, g = 0, out = arr if (mutate) i = g = at else { out = new Array(newLen) for (; i < at; ) out[g++] = arr[i++] } ++i for (; i <= newLen; ) out[g++] = arr[i++] mutate && (out.length = newLen) return out } class EmptyNode { _tag = "EmptyNode" modify(edit, _shift, f, hash, key, size) { const v = f(Option_none()) if (Option_isNone(v)) return new EmptyNode() ++size.value return new LeafNode(edit, hash, key, v) } } function isEmptyNode(a) { return Predicate_isTagged(a, "EmptyNode") } function canEditNode(node, edit) { return !isEmptyNode(node) && edit === node.edit } class LeafNode { edit hash key value _tag = "LeafNode" constructor(edit, hash, key, value) { this.edit = edit this.hash = hash this.key = key this.value = value } modify(edit, shift, f, hash, key, size) { if (equals(key, this.key)) { const v = f(this.value) if (v === this.value) return this if (Option_isNone(v)) { --size.value return new EmptyNode() } if (canEditNode(this, edit)) { this.value = v return this } return new LeafNode(edit, hash, key, v) } const v = f(Option_none()) if (Option_isNone(v)) return this ++size.value return mergeLeaves( edit, shift, this.hash, this, hash, new LeafNode(edit, hash, key, v), ) } } class CollisionNode { edit hash children _tag = "CollisionNode" constructor(edit, hash, children) { this.edit = edit this.hash = hash this.children = children } modify(edit, shift, f, hash, key, size) { if (hash === this.hash) { const canEdit = canEditNode(this, edit), list = this.updateCollisionList( canEdit, edit, this.hash, this.children, f, key, size, ) return list === this.children ? this : list.length > 1 ? new CollisionNode(edit, this.hash, list) : list[0] } const v = f(Option_none()) if (Option_isNone(v)) return this ++size.value return mergeLeaves( edit, shift, this.hash, this, hash, new LeafNode(edit, hash, key, v), ) } updateCollisionList(mutate, edit, hash, list, f, key, size) { const len = list.length for (let i = 0; i < len; ++i) { const child = list[i] if ("key" in child && equals(key, child.key)) { const value = child.value, newValue = f(value) if (newValue === value) return list if (Option_isNone(newValue)) { --size.value return arraySpliceOut(mutate, i, list) } return arrayUpdate( mutate, i, new LeafNode(edit, hash, key, newValue), list, ) } } const newValue = f(Option_none()) if (Option_isNone(newValue)) return list ++size.value return arrayUpdate( mutate, len, new LeafNode(edit, hash, key, newValue), list, ) } } class IndexedNode { edit mask children _tag = "IndexedNode" constructor(edit, mask, children) { this.edit = edit this.mask = mask this.children = children } modify(edit, shift, f, hash, key, size) { const mask = this.mask, children = this.children, frag = hashFragment(shift, hash), bit = toBitmap(frag), indx = fromBitmap(mask, bit), exists = mask & bit, canEdit = canEditNode(this, edit) if (!exists) { const _newChild = new EmptyNode().modify( edit, shift + 5, f, hash, key, size, ) return _newChild ? children.length >= MAX_INDEX_NODE ? (function (edit, frag, child, bitmap, subNodes) { const arr = [] let bit = bitmap, count = 0 for (let i = 0; bit; ++i) { 1 & bit && (arr[i] = subNodes[count++]) bit >>>= 1 } arr[frag] = child return new ArrayNode(edit, count + 1, arr) })(edit, frag, _newChild, mask, children) : new IndexedNode( edit, mask | bit, (function (mutate, at, v, arr) { const len = arr.length if (mutate) { let i = len for (; i >= at; ) arr[i--] = arr[i] arr[at] = v return arr } let i = 0, g = 0 const out = new Array(len + 1) for (; i < at; ) out[g++] = arr[i++] out[at] = v for (; i < len; ) out[++g] = arr[i++] return out })(canEdit, indx, _newChild, children), ) : this } const current = children[indx], child = current.modify(edit, shift + 5, f, hash, key, size) if (current === child) return this let newChildren, bitmap = mask if (isEmptyNode(child)) { bitmap &= ~bit if (!bitmap) return new EmptyNode() if ( children.length <= 2 && (isEmptyNode((node = children[1 ^ indx])) || "LeafNode" === node._tag || "CollisionNode" === node._tag) ) return children[1 ^ indx] newChildren = arraySpliceOut(canEdit, indx, children) } else newChildren = arrayUpdate(canEdit, indx, child, children) var node if (canEdit) { this.mask = bitmap this.children = newChildren return this } return new IndexedNode(edit, bitmap, newChildren) } } class ArrayNode { edit size children _tag = "ArrayNode" constructor(edit, size, children) { this.edit = edit this.size = size this.children = children } modify(edit, shift, f, hash, key, size) { let count = this.size const children = this.children, frag = hashFragment(shift, hash), child = children[frag], newChild = (child || new EmptyNode()).modify( edit, shift + 5, f, hash, key, size, ) if (child === newChild) return this const canEdit = canEditNode(this, edit) let newChildren if (isEmptyNode(child) && !isEmptyNode(newChild)) { ++count newChildren = arrayUpdate(canEdit, frag, newChild, children) } else if (!isEmptyNode(child) && isEmptyNode(newChild)) { --count if (count <= MIN_ARRAY_NODE) return (function (edit, count, removed, elements) { const children = new Array(count - 1) let g = 0, bitmap = 0 for (let i = 0, len = elements.length; i < len; ++i) if (i !== removed) { const elem = elements[i] if (elem && !isEmptyNode(elem)) { children[g++] = elem bitmap |= 1 << i } } return new IndexedNode(edit, bitmap, children) })(edit, count, frag, children) newChildren = arrayUpdate(canEdit, frag, new EmptyNode(), children) } else newChildren = arrayUpdate(canEdit, frag, newChild, children) if (canEdit) { this.size = count this.children = newChildren return this } return new ArrayNode(edit, count, newChildren) } } function mergeLeavesInner(edit, shift, h1, n1, h2, n2) { if (h1 === h2) return new CollisionNode(edit, h1, [n2, n1]) const subH1 = hashFragment(shift, h1), subH2 = hashFragment(shift, h2) if (subH1 === subH2) return child => new IndexedNode(edit, toBitmap(subH1) | toBitmap(subH2), [child]) { const children = subH1 < subH2 ? [n1, n2] : [n2, n1] return new IndexedNode( edit, toBitmap(subH1) | toBitmap(subH2), children, ) } } function mergeLeaves(edit, shift, h1, n1, h2, n2) { let stack, currentShift = shift for (;;) { const res = mergeLeavesInner(edit, currentShift, h1, n1, h2, n2) if ("function" != typeof res) { let final = res for (; null != stack; ) { final = stack.value(final) stack = stack.previous } return final } stack = { value: res, previous: stack } currentShift += 5 } } const HashMapTypeId = Symbol.for("effect/HashMap"), HashMapProto = { [HashMapTypeId]: HashMapTypeId, [Symbol.iterator]() { return new HashMapIterator(this, (k, v) => [k, v]) }, [symbol]() { let hash = Hash_hash("effect/HashMap") for (const item of this) hash ^= Function_pipe( Hash_hash(item[0]), combine(Hash_hash(item[1])), ) return cached(this, hash) }, [Equal_symbol](that) { if (isHashMap(that)) { if (that._size !== this._size) return !1 for (const item of this) { const elem = Function_pipe( that, getHash(item[0], Hash_hash(item[0])), ) if (Option_isNone(elem)) return !1 if (!equals(item[1], elem.value)) return !1 } return !0 } return !1 }, toString() { return format(this.toJSON()) }, toJSON() { return { _id: "HashMap", values: Array.from(this).map(toJSON) } }, [Inspectable_NodeInspectSymbol]() { return this.toJSON() }, pipe() { return Pipeable_pipeArguments(this, arguments) }, }, makeImpl = (editable, edit, root, size) => { const map = Object.create(HashMapProto) map._editable = editable map._edit = edit map._root = root map._size = size return map } class HashMapIterator { map f v constructor(map, f) { = map this.f = f this.v = visitLazy(, this.f, void 0) } next() { if (Option_isNone(this.v)) return { done: !0, value: void 0 } const v0 = this.v.value this.v = applyCont(v0.cont) return { done: !1, value: v0.value } } [Symbol.iterator]() { return new HashMapIterator(, this.f) } } const applyCont = cont => cont ? visitLazyChildren(cont[0], cont[1], cont[2], cont[3], cont[4]) : Option_none(), visitLazy = (node, f, cont = void 0) => { switch (node._tag) { case "LeafNode": return Option_isSome(node.value) ? Option_some({ value: f(node.key, node.value.value), cont }) : applyCont(cont) case "CollisionNode": case "ArrayNode": case "IndexedNode": { const children = node.children return visitLazyChildren(children.length, children, 0, f, cont) } default: return applyCont(cont) } }, visitLazyChildren = (len, children, i, f, cont) => { for (; i < len; ) { const child = children[i++] if (child && !isEmptyNode(child)) return visitLazy(child, f, [len, children, i, f, cont]) } return applyCont(cont) }, hashMap_empty = makeImpl(!1, 0, new EmptyNode(), 0), internal_hashMap_empty = () => hashMap_empty, isHashMap = u => Predicate_hasProperty(u, HashMapTypeId), hashMap_get = Function_dual(2, (self, key) => getHash(self, key, Hash_hash(key)), ), getHash = Function_dual(3, (self, key, hash) => { let node = self._root, shift = 0 for (;;) switch (node._tag) { case "LeafNode": return equals(key, node.key) ? node.value : Option_none() case "CollisionNode": if (hash === node.hash) { const children = node.children for (let i = 0, len = children.length; i < len; ++i) { const child = children[i] if ("key" in child && equals(key, child.key)) return child.value } } return Option_none() case "IndexedNode": { const bit = toBitmap(hashFragment(shift, hash)) if (node.mask & bit) { node = node.children[fromBitmap(node.mask, bit)] shift += 5 break } return Option_none() } case "ArrayNode": node = node.children[hashFragment(shift, hash)] if (node) { shift += 5 break } return Option_none() default: return Option_none() } }), hashMap_has = Function_dual(2, (self, key) => Option_isSome(getHash(self, key, Hash_hash(key))), ), hashMap_set = Function_dual(3, (self, key, value) => modifyAt(self, key, () => Option_some(value)), ), setTree = Function_dual(3, (self, newRoot, newSize) => { if (self._editable) { self._root = newRoot self._size = newSize return self } return newRoot === self._root ? self : makeImpl(self._editable, self._edit, newRoot, newSize) }), hashMap_keys = self => new HashMapIterator(self, key => key), hashMap_size = self => self._size, beginMutation = self => makeImpl(!0, self._edit + 1, self._root, self._size), modifyAt = Function_dual(3, (self, key, f) => modifyHash(self, key, Hash_hash(key), f), ), modifyHash = Function_dual(4, (self, key, hash, f) => { const size = { value: self._size }, newRoot = self._root.modify( self._editable ? self._edit : NaN, 0, f, hash, key, size, ) return Function_pipe(self, setTree(newRoot, size.value)) }), hashMap_remove = Function_dual(2, (self, key) => modifyAt(self, key, Option_none), ), hashMap_map = Function_dual(2, (self, f) => hashMap_reduce(self, internal_hashMap_empty(), (map, value, key) => hashMap_set(map, key, f(value, key)), ), ), hashMap_forEach = Function_dual(2, (self, f) => hashMap_reduce(self, void 0, (_, value, key) => f(value, key)), ), hashMap_reduce = Function_dual(3, (self, zero, f) => { const root = self._root if ("LeafNode" === root._tag) return Option_isSome(root.value) ? f(zero, root.value.value, root.key) : zero if ("EmptyNode" === root._tag) return zero const toVisit = [root.children] let children for (; (children = toVisit.pop()); ) for (let i = 0, len = children.length; i < len; ) { const child = children[i++] child && !isEmptyNode(child) && ("LeafNode" === child._tag ? Option_isSome(child.value) && (zero = f(zero, child.value.value, child.key)) : toVisit.push(child.children)) } return zero }), HashSetTypeId = Symbol.for("effect/HashSet"), HashSetProto = { [HashSetTypeId]: HashSetTypeId, [Symbol.iterator]() { return hashMap_keys(this._keyMap) }, [symbol]() { return cached( this, combine(Hash_hash(this._keyMap))(Hash_hash("effect/HashSet")), ) }, [Equal_symbol](that) { return ( !!isHashSet(that) && hashMap_size(this._keyMap) === hashMap_size(that._keyMap) && equals(this._keyMap, that._keyMap) ) }, toString() { return format(this.toJSON()) }, toJSON() { return { _id: "HashSet", values: Array.from(this).map(toJSON) } }, [Inspectable_NodeInspectSymbol]() { return this.toJSON() }, pipe() { return Pipeable_pipeArguments(this, arguments) }, }, hashSet_makeImpl = keyMap => { const set = Object.create(HashSetProto) set._keyMap = keyMap return set }, isHashSet = u => Predicate_hasProperty(u, HashSetTypeId), hashSet_empty = hashSet_makeImpl(internal_hashMap_empty()), internal_hashSet_empty = () => hashSet_empty, hashSet_has = Function_dual(2, (self, value) => hashMap_has(self._keyMap, value), ), hashSet_beginMutation = self => hashSet_makeImpl(beginMutation(self._keyMap)), hashSet_endMutation = self => { self._keyMap._editable = !1 return self }, hashSet_mutate = Function_dual(2, (self, f) => { const transient = hashSet_beginMutation(self) f(transient) return hashSet_endMutation(transient) }), hashSet_add = Function_dual(2, (self, value) => self._keyMap._editable ? (hashMap_set(value, !0)(self._keyMap), self) : hashSet_makeImpl(hashMap_set(value, !0)(self._keyMap)), ), hashSet_remove = Function_dual(2, (self, value) => self._keyMap._editable ? (hashMap_remove(value)(self._keyMap), self) : hashSet_makeImpl(hashMap_remove(value)(self._keyMap)), ), hashSet_difference = Function_dual(2, (self, that) => hashSet_mutate(self, set => { for (const value of that) hashSet_remove(set, value) }), ), hashSet_union = Function_dual(2, (self, that) => hashSet_mutate(internal_hashSet_empty(), set => { hashSet_forEach(self, value => hashSet_add(set, value)) for (const value of that) hashSet_add(set, value) }), ), hashSet_forEach = Function_dual(2, (self, f) => hashMap_forEach(self._keyMap, (_, k) => f(k)), ), hashSet_reduce = Function_dual(3, (self, zero, f) => hashMap_reduce(self._keyMap, zero, (z, _, a) => f(z, a)), ), HashSet_empty = internal_hashSet_empty, HashSet_make = (...elements) => { const set = hashSet_beginMutation(internal_hashSet_empty()) for (const value of elements) hashSet_add(set, value) return hashSet_endMutation(set) }, HashSet_has = hashSet_has, HashSet_size = self => hashMap_size(self._keyMap), HashSet_add = hashSet_add, HashSet_remove = hashSet_remove, HashSet_difference = hashSet_difference, HashSet_union = hashSet_union, HashSet_reduce = hashSet_reduce, MutableRef_TypeId = Symbol.for("effect/MutableRef"), MutableRefProto = { [MutableRef_TypeId]: MutableRef_TypeId, toString() { return format(this.toJSON()) }, toJSON() { return { _id: "MutableRef", current: toJSON(this.current) } }, [Inspectable_NodeInspectSymbol]() { return this.toJSON() }, pipe() { return Pipeable_pipeArguments(this, arguments) }, }, MutableRef_make = value => { const ref = Object.create(MutableRefProto) ref.current = value return ref }, MutableRef_get = self => self.current, MutableRef_set = Function_dual(2, (self, value) => { self.current = value return self }), FiberIdTypeId = Symbol.for("effect/FiberId"), emptyHash = string("effect/FiberId-None") class None { [FiberIdTypeId] = FiberIdTypeId _tag = "None" id = -1 startTimeMillis = -1; [symbol]() { return emptyHash } [Equal_symbol](that) { return isFiberId(that) && "None" === that._tag } toString() { return format(this.toJSON()) } toJSON() { return { _id: "FiberId", _tag: this._tag } } [Inspectable_NodeInspectSymbol]() { return this.toJSON() } } class Runtime { id startTimeMillis; [FiberIdTypeId] = FiberIdTypeId _tag = "Runtime" constructor(id, startTimeMillis) { = id this.startTimeMillis = startTimeMillis } [symbol]() { return cached( this, string( `effect/FiberId-${this._tag}-${}-${this.startTimeMillis}`, ), ) } [Equal_symbol](that) { return ( isFiberId(that) && "Runtime" === that._tag && === && this.startTimeMillis === that.startTimeMillis ) } toString() { return format(this.toJSON()) } toJSON() { return { _id: "FiberId", _tag: this._tag, id:, startTimeMillis: this.startTimeMillis, } } [Inspectable_NodeInspectSymbol]() { return this.toJSON() } } const fiberId_none = new None(), isFiberId = self => Predicate_hasProperty(self, FiberIdTypeId), ids = self => { switch (self._tag) { case "None": return HashSet_empty() case "Runtime": return HashSet_make( case "Composite": return Function_pipe(ids(self.left), HashSet_union(ids(self.right))) } }, _fiberCounter = globalValue( Symbol.for("effect/Fiber/Id/_fiberCounter"), () => MutableRef_make(0), ), threadName = self => Array.from(ids(self)) .map(n => `#${n}`) .join(","), FiberId_none = fiberId_none, FiberId_threadName = threadName, FiberId_unsafeMake = () => { const id = MutableRef_get(_fiberCounter) Function_pipe(_fiberCounter, MutableRef_set(id + 1)) return new Runtime(id, }, HashMap_empty = internal_hashMap_empty, HashMap_get = hashMap_get, HashMap_set = hashMap_set, HashMap_keys = hashMap_keys, HashMap_size = hashMap_size, HashMap_modifyAt = modifyAt, HashMap_map = hashMap_map, HashMap_reduce = hashMap_reduce, List_TypeId = Symbol.for("effect/List"), List_toArray = self => Array_fromIterable(self), List_getEquivalence = isEquivalent => Equivalence_mapInput(Array_getEquivalence(isEquivalent), List_toArray), List_equivalence = List_getEquivalence(equals), ConsProto = { [List_TypeId]: List_TypeId, _tag: "Cons", toString() { return format(this.toJSON()) }, toJSON() { return { _id: "List", _tag: "Cons", values: List_toArray(this).map(toJSON), } }, [Inspectable_NodeInspectSymbol]() { return this.toJSON() }, [Equal_symbol](that) { return ( isList(that) && this._tag === that._tag && List_equivalence(this, that) ) }, [symbol]() { return cached(this, array(List_toArray(this))) }, [Symbol.iterator]() { let done = !1, self = this return { next() { if (done) return this.return() if ("Nil" === self._tag) { done = !0 return this.return() } const value = self.head self = self.tail return { done, value } }, return(value) { done || (done = !0) return { done: !0, value } }, } }, pipe() { return Pipeable_pipeArguments(this, arguments) }, }, makeCons = (head, tail) => { const cons = Object.create(ConsProto) cons.head = head cons.tail = tail return cons }, NilHash = string("Nil"), NilProto = { [List_TypeId]: List_TypeId, _tag: "Nil", toString() { return format(this.toJSON()) }, toJSON: () => ({ _id: "List", _tag: "Nil" }), [Inspectable_NodeInspectSymbol]() { return this.toJSON() }, [symbol]: () => NilHash, [Equal_symbol](that) { return isList(that) && this._tag === that._tag }, [Symbol.iterator]: () => ({ next: () => ({ done: !0, value: void 0 }), }), pipe() { return Pipeable_pipeArguments(this, arguments) }, }, _Nil = Object.create(NilProto), isList = u => Predicate_hasProperty(u, List_TypeId), isNil = self => "Nil" === self._tag, isCons = self => "Cons" === self._tag, cons = (head, tail) => makeCons(head, tail), List_empty = () => _Nil, List_of = value => makeCons(value, _Nil), List_appendAll = Function_dual(2, (self, that) => List_prependAll(that, self), ), List_prepend = Function_dual(2, (self, element) => cons(element, self)), List_prependAll = Function_dual(2, (self, prefix) => { if (isNil(self)) return prefix if (isNil(prefix)) return self { const r###lt = makeCons(prefix.head, self) let curr = r###lt, that = prefix.tail for (; !isNil(that); ) { const temp = makeCons(that.head, self) curr.tail = temp curr = temp that = that.tail } return r###lt } }), List_reduce = Function_dual(3, (self, zero, f) => { let acc = zero, these = self for (; !isNil(these); ) { acc = f(acc, these.head) these = these.tail } return acc }), List_reverse = self => { let r###lt = List_empty(), these = self for (; !isNil(these); ) { r###lt = List_prepend(r###lt, these.head) these = these.tail } return r###lt }, Structural = (Array.prototype, (function () { function Structural(args) { args && Object.assign(this, args) } Structural.prototype = effectable_StructuralPrototype return Structural })()) Structural.prototype const ContextPatchTypeId = Symbol.for("effect/DifferContextPatch") function contextPatch_variance(a) { return a } const contextPatch_PatchProto = { ...Structural.prototype, [ContextPatchTypeId]: { _Value: contextPatch_variance, _Patch: contextPatch_variance, }, }, contextPatch_EmptyProto = Object.assign( Object.create(contextPatch_PatchProto), { _tag: "Empty" }, ), contextPatch_empty = Object.create(contextPatch_EmptyProto), differ_contextPatch_empty = () => contextPatch_empty, contextPatch_AndThenProto = Object.assign( Object.create(contextPatch_PatchProto), { _tag: "AndThen" }, ), AddServiceProto = Object.assign(Object.create(contextPatch_PatchProto), { _tag: "AddService", }), makeAddService = (key, service) => { const o = Object.create(AddServiceProto) o.key = key o.service = service return o }, RemoveServiceProto = Object.assign( Object.create(contextPatch_PatchProto), { _tag: "RemoveService" }, ), makeRemoveService = key => { const o = Object.create(RemoveServiceProto) o.key = key return o }, UpdateServiceProto = Object.assign( Object.create(contextPatch_PatchProto), { _tag: "UpdateService" }, ), makeUpdateService = (key, update) => { const o = Object.create(UpdateServiceProto) o.key = key o.update = update return o }, contextPatch_combine = Function_dual(2, (self, that) => ((first, second) => { const o = Object.create(contextPatch_AndThenProto) o.first = first o.second = second return o })(self, that), ), contextPatch_patch = Function_dual(2, (self, context) => { if ("Empty" === self._tag) return context let wasServiceUpdated = !1, patches = Chunk_of(self) const updatedContext = new Map(context.unsafeMap) for (; isNonEmpty(patches); ) { const head = Chunk_headNonEmpty(patches), tail = Chunk_tailNonEmpty(patches) switch (head._tag) { case "Empty": patches = tail break case "AddService": updatedContext.set(head.key, head.service) patches = tail break case "AndThen": patches = Chunk_prepend( Chunk_prepend(tail, head.second), head.first, ) break case "RemoveService": updatedContext.delete(head.key) patches = tail break case "UpdateService": updatedContext.set( head.key, head.update(updatedContext.get(head.key)), ) wasServiceUpdated = !0 patches = tail } } if (!wasServiceUpdated) return makeContext(updatedContext) const map = new Map() for (const [tag] of context.unsafeMap) if (updatedContext.has(tag)) { map.set(tag, updatedContext.get(tag)) updatedContext.delete(tag) } for (const [tag, s] of updatedContext) map.set(tag, s) return makeContext(map) }) Structural.prototype const HashSetPatchTypeId = Symbol.for("effect/DifferHashSetPatch") function hashSetPatch_variance(a) { return a } const hashSetPatch_PatchProto = { ...Structural.prototype, [HashSetPatchTypeId]: { _Value: hashSetPatch_variance, _Key: hashSetPatch_variance, _Patch: hashSetPatch_variance, }, }, hashSetPatch_EmptyProto = Object.assign( Object.create(hashSetPatch_PatchProto), { _tag: "Empty" }, ), hashSetPatch_empty = Object.create(hashSetPatch_EmptyProto), differ_hashSetPatch_empty = () => hashSetPatch_empty, hashSetPatch_AndThenProto = Object.assign( Object.create(hashSetPatch_PatchProto), { _tag: "AndThen" }, ), hashSetPatch_AddProto = Object.assign( Object.create(hashSetPatch_PatchProto), { _tag: "Add" }, ), hashSetPatch_makeAdd = value => { const o = Object.create(hashSetPatch_AddProto) o.value = value return o }, hashSetPatch_RemoveProto = Object.assign( Object.create(hashSetPatch_PatchProto), { _tag: "Remove" }, ), hashSetPatch_combine = Function_dual(2, (self, that) => ((first, second) => { const o = Object.create(hashSetPatch_AndThenProto) o.first = first o.second = second return o })(self, that), ), hashSetPatch_patch = Function_dual(2, (self, oldValue) => { if ("Empty" === self._tag) return oldValue let set = oldValue, patches = Chunk_of(self) for (; isNonEmpty(patches); ) { const head = Chunk_headNonEmpty(patches), tail = Chunk_tailNonEmpty(patches) switch (head._tag) { case "Empty": patches = tail break case "AndThen": patches = Chunk_prepend(head.first)( Chunk_prepend(head.second)(tail), ) break case "Add": set = HashSet_add(head.value)(set) patches = tail break case "Remove": set = HashSet_remove(head.value)(set) patches = tail } } return set }) Structural.prototype const ReadonlyArrayPatchTypeId = Symbol.for( "effect/DifferReadonlyArrayPatch", ) function readonlyArrayPatch_variance(a) { return a } const readonlyArrayPatch_PatchProto = { ...Structural.prototype, [ReadonlyArrayPatchTypeId]: { _Value: readonlyArrayPatch_variance, _Patch: readonlyArrayPatch_variance, }, }, readonlyArrayPatch_EmptyProto = Object.assign( Object.create(readonlyArrayPatch_PatchProto), { _tag: "Empty" }, ), readonlyArrayPatch_empty = Object.create(readonlyArrayPatch_EmptyProto), differ_readonlyArrayPatch_empty = () => readonlyArrayPatch_empty, readonlyArrayPatch_AndThenProto = Object.assign( Object.create(readonlyArrayPatch_PatchProto), { _tag: "AndThen" }, ), readonlyArrayPatch_AppendProto = Object.assign( Object.create(readonlyArrayPatch_PatchProto), { _tag: "Append" }, ), readonlyArrayPatch_SliceProto = Object.assign( Object.create(readonlyArrayPatch_PatchProto), { _tag: "Slice" }, ), readonlyArrayPatch_UpdateProto = Object.assign( Object.create(readonlyArrayPatch_PatchProto), { _tag: "Update" }, ), readonlyArrayPatch_makeUpdate = (index, patch) => { const o = Object.create(readonlyArrayPatch_UpdateProto) o.index = index o.patch = patch return o }, readonlyArrayPatch_combine = Function_dual(2, (self, that) => ((first, second) => { const o = Object.create(readonlyArrayPatch_AndThenProto) o.first = first o.second = second return o })(self, that), ), readonlyArrayPatch_patch = Function_dual(3, (self, oldValue, differ) => { if ("Empty" === self._tag) return oldValue let readonlyArray = oldValue.slice(), patches = Array_of(self) for (; Array_isNonEmptyArray(patches); ) { const head = headNonEmpty(patches), tail = tailNonEmpty(patches) switch (head._tag) { case "Empty": patches = tail break case "AndThen": tail.unshift(head.first, head.second) patches = tail break case "Append": for (const value of head.values) readonlyArray.push(value) patches = tail break case "Slice": readonlyArray = readonlyArray.slice(head.from, head.until) patches = tail break case "Update": readonlyArray[head.index] = differ.patch( head.patch, readonlyArray[head.index], ) patches = tail } } return readonlyArray }), DifferProto = { [Symbol.for("effect/Differ")]: { _P: Function_identity, _V: Function_identity, }, }, differ_make = params => { const differ = Object.create(DifferProto) differ.empty = params.empty differ.diff = params.diff differ.combine = params.combine differ.patch = params.patch return differ }, differ_update = () => updateWith((_, a) => a), updateWith = f => differ_make({ empty: Function_identity, combine: (first, second) => first === Function_identity ? second : second === Function_identity ? first : a => second(first(a)), diff: (oldValue, newValue) => equals(oldValue, newValue) ? Function_identity : constant(newValue), patch: (patch, oldValue) => f(oldValue, patch(oldValue)), }), active = patch => 255 & patch, enabled = patch => (patch >> 8) & 255, runtimeFlagsPatch_make = (active, enabled) => (255 & active) + ((enabled & active & 255) << 8), runtimeFlagsPatch_empty = runtimeFlagsPatch_make(0, 0), exclude = Function_dual(2, (self, flag) => runtimeFlagsPatch_make(active(self) & ~flag, enabled(self)), ), runtimeFlagsPatch_andThen = Function_dual(2, (self, that) => self | that), cooperativeYielding = self => runtimeFlags_isEnabled(self, 32), runtimeFlags_enable = Function_dual(2, (self, flag) => self | flag), interruptible = self => interruption(self) && !windDown(self), interruption = self => runtimeFlags_isEnabled(self, 1), runtimeFlags_isEnabled = Function_dual( 2, (self, flag) => 0 != (self & flag), ), runtimeFlags_make = (...flags) => flags.reduce((a, b) => a | b, 0), runtimeFlags_none = runtimeFlags_make(0), runtimeMetrics = self => runtimeFlags_isEnabled(self, 4), windDown = self => runtimeFlags_isEnabled(self, 16), runtimeFlags_diff = Function_dual(2, (self, that) => runtimeFlagsPatch_make(self ^ that, that), ), runtimeFlags_patch = Function_dual( 2, (self, patch) => (self & (((~active(patch) >>> 0) & 255) | enabled(patch))) | (active(patch) & enabled(patch)), ), differ = differ_make({ empty: runtimeFlagsPatch_empty, diff: (oldValue, newValue) => runtimeFlags_diff(oldValue, newValue), combine: (first, second) => runtimeFlagsPatch_andThen(second)(first), patch: (_patch, oldValue) => runtimeFlags_patch(oldValue, _patch), }), RuntimeFlagsPatch_disable = flag => runtimeFlagsPatch_make(flag, 0), RuntimeFlagsPatch_exclude = exclude, CauseTypeId = Symbol.for("effect/Cause"), proto = { [CauseTypeId]: { _E: _ => _ }, [symbol]() { return Function_pipe( Hash_hash("effect/Cause"), combine(Hash_hash(flattenCause(this))), cached(this), ) }, [Equal_symbol](that) { return isCause(that) && causeEquals(this, that) }, pipe() { return Pipeable_pipeArguments(this, arguments) }, toJSON() { switch (this._tag) { case "Empty": return { _id: "Cause", _tag: this._tag } case "Die": return { _id: "Cause", _tag: this._tag, defect: toJSON(this.defect), } case "Interrupt": return { _id: "Cause", _tag: this._tag, fiberId: this.fiberId.toJSON(), } case "Fail": return { _id: "Cause", _tag: this._tag, failure: toJSON(this.error), } case "Sequential": case "Parallel": return { _id: "Cause", _tag: this._tag, left: toJSON(this.left), right: toJSON(this.right), } } }, toString() { return pretty(this) }, [Inspectable_NodeInspectSymbol]() { return this.toJSON() }, }, cause_empty = (() => { const o = Object.create(proto) o._tag = "Empty" return o })(), fail = error => { const o = Object.create(proto) o._tag = "Fail" o.error = error return o }, die = defect => { const o = Object.create(proto) o._tag = "Die" o.defect = defect return o }, interrupt = fiberId => { const o = Object.create(proto) o._tag = "Interrupt" o.fiberId = fiberId return o }, parallel = (left, right) => { const o = Object.create(proto) o._tag = "Parallel" o.left = left o.right = right return o }, sequential = (left, right) => { const o = Object.create(proto) o._tag = "Sequential" o.left = left o.right = right return o }, isCause = u => Predicate_hasProperty(u, CauseTypeId), isInterruptedOnly = self => reduceWithContext(void 0, IsInterruptedOnlyCauseReducer)(self), cause_defects = self => Chunk_reverse( cause_reduce(self, esm_Chunk_empty(), (list, cause) => "Die" === cause._tag ? Option_some(Function_pipe(list, Chunk_prepend(cause.defect))) : Option_none(), ), ), failureOrCause = self => { const option = (self => find(self, cause => "Fail" === cause._tag ? Option_some(cause.error) : Option_none(), ))(self) switch (option._tag) { case "None": return Either_right(self) case "Some": return Either_left(option.value) } }, stripFailures = self => cause_match(self, { onEmpty: cause_empty, onFail: () => cause_empty, onDie: defect => die(defect), onInterrupt: fiberId => interrupt(fiberId), onSequential: sequential, onParallel: parallel, }), causeEquals = (left, right) => { let leftStack = Chunk_of(left), rightStack = Chunk_of(right) for (; isNonEmpty(leftStack) && isNonEmpty(rightStack); ) { const [leftParallel, leftSequential] = Function_pipe( Chunk_headNonEmpty(leftStack), cause_reduce( [HashSet_empty(), esm_Chunk_empty()], ([parallel, sequential], cause) => { const [par, seq] = evaluateCause(cause) return Option_some([ Function_pipe(parallel, HashSet_union(par)), Function_pipe(sequential, Chunk_appendAll(seq)), ]) }, ), ), [rightParallel, rightSequential] = Function_pipe( Chunk_headNonEmpty(rightStack), cause_reduce( [HashSet_empty(), esm_Chunk_empty()], ([parallel, sequential], cause) => { const [par, seq] = evaluateCause(cause) return Option_some([ Function_pipe(parallel, HashSet_union(par)), Function_pipe(sequential, Chunk_appendAll(seq)), ]) }, ), ) if (!equals(leftParallel, rightParallel)) return !1 leftStack = leftSequential rightStack = rightSequential } return !0 }, flattenCause = cause => flattenCauseLoop(Chunk_of(cause), esm_Chunk_empty()), flattenCauseLoop = (causes, flattened) => { for (;;) { const [parallel, sequential] = Function_pipe( causes, Array_reduce( [HashSet_empty(), esm_Chunk_empty()], ([parallel, sequential], cause) => { const [par, seq] = evaluateCause(cause) return [ Function_pipe(parallel, HashSet_union(par)), Function_pipe(sequential, Chunk_appendAll(seq)), ] }, ), ), updated = HashSet_size(parallel) > 0 ? Function_pipe(flattened, Chunk_prepend(parallel)) : flattened if (Chunk_isEmpty(sequential)) return Chunk_reverse(updated) causes = sequential flattened = updated } throw new Error(getBugErrorMessage("Cause.flattenCauseLoop")) }, find = Function_dual(2, (self, pf) => { const stack = [self] for (; stack.length > 0; ) { const item = stack.pop(), option = pf(item) switch (option._tag) { case "None": switch (item._tag) { case "Sequential": case "Parallel": stack.push(item.right) stack.push(item.left) } break case "Some": return option } } return Option_none() }), evaluateCause = self => { let cause = self const stack = [] let _parallel = HashSet_empty(), _sequential = esm_Chunk_empty() for (; void 0 !== cause; ) switch (cause._tag) { case "Empty": if (0 === stack.length) return [_parallel, _sequential] cause = stack.pop() break case "Fail": _parallel = HashSet_add( _parallel, Chunk_make(cause._tag, cause.error), ) if (0 === stack.length) return [_parallel, _sequential] cause = stack.pop() break case "Die": _parallel = HashSet_add( _parallel, Chunk_make(cause._tag, cause.defect), ) if (0 === stack.length) return [_parallel, _sequential] cause = stack.pop() break case "Interrupt": _parallel = HashSet_add( _parallel, Chunk_make(cause._tag, cause.fiberId), ) if (0 === stack.length) return [_parallel, _sequential] cause = stack.pop() break case "Sequential": switch (cause.left._tag) { case "Empty": cause = cause.right break case "Sequential": cause = sequential( cause.left.left, sequential(cause.left.right, cause.right), ) break case "Parallel": cause = parallel( sequential(cause.left.left, cause.right), sequential(cause.left.right, cause.right), ) break default: _sequential = Chunk_prepend(_sequential, cause.right) cause = cause.left } break case "Parallel": stack.push(cause.right) cause = cause.left } throw new Error(getBugErrorMessage("Cause.evaluateCauseLoop")) }, IsInterruptedOnlyCauseReducer = { emptyCase: Function_constTrue, failCase: constFalse, dieCase: constFalse, interruptCase: Function_constTrue, sequentialCase: (_, left, right) => left && right, parallelCase: (_, left, right) => left && right, }, cause_match = Function_dual( 2, ( self, { onDie, onEmpty, onFail, onInterrupt, onParallel, onSequential }, ) => reduceWithContext(self, void 0, { emptyCase: () => onEmpty, failCase: (_, error) => onFail(error), dieCase: (_, defect) => onDie(defect), interruptCase: (_, fiberId) => onInterrupt(fiberId), sequentialCase: (_, left, right) => onSequential(left, right), parallelCase: (_, left, right) => onParallel(left, right), }), ), cause_reduce = Function_dual(3, (self, zero, pf) => { let accumulator = zero, cause = self const causes = [] for (; void 0 !== cause; ) { const option = pf(accumulator, cause) accumulator = Option_isSome(option) ? option.value : accumulator switch (cause._tag) { case "Sequential": case "Parallel": causes.push(cause.right) cause = cause.left break default: cause = void 0 } void 0 === cause && causes.length > 0 && (cause = causes.pop()) } return accumulator }), reduceWithContext = Function_dual(3, (self, context, reducer) => { const input = [self], output = [] for (; input.length > 0; ) { const cause = input.pop() switch (cause._tag) { case "Empty": output.push(Either_right(reducer.emptyCase(context))) break case "Fail": output.push(Either_right(reducer.failCase(context, cause.error))) break case "Die": output.push(Either_right(reducer.dieCase(context, cause.defect))) break case "Interrupt": output.push( Either_right(reducer.interruptCase(context, cause.fiberId)), ) break case "Sequential": input.push(cause.right) input.push(cause.left) output.push(Either_left({ _tag: "SequentialCase" })) break case "Parallel": input.push(cause.right) input.push(cause.left) output.push(Either_left({ _tag: "ParallelCase" })) } } const accumulator = [] for (; output.length > 0; ) { const either = output.pop() switch (either._tag) { case "Left": switch (either.left._tag) { case "SequentialCase": { const left = accumulator.pop(), right = accumulator.pop(), value = reducer.sequentialCase(context, left, right) accumulator.push(value) break } case "ParallelCase": { const left = accumulator.pop(), right = accumulator.pop(), value = reducer.parallelCase(context, left, right) accumulator.push(value) break } } break case "Right": accumulator.push(either.right) } } if (0 === accumulator.length) throw new Error( "BUG: Cause.reduceWithContext - please report an issue at", ) return accumulator.pop() }), pretty = (cause, options) => isInterruptedOnly(cause) ? "All fibers interrupted without errors." : cause_prettyErrors(cause) .map(function (e) { return !0 !== options?.renderErrorCause || void 0 === e.cause ? e.stack : `${e.stack} {\n${renderErrorCause(e.cause, " ")}\n}` }) .join("\n"), renderErrorCause = (cause, prefix) => { const lines = cause.stack.split("\n") let stack = `${prefix}[cause]: ${lines[0]}` for (let i = 1, len = lines.length; i < len; i++) stack += `\n${prefix}${lines[i]}` cause.cause && (stack += ` {\n${renderErrorCause(cause.cause, `${prefix} `)}\n${prefix}}`) return stack } class PrettyError extends globalThis.Error { span = void 0 constructor(originalError) { const originalErrorIsObject = "object" == typeof originalError && null !== originalError, prevLimit = Error.stackTraceLimit Error.stackTraceLimit = 1 super( prettyErrorMessage(originalError), originalErrorIsObject && "cause" in originalError && void 0 !== originalError.cause ? { cause: new PrettyError(originalError.cause) } : void 0, ) "" === this.message && (this.message = "An error has occurred") Error.stackTraceLimit = prevLimit = originalError instanceof Error ? : "Error" if (originalErrorIsObject) { spanSymbol in originalError && (this.span = originalError[spanSymbol]) Object.keys(originalError).forEach(key => { key in this || (this[key] = originalError[key]) }) } this.stack = prettyErrorStack( `${}: ${this.message}`, originalError instanceof Error && originalError.stack ? originalError.stack : "", this.span, ) } } const prettyErrorMessage = u => { if ("string" == typeof u) return u if ("object" == typeof u && null !== u && u instanceof Error) return u.message try { if ( Predicate_hasProperty(u, "toString") && Predicate_isFunction(u.toString) && u.toString !== Object.prototype.toString && u.toString !== globalThis.Array.prototype.toString ) return u.toString() } catch {} return JSON.stringify(u) }, locationRegex = /\((.*)\)/, spanToTrace = globalValue( "effect/Tracer/spanToTrace", () => new WeakMap(), ), prettyErrorStack = (message, stack, span) => { const out = [message], lines = stack.startsWith(message) ? stack.slice(message.length).split("\n") : stack.split("\n") for ( let i = 1; i < lines.length && !lines[i].includes(""); i++ ) { if (lines[i].includes("effect_internal_function")) { out.pop() break } out.push( lines[i] .replace(/at .*effect_instruction_i.*\((.*)\)/, "at $1") .replace(/EffectPrimitive\.\w+/, "<anonymous>"), ) } if (span) { let current = span, i = 0 for (; current && "Span" === current._tag && i < 10; ) { const stackFn = spanToTrace.get(current) if ("function" == typeof stackFn) { const stack = stackFn() if ("string" == typeof stack) { const locationMatch = stack.match(locationRegex), location = locationMatch ? locationMatch[1] : stack.replace(/^at /, "") out.push(` at ${} (${location})`) } else out.push(` at ${}`) } else out.push(` at ${}`) current = getOrUndefined(current.parent) i++ } } return out.join("\n") }, spanSymbol = Symbol.for("effect/SpanAnnotation"), cause_prettyErrors = cause => reduceWithContext(cause, void 0, { emptyCase: () => [], dieCase: (_, unknownError) => [new PrettyError(unknownError)], failCase: (_, error) => [new PrettyError(error)], interruptCase: () => [], parallelCase: (_, l, r) => [...l, ...r], sequentialCase: (_, l, r) => [...l, ...r], }), DeferredTypeId = Symbol.for("effect/Deferred"), deferredVariance = { _E: _ => _, _A: _ => _ }, done = effect => ({ _tag: "Done", effect }) class singleShotGen_SingleShotGen { self called = !1 constructor(self) { this.self = self } next(a) { return this.called ? { value: a, done: !0 } : ((this.called = !0), { value: this.self, done: !1 }) } return(a) { return { value: a, done: !0 } } throw(e) { throw e } [Symbol.iterator]() { return new singleShotGen_SingleShotGen(this.self) } } const TracerTypeId = Symbol.for("effect/Tracer"), tracer_make = options => ({ [TracerTypeId]: TracerTypeId, ...options }), tracerTag = GenericTag("effect/Tracer"), spanTag = GenericTag("effect/ParentSpan"), randomHexString = (function () { return function (length) { let r###lt = "" for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) r###lt += "abcdef0123456789".charAt(Math.floor(16 * Math.random())) return r###lt } })() class NativeSpan { name parent context links startTime kind _tag = "Span" spanId traceId = "native" sampled = !0 status attributes events = [] constructor(name, parent, context, links, startTime, kind) { = name this.parent = parent this.context = context this.links = links this.startTime = startTime this.kind = kind this.status = { _tag: "Started", startTime } this.attributes = new Map() this.traceId = "Some" === parent._tag ? parent.value.traceId : randomHexString(32) this.spanId = randomHexString(16) } end(endTime, exit) { this.status = { _tag: "Ended", endTime, exit, startTime: this.status.startTime, } } attribute(key, value) { this.attributes.set(key, value) } event(name, startTime, attributes) {[name, startTime, attributes ?? {}]) } } const nativeTracer = tracer_make({ span: (name, parent, context, links, startTime, kind) => new NativeSpan(name, parent, context, links, startTime, kind), context: f => f(), }), EffectErrorTypeId = Symbol.for("effect/EffectError"), isEffectError = u => Predicate_hasProperty(u, EffectErrorTypeId), blocked = (blockedRequests, _continue) => { const effect = new EffectPrimitive("Blocked") effect.effect_instruction_i0 = blockedRequests effect.effect_instruction_i1 = _continue return effect }, core_EffectTypeId = Symbol.for("effect/Effect") class RevertFlags { patch op _op = "RevertFlags" constructor(patch, op) { this.patch = patch this.op = op } } class EffectPrimitive { _op effect_instruction_i0 = void 0 effect_instruction_i1 = void 0 effect_instruction_i2 = void 0 trace = void 0; [core_EffectTypeId] = effectVariance constructor(_op) { this._op = _op } [Equal_symbol](that) { return this === that } [symbol]() { return cached(this, random(this)) } pipe() { return Pipeable_pipeArguments(this, arguments) } toJSON() { return { _id: "Effect", _op: this._op, effect_instruction_i0: toJSON(this.effect_instruction_i0), effect_instruction_i1: toJSON(this.effect_instruction_i1), effect_instruction_i2: toJSON(this.effect_instruction_i2), } } toString() { return format(this.toJSON()) } [Inspectable_NodeInspectSymbol]() { return this.toJSON() } [Symbol.iterator]() { return new singleShotGen_SingleShotGen(new YieldWrap(this)) } } class EffectPrimitiveFailure { _op effect_instruction_i0 = void 0 effect_instruction_i1 = void 0 effect_instruction_i2 = void 0 trace = void 0; [core_EffectTypeId] = effectVariance constructor(_op) { this._op = _op this._tag = _op } [Equal_symbol](that) { return ( exitIsExit(that) && "Failure" === that._op && equals(this.effect_instruction_i0, that.effect_instruction_i0) ) } [symbol]() { return Function_pipe( string(this._tag), combine(Hash_hash(this.effect_instruction_i0)), cached(this), ) } get cause() { return this.effect_instruction_i0 } pipe() { return Pipeable_pipeArguments(this, arguments) } toJSON() { return { _id: "Exit", _tag: this._op, cause: this.cause.toJSON() } } toString() { return format(this.toJSON()) } [Inspectable_NodeInspectSymbol]() { return this.toJSON() } [Symbol.iterator]() { return new singleShotGen_SingleShotGen(new YieldWrap(this)) } } class EffectPrimitiv###ccess { _op effect_instruction_i0 = void 0 effect_instruction_i1 = void 0 effect_instruction_i2 = void 0 trace = void 0; [core_EffectTypeId] = effectVariance constructor(_op) { this._op = _op this._tag = _op } [Equal_symbol](that) { return ( exitIsExit(that) && "Success" === that._op && equals(this.effect_instruction_i0, that.effect_instruction_i0) ) } [symbol]() { return Function_pipe( string(this._tag), combine(Hash_hash(this.effect_instruction_i0)), cached(this), ) } get value() { return this.effect_instruction_i0 } pipe() { return Pipeable_pipeArguments(this, arguments) } toJSON() { return { _id: "Exit", _tag: this._op, value: toJSON(this.value) } } toString() { return format(this.toJSON()) } [Inspectable_NodeInspectSymbol]() { return this.toJSON() } [Symbol.iterator]() { return new singleShotGen_SingleShotGen(new YieldWrap(this)) } } const isEffect = u => Predicate_hasProperty(u, core_EffectTypeId), withFiberRuntime = withRuntime => { const effect = new EffectPrimitive("WithRuntime") effect.effect_instruction_i0 = withRuntime return effect }, acquireUseRelease = Function_dual(3, (acquire, use, release) => uninterruptibleMask(restore => core_flatMap(acquire, a => core_flatMap(core_exit(suspend(() => restore(use(a)))), exit => suspend(() => release(a, exit)).pipe( matchCauseEffect({ onFailure: cause => { switch (exit._tag) { case "Failure": return failCause( parallel(exit.effect_instruction_i0, cause), ) case "Success": return failCause(cause) } }, onSuccess: () => exit, }), ), ), ), ), ), core_as = Function_dual(2, (self, value) => core_flatMap(self, () => succeed(value)), ), core_asVoid = self => core_as(self, void 0), custom = function () { const wrapper = new EffectPrimitive("Commit") switch (arguments.length) { case 2: wrapper.effect_instruction_i0 = arguments[0] wrapper.commit = arguments[1] break case 3: wrapper.effect_instruction_i0 = arguments[0] wrapper.effect_instruction_i1 = arguments[1] wrapper.commit = arguments[2] break case 4: wrapper.effect_instruction_i0 = arguments[0] wrapper.effect_instruction_i1 = arguments[1] wrapper.effect_instruction_i2 = arguments[2] wrapper.commit = arguments[3] break default: throw new Error( getBugErrorMessage("you're not supposed to end up here"), ) } return wrapper }, core_async = (register, blockingOn = FiberId_none) => custom(register, function () { let backingR###me, pendingEffect function proxyR###me(effect) { backingR###me ? backingR###me(effect) : void 0 === pendingEffect && (pendingEffect = effect) } const effect = new EffectPrimitive("Async") effect.effect_instruction_i0 = r###me => { backingR###me = r###me pendingEffect && r###me(pendingEffect) } effect.effect_instruction_i1 = blockingOn let cancelerRef, controllerRef if (1 !== this.effect_instruction_i0.length) { controllerRef = new AbortController() cancelerRef = internalCall(() => this.effect_instruction_i0(proxyR###me, controllerRef.signal), ) } else cancelerRef = internalCall(() => this.effect_instruction_i0(proxyR###me), ) return cancelerRef || controllerRef ? onInterrupt(effect, _ => { controllerRef && controllerRef.abort() return cancelerRef ?? core_void_ }) : effect }), catchAll = Function_dual(2, (self, f) => matchEffect(self, { onFailure: f, onSuccess: succeed }), ), core_spanSymbol = Symbol.for("effect/SpanAnnotation"), originalSymbol = Symbol.for("effect/OriginalAnnotation"), capture = (obj, span) => Option_isSome(span) ? new Proxy(obj, { has: (target, p) => p === core_spanSymbol || p === originalSymbol || p in target, get: (target, p) => p === core_spanSymbol ? span.value : p === originalSymbol ? obj : target[p], }) : obj, core_die = defect => Predicate_isObject(defect) && !(core_spanSymbol in defect) ? withFiberRuntime(fiber => failCause(die(capture(defect, currentSpanFromFiber(fiber)))), ) : failCause(die(defect)), core_either = self => matchEffect(self, { onFailure: e => succeed(Either_left(e)), onSuccess: a => succeed(Either_right(a)), }), core_exit = self => matchCause(self, { onFailure: exitFailCause, onSuccess: exitSucceed }), core_fail = error => Predicate_isObject(error) && !(core_spanSymbol in error) ? withFiberRuntime(fiber => failCause(fail(capture(error, currentSpanFromFiber(fiber)))), ) : failCause(fail(error)), failSync = evaluate => core_flatMap(sync(evaluate), core_fail), failCause = cause => { const effect = new EffectPrimitiveFailure("Failure") effect.effect_instruction_i0 = cause return effect }, fiberId = withFiberRuntime(state => succeed(, fiberIdWith = f => withFiberRuntime(state => f(, core_flatMap = Function_dual(2, (self, f) => { const effect = new EffectPrimitive("OnSuccess") effect.effect_instruction_i0 = self effect.effect_instruction_i1 = f return effect }), step = self => { const effect = new EffectPrimitive("OnStep") effect.effect_instruction_i0 = self return effect }, core_flatten = self => core_flatMap(self, Function_identity), matchCause = Function_dual(2, (self, options) => matchCauseEffect(self, { onFailure: cause => succeed(options.onFailure(cause)), onSuccess: a => succeed(options.onSuccess(a)), }), ), matchCauseEffect = Function_dual(2, (self, options) => { const effect = new EffectPrimitive("OnSuccessAndFailure") effect.effect_instruction_i0 = self effect.effect_instruction_i1 = options.onFailure effect.effect_instruction_i2 = options.onSuccess return effect }), matchEffect = Function_dual(2, (self, options) => matchCauseEffect(self, { onFailure: cause => { if (cause_defects(cause).length > 0) return failCause( (self => cause_match(self, { onEmpty: cause_empty, onFail: failure => die(failure), onDie: defect => die(defect), onInterrupt: fiberId => interrupt(fiberId), onSequential: (left, right) => sequential(left, right), onParallel: (left, right) => parallel(left, right), }))(cause), ) const failures = (self => Chunk_reverse( cause_reduce(self, esm_Chunk_empty(), (list, cause) => "Fail" === cause._tag ? Option_some( Function_pipe(list, Chunk_prepend(cause.error)), ) : Option_none(), ), ))(cause) return failures.length > 0 ? options.onFailure(Chunk_unsafeHead(failures)) : failCause(cause) }, onSuccess: options.onSuccess, }), ), forEachSequential = Function_dual(2, (self, f) => suspend(() => { const arr = Array_fromIterable(self), ret = allocate(arr.length) let i = 0 return core_as( whileLoop({ while: () => i < arr.length, body: () => f(arr[i], i), step: b => { ret[i++] = b }, }), ret, ) }), ), forEachSequentialDiscard = Function_dual(2, (self, f) => suspend(() => { const arr = Array_fromIterable(self) let i = 0 return whileLoop({ while: () => i < arr.length, body: () => f(arr[i], i), step: () => { i++ }, }) }), ), core_interruptible = self => { const effect = new EffectPrimitive("UpdateRuntimeFlags") effect.effect_instruction_i0 = runtimeFlagsPatch_make((flag = 1), flag) var flag effect.effect_instruction_i1 = () => self return effect }, core_map = Function_dual(2, (self, f) => core_flatMap(self, a => sync(() => f(a))), ), core_mapBoth = Function_dual(2, (self, options) => matchEffect(self, { onFailure: e => failSync(() => options.onFailure(e)), onSuccess: a => sync(() => options.onSuccess(a)), }), ), mapError = Function_dual(2, (self, f) => matchCauseEffect(self, { onFailure: cause => { const either = failureOrCause(cause) switch (either._tag) { case "Left": return failSync(() => f(either.left)) case "Right": return failCause(either.right) } }, onSuccess: succeed, }), ), onExit = Function_dual(2, (self, cleanup) => uninterruptibleMask(restore => matchCauseEffect(restore(self), { onFailure: cause1 => { const r###lt = exitFailCause(cause1) return matchCauseEffect(cleanup(r###lt), { onFailure: cause2 => exitFailCause(sequential(cause1, cause2)), onSuccess: () => r###lt, }) }, onSuccess: success => { const r###lt = exitSucceed(success) return core_zipRight(cleanup(r###lt), r###lt) }, }), ), ), onInterrupt = Function_dual(2, (self, cleanup) => onExit( self, exitMatch({ onFailure: cause => isInterruptedOnly(cause) ? core_asVoid( cleanup( (self => cause_reduce(self, HashSet_empty(), (set, cause) => "Interrupt" === cause._tag ? Option_some( Function_pipe(set, HashSet_add(cause.fiberId)), ) : Option_none(), ))(cause), ), ) : core_void_, onSuccess: () => core_void_, }), ), ), core_orElse = Function_dual(2, (self, that) => attemptOrElse(self, that, succeed), ), orDieWith = Function_dual(2, (self, f) => matchEffect(self, { onFailure: e => core_die(f(e)), onSuccess: succeed, }), ), succeed = value => { const effect = new EffectPrimitiv###ccess("Success") effect.effect_instruction_i0 = value return effect }, suspend = effect => core_flatMap(sync(effect), Function_identity), sync = evaluate => { const effect = new EffectPrimitive("Sync") effect.effect_instruction_i0 = evaluate return effect }, core_tap = Function_dual(2, (self, f) => core_flatMap(self, a => { const b = "function" == typeof f ? f(a) : f return isEffect(b) ? core_as(b, a) : Predicate_hasProperty((input = b), "then") && Predicate_isFunction(input.then) ? core_async(r###me => { b.then( _ => r###me(succeed(a)), e => r###me(core_fail(new UnknownException(e))), ) }) : succeed(a) var input }), ), attemptOrElse = Function_dual(3, (self, that, onSuccess) => matchCauseEffect(self, { onFailure: cause => cause_defects(cause).length > 0 ? failCause( getOrThrow( (self => cause_match(self, { onEmpty: Option_none(), onFail: failure => Option_some(die(failure)), onDie: defect => Option_some(die(defect)), onInterrupt: () => Option_none(), onSequential: (left, right) => Option_isSome(left) && Option_isSome(right) ? Option_some(sequential(left.value, right.value)) : Option_isSome(left) && Option_isNone(right) ? Option_some(left.value) : Option_isNone(left) && Option_isSome(right) ? Option_some(right.value) : Option_none(), onParallel: (left, right) => Option_isSome(left) && Option_isSome(right) ? Option_some(parallel(left.value, right.value)) : Option_isSome(left) && Option_isNone(right) ? Option_some(left.value) : Option_isNone(left) && Option_isSome(right) ? Option_some(right.value) : Option_none(), }))(cause), ), ) : that(), onSuccess, }), ), uninterruptible = self => { const effect = new EffectPrimitive("UpdateRuntimeFlags") effect.effect_instruction_i0 = RuntimeFlagsPatch_disable(1) effect.effect_instruction_i1 = () => self return effect }, uninterruptibleMask = f => custom(f, function () { const effect = new EffectPrimitive("UpdateRuntimeFlags") effect.effect_instruction_i0 = RuntimeFlagsPatch_disable(1) effect.effect_instruction_i1 = oldFlags => interruption(oldFlags) ? internalCall(() => this.effect_instruction_i0(core_interruptible), ) : internalCall(() => this.effect_instruction_i0(uninterruptible)) return effect }), core_void_ = succeed(void 0), whenEffect = Function_dual(2, (self, condition) => core_flatMap(condition, b => b ? Function_pipe(self, core_map(Option_some)) : succeed(Option_none()), ), ), whileLoop = options => { const effect = new EffectPrimitive("While") effect.effect_instruction_i0 = options.while effect.effect_instruction_i1 = options.body effect.effect_instruction_i2 = options.step return effect }, withConcurrency = Function_dual(2, (self, concurrency) => fiberRefLocally(self, currentConcurrency, concurrency), ), withRuntimeFlags = Function_dual(2, (self, update) => { const effect = new EffectPrimitive("UpdateRuntimeFlags") effect.effect_instruction_i0 = update effect.effect_instruction_i1 = () => self return effect }), yieldNow = options => { const effect = new EffectPrimitive("Yield") return void 0 !== options?.priority ? withSchedulingPriority(effect, options.priority) : effect }, core_zip = Function_dual(2, (self, that) => core_flatMap(self, a => core_map(that, b => [a, b])), ), core_zipLeft = Function_dual(2, (self, that) => core_flatMap(self, a => core_as(that, a)), ), core_zipRight = Function_dual(2, (self, that) => core_flatMap(self, () => that), ), core_zipWith = Function_dual(3, (self, that, f) => core_flatMap(self, a => core_map(that, b => f(a, b))), ), interruptAsFiber = Function_dual(2, (self, fiberId) => core_flatMap(self.interruptAsFork(fiberId), () => self.await), ), logLevelFatal = (Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER, { _tag: "Fatal", syslog: 2, label: "FATAL", ordinal: 5e4, pipe() { return Pipeable_pipeArguments(this, arguments) }, }), logLevelError = { _tag: "Error", syslog: 3, label: "ERROR", ordinal: 4e4, pipe() { return Pipeable_pipeArguments(this, arguments) }, }, logLevelWarning = { _tag: "Warning", syslog: 4, label: "WARN", ordinal: 3e4, pipe() { return Pipeable_pipeArguments(this, arguments) }, }, logLevelInfo = { _tag: "Info", syslog: 6, label: "INFO", ordinal: 2e4, pipe() { return Pipeable_pipeArguments(this, arguments) }, }, logLevelDebug = { _tag: "Debug", syslog: 7, label: "DEBUG", ordinal: 1e4, pipe() { return Pipeable_pipeArguments(this, arguments) }, }, logLevelTrace = { _tag: "Trace", syslog: 7, label: "TRACE", ordinal: 0, pipe() { return Pipeable_pipeArguments(this, arguments) }, }, FiberRefTypeId = (Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, Symbol.for("effect/FiberRef")), fiberRefVariance = { _A: _ => _ }, fiberRefGet = self => fiberRefModify(self, a => [a, a]), fiberRefGetWith = Function_dual(2, (self, f) => core_flatMap(fiberRefGet(self), f), ), fiberRefSet = Function_dual(2, (self, value) => fiberRefModify(self, () => [void 0, value]), ), fiberRefModify = Function_dual(2, (self, f) => withFiberRuntime(state => { const [b, a] = f(state.getFiberRef(self)) state.setFiberRef(self, a) return succeed(b) }), ), fiberRefLocally = Function_dual(3, (use, self, value) => acquireUseRelease( core_zipLeft(fiberRefGet(self), fiberRefSet(self, value)), () => use, oldValue => fiberRefSet(self, oldValue), ), ), fiberRefLocallyWith = Function_dual(3, (use, self, f) => fiberRefGetWith(self, a => fiberRefLocally(use, self, f(a))), ), fiberRefUnsafeMake = (initial, options) => fiberRefUnsafeMakePatch(initial, { differ: differ_update(), fork: options?.fork ?? Function_identity, join: options?.join, }), fiberRefUnsafeMakeContext = initial => { const differ = differ_make({ empty: differ_contextPatch_empty(), combine: (first, second) => contextPatch_combine(second)(first), diff: (oldValue, newValue) => ((oldValue, newValue) => { const missingServices = new Map(oldValue.unsafeMap) let patch = differ_contextPatch_empty() for (const [tag, newService] of newValue.unsafeMap.entries()) if (missingServices.has(tag)) { const old = missingServices.get(tag) missingServices.delete(tag) equals(old, newService) || (patch = contextPatch_combine( makeUpdateService(tag, () => newService), )(patch)) } else { missingServices.delete(tag) patch = contextPatch_combine(makeAddService(tag, newService))( patch, ) } for (const [tag] of missingServices.entries()) patch = contextPatch_combine(makeRemoveService(tag))(patch) return patch })(oldValue, newValue), patch: (patch, oldValue) => contextPatch_patch(oldValue)(patch), }) return fiberRefUnsafeMakePatch(initial, { differ, fork: differ.empty }) }, fiberRefUnsafeMakePatch = (initial, options) => ({ [FiberRefTypeId]: fiberRefVariance, initial, diff: (oldValue, newValue) => options.differ.diff(oldValue, newValue), combine: (first, second) => options.differ.combine(first, second), patch: patch => oldValue => options.differ.patch(patch, oldValue), fork: options.fork, join: options.join ?? ((_, n) => n), pipe() { return Pipeable_pipeArguments(this, arguments) }, }), fiberRefUnsafeMakeRuntimeFlags = initial => fiberRefUnsafeMakePatch(initial, { differ, fork: differ.empty }), currentContext = globalValue( Symbol.for("effect/FiberRef/currentContext"), () => fiberRefUnsafeMakeContext(Context_empty()), ), currentSchedulingPriority = globalValue( Symbol.for("effect/FiberRef/currentSchedulingPriority"), () => fiberRefUnsafeMake(0), ), currentMaxOpsBeforeYield = globalValue( Symbol.for("effect/FiberRef/currentMaxOpsBeforeYield"), () => fiberRefUnsafeMake(2048), ), currentLogAnnotations = globalValue( Symbol.for("effect/FiberRef/currentLogAnnotation"), () => fiberRefUnsafeMake(HashMap_empty()), ), currentLogLevel = globalValue( Symbol.for("effect/FiberRef/currentLogLevel"), () => fiberRefUnsafeMake(logLevelInfo), ), currentLogSpan = globalValue( Symbol.for("effect/FiberRef/currentLogSpan"), () => fiberRefUnsafeMake(List_empty()), ), withSchedulingPriority = Function_dual(2, (self, scheduler) => fiberRefLocally(self, currentSchedulingPriority, scheduler), ), currentConcurrency = globalValue( Symbol.for("effect/FiberRef/currentConcurrency"), () => fiberRefUnsafeMake("unbounded"), ), currentRequestBatching = globalValue( Symbol.for("effect/FiberRef/currentRequestBatching"), () => fiberRefUnsafeMake(!0), ), currentUnhandledErrorLogLevel = globalValue( Symbol.for("effect/FiberRef/currentUnhandledErrorLogLevel"), () => fiberRefUnsafeMake(Option_some(logLevelDebug)), ), currentMetricLabels = globalValue( Symbol.for("effect/FiberRef/currentMetricLabels"), () => (initial => { const differ = (differ => differ_make({ empty: differ_readonlyArrayPatch_empty(), combine: (first, second) => readonlyArrayPatch_combine(first, second), diff: (oldValue, newValue) => (options => { let i = 0, patch = differ_readonlyArrayPatch_empty() for ( ; i < options.oldValue.length && i < options.newValue.length; ) { const oldElement = options.oldValue[i], newElement = options.newValue[i], valuePatch = options.differ.diff(oldElement, newElement) equals(valuePatch, options.differ.empty) || (patch = readonlyArrayPatch_combine( patch, readonlyArrayPatch_makeUpdate(i, valuePatch), )) i += 1 } i < options.oldValue.length && (patch = readonlyArrayPatch_combine( patch, ((from, until) => { const o = Object.create(readonlyArrayPatch_SliceProto) o.from = 0 o.until = until return o })(0, i), )) i < options.newValue.length && (patch = readonlyArrayPatch_combine( patch, (values => { const o = Object.create( readonlyArrayPatch_AppendProto, ) o.values = values return o })(Array_drop(i)(options.newValue)), )) return patch })({ oldValue, newValue, differ }), patch: (patch, oldValue) => readonlyArrayPatch_patch(patch, oldValue, differ), }))(differ_update()) return fiberRefUnsafeMakePatch([], { differ, fork: differ.empty }) })(), ), currentForkScopeOverride = globalValue( Symbol.for("effect/FiberRef/currentForkScopeOverride"), () => fiberRefUnsafeMake(Option_none(), { fork: () => Option_none(), join: (parent, _) => parent, }), ), currentInterruptedCause = globalValue( Symbol.for("effect/FiberRef/currentInterruptedCause"), () => fiberRefUnsafeMake(cause_empty, { fork: () => cause_empty, join: (parent, _) => parent, }), ), ScopeTypeId = Symbol.for("effect/Scope"), CloseableScopeTypeId = Symbol.for("effect/CloseableScope"), scopeAddFinalizerExit = (self, finalizer) => self.addFinalizer(finalizer), scopeClose = (self, exit) => self.close(exit), scopeFork = (self, strategy) => self.fork(strategy), YieldableError = (function () { class YieldableError extends globalThis.Error { commit() { return core_fail(this) } toJSON() { return { ...this } } [Inspectable_NodeInspectSymbol]() { return this.toString !== globalThis.Error.prototype.toString ? this.stack ? `${this.toString()}\n${this.stack.split("\n").slice(1).join("\n")}` : this.toString() : "Bun" in globalThis ? pretty(fail(this), { renderErrorCause: !0 }) : this } } Object.assign(YieldableError.prototype, StructuralCommitPrototype) return YieldableError })(), makeException = (proto, tag) => { class Base extends YieldableError { _tag = tag } Object.assign(Base.prototype, proto) = tag return Base }, RuntimeExceptionTypeId = Symbol.for( "effect/Cause/errors/RuntimeException", ), RuntimeException = makeException( { [RuntimeExceptionTypeId]: RuntimeExceptionTypeId }, "RuntimeException", ), InterruptedExceptionTypeId = Symbol.for( "effect/Cause/errors/InterruptedException", ), isInterruptedException = u => Predicate_hasProperty(u, InterruptedExceptionTypeId), NoSuchElementExceptionTypeId = Symbol.for( "effect/Cause/errors/NoSuchElement", ), NoSuchElementException = makeException( { [NoSuchElementExceptionTypeId]: NoSuchElementExceptionTypeId }, "NoSuchElementException", ), UnknownExceptionTypeId = Symbol.for( "effect/Cause/errors/UnknownException", ), UnknownException = (function () { class UnknownException extends YieldableError { cause _tag = "UnknownException" error constructor(cause, message) { super(message ?? "An unknown error occurred", { cause }) this.cause = cause this.error = cause } } Object.assign(UnknownException.prototype, { [UnknownExceptionTypeId]: UnknownExceptionTypeId, name: "UnknownException", }) return UnknownException })(), exitIsExit = u => isEffect(u) && "_tag" in u && ("Success" === u._tag || "Failure" === u._tag), exitAs = Function_dual(2, (self, value) => { switch (self._tag) { case "Failure": return exitFailCause(self.effect_instruction_i0) case "Success": return exitSucceed(value) } }), exitAsVoid = self => exitAs(self, void 0), exitCollectAll = (exits, options) => exitCollectAllInternal( exits, options?.parallel ? parallel : sequential, ), exitDie = defect => exitFailCause(die(defect)), exitFail = error => exitFailCause(fail(error)), exitFailCause = cause => { const effect = new EffectPrimitiveFailure("Failure") effect.effect_instruction_i0 = cause return effect }, exitMap = Function_dual(2, (self, f) => { switch (self._tag) { case "Failure": return exitFailCause(self.effect_instruction_i0) case "Success": return exitSucceed(f(self.effect_instruction_i0)) } }), exitMatch = Function_dual(2, (self, { onFailure, onSuccess }) => { switch (self._tag) { case "Failure": return onFailure(self.effect_instruction_i0) case "Success": return onSuccess(self.effect_instruction_i0) } }), exitMatchEffect = Function_dual(2, (self, { onFailure, onSuccess }) => { switch (self._tag) { case "Failure": return onFailure(self.effect_instruction_i0) case "Success": return onSuccess(self.effect_instruction_i0) } }), exitSucceed = value => { const effect = new EffectPrimitiv###ccess("Success") effect.effect_instruction_i0 = value return effect }, exitVoid = exitSucceed(void 0), exitZipWith = Function_dual(3, (self, that, { onFailure, onSuccess }) => { switch (self._tag) { case "Failure": switch (that._tag) { case "Success": return exitFailCause(self.effect_instruction_i0) case "Failure": return exitFailCause( onFailure( self.effect_instruction_i0, that.effect_instruction_i0, ), ) } case "Success": switch (that._tag) { case "Success": return exitSucceed( onSuccess( self.effect_instruction_i0, that.effect_instruction_i0, ), ) case "Failure": return exitFailCause(that.effect_instruction_i0) } } }), exitCollectAllInternal = (exits, combineCauses) => { const list = Chunk_fromIterable(exits) return isNonEmpty(list) ? Function_pipe( Chunk_tailNonEmpty(list), Array_reduce( Function_pipe(Chunk_headNonEmpty(list), exitMap(Chunk_of)), (accumulator, current) => Function_pipe( accumulator, exitZipWith(current, { onSuccess: (list, value) => Function_pipe(list, Chunk_prepend(value)), onFailure: combineCauses, }), ), ), exitMap(Chunk_reverse), exitMap(chunk => toReadonlyArray(chunk)), Option_some, ) : Option_none() }, deferredUnsafeMake = fiberId => { return { [DeferredTypeId]: deferredVariance, state: MutableRef_make( ((joiners = []), { _tag: "Pending", joiners }), ), blockingOn: fiberId, pipe() { return Pipeable_pipeArguments(this, arguments) }, } var joiners }, deferredAwait = self => core_async(r###me => { const state = MutableRef_get(self.state) switch (state._tag) { case "Done": return r###me(state.effect) case "Pending": state.joiners.push(r###me) return deferredInterruptJoiner(self, r###me) } }, self.blockingOn), deferredCompleteWith = Function_dual(2, (self, effect) => sync(() => { const state = MutableRef_get(self.state) switch (state._tag) { case "Done": return !1 case "Pending": MutableRef_set(self.state, done(effect)) for (let i = 0, len = state.joiners.length; i < len; i++) state.joiners[i](effect) return !0 } }), ), deferredFailCause = Function_dual(2, (self, cause) => deferredCompleteWith(self, failCause(cause)), ), deferredSucceed = Function_dual(2, (self, value) => deferredCompleteWith(self, succeed(value)), ), deferredUnsafeDone = (self, effect) => { const state = MutableRef_get(self.state) if ("Pending" === state._tag) { MutableRef_set(self.state, done(effect)) for (let i = 0, len = state.joiners.length; i < len; i++) state.joiners[i](effect) } }, deferredInterruptJoiner = (self, joiner) => sync(() => { const state = MutableRef_get(self.state) if ("Pending" === state._tag) { const index = state.joiners.indexOf(joiner) index >= 0 && state.joiners.splice(index, 1) } }), constContext = fiberRefGet(currentContext), contextWithEffect = f => core_flatMap(constContext, f), provideContext = Function_dual(2, (self, context) => fiberRefLocally(currentContext, context)(self), ), provideSomeContext = Function_dual(2, (self, context) => fiberRefLocallyWith(currentContext, parent => Context_merge(parent, context), )(self), ), mapInputContext = Function_dual(2, (self, f) => contextWithEffect(context => provideContext(self, f(context))), ), currentSpanFromFiber = fiber => { const span = fiber .getFiberRef(currentContext) .unsafeMap.get(spanTag.key) return void 0 !== span && "Span" === span._tag ? Option_some(span) : Option_none() }, ClockTypeId = Symbol.for("effect/Clock"), clockTag = GenericTag("effect/Clock"), globalClockScheduler = { unsafeSchedule(task, duration) { const millis = toMillis(duration) if (millis > 2147483647) return constFalse let completed = !1 const handle = setTimeout(() => { completed = !0 task() }, millis) return () => { clearTimeout(handle) return !completed } }, }, performanceNowNanos = (function () { const bigint1e6 = BigInt(1e6) if ("undefined" == typeof performance) return () => BigInt( * bigint1e6 if ( "number" == typeof performance.timeOrigin && 0 === performance.timeOrigin ) return () => BigInt(Math.round(1e6 * const origin = BigInt( * bigint1e6 - BigInt(Math.round(1e6 * return () => origin + BigInt(Math.round(1e6 * })(), processOrPerformanceNow = (function () { const processHrtime = "object" == typeof process && "hrtime" in process && "function" == typeof process.hrtime.bigint ? process.hrtime : void 0 if (!processHrtime) return performanceNowNanos const origin = performanceNowNanos() - processHrtime.bigint() return () => origin + processHrtime.bigint() })() class ClockImpl { [ClockTypeId] = ClockTypeId unsafeCurrentTimeMillis() { return } unsafeCurrentTimeNanos() { return processOrPerformanceNow() } currentTimeMillis = sync(() => this.unsafeCurrentTimeMillis()) currentTimeNanos = sync(() => this.unsafeCurrentTimeNanos()) scheduler() { return succeed(globalClockScheduler) } sleep(duration) { return core_async(r###me => { const canceler = globalClockScheduler.unsafeSchedule( () => r###me(core_void_), duration, ) return core_asVoid(sync(canceler)) }) } } const clock_make = () => new ClockImpl(), Number_Order = Order_number, Number_clamp = clamp(Number_Order), RegExp_escape = string => string.replace(/[/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, "\\$&"), ConfigErrorTypeId = Symbol.for("effect/ConfigError"), configError_proto = { _tag: "ConfigError", [ConfigErrorTypeId]: ConfigErrorTypeId, }, And = (self, that) => { const error = Object.create(configError_proto) error._op = "And" error.left = self error.right = that Object.defineProperty(error, "toString", { enumerable: !1, value() { return `${this.left} and ${this.right}` }, }) return error }, Or = (self, that) => { const error = Object.create(configError_proto) error._op = "Or" error.left = self error.right = that Object.defineProperty(error, "toString", { enumerable: !1, value() { return `${this.left} or ${this.right}` }, }) return error }, InvalidData = (path, message, options = { pathDelim: "." }) => { const error = Object.create(configError_proto) error._op = "InvalidData" error.path = path error.message = message Object.defineProperty(error, "toString", { enumerable: !1, value() { return `(Invalid data at ${Function_pipe(this.path, join(options.pathDelim))}: "${this.message}")` }, }) return error }, MissingData = (path, message, options = { pathDelim: "." }) => { const error = Object.create(configError_proto) error._op = "MissingData" error.path = path error.message = message Object.defineProperty(error, "toString", { enumerable: !1, value() { return `(Missing data at ${Function_pipe(this.path, join(options.pathDelim))}: "${this.message}")` }, }) return error }, SourceUnavailable = ( path, message, cause, options = { pathDelim: "." }, ) => { const error = Object.create(configError_proto) error._op = "SourceUnavailable" error.path = path error.message = message error.cause = cause Object.defineProperty(error, "toString", { enumerable: !1, value() { return `(Source unavailable at ${Function_pipe(this.path, join(options.pathDelim))}: "${this.message}")` }, }) return error }, Unsupported = (path, message, options = { pathDelim: "." }) => { const error = Object.create(configError_proto) error._op = "Unsupported" error.path = path error.message = message Object.defineProperty(error, "toString", { enumerable: !1, value() { return `(Unsupported operation at ${Function_pipe(this.path, join(options.pathDelim))}: "${this.message}")` }, }) return error }, prefixed = Function_dual(2, (self, prefix) => { switch (self._op) { case "And": return And( prefixed(self.left, prefix), prefixed(self.right, prefix), ) case "Or": return Or(prefixed(self.left, prefix), prefixed(self.right, prefix)) case "InvalidData": return InvalidData([...prefix, ...self.path], self.message) case "MissingData": return MissingData([...prefix, ...self.path], self.message) case "SourceUnavailable": return SourceUnavailable( [...prefix, ...self.path], self.message, self.cause, ) case "Unsupported": return Unsupported([...prefix, ...self.path], self.message) } }), pathPatch_empty = { _tag: "Empty" }, patch = Function_dual(2, (path, patch) => { let input = List_of(patch), output = path for (; isCons(input); ) { const patch = input.head switch (patch._tag) { case "Empty": input = input.tail break case "AndThen": input = cons(patch.first, cons(patch.second, input.tail)) break case "MapName": output = Array_map(output, patch.f) input = input.tail break case "Nested": output = Array_prepend(output, input = input.tail break case "Unnested": if (!Function_pipe(Array_head(output), contains( return Either_left( MissingData( output, `Expected ${} to be in path in ConfigProvider#unnested`, ), ) output = tailNonEmpty(output) input = input.tail } } return Either_right(output) }), concat = (l, r) => [...l, ...r], ConfigProviderTypeId = Symbol.for("effect/ConfigProvider"), configProviderTag = GenericTag("effect/ConfigProvider"), FlatConfigProviderTypeId = Symbol.for("effect/ConfigProviderFlat"), configProvider_make = options => ({ [ConfigProviderTypeId]: ConfigProviderTypeId, pipe() { return Pipeable_pipeArguments(this, arguments) }, ...options, }), fromEnv = config => { const { pathDelim, seqDelim } = Object.assign( {}, { pathDelim: "_", seqDelim: "," }, config, ), getEnv = () => "undefined" != typeof process && "env" in process && "object" == typeof process.env ? process.env : {} return ( (flat = ((options = { load: (path, primitive, split = !0) => { const pathString = (path => Function_pipe(path, join(pathDelim)))(path), current = getEnv() return Function_pipe( pathString in current ? Option_some(current[pathString]) : Option_none(), mapError(() => MissingData( path, `Expected ${pathString} to exist in the process context`, ), ), core_flatMap(value => parsePrimitive(value, path, primitive, seqDelim, split), ), ) }, enumerateChildren: path => sync(() => { const current = getEnv(), filteredKeyPaths = Object.keys(current) .map(value => value.toUpperCase().split(pathDelim)) .filter(keyPath => { for (let i = 0; i < path.length; i++) { const pathComponent = Function_pipe( path, Array_unsafeGet(i), ), currentElement = keyPath[i] if ( void 0 === currentElement || pathComponent !== currentElement ) return !1 } return !0 }) .flatMap(keyPath => keyPath.slice(path.length, path.length + 1), ) return (elements => { const set = hashSet_beginMutation(internal_hashSet_empty()) for (const value of elements) hashSet_add(set, value) return hashSet_endMutation(set) })(filteredKeyPaths) }), patch: pathPatch_empty, }), { [FlatConfigProviderTypeId]: FlatConfigProviderTypeId, patch: options.patch, load: (path, config, split = !0) => options.load(path, config, split), enumerateChildren: options.enumerateChildren, })), configProvider_make({ load: config => core_flatMap(fromFlatLoop(flat, [], config, !1), chunk => match(Array_head(chunk), { onNone: () => core_fail( MissingData( [], `Expected a single value having structure: ${config}`, ), ), onSome: succeed, }), ), flattened: flat, }) ) var flat, options }, fromFlatLoop = (flat, prefix, config, split) => { const op = config switch (op._tag) { case "Constant": return succeed(Array_of(op.value)) case "Described": return suspend(() => fromFlatLoop(flat, prefix, op.config, split)) case "Fail": return core_fail(MissingData(prefix, op.message)) case "Fallback": return Function_pipe( suspend(() => fromFlatLoop(flat, prefix, op.first, split)), catchAll(error1 => op.condition(error1) ? Function_pipe( fromFlatLoop(flat, prefix, op.second, split), catchAll(error2 => core_fail(Or(error1, error2))), ) : core_fail(error1), ), ) case "Lazy": return suspend(() => fromFlatLoop(flat, prefix, op.config(), split)) case "MapOrFail": return suspend(() => Function_pipe( fromFlatLoop(flat, prefix, op.original, split), core_flatMap( forEachSequential(a => Function_pipe( op.mapOrFail(a), mapError( prefixed( ((path, config) => { let op = config if ("Nested" === op._tag) { const out = path.slice() for (; "Nested" === op._tag; ) { out.push( op = op.config } return out } return path })(prefix, op.original), ), ), ), ), ), ), ) case "Nested": return suspend(() => fromFlatLoop( flat, concat(prefix, Array_of(, op.config, split, ), ) case "Primitive": return Function_pipe( patch(prefix, flat.patch), core_flatMap(prefix => Function_pipe( flat.load(prefix, op, split), core_flatMap(values => { if (0 === values.length) { const name = Function_pipe( (self => isNonEmptyReadonlyArray(self) ? Option_some(lastNonEmpty(self)) : Option_none())(prefix), getOrElse(() => "<n/a>"), ) return core_fail( MissingData( [], `Expected ${op.description} with name ${name}`, ), ) } return succeed(values) }), ), ), ) case "Sequence": return Function_pipe( patch(prefix, flat.patch), core_flatMap(patchedPrefix => Function_pipe( flat.enumerateChildren(patchedPrefix), core_flatMap(indicesFrom), core_flatMap(indices => 0 === indices.length ? suspend(() => core_map( fromFlatLoop(flat, patchedPrefix, op.config, !0), Array_of, ), ) : Function_pipe( forEachSequential(indices, index => fromFlatLoop( flat, Array_append(prefix, `[${index}]`), op.config, !0, ), ), core_map(chunkChunk => { const flattened = Array_flatten(chunkChunk) return 0 === flattened.length ? Array_of([]) : Array_of(flattened) }), ), ), ), ), ) case "HashMap": return suspend(() => Function_pipe( patch(prefix, flat.patch), core_flatMap(prefix => Function_pipe( flat.enumerateChildren(prefix), core_flatMap(keys => Function_pipe( keys, forEachSequential(key => fromFlatLoop( flat, concat(prefix, Array_of(key)), op.valueConfig, split, ), ), core_map(matrix => 0 === matrix.length ? Array_of(HashMap_empty()) : Function_pipe( transpose(matrix), Array_map(values => (entries => { const map = beginMutation( internal_hashMap_empty(), ) for (const entry of entries) hashMap_set(map, entry[0], entry[1]) return (self => { self._editable = !1 return self })(map) })( Array_zip(Array_fromIterable(keys), values), ), ), ), ), ), ), ), ), ), ) case "ZipWith": return suspend(() => Function_pipe( fromFlatLoop(flat, prefix, op.left, split), core_either, core_flatMap(left => Function_pipe( fromFlatLoop(flat, prefix, op.right, split), core_either, core_flatMap(right => { if (Either_isLeft(left) && Either_isLeft(right)) return core_fail(And(left.left, right.left)) if (Either_isLeft(left) && Either_isRight(right)) return core_fail(left.left) if (Either_isRight(left) && Either_isLeft(right)) return core_fail(right.left) if (Either_isRight(left) && Either_isRight(right)) { const path = Function_pipe(prefix, join(".")), fail = fromFlatLoopFail(prefix, path), [lefts, rights] = (( leftDef, rightDef, left, right, ) => { const leftPad = Array_unfold(left.length, index => index >= right.length ? Option_none() : Option_some([leftDef(index), index + 1]), ), rightPad = Array_unfold(right.length, index => index >= left.length ? Option_none() : Option_some([rightDef(index), index + 1]), ) return [ concat(left, leftPad), concat(right, rightPad), ] })( fail, fail, Function_pipe(left.right, Array_map(Either_right)), Function_pipe(right.right, Array_map(Either_right)), ) return Function_pipe( lefts, Array_zip(rights), forEachSequential(([left, right]) => Function_pipe( core_zip(left, right), core_map(([left, right]) =>, right)), ), ), ) } throw new Error( "BUG: ConfigProvider.fromFlatLoop - please report an issue at", ) }), ), ), ), ) } }, fromFlatLoopFail = (prefix, path) => index => Either_left( MissingData( prefix, `The element at index ${index} in a sequence at path "${path}" was missing`, ), ), parsePrimitive = (text, path, primitive, delimiter, split) => split ? Function_pipe( ((text, delim) => text.split(new RegExp(`\\s*${RegExp_escape(delim)}\\s*`)))( text, delimiter, ), forEachSequential(char => primitive.parse(char.trim())), mapError(prefixed(path)), ) : Function_pipe( primitive.parse(text), core_mapBoth({ onFailure: prefixed(path), onSuccess: Array_of }), ), transpose = array => Object.keys(array[0]).map(column => => row[column])), indicesFrom = quotedIndices => Function_pipe( forEachSequential(quotedIndices, parseQuotedIndex), core_mapBoth({ onFailure: () => [], onSuccess: sort(Number_Order) }), core_either, core_map(Either_merge), ), QUOTED_INDEX_REGEX = /^(\[(\d+)\])$/, parseQuotedIndex = str => { const match = str.match(QUOTED_INDEX_REGEX) if (null !== match) { const matchedIndex = match[2] return Function_pipe( void 0 !== matchedIndex && matchedIndex.length > 0 ? Option_some(matchedIndex) : Option_none(), flatMap(parseInteger), ) } return Option_none() }, parseInteger = str => { const parsedIndex = Number.parseInt(str) return Number.isNaN(parsedIndex) ? Option_none() : Option_some(parsedIndex) }, console_TypeId = Symbol.for("effect/Console"), consoleTag = GenericTag("effect/Console"), defaultConsole = { [console_TypeId]: console_TypeId, assert: (condition, ...args) => sync(() => { console.assert(condition, ...args) }), clear: sync(() => { console.clear() }), count: label => sync(() => { console.count(label) }), countReset: label => sync(() => { console.countReset(label) }), debug: (...args) => sync(() => { console.debug(...args) }), dir: (item, options) => sync(() => { console.dir(item, options) }), dirxml: (...args) => sync(() => { console.dirxml(...args) }), error: (...args) => sync(() => { console.error(...args) }), group: options => sync( options?.collapsed ? () => console.groupCollapsed(options?.label) : () =>, ), groupEnd: sync(() => { console.groupEnd() }), info: (...args) => sync(() => { }), log: (...args) => sync(() => { console.log(...args) }), table: (tabularData, properties) => sync(() => { console.table(tabularData, properties) }), time: label => sync(() => console.time(label)), timeEnd: label => sync(() => console.timeEnd(label)), timeLog: (label, ...args) => sync(() => { console.timeLog(label, ...args) }), trace: (...args) => sync(() => { console.trace(...args) }), warn: (...args) => sync(() => { console.warn(...args) }), unsafe: console, }, RandomTypeId = Symbol.for("effect/Random"), randomTag = GenericTag("effect/Random") class RandomImpl { seed; [RandomTypeId] = RandomTypeId PRNG constructor(seed) { this.seed = seed this.PRNG = new PCGRandom(seed) } get next() { return sync(() => this.PRNG.number()) } get nextBoolean() { return core_map(, n => n > 0.5) } get nextInt() { return sync(() => this.PRNG.integer(Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER)) } nextRange(min, max) { return core_map(, n => (max - min) * n + min) } nextIntBetween(min, max) { return sync(() => this.PRNG.integer(max - min) + min) } shuffle(elements) { return shuffleWith(elements, n => this.nextIntBetween(0, n)) } } const shuffleWith = (elements, nextIntBounded) => suspend(() => Function_pipe( sync(() => Array.from(elements)), core_flatMap(buffer => { const numbers = [] for (let i = buffer.length; i >= 2; i -= 1) numbers.push(i) return Function_pipe( numbers, forEachSequentialDiscard(n => Function_pipe( nextIntBounded(n), core_map(k => random_swap(buffer, n - 1, k)), ), ), core_as(Chunk_fromIterable(buffer)), ) }), ), ), random_swap = (buffer, index1, index2) => { const tmp = buffer[index1] buffer[index1] = buffer[index2] buffer[index2] = tmp return buffer }, random_make = seed => new RandomImpl(Hash_hash(seed)), liveServices = Function_pipe( Context_empty(), Context_add(clockTag, clock_make()), Context_add(consoleTag, defaultConsole), Context_add(randomTag, random_make(Math.random())), Context_add(configProviderTag, fromEnv()), Context_add(tracerTag, nativeTracer), ), currentServices = globalValue( Symbol.for("effect/DefaultServices/currentServices"), () => fiberRefUnsafeMakeContext(liveServices), ), clockWith = f => fiberRefGetWith(currentServices, services => f(Context_get(services, clockTag)), ), currentTimeMillis = clockWith(clock => clock.currentTimeMillis), Boolean_Order = Order_boolean, Effectable_EffectTypeId = EffectTypeId, executionStrategy_sequential = { _tag: "Sequential" }, ExecutionStrategy_sequential = executionStrategy_sequential, ExecutionStrategy_parallel = { _tag: "Parallel" }, ExecutionStrategy_parallelN = parallelism => ({ _tag: "ParallelN", parallelism, }), FiberRefsSym = Symbol.for("effect/FiberRefs") class FiberRefsImpl { locals; [FiberRefsSym] = FiberRefsSym constructor(locals) { this.locals = locals } pipe() { return Pipeable_pipeArguments(this, arguments) } } const joinAs = Function_dual(3, (self, fiberId, that) => { const parentFiberRefs = new Map(self.locals) that.locals.forEach((childStack, fiberRef) => { const childValue = childStack[0][1] if (!childStack[0][0][Equal_symbol](fiberId)) { if (!parentFiberRefs.has(fiberRef)) { if (equals(childValue, fiberRef.initial)) return parentFiberRefs.set(fiberRef, [ [fiberId, fiberRef.join(fiberRef.initial, childValue)], ]) return } const parentStack = parentFiberRefs.get(fiberRef), [ancestor, wasModified] = (( _ref, _parentStack, _childStack, _childModified = !1, ) => { const ref = _ref let ret, parentStack = _parentStack, childStack = _childStack, childModified = _childModified for (; void 0 === ret; ) if ( isNonEmptyReadonlyArray(parentStack) && isNonEmptyReadonlyArray(childStack) ) { const parentFiberId = headNonEmpty(parentStack)[0], parentAncestors = tailNonEmpty(parentStack), childFiberId = headNonEmpty(childStack)[0], childRefValue = headNonEmpty(childStack)[1], childAncestors = tailNonEmpty(childStack) if ( parentFiberId.startTimeMillis < childFiberId.startTimeMillis ) { childStack = childAncestors childModified = !0 } else if ( parentFiberId.startTimeMillis > childFiberId.startTimeMillis ) parentStack = parentAncestors else if ( < { childStack = childAncestors childModified = !0 } else > ? (parentStack = parentAncestors) : (ret = [childRefValue, childModified]) } else ret = [ref.initial, !0] return ret })(fiberRef, parentStack, childStack) if (wasModified) { const patch = fiberRef.diff(ancestor, childValue), oldValue = parentStack[0][1], newValue = fiberRef.join( oldValue, fiberRef.patch(patch)(oldValue), ) if (!equals(oldValue, newValue)) { let newStack const parentFiberId = parentStack[0][0] newStack = parentFiberId[Equal_symbol](fiberId) ? [[parentFiberId, newValue], ...parentStack.slice(1)] : [[fiberId, newValue], ...parentStack] parentFiberRefs.set(fiberRef, newStack) } } } }) return new FiberRefsImpl(parentFiberRefs) }), forkAs = Function_dual(2, (self, childId) => { const map = new Map() unsafeForkAs(self, map, childId) return new FiberRefsImpl(map) }), unsafeForkAs = (self, map, fiberId) => { self.locals.forEach((stack, fiberRef) => { const oldValue = stack[0][1], newValue = fiberRef.patch(fiberRef.fork)(oldValue) equals(oldValue, newValue) ? map.set(fiberRef, stack) : map.set(fiberRef, [[fiberId, newValue], ...stack]) }) }, delete_ = Function_dual(2, (self, fiberRef) => { const locals = new Map(self.locals) locals.delete(fiberRef) return new FiberRefsImpl(locals) }), fiberRefs_get = Function_dual(2, (self, fiberRef) => self.locals.has(fiberRef) ? Option_some(headNonEmpty(self.locals.get(fiberRef))[1]) : Option_none(), ), getOrDefault = Function_dual(2, (self, fiberRef) => Function_pipe( fiberRefs_get(self, fiberRef), getOrElse(() => fiberRef.initial), ), ), updateAs = Function_dual(2, (self, { fiberId, fiberRef, value }) => { if (0 === self.locals.size) return new FiberRefsImpl(new Map([[fiberRef, [[fiberId, value]]]])) const locals = new Map(self.locals) unsafeUpdateAs(locals, fiberId, fiberRef, value) return new FiberRefsImpl(locals) }), unsafeUpdateAs = (locals, fiberId, fiberRef, value) => { const oldStack = locals.get(fiberRef) ?? [] let newStack if (isNonEmptyReadonlyArray(oldStack)) { const [currentId, currentValue] = headNonEmpty(oldStack) if (currentId[Equal_symbol](fiberId)) { if (equals(currentValue, value)) return newStack = [[fiberId, value], ...oldStack.slice(1)] } else newStack = [[fiberId, value], ...oldStack] } else newStack = [[fiberId, value]] locals.set(fiberRef, newStack) }, updateManyAs = Function_dual(2, (self, { entries, forkAs }) => { if (0 === self.locals.size) return new FiberRefsImpl(new Map(entries)) const locals = new Map(self.locals) void 0 !== forkAs && unsafeForkAs(self, locals, forkAs) entries.forEach(([fiberRef, values]) => { 1 === values.length ? unsafeUpdateAs(locals, values[0][0], fiberRef, values[0][1]) : values.forEach(([fiberId, value]) => { unsafeUpdateAs(locals, fiberId, fiberRef, value) }) }) return new FiberRefsImpl(locals) }), FiberRefs_getOrDefault = getOrDefault, FiberRefs_updateManyAs = updateManyAs, FiberRefs_empty = function () { return (fiberRefLocals = new Map()), new FiberRefsImpl(fiberRefLocals) var fiberRefLocals }, patch_empty = { _tag: "Empty" }, patch_diff = (oldValue, newValue) => { const missingLocals = new Map(oldValue.locals) let patch = patch_empty for (const [fiberRef, pairs] of newValue.locals.entries()) { const newValue = headNonEmpty(pairs)[1], old = missingLocals.get(fiberRef) if (void 0 !== old) { const oldValue = headNonEmpty(old)[1] equals(oldValue, newValue) || (patch = patch_combine({ _tag: "Update", fiberRef, patch: fiberRef.diff(oldValue, newValue), })(patch)) } else patch = patch_combine({ _tag: "Add", fiberRef, value: newValue })( patch, ) missingLocals.delete(fiberRef) } for (const [fiberRef] of missingLocals.entries()) patch = patch_combine({ _tag: "Remove", fiberRef })(patch) return patch }, patch_combine = Function_dual(2, (self, that) => ({ _tag: "AndThen", first: self, second: that, })), patch_patch = Function_dual(3, (self, fiberId, oldValue) => { let fiberRefs = oldValue, patches = Array_of(self) for (; isNonEmptyReadonlyArray(patches); ) { const head = headNonEmpty(patches), tail = tailNonEmpty(patches) switch (head._tag) { case "Empty": patches = tail break case "Add": fiberRefs = updateAs(fiberRefs, { fiberId, fiberRef: head.fiberRef, value: head.value, }) patches = tail break case "Remove": fiberRefs = delete_(fiberRefs, head.fiberRef) patches = tail break case "Update": { const value = getOrDefault(fiberRefs, head.fiberRef) fiberRefs = updateAs(fiberRefs, { fiberId, fiberRef: head.fiberRef, value: head.fiberRef.patch(head.patch)(value), }) patches = tail break } case "AndThen": patches = Array_prepend(head.first)( Array_prepend(head.second)(tail), ) } } return fiberRefs }), FiberRefsPatch_diff = patch_diff, FiberRefsPatch_patch = patch_patch, FiberStatusTypeId = Symbol.for("effect/FiberStatus"), DoneHash = string("effect/FiberStatus-Done") class Done { [FiberStatusTypeId] = FiberStatusTypeId _tag = "Done"; [symbol]() { return DoneHash } [Equal_symbol](that) { return isFiberStatus(that) && "Done" === that._tag } } class Running { runtimeFlags; [FiberStatusTypeId] = FiberStatusTypeId _tag = "Running" constructor(runtimeFlags) { this.runtimeFlags = runtimeFlags } [symbol]() { return Function_pipe( Hash_hash("effect/FiberStatus"), combine(Hash_hash(this._tag)), combine(Hash_hash(this.runtimeFlags)), cached(this), ) } [Equal_symbol](that) { return ( isFiberStatus(that) && "Running" === that._tag && this.runtimeFlags === that.runtimeFlags ) } } class Suspended { runtimeFlags blockingOn; [FiberStatusTypeId] = FiberStatusTypeId _tag = "Suspended" constructor(runtimeFlags, blockingOn) { this.runtimeFlags = runtimeFlags this.blockingOn = blockingOn } [symbol]() { return Function_pipe( Hash_hash("effect/FiberStatus"), combine(Hash_hash(this._tag)), combine(Hash_hash(this.runtimeFlags)), combine(Hash_hash(this.blockingOn)), cached(this), ) } [Equal_symbol](that) { return ( isFiberStatus(that) && "Suspended" === that._tag && this.runtimeFlags === that.runtimeFlags && equals(this.blockingOn, that.blockingOn) ) } } const isFiberStatus = u => Predicate_hasProperty(u, FiberStatusTypeId), FiberStatus_done = new Done(), FiberStatus_running = runtimeFlags => new Running(runtimeFlags), Fatal = logLevelFatal, LogLevel_Error = logLevelError, Warning = logLevelWarning, Info = logLevelInfo, Debug = logLevelDebug, Trace = logLevelTrace, locally = Function_dual(2, (use, self) => fiberRefLocally(use, currentLogLevel, self), ), LogLevel_Order = Function_pipe( Number_Order, Order_mapInput(level => level.ordinal), ), LogLevel_greaterThan = greaterThan(LogLevel_Order), greaterThanEqual = greaterThanOrEqualTo(LogLevel_Order), runSymbol = Symbol.for("effect/Micro/runSymbol") globalThis.Error const EnvTypeId = Symbol.for("effect/Micro/Env"), EnvRefTypeId = Symbol.for("effect/Micro/EnvRef"), EnvProto = { [EnvTypeId]: { _R: Function_identity }, pipe() { return Pipeable_pipeArguments(this, arguments) }, }, envMake = refs => { const self = Object.create(EnvProto) self.refs = refs return self }, envGet = Function_dual(2, (self, ref) => ref.key in self.refs ? self.refs[ref.key] : ref.initial, ), envSet = Function_dual(3, (self, ref, value) => { const refs = Object.assign(Object.create(null), self.refs) refs[ref.key] = value return envMake(refs) }), EnvRefProto = { [EnvRefTypeId]: EnvRefTypeId }, envRefMake = (key, initial) => globalValue(key, () => { const self = Object.create(EnvRefProto) self.key = key self.initial = initial() return self }), currentAbortController = envRefMake( "effect/Micro/currentAbortController", () => {}, ), currentAbortSignal = envRefMake( "effect/Micro/currentAbortSignal", () => {}, ), Micro_currentContext = envRefMake("effect/Micro/currentContext", () => Context_empty(), ) Symbol.iterator, "setImmediate" in globalThis && globalThis.setImmediate const Readable_TypeId = Symbol.for("effect/Readable"), RefTypeId = Symbol.for("effect/Ref"), refVariance = { _A: _ => _ } class RefImpl { ref; [RefTypeId] = refVariance; [Readable_TypeId] constructor(ref) { this.ref = ref this[Readable_TypeId] = Readable_TypeId this.get = sync(() => MutableRef_get(this.ref)) } get; modify(f) { return sync(() => { const current = MutableRef_get(this.ref), [b, a] = f(current) current !== a && MutableRef_set(a)(this.ref) return b }) } pipe() { return Pipeable_pipeArguments(this, arguments) } } const ref_unsafeMake = value => new RefImpl(MutableRef_make(value)), ref_make = value => sync(() => ref_unsafeMake(value)), ref_get = self => self.get, ref_set = Function_dual(2, (self, value) => self.modify(() => [void 0, value]), ), ref_modify = Function_dual(2, (self, f) => self.modify(f)), ref_update = Function_dual(2, (self, f) => self.modify(a => [void 0, f(a)]), ) class PriorityBuckets { buckets = [] scheduleTask(task, priority) { let bucket, index for ( index = 0; index < this.buckets.length && this.buckets[index][0] <= priority; index++ ) bucket = this.buckets[index] if (bucket) bucket[1].push(task) else { const newBuckets = [] for (let i = 0; i < index; i++) newBuckets.push(this.buckets[i]) newBuckets.push([priority, [task]]) for (let i = index; i < this.buckets.length; i++) newBuckets.push(this.buckets[i]) this.buckets = newBuckets } } } class MixedScheduler { maxNextTickBeforeTimer running = !1 tasks = new PriorityBuckets() constructor(maxNextTickBeforeTimer) { this.maxNextTickBeforeTimer = maxNextTickBeforeTimer } starveInternal(depth) { const tasks = this.tasks.buckets this.tasks.buckets = [] for (const [_, toRun] of tasks) for (let i = 0; i < toRun.length; i++) toRun[i]() 0 === this.tasks.buckets.length ? (this.running = !1) : this.starve(depth) } starve(depth = 0) { depth >= this.maxNextTickBeforeTimer ? setTimeout(() => this.starveInternal(0), 0) : Promise.resolve(void 0).then(() => this.starveInternal(depth + 1)) } shouldYield(fiber) { return ( fiber.currentOpCount > fiber.getFiberRef(currentMaxOpsBeforeYield) && fiber.getFiberRef(currentSchedulingPriority) ) } scheduleTask(task, priority) { this.tasks.scheduleTask(task, priority) if (!this.running) { this.running = !0 this.starve() } } } const defaultScheduler = globalValue( Symbol.for("effect/Scheduler/defaultScheduler"), () => new MixedScheduler(2048), ) class SyncScheduler { tasks = new PriorityBuckets() deferred = !1 scheduleTask(task, priority) { this.deferred ? defaultScheduler.scheduleTask(task, priority) : this.tasks.scheduleTask(task, priority) } shouldYield(fiber) { return ( fiber.currentOpCount > fiber.getFiberRef(currentMaxOpsBeforeYield) && fiber.getFiberRef(currentSchedulingPriority) ) } flush() { for (; this.tasks.buckets.length > 0; ) { const tasks = this.tasks.buckets this.tasks.buckets = [] for (const [_, toRun] of tasks) for (let i = 0; i < toRun.length; i++) toRun[i]() } this.deferred = !0 } } const currentScheduler = globalValue( Symbol.for("effect/FiberRef/currentScheduler"), () => fiberRefUnsafeMake(defaultScheduler), ), par = (self, that) => ({ _tag: "Par", left: self, right: that }), seq = (self, that) => ({ _tag: "Seq", left: self, right: that }), blockedRequests_step = requests => { let current = requests, parallel = parallelCollectionEmpty(), stack = List_empty(), sequential = List_empty() for (;;) switch (current._tag) { case "Empty": if (isNil(stack)) return [parallel, sequential] current = stack.head stack = stack.tail break case "Par": stack = cons(current.right, stack) current = current.left break case "Seq": { const left = current.left, right = current.right switch (left._tag) { case "Empty": current = right break case "Par": { const l = left.left, r = left.right current = par(seq(l, right), seq(r, right)) break } case "Seq": { const l = left.left, r = left.right current = seq(l, seq(r, right)) break } case "Single": current = left sequential = cons(right, sequential) } break } case "Single": parallel = parallelCollectionAdd(parallel, current) if (isNil(stack)) return [parallel, sequential] current = stack.head stack = stack.tail } throw new Error( "BUG: BlockedRequests.step - please report an issue at", ) }, blockedRequests_merge = (sequential, parallel) => { if (isNil(sequential)) return List_of(parallelCollectionToSequentialCollection(parallel)) if (parallelCollectionIsEmpty(parallel)) return sequential const seqHeadKeys = sequentialCollectionKeys(sequential.head), parKeys = parallelCollectionKeys(parallel) return 1 === seqHeadKeys.length && 1 === parKeys.length && equals(seqHeadKeys[0], parKeys[0]) ? cons( sequentialCollectionCombine( sequential.head, parallelCollectionToSequentialCollection(parallel), ), sequential.tail, ) : cons(parallelCollectionToSequentialCollection(parallel), sequential) }, RequestBlockParallelTypeId = Symbol.for( "effect/RequestBlock/RequestBlockParallel", ), parallelVariance = { _R: _ => _ } class ParallelImpl { map; [RequestBlockParallelTypeId] = parallelVariance constructor(map) { = map } } const parallelCollectionEmpty = () => new ParallelImpl(HashMap_empty()), parallelCollectionAdd = (self, blockedRequest) => new ParallelImpl( HashMap_modifyAt(, blockedRequest.dataSource, _ => orElseSome( map(_, Chunk_append(blockedRequest.blockedRequest)), () => Chunk_of(blockedRequest.blockedRequest), ), ), ), parallelCollectionCombine = (self, that) => new ParallelImpl( HashMap_reduce(,, (map, value, key) => HashMap_set( map, key, match(HashMap_get(map, key), { onNone: () => value, onSome: other => Chunk_appendAll(value, other), }), ), ), ), parallelCollectionIsEmpty = self => (self => self && isEmptyNode(self._root))(, parallelCollectionKeys = self => Array.from(HashMap_keys(, parallelCollectionToSequentialCollection = self => sequentialCollectionMake(HashMap_map(, x => Chunk_of(x))), SequentialCollectionTypeId = Symbol.for( "effect/RequestBlock/RequestBlockSequential", ), sequentialVariance = { _R: _ => _ } class SequentialImpl { map; [SequentialCollectionTypeId] = sequentialVariance constructor(map) { = map } } const sequentialCollectionMake = map => new SequentialImpl(map), sequentialCollectionCombine = (self, that) => new SequentialImpl( HashMap_reduce(,, (map, value, key) => HashMap_set( map, key, match(HashMap_get(map, key), { onNone: () => esm_Chunk_empty(), onSome: a => Chunk_appendAll(a, value), }), ), ), ), sequentialCollectionKeys = self => Array.from(HashMap_keys(, currentRequestMap = globalValue( Symbol.for("effect/FiberRef/currentRequestMap"), () => fiberRefUnsafeMake(new Map()), ), concurrency_match = (concurrency, sequential, unbounded, bounded) => { switch (concurrency) { case void 0: return sequential() case "unbounded": return unbounded() case "inherit": return fiberRefGetWith(currentConcurrency, concurrency => "unbounded" === concurrency ? unbounded() : concurrency > 1 ? bounded(concurrency) : sequential(), ) default: return concurrency > 1 ? bounded(concurrency) : sequential() } }, Clock_currentTimeMillis = currentTimeMillis, LogSpan_render = now => self => `${self.label.replace(/[\s="]/g, "_")}=${now - self.startTime}ms`, MetricLabelTypeId = Symbol.for("effect/MetricLabel") class MetricLabelImpl { key value; [MetricLabelTypeId] = MetricLabelTypeId _hash constructor(key, value) { this.key = key this.value = value this._hash = string("effect/MetricLabel" + this.key + this.value) } [symbol]() { return this._hash } [Equal_symbol](that) { return ( isMetricLabel(that) && this.key === that.key && this.value === that.value ) } pipe() { return Pipeable_pipeArguments(this, arguments) } } const label_make = (key, value) => new MetricLabelImpl(key, value), isMetricLabel = u => Predicate_hasProperty(u, MetricLabelTypeId), annotateLogs = Function_dual( args => isEffect(args[0]), function () { const args = arguments return fiberRefLocallyWith( args[0], currentLogAnnotations, "string" == typeof args[1] ? HashMap_set(args[1], args[2]) : annotations => Object.entries(args[1]).reduce( (acc, [key, value]) => HashMap_set(acc, key, value), annotations, ), ) }, ), filterOrElse = Function_dual(3, (self, predicate, orElse) => core_flatMap(self, a => (predicate(a) ? succeed(a) : orElse(a))), ), core_effect_filterOrFail = Function_dual( args => isEffect(args[0]), (self, predicate, orFailWith) => filterOrElse(self, predicate, a => void 0 === orFailWith ? core_fail(new NoSuchElementException()) : failSync(() => orFailWith(a)), ), ), core_effect_match = Function_dual(2, (self, options) => matchEffect(self, { onFailure: e => succeed(options.onFailure(e)), onSuccess: a => succeed(options.onSuccess(a)), }), ), core_effect_fiberRefs = withFiberRuntime(state => succeed(state.getFiberRefs()), ), logWithLevel = level => (...message) => { const levelOption = fromNullable(level) let cause for (let i = 0, len = message.length; i < len; i++) { const msg = message[i] if (isCause(msg)) { cause = void 0 !== cause ? sequential(cause, msg) : msg message = [...message.slice(0, i), ...message.slice(i + 1)] i-- } } void 0 === cause && (cause = cause_empty) return withFiberRuntime(fiberState => { fiberState.log(message, cause, levelOption) return core_void_ }) }, log = logWithLevel(), logDebug = logWithLevel(Debug), logInfo = logWithLevel(Info), logWarning = logWithLevel(Warning), logError = logWithLevel(LogLevel_Error), core_effect_orEls###cceed = Function_dual(2, (self, evaluate) => core_orElse(self, () => sync(evaluate)), ), summarized = Function_dual(3, (self, summary, f) => core_flatMap(summary, start => core_flatMap(self, value => core_map(summary, end => [f(start, end), value]), ), ), ), core_effect_tapErrorCause = Function_dual(2, (self, f) => matchCauseEffect(self, { onFailure: cause => core_zipRight(f(cause), failCause(cause)), onSuccess: succeed, }), ), core_effect_when = Function_dual(2, (self, condition) => suspend(() => condition() ? core_map(self, Option_some) : succeed(Option_none()), ), ), interruptSignal = cause => ({ _tag: "InterruptSignal", cause }), stateful = onFiber => ({ _tag: "Stateful", onFiber }), r###me = effect => ({ _tag: "R###me", effect }), FiberScopeTypeId = Symbol.for("effect/FiberScope") class Global { [FiberScopeTypeId] = FiberScopeTypeId fiberId = FiberId_none roots = new Set() add(_runtimeFlags, child) { this.roots.add(child) child.addObserver(() => { this.roots.delete(child) }) } } class Local { fiberId parent; [FiberScopeTypeId] = FiberScopeTypeId constructor(fiberId, parent) { this.fiberId = fiberId this.parent = parent } add(_runtimeFlags, child) { this.parent.tell( stateful(parentFiber => { parentFiber.addChild(child) child.addObserver(() => { parentFiber.removeChild(child) }) }), ) } } const globalScope = globalValue( Symbol.for("effect/FiberScope/Global"), () => new Global(), ), FiberTypeId = Symbol.for("effect/Fiber"), fiberVariance = { _E: _ => _, _A: _ => _ }, RuntimeFiberTypeId = Symbol.for("effect/Fiber"), currentFiberURI = "effect/FiberCurrent", LoggerTypeId = Symbol.for("effect/Logger"), loggerVariance = { _Message: _ => _, _Output: _ => _ }, makeLogger = log => ({ [LoggerTypeId]: loggerVariance, log, pipe() { return Pipeable_pipeArguments(this, arguments) }, }), logger_zip = Function_dual(2, (self, that) => makeLogger(options => [self.log(options), that.log(options)]), ), stringLogger = makeLogger( ({ annotations, cause, date, fiberId, logLevel, message, spans }) => { const nowMillis = date.getTime() let output = [ `timestamp=${date.toISOString()}`, `level=${logLevel.label}`, `fiber=${threadName(fiberId)}`, ].join(" ") const messageArr = (self => (Array.isArray(self) ? self : [self]))( message, ) for (let i = 0; i < messageArr.length; i++) { const stringMessage = toStringUnknown(messageArr[i]) if (stringMessage.length > 0) { output += " message=" output = appendQuoted(stringMessage, output) } } if (null != cause && "Empty" !== cause._tag) { output += " cause=" output = appendQuoted( pretty(cause, { renderErrorCause: !0 }), output, ) } if (isCons(spans)) { output += " " let first = !0 for (const span of spans) { first ? (first = !1) : (output += " ") output += Function_pipe(span, LogSpan_render(nowMillis)) } } if (HashMap_size(annotations) > 0) { output += " " let first = !0 for (const [key, value] of annotations) { first ? (first = !1) : (output += " ") output += filterKeyName(key) output += "=" output = appendQuoted(toStringUnknown(value), output) } } return output }, ), textOnly = /^[^\s"=]+$/, appendQuoted = (label, output) => output + (label.match(textOnly) ? label : `"${label.replace(/\\([\s\S])|(")/g, "\\$1$2")}"`), filterKeyName = key => key.replace(/[\s="]/g, "_"), MetricKeyTypeTypeId = ("object" == typeof process && null !== process && "object" == typeof process.stdout && null !== process.stdout && process.stdout.isTTY, "object" == typeof self && null !== self && self.constructor, Symbol.for("effect/MetricKeyType")), CounterKeyTypeTypeId = Symbol.for("effect/MetricKeyType/Counter"), FrequencyKeyTypeTypeId = Symbol.for("effect/MetricKeyType/Frequency"), GaugeKeyTypeTypeId = Symbol.for("effect/MetricKeyType/Gauge"), HistogramKeyTypeTypeId = Symbol.for("effect/MetricKeyType/Histogram"), SummaryKeyTypeTypeId = Symbol.for("effect/MetricKeyType/Summary"), metricKeyTypeVariance = { _In: _ => _, _Out: _ => _ } class CounterKeyType { incremental bigint; [MetricKeyTypeTypeId] = metricKeyTypeVariance; [CounterKeyTypeTypeId] = CounterKeyTypeTypeId constructor(incremental, bigint) { this.incremental = incremental this.bigint = bigint this._hash = string("effect/MetricKeyType/Counter") } _hash; [symbol]() { return this._hash } [Equal_symbol](that) { return isCounterKey(that) } pipe() { return Pipeable_pipeArguments(this, arguments) } } class HistogramKeyType { boundaries; [MetricKeyTypeTypeId] = metricKeyTypeVariance; [HistogramKeyTypeTypeId] = HistogramKeyTypeTypeId constructor(boundaries) { this.boundaries = boundaries this._hash = Function_pipe( string("effect/MetricKeyType/Histogram"), combine(Hash_hash(this.boundaries)), ) } _hash; [symbol]() { return this._hash } [Equal_symbol](that) { return isHistogramKey(that) && equals(this.boundaries, that.boundaries) } pipe() { return Pipeable_pipeArguments(this, arguments) } } const isCounterKey = u => Predicate_hasProperty(u, CounterKeyTypeTypeId), isHistogramKey = u => Predicate_hasProperty(u, HistogramKeyTypeTypeId), MetricKeyTypeId = Symbol.for("effect/MetricKey"), metricKeyVariance = { _Type: _ => _ }, arrayEquivilence = Array_getEquivalence(equals) class MetricKeyImpl { name keyType description tags; [MetricKeyTypeId] = metricKeyVariance constructor(name, keyType, description, tags = []) { = name this.keyType = keyType this.description = description this.tags = tags this._hash = Function_pipe( string( + this.description), combine(Hash_hash(this.keyType)), combine(array(this.tags)), ) } _hash; [symbol]() { return this._hash } [Equal_symbol](u) { return ( isMetricKey(u) && === && equals(this.keyType, u.keyType) && equals(this.description, u.description) && arrayEquivilence(this.tags, u.tags) ) } pipe() { return Pipeable_pipeArguments(this, arguments) } } const isMetricKey = u => Predicate_hasProperty(u, MetricKeyTypeId), taggedWithLabels = Function_dual(2, (self, extraTags) => 0 === extraTags.length ? self : new MetricKeyImpl(, self.keyType, self.description, Array_union(self.tags, extraTags), ), ), MutableHashMap_TypeId = Symbol.for("effect/MutableHashMap"), MutableHashMapProto = { [MutableHashMap_TypeId]: MutableHashMap_TypeId, [Symbol.iterator]() { return new MutableHashMapIterator(this) }, toString() { return format(this.toJSON()) }, toJSON() { return { _id: "MutableHashMap", values: Array.from(this).map(toJSON) } }, [Inspectable_NodeInspectSymbol]() { return this.toJSON() }, pipe() { return Pipeable_pipeArguments(this, arguments) }, } class MutableHashMapIterator { self referentialIterator bucketIterator constructor(self) { this.self = self this.referentialIterator = self.referential[Symbol.iterator]() } next() { if (void 0 !== this.bucketIterator) return const r###lt = if (r###lt.done) { this.bucketIterator = new BucketIterator(this.self.buckets.values()) return } return r###lt } [Symbol.iterator]() { return new MutableHashMapIterator(this.self) } } class BucketIterator { backing constructor(backing) { this.backing = backing } currentBucket next() { if (void 0 === this.currentBucket) { const r###lt = if (r###lt.done) return r###lt this.currentBucket = r###lt.value[Symbol.iterator]() } const r###lt = if (r###lt.done) { this.currentBucket = void 0 return } return r###lt } } const MutableHashMap_empty = () => { const self = Object.create(MutableHashMapProto) self.referential = new Map() self.buckets = new Map() self.bucketsSize = 0 return self }, MutableHashMap_get = Function_dual(2, (self, key) => { if (!1 === isEqual(key)) return self.referential.has(key) ? Option_some(self.referential.get(key)) : Option_none() const hash = key[symbol](), bucket = self.buckets.get(hash) return void 0 === bucket ? Option_none() : getFromBucket(self, bucket, key) }), getFromBucket = (self, bucket, key, remove = !1) => { for (let i = 0, len = bucket.length; i < len; i++) if (key[Equal_symbol](bucket[i][0])) { const value = bucket[i][1] if (remove) { bucket.splice(i, 1) self.bucketsSize-- } return Option_some(value) } return Option_none() }, MutableHashMap_has = Function_dual(2, (self, key) => Option_isSome(MutableHashMap_get(self, key)), ), MutableHashMap_set = Function_dual(3, (self, key, value) => { if (!1 === isEqual(key)) { self.referential.set(key, value) return self } const hash = key[symbol](), bucket = self.buckets.get(hash) if (void 0 === bucket) { self.buckets.set(hash, [[key, value]]) self.bucketsSize++ return self } removeFromBucket(self, bucket, key) bucket.push([key, value]) self.bucketsSize++ return self }), removeFromBucket = (self, bucket, key) => { for (let i = 0, len = bucket.length; i < len; i++) if (key[Equal_symbol](bucket[i][0])) { bucket.splice(i, 1) self.bucketsSize-- return } }, MetricStateTypeId = Symbol.for("effect/MetricState"), CounterStateTypeId = Symbol.for("effect/MetricState/Counter"), FrequencyStateTypeId = Symbol.for("effect/MetricState/Frequency"), GaugeStateTypeId = Symbol.for("effect/MetricState/Gauge"), HistogramStateTypeId = Symbol.for("effect/MetricState/Histogram"), SummaryStateTypeId = Symbol.for("effect/MetricState/Summary"), metricStateVariance = { _A: _ => _ } class CounterState { count; [MetricStateTypeId] = metricStateVariance; [CounterStateTypeId] = CounterStateTypeId constructor(count) { this.count = count } [symbol]() { return Function_pipe( Hash_hash("effect/MetricState/Counter"), combine(Hash_hash(this.count)), cached(this), ) } [Equal_symbol](that) { return isCounterState(that) && this.count === that.count } pipe() { return Pipeable_pipeArguments(this, arguments) } } const arrayEquals = Array_getEquivalence(equals) class FrequencyState { occurrences; [MetricStateTypeId] = metricStateVariance; [FrequencyStateTypeId] = FrequencyStateTypeId constructor(occurrences) { this.occurrences = occurrences } _hash; [symbol]() { return Function_pipe( string("effect/MetricState/Frequency"), combine(array(Array_fromIterable(this.occurrences.entries()))), cached(this), ) } [Equal_symbol](that) { return ( isFrequencyState(that) && arrayEquals( Array_fromIterable(this.occurrences.entries()), Array_fromIterable(that.occurrences.entries()), ) ) } pipe() { return Pipeable_pipeArguments(this, arguments) } } class GaugeState { value; [MetricStateTypeId] = metricStateVariance; [GaugeStateTypeId] = GaugeStateTypeId constructor(value) { this.value = value } [symbol]() { return Function_pipe( Hash_hash("effect/MetricState/Gauge"), combine(Hash_hash(this.value)), cached(this), ) } [Equal_symbol](u) { return isGaugeState(u) && this.value === u.value } pipe() { return Pipeable_pipeArguments(this, arguments) } } class HistogramState { buckets count min max sum; [MetricStateTypeId] = metricStateVariance; [HistogramStateTypeId] = HistogramStateTypeId constructor(buckets, count, min, max, sum) { this.buckets = buckets this.count = count this.min = min this.max = max this.sum = sum } [symbol]() { return Function_pipe( Hash_hash("effect/MetricState/Histogram"), combine(Hash_hash(this.buckets)), combine(Hash_hash(this.count)), combine(Hash_hash(this.min)), combine(Hash_hash(this.max)), combine(Hash_hash(this.sum)), cached(this), ) } [Equal_symbol](that) { return ( isHistogramState(that) && equals(this.buckets, that.buckets) && this.count === that.count && this.min === that.min && this.max === that.max && this.sum === that.sum ) } pipe() { return Pipeable_pipeArguments(this, arguments) } } class SummaryState { error quantiles count min max sum; [MetricStateTypeId] = metricStateVariance; [SummaryStateTypeId] = SummaryStateTypeId constructor(error, quantiles, count, min, max, sum) { this.error = error this.quantiles = quantiles this.count = count this.min = min this.max = max this.sum = sum } [symbol]() { return Function_pipe( Hash_hash("effect/MetricState/Summary"), combine(Hash_hash(this.error)), combine(Hash_hash(this.quantiles)), combine(Hash_hash(this.count)), combine(Hash_hash(this.min)), combine(Hash_hash(this.max)), combine(Hash_hash(this.sum)), cached(this), ) } [Equal_symbol](that) { return ( isSummaryState(that) && this.error === that.error && equals(this.quantiles, that.quantiles) && this.count === that.count && this.min === that.min && this.max === that.max && this.sum === that.sum ) } pipe() { return Pipeable_pipeArguments(this, arguments) } } const isCounterState = u => Predicate_hasProperty(u, CounterStateTypeId), isFrequencyState = u => Predicate_hasProperty(u, FrequencyStateTypeId), isGaugeState = u => Predicate_hasProperty(u, GaugeStateTypeId), isHistogramState = u => Predicate_hasProperty(u, HistogramStateTypeId), isSummaryState = u => Predicate_hasProperty(u, SummaryStateTypeId), MetricHookTypeId = Symbol.for("effect/MetricHook"), metricHookVariance = { _In: _ => _, _Out: _ => _ }, hook_make = options => ({ [MetricHookTypeId]: metricHookVariance, pipe() { return Pipeable_pipeArguments(this, arguments) }, ...options, }), hook_bigint0 = BigInt(0), resolveQuantile = ( error, sampleCount, current, consumed, quantile, rest, ) => { let error_1 = error, sampleCount_1 = sampleCount, current_1 = current, consumed_1 = consumed, quantile_1 = quantile, rest_1 = rest, error_2 = error, sampleCount_2 = sampleCount, current_2 = current, consumed_2 = consumed, quantile_2 = quantile, rest_2 = rest for (;;) { if (!isNonEmptyReadonlyArray(rest_1)) return { quantile: quantile_1, value: Option_none(), consumed: consumed_1, rest: [], } if (1 === quantile_1) return { quantile: quantile_1, value: Option_some(lastNonEmpty(rest_1)), consumed: consumed_1 + rest_1.length, rest: [], } const sameHead = span(rest_1, n => n <= rest_1[0]), desired = quantile_1 * sampleCount_1, allowedError = (error_1 / 2) * desired, candConsumed = consumed_1 + sameHead[0].length, candError = Math.abs(candConsumed - desired) if (candConsumed < desired - allowedError) { error_2 = error_1 sampleCount_2 = sampleCount_1 current_2 = Array_head(rest_1) consumed_2 = candConsumed quantile_2 = quantile_1 rest_2 = sameHead[1] error_1 = error_2 sampleCount_1 = sampleCount_2 current_1 = current_2 consumed_1 = consumed_2 quantile_1 = quantile_2 rest_1 = rest_2 } else { if (candConsumed > desired + allowedError) return { quantile: quantile_1, value: current_1, consumed: consumed_1, rest: rest_1, } switch (current_1._tag) { case "None": error_2 = error_1 sampleCount_2 = sampleCount_1 current_2 = Array_head(rest_1) consumed_2 = candConsumed quantile_2 = quantile_1 rest_2 = sameHead[1] error_1 = error_2 sampleCount_1 = sampleCount_2 current_1 = current_2 consumed_1 = consumed_2 quantile_1 = quantile_2 rest_1 = rest_2 continue case "Some": if (candError < Math.abs(desired - current_1.value)) { error_2 = error_1 sampleCount_2 = sampleCount_1 current_2 = Array_head(rest_1) consumed_2 = candConsumed quantile_2 = quantile_1 rest_2 = sameHead[1] error_1 = error_2 sampleCount_1 = sampleCount_2 current_1 = current_2 consumed_1 = consumed_2 quantile_1 = quantile_2 rest_1 = rest_2 continue } return { quantile: quantile_1, value: Option_some(current_1.value), consumed: consumed_1, rest: rest_1, } } } } throw new Error( "BUG: MetricHook.resolveQuantiles - please report an issue at", ) }, MetricPairTypeId = Symbol.for("effect/MetricPair"), metricPairVariance = { _Type: _ => _ }, pair_unsafeMake = (metricKey, metricState) => ({ [MetricPairTypeId]: metricPairVariance, metricKey, metricState, pipe() { return Pipeable_pipeArguments(this, arguments) }, }), MetricRegistryTypeId = Symbol.for("effect/MetricRegistry") class MetricRegistryImpl { [MetricRegistryTypeId] = MetricRegistryTypeId map = MutableHashMap_empty() snapshot() { const r###lt = [] for (const [key, hook] of r###lt.push(pair_unsafeMake(key, hook.get())) return r###lt } get(key) { const hook = Function_pipe(, MutableHashMap_get(key), getOrUndefined, ) if (null == hook) { if (isCounterKey(key.keyType)) return this.getCounter(key) if ((u => Predicate_hasProperty(u, GaugeKeyTypeTypeId))(key.keyType)) return this.getGauge(key) if ( (u => Predicate_hasProperty(u, FrequencyKeyTypeTypeId))(key.keyType) ) return this.getFrequency(key) if (isHistogramKey(key.keyType)) return this.getHistogram(key) if ( (u => Predicate_hasProperty(u, SummaryKeyTypeTypeId))(key.keyType) ) return this.getSummary(key) throw new Error( "BUG: MetricRegistry.get - unknown MetricKeyType - please report an issue at", ) } return hook } getCounter(key) { let value = Function_pipe(, MutableHashMap_get(key), getOrUndefined, ) if (null == value) { const counter = (key => { let sum = key.keyType.bigint ? hook_bigint0 : 0 const canUpdate = key.keyType.incremental ? key.keyType.bigint ? value => value >= hook_bigint0 : value => value >= 0 : _value => !0 return hook_make({ get: () => new CounterState(sum), update: value => { canUpdate(value) && (sum += value) }, }) })(key) Function_pipe(, MutableHashMap_has(key)) || Function_pipe(, MutableHashMap_set(key, counter)) value = counter } return value } getFrequency(key) { let value = Function_pipe(, MutableHashMap_get(key), getOrUndefined, ) if (null == value) { const frequency = (key => { const values = new Map() for (const word of key.keyType.preregisteredWords) values.set(word, 0) return hook_make({ get: () => new FrequencyState(values), update: word => { const slotCount = values.get(word) ?? 0 values.set(word, slotCount + 1) }, }) })(key) Function_pipe(, MutableHashMap_has(key)) || Function_pipe(, MutableHashMap_set(key, frequency)) value = frequency } return value } getGauge(key) { let value = Function_pipe(, MutableHashMap_get(key), getOrUndefined, ) if (null == value) { const gauge = ((_key, startAt) => { let value = startAt return hook_make({ get: () => new GaugeState(value), update: v => { value = v }, }) })(0, key.keyType.bigint ? BigInt(0) : 0) Function_pipe(, MutableHashMap_has(key)) || Function_pipe(, MutableHashMap_set(key, gauge)) value = gauge } return value } getHistogram(key) { let value = Function_pipe(, MutableHashMap_get(key), getOrUndefined, ) if (null == value) { const histogram = (key => { const bounds = key.keyType.boundaries.values, size = bounds.length, values = new Uint32Array(size + 1), boundaries = new Float32Array(size) let count = 0, sum = 0, min = Number.MAX_VALUE, max = Number.MIN_VALUE Function_pipe( bounds, sort(Number_Order), Array_map((n, i) => { boundaries[i] = n }), ) const getBuckets = () => { const builder = allocate(size) let cumulated = 0 for (let i = 0; i < size; i++) { const boundary = boundaries[i] cumulated += values[i] builder[i] = [boundary, cumulated] } return builder } return hook_make({ get: () => { return ( (options = { buckets: getBuckets(), count, min, max, sum }), new HistogramState( options.buckets, options.count, options.min, options.max, options.sum, ) ) var options }, update: value => { let from = 0, to = size for (; from !== to; ) { const mid = Math.floor(from + (to - from) / 2) value <= boundaries[mid] ? (to = mid) : (from = mid) to === from + 1 && (value <= boundaries[from] ? (to = from) : (from = to)) } values[from] = values[from] + 1 count += 1 sum += value value < min && (min = value) value > max && (max = value) }, }) })(key) Function_pipe(, MutableHashMap_has(key)) || Function_pipe(, MutableHashMap_set(key, histogram)) value = histogram } return value } getSummary(key) { let value = Function_pipe(, MutableHashMap_get(key), getOrUndefined, ) if (null == value) { const summary = (key => { const { error, maxAge, maxSize, quantiles } = key.keyType, sortedQuantiles = Function_pipe(quantiles, sort(Number_Order)), values = allocate(maxSize) let head = 0, count = 0, sum = 0, min = Number.MAX_VALUE, max = Number.MIN_VALUE const snapshot = now => { const builder = [] let i = 0 for (; i !== maxSize - 1; ) { const item = values[i] if (null != item) { const [t, v] = item, age = Duration_millis(now - t) Duration_greaterThanOrEqualTo(age, zero) && age <= maxAge && builder.push(v) } i += 1 } return ((error, sortedQuantiles, sortedSamples) => { const sampleCount = sortedSamples.length if (!isNonEmptyReadonlyArray(sortedQuantiles)) return [] const head = sortedQuantiles[0], tail = sortedQuantiles.slice(1), resolvedHead = resolveQuantile( error, sampleCount, Option_none(), 0, head, sortedSamples, ), resolved = Array_of(resolvedHead) tail.forEach(quantile => { resolved.push( resolveQuantile( error, sampleCount, resolvedHead.value, resolvedHead.consumed, quantile,, ), ) }) return Array_map(resolved, rq => [rq.quantile, rq.value]) })(error, sortedQuantiles, sort(builder, Number_Order)) } return hook_make({ get: () => { return ( (options = { error, quantiles: snapshot(, count, min, max, sum, }), new SummaryState( options.error, options.quantiles, options.count, options.min, options.max, options.sum, ) ) var options }, update: ([value, timestamp]) => ((value, timestamp) => { if (maxSize > 0) { head += 1 values[head % maxSize] = [timestamp, value] } count += 1 sum += value value < min && (min = value) value > max && (max = value) })(value, timestamp), }) })(key) Function_pipe(, MutableHashMap_has(key)) || Function_pipe(, MutableHashMap_set(key, summary)) value = summary } return value } } const MetricTypeId = Symbol.for("effect/Metric"), metricVariance = { _Type: _ => _, _In: _ => _, _Out: _ => _ }, globalMetricRegistry = globalValue( Symbol.for("effect/Metric/globalMetricRegistry"), () => new MetricRegistryImpl(), ), metric_make = function (keyType, unsafeUpdate, unsafeValue) { const metric = Object.assign( effect => core_tap(effect, a => metric_update(metric, a)), { [MetricTypeId]: metricVariance, keyType, unsafeUpdate, unsafeValue, register() { this.unsafeValue([]) return this }, pipe() { return Pipeable_pipeArguments(this, arguments) }, }, ) return metric }, metric_counter = (name, options) => fromMetricKey( ((name, options) => new MetricKeyImpl( name, (options => new CounterKeyType( options?.incremental ?? !1, options?.bigint ?? !1, ))(options), fromNullable(options?.description), ))(name, options), ), fromMetricKey = key => { let untaggedHook const hookCache = new WeakMap(), hook = extraTags => { if (0 === extraTags.length) { if (void 0 !== untaggedHook) return untaggedHook untaggedHook = globalMetricRegistry.get(key) return untaggedHook } let hook = hookCache.get(extraTags) if (void 0 !== hook) return hook hook = globalMetricRegistry.get(taggedWithLabels(key, extraTags)) hookCache.set(extraTags, hook) return hook } return metric_make( key.keyType, (input, extraTags) => hook(extraTags).update(input), extraTags => hook(extraTags).get(), ) }, metric_histogram = (name, boundaries, description) => fromMetricKey( ((name, boundaries, description) => new MetricKeyImpl( name, (boundaries => new HistogramKeyType(boundaries))(boundaries), fromNullable(description), ))(name, boundaries, description), ), metric_tagged = Function_dual(3, (self, key, value) => metric_taggedWithLabels(self, [label_make(key, value)]), ), metric_taggedWithLabels = Function_dual(2, (self, extraTags) => metric_make( self.keyType, (input, extraTags1) => self.unsafeUpdate(input, Array_union(extraTags, extraTags1)), extraTags1 => self.unsafeValue(Array_union(extraTags, extraTags1)), ), ), metric_update = Function_dual(2, (self, input) => fiberRefGetWith(currentMetricLabels, tags => sync(() => self.unsafeUpdate(input, tags)), ), ), MetricBoundariesTypeId = Symbol.for("effect/MetricBoundaries") class MetricBoundariesImpl { values; [MetricBoundariesTypeId] = MetricBoundariesTypeId constructor(values) { this.values = values this._hash = Function_pipe( string("effect/MetricBoundaries"), combine(array(this.values)), ) } _hash; [symbol]() { return this._hash } [Equal_symbol](u) { return isMetricBoundaries(u) && equals(this.values, u.values) } pipe() { return Pipeable_pipeArguments(this, arguments) } } const isMetricBoundaries = u => Predicate_hasProperty(u, MetricBoundariesTypeId), boundaries_fromIterable = iterable => { const values = Function_pipe( iterable, Array_appendAll(Chunk_of(Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY)), dedupe, ) return new MetricBoundariesImpl(values) }, exponential = options => Function_pipe( Array_makeBy( options.count - 1, i => options.start * Math.pow(options.factor, i), ), unsafeFromArray, boundaries_fromIterable, ), request_complete = Function_dual(2, (self, r###lt) => fiberRefGetWith(currentRequestMap, map => sync(() => { if (map.has(self)) { const entry = map.get(self) if (!entry.state.completed) { entry.state.completed = !0 deferredUnsafeDone(entry.r###lt, r###lt) } } }), ), ), SupervisorTypeId = Symbol.for("effect/Supervisor"), supervisorVariance = { _T: _ => _ } class ProxySupervisor { underlying value0; [SupervisorTypeId] = supervisorVariance constructor(underlying, value0) { this.underlying = underlying this.value0 = value0 } get value() { return this.value0 } onStart(context, effect, parent, fiber) { this.underlying.onStart(context, effect, parent, fiber) } onEnd(value, fiber) { this.underlying.onEnd(value, fiber) } onEffect(fiber, effect) { this.underlying.onEffect(fiber, effect) } onSuspend(fiber) { this.underlying.onSuspend(fiber) } onR###me(fiber) { this.underlying.onR###me(fiber) } map(f) { return new ProxySupervisor(this, Function_pipe(this.value, core_map(f))) } zip(right) { return new Zip(this, right) } } class Zip { left right _tag = "Zip"; [SupervisorTypeId] = supervisorVariance constructor(left, right) { this.left = left this.right = right } get value() { return core_zip(this.left.value, this.right.value) } onStart(context, effect, parent, fiber) { this.left.onStart(context, effect, parent, fiber) this.right.onStart(context, effect, parent, fiber) } onEnd(value, fiber) { this.left.onEnd(value, fiber) this.right.onEnd(value, fiber) } onEffect(fiber, effect) { this.left.onEffect(fiber, effect) this.right.onEffect(fiber, effect) } onSuspend(fiber) { this.left.onSuspend(fiber) this.right.onSuspend(fiber) } onR###me(fiber) { this.left.onR###me(fiber) this.right.onR###me(fiber) } map(f) { return new ProxySupervisor(this, Function_pipe(this.value, core_map(f))) } zip(right) { return new Zip(this, right) } } const isZip = self => Predicate_hasProperty(self, SupervisorTypeId) && Predicate_isTagged(self, "Zip") class Const { effect; [SupervisorTypeId] = supervisorVariance constructor(effect) { this.effect = effect } get value() { return this.effect } onStart(_context, _effect, _parent, _fiber) {} onEnd(_value, _fiber) {} onEffect(_fiber, _effect) {} onSuspend(_fiber) {} onR###me(_fiber) {} map(f) { return new ProxySupervisor(this, Function_pipe(this.value, core_map(f))) } zip(right) { return new Zip(this, right) } onRun(execution, _fiber) { return execution() } } const supervisor_none = globalValue( "effect/Supervisor/none", () => new Const(core_void_), ), supervisor_patch_empty = { _tag: "Empty" }, supervisor_patch_combine = (self, that) => ({ _tag: "AndThen", first: self, second: that, }), remov###pervisor = (self, that) => equals(self, that) ? supervisor_none : isZip(self) ? remov###pervisor(self.left, that).zip( remov###pervisor(self.right, that), ) : self, patch_toSet = self => equals(self, supervisor_none) ? HashSet_empty() : isZip(self) ? Function_pipe( patch_toSet(self.left), HashSet_union(patch_toSet(self.right)), ) : HashSet_make(self), patch_differ = differ_make({ empty: supervisor_patch_empty, patch: (self, supervisor) => ((_supervisor, _patches) => { let supervisor = _supervisor, patches = _patches for (; isNonEmpty(patches); ) { const head = Chunk_headNonEmpty(patches) switch (head._tag) { case "Empty": patches = Chunk_tailNonEmpty(patches) break case "AddSupervisor": supervisor = patches = Chunk_tailNonEmpty(patches) break case "Remov###pervisor": supervisor = remov###pervisor(supervisor, head.supervisor) patches = Chunk_tailNonEmpty(patches) break case "AndThen": patches = Chunk_prepend(head.first)( Chunk_prepend(head.second)(Chunk_tailNonEmpty(patches)), ) } } return supervisor })(supervisor, Chunk_of(self)), combine: supervisor_patch_combine, diff: (oldValue, newValue) => { if (equals(oldValue, newValue)) return supervisor_patch_empty const oldSupervisors = patch_toSet(oldValue), newSupervisors = patch_toSet(newValue), added = Function_pipe( newSupervisors, HashSet_difference(oldSupervisors), HashSet_reduce(supervisor_patch_empty, (patch, supervisor) => supervisor_patch_combine(patch, { _tag: "AddSupervisor", supervisor, }), ), ), removed = Function_pipe( oldSupervisors, HashSet_difference(newSupervisors), HashSet_reduce(supervisor_patch_empty, (patch, supervisor) => supervisor_patch_combine(patch, { _tag: "Remov###pervisor", supervisor, }), ), ) return supervisor_patch_combine(added, removed) }, }), fiberStarted = metric_counter("effect_fiber_started", { incremental: !0, }), fiberActive = metric_counter("effect_fiber_active"), fiberSuccesses = metric_counter("effect_fiber_successes", { incremental: !0, }), fiberFailures = metric_counter("effect_fiber_failures", { incremental: !0, }), fiberLifetimes = metric_tagged( metric_histogram( "effect_fiber_lifetimes", exponential({ start: 0.5, factor: 2, count: 35 }), ), "time_unit", "milliseconds", ), runtimeFiberVariance = { _E: _ => _, _A: _ => _ }, fiberRuntime_absurd = _ => { throw new Error( `BUG: FiberRuntime - ${toStringUnknown(_)} - please report an issue at`, ) }, YieldedOp = Symbol.for("effect/internal/fiberRuntime/YieldedOp"), yieldedOpChannel = globalValue( "effect/internal/fiberRuntime/yieldedOpChannel", () => ({ currentOp: null }), ), contOpSuccess = { OnSuccess: (_, cont, value) => internalCall(() => cont.effect_instruction_i1(value)), OnStep: (_, _cont, value) => exitSucceed(exitSucceed(value)), OnSuccessAndFailure: (_, cont, value) => internalCall(() => cont.effect_instruction_i2(value)), RevertFlags: (self, cont, value) => { self.patchRuntimeFlags(self._runtimeFlags, cont.patch) return interruptible(self._runtimeFlags) && self.isInterrupted() ? exitFailCause(self.getInterruptedCause()) : exitSucceed(value) }, While: (self, cont, value) => { internalCall(() => cont.effect_instruction_i2(value)) if (internalCall(() => cont.effect_instruction_i0())) { self.pushStack(cont) return internalCall(() => cont.effect_instruction_i1()) } return core_void_ }, }, drainQueueWhileRunningTable = { InterruptSignal: (self, runtimeFlags, cur, message) => { self.processNewInterruptSignal(message.cause) return interruptible(runtimeFlags) ? exitFailCause(message.cause) : cur }, R###me: (_self, _runtimeFlags, _cur, _message) => { throw new Error( "It is illegal to have multiple concurrent run loops in a single fiber", ) }, Stateful: (self, runtimeFlags, cur, message) => { message.onFiber(self, FiberStatus_running(runtimeFlags)) return cur }, YieldNow: (_self, _runtimeFlags, cur, _message) => core_flatMap(yieldNow(), () => cur), } class FiberRuntime { [FiberTypeId] = fiberVariance; [RuntimeFiberTypeId] = runtimeFiberVariance pipe() { return Pipeable_pipeArguments(this, arguments) } _fiberRefs _fiberId _runtimeFlags _queue = new Array() _children = null _observers = new Array() _running = !1 _stack = [] _asyncInterruptor = null _asyncBlockingOn = null _exitValue = null _steps = [] _supervisor _scheduler _tracer currentOpCount = 0 isYielding = !1 constructor(fiberId, fiberRefs0, runtimeFlags0) { this._runtimeFlags = runtimeFlags0 this._fiberId = fiberId this._fiberRefs = fiberRefs0 this._supervisor = this.getFiberRef(currentSupervisor) this._scheduler = this.getFiberRef(currentScheduler) if (runtimeMetrics(runtimeFlags0)) { const tags = this.getFiberRef(currentMetricLabels) fiberStarted.unsafeUpdate(1, tags) fiberActive.unsafeUpdate(1, tags) } this._tracer = Context_get(this.getFiberRef(currentServices), tracerTag) } id() { return this._fiberId } r###me(effect) { this.tell(r###me(effect)) } get status() { return this.ask((_, status) => status) } get runtimeFlags() { return this.ask((state, status) => (self => "Done" === self._tag)(status) ? state._runtimeFlags : status.runtimeFlags, ) } scope() { return new Local((fiber = this).id(), fiber) var fiber } get children() { return this.ask(fiber => Array.from(fiber.getChildren())) } getChildren() { null === this._children && (this._children = new Set()) return this._children } getInterruptedCause() { return this.getFiberRef(currentInterruptedCause) } fiberRefs() { return this.ask(fiber => fiber.getFiberRefs()) } ask(f) { return suspend(() => { const deferred = deferredUnsafeMake(this._fiberId) this.tell( stateful((fiber, status) => { deferredUnsafeDone( deferred, sync(() => f(fiber, status)), ) }), ) return deferredAwait(deferred) }) } tell(message) { this._queue.push(message) if (!this._running) { this._running = !0 this.drainQueueLaterOnExecutor() } } get await() { return core_async(r###me => { const cb = exit => r###me(succeed(exit)) this.tell( stateful((fiber, _) => { null !== fiber._exitValue ? cb(this._exitValue) : fiber.addObserver(cb) }), ) return sync(() => this.tell( stateful((fiber, _) => { fiber.removeObserver(cb) }), ), ) }, } get inheritAll() { return withFiberRuntime((parentFiber, parentStatus) => { const parentFiberId =, parentFiberRefs = parentFiber.getFiberRefs(), parentRuntimeFlags = parentStatus.runtimeFlags, childFiberRefs = this.getFiberRefs(), updatedFiberRefs = joinAs( parentFiberRefs, parentFiberId, childFiberRefs, ) parentFiber.setFiberRefs(updatedFiberRefs) const updatedRuntimeFlags = parentFiber.getFiberRef(currentRuntimeFlags) return (patch => { const effect = new EffectPrimitive("UpdateRuntimeFlags") effect.effect_instruction_i0 = patch effect.effect_instruction_i1 = void 0 return effect })( Function_pipe( runtimeFlags_diff(parentRuntimeFlags, updatedRuntimeFlags), RuntimeFlagsPatch_exclude(1), RuntimeFlagsPatch_exclude(16), ), ) }) } get poll() { return sync(() => fromNullable(this._exitValue)) } unsafePoll() { return this._exitValue } interruptAsFork(fiberId) { return sync(() => this.tell(interruptSignal(interrupt(fiberId)))) } unsafeInterruptAsFork(fiberId) { this.tell(interruptSignal(interrupt(fiberId))) } addObserver(observer) { null !== this._exitValue ? observer(this._exitValue) : this._observers.push(observer) } removeObserver(observer) { this._observers = this._observers.filter(o => o !== observer) } getFiberRefs() { this.setFiberRef(currentRuntimeFlags, this._runtimeFlags) return this._fiberRefs } unsafeDeleteFiberRef(fiberRef) { this._fiberRefs = delete_(this._fiberRefs, fiberRef) } getFiberRef(fiberRef) { return this._fiberRefs.locals.has(fiberRef) ? this._fiberRefs.locals.get(fiberRef)[0][1] : fiberRef.initial } setFiberRef(fiberRef, value) { this._fiberRefs = updateAs(this._fiberRefs, { fiberId: this._fiberId, fiberRef, value, }) this.refreshRefCache() } refreshRefCache() { this._tracer = Context_get(this.getFiberRef(currentServices), tracerTag) this._supervisor = this.getFiberRef(currentSupervisor) this._scheduler = this.getFiberRef(currentScheduler) } setFiberRefs(fiberRefs) { this._fiberRefs = fiberRefs this.refreshRefCache() } addChild(child) { this.getChildren().add(child) } removeChild(child) { this.getChildren().delete(child) } drainQueueOnCurrentThread() { let recurse = !0 for (; recurse; ) { let evaluationSignal = "Continue" const prev = globalThis[currentFiberURI] globalThis[currentFiberURI] = this try { for (; "Continue" === evaluationSignal; ) evaluationSignal = 0 === this._queue.length ? "Done" : this.evaluateMessageWhil###spended( this._queue.splice(0, 1)[0], ) } finally { this._running = !1 globalThis[currentFiberURI] = prev } if (this._queue.length > 0 && !this._running) { this._running = !0 if ("Yield" === evaluationSignal) { this.drainQueueLaterOnExecutor() recurse = !1 } else recurse = !0 } else recurse = !1 } } drainQueueLaterOnExecutor() { this._scheduler.scheduleTask(, this.getFiberRef(currentSchedulingPriority), ) } drainQueueWhileRunning(runtimeFlags, cur0) { let cur = cur0 for (; this._queue.length > 0; ) { const message = this._queue.splice(0, 1)[0] cur = drainQueueWhileRunningTable[message._tag]( this, runtimeFlags, cur, message, ) } return cur } isInterrupted() { return !(self => "Empty" === self._tag || cause_reduce(self, !0, (acc, cause) => { switch (cause._tag) { case "Empty": return Option_some(acc) case "Die": case "Fail": case "Interrupt": return Option_some(!1) default: return Option_none() } }))(this.getFiberRef(currentInterruptedCause)) } addInterruptedCause(cause) { const oldSC = this.getFiberRef(currentInterruptedCause) this.setFiberRef(currentInterruptedCause, sequential(oldSC, cause)) } processNewInterruptSignal(cause) { this.addInterruptedCause(cause) this.sendInterruptSignalToAllChildren() } sendInterruptSignalToAllChildren() { if (null === this._children || 0 === this._children.size) return !1 let told = !1 for (const child of this._children) { child.tell(interruptSignal(interrupt( told = !0 } return told } interruptAllChildren() { if (this.sendInterruptSignalToAllChildren()) { const it = this._children.values() this._children = null let isDone = !1 return whileLoop({ while: () => !isDone, body: () => { const next = return next.done ? sync(() => { isDone = !0 }) : core_asVoid(next.value.await) }, step: () => {}, }) } return null } reportExitValue(exit) { if (runtimeMetrics(this._runtimeFlags)) { const tags = this.getFiberRef(currentMetricLabels), startTimeMillis =, endTimeMillis = fiberLifetimes.unsafeUpdate(endTimeMillis - startTimeMillis, tags) fiberActive.unsafeUpdate(-1, tags) switch (exit._tag) { case "Success": fiberSuccesses.unsafeUpdate(1, tags) break case "Failure": fiberFailures.unsafeUpdate(1, tags) } } if ("Failure" === exit._tag) { const level = this.getFiberRef(currentUnhandledErrorLogLevel) isInterruptedOnly(exit.cause) || "Some" !== level._tag || this.log( "Fiber terminated with an unhandled error", exit.cause, level, ) } } setExitValue(exit) { this._exitValue = exit this.reportExitValue(exit) for (let i = this._observers.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) this._observers[i](exit) } getLoggers() { return this.getFiberRef(currentLoggers) } log(message, cause, overrideLogLevel) { const logLevel = Option_isSome(overrideLogLevel) ? overrideLogLevel.value : this.getFiberRef(currentLogLevel), minimumLogLevel = this.getFiberRef(currentMinimumLogLevel) if (LogLevel_greaterThan(minimumLogLevel, logLevel)) return const spans = this.getFiberRef(currentLogSpan), annotations = this.getFiberRef(currentLogAnnotations), loggers = this.getLoggers(), contextMap = this.getFiberRefs() if (HashSet_size(loggers) > 0) { const clockService = Context_get( this.getFiberRef(currentServices), clockTag, ), date = new Date(clockService.unsafeCurrentTimeMillis()) for (const logger of loggers) logger.log({ fiberId:, logLevel, message, cause, context: contextMap, spans, annotations, date, }) } } evaluateMessageWhil###spended(message) { switch (message._tag) { case "YieldNow": return "Yield" case "InterruptSignal": this.processNewInterruptSignal(message.cause) if (null !== this._asyncInterruptor) { this._asyncInterruptor(exitFailCause(message.cause)) this._asyncInterruptor = null } return "Continue" case "R###me": this._asyncInterruptor = null this._asyncBlockingOn = null this.evaluateEffect(message.effect) return "Continue" case "Stateful": message.onFiber( this, null !== this._exitValue ? FiberStatus_done : ((runtimeFlags = this._runtimeFlags), (blockingOn = this._asyncBlockingOn), new Suspended(runtimeFlags, blockingOn)), ) return "Continue" default: return fiberRuntime_absurd(message) } var runtimeFlags, blockingOn } evaluateEffect(effect0) { this._supervisor.onR###me(this) try { let effect = interruptible(this._runtimeFlags) && this.isInterrupted() ? exitFailCause(this.getInterruptedCause()) : effect0 for (; null !== effect; ) { const eff = effect, exit = this.runLoop(eff) if (exit === YieldedOp) { const op = yieldedOpChannel.currentOp yieldedOpChannel.currentOp = null if ("Yield" === op._op) if (cooperativeYielding(this._runtimeFlags)) { this.tell({ _tag: "YieldNow" }) this.tell(r###me(exitVoid)) effect = null } else effect = exitVoid else "Async" === op._op && (effect = null) } else { this._runtimeFlags = Function_pipe( this._runtimeFlags, runtimeFlags_enable(16), ) const interruption = this.interruptAllChildren() if (null !== interruption) effect = core_flatMap(interruption, () => exit) else { 0 === this._queue.length ? this.setExitValue(exit) : this.tell(r###me(exit)) effect = null } } } } finally { this._supervisor.onSuspend(this) } } start(effect) { if (this._running) this.tell(r###me(effect)) else { this._running = !0 const prev = globalThis[currentFiberURI] globalThis[currentFiberURI] = this try { this.evaluateEffect(effect) } finally { this._running = !1 globalThis[currentFiberURI] = prev this._queue.length > 0 && this.drainQueueLaterOnExecutor() } } } startFork(effect) { this.tell(r###me(effect)) } patchRuntimeFlags(oldRuntimeFlags, patch) { const newRuntimeFlags = runtimeFlags_patch(oldRuntimeFlags, patch) globalThis[currentFiberURI] = this this._runtimeFlags = newRuntimeFlags return newRuntimeFlags } initiateAsync(runtimeFlags, asyncRegister) { let alreadyCalled = !1 const callback = effect => { if (!alreadyCalled) { alreadyCalled = !0 this.tell(r###me(effect)) } } interruptible(runtimeFlags) && (this._asyncInterruptor = callback) try { asyncRegister(callback) } catch (e) { callback(failCause(die(e))) } } pushStack(cont) { this._stack.push(cont) "OnStep" === cont._op && this._steps.push({ refs: this.getFiberRefs(), flags: this._runtimeFlags, }) } popStack() { const item = this._stack.pop() if (item) { "OnStep" === item._op && this._steps.pop() return item } } getNextSuccessCont() { let frame = this.popStack() for (; frame; ) { if ("OnFailure" !== frame._op) return frame frame = this.popStack() } } getNextFailCont() { let frame = this.popStack() for (; frame; ) { if ("OnSuccess" !== frame._op && "While" !== frame._op) return frame frame = this.popStack() } } Tag(op) { return core_map(fiberRefGet(currentContext), context => Context_unsafeGet(context, op), ) } Left(op) { return core_fail(op.left) } None(_) { return core_fail(new NoSuchElementException()) } Right(op) { return exitSucceed(op.right) } Some(op) { return exitSucceed(op.value) } Micro(op) { return ((register, blockingOn = FiberId_none) => { const effect = new EffectPrimitive("Async") let cancelerRef effect.effect_instruction_i0 = r###me => { cancelerRef = register(r###me) } effect.effect_instruction_i1 = blockingOn return void 0 !== cancelerRef ? onInterrupt(effect, _ => cancelerRef) : effect })(microR###me => { const env = (() => { const controller = new AbortController(), refs = Object.create(null) refs[currentAbortController.key] = controller refs[currentAbortSignal.key] = controller.signal return envMake(refs) })().pipe( envSet(Micro_currentContext, this.getFiberRef(currentContext)), ) let r###me = microR###me op[runSymbol](env, r###lt => { if ("Right" === r###lt._tag) return r###me(exitSucceed(r###lt.right)) switch (r###lt.left._tag) { case "Interrupt": return r###me(exitFailCause(interrupt(FiberId_none))) case "Fail": return r###me(core_fail(r###lt.left.error)) case "Die": return r###me(core_die(r###lt.left.defect)) } }) return core_async(abortR###me => { r###me = _ => { abortR###me(core_void_) } envGet(env, currentAbortController).abort() }) }) } Sync(op) { const value = internalCall(() => op.effect_instruction_i0()), cont = this.getNextSuccessCont() if (void 0 !== cont) { cont._op in contOpSuccess || fiberRuntime_absurd(cont) return contOpSuccess[cont._op](this, cont, value) } yieldedOpChannel.currentOp = exitSucceed(value) return YieldedOp } Success(op) { const oldCur = op, cont = this.getNextSuccessCont() if (void 0 !== cont) { cont._op in contOpSuccess || fiberRuntime_absurd(cont) return contOpSuccess[cont._op]( this, cont, oldCur.effect_instruction_i0, ) } yieldedOpChannel.currentOp = oldCur return YieldedOp } Failure(op) { const cause = op.effect_instruction_i0, cont = this.getNextFailCont() if (void 0 === cont) { yieldedOpChannel.currentOp = exitFailCause(cause) return YieldedOp } switch (cont._op) { case "OnFailure": case "OnSuccessAndFailure": return interruptible(this._runtimeFlags) && this.isInterrupted() ? exitFailCause(stripFailures(cause)) : internalCall(() => cont.effect_instruction_i1(cause)) case "OnStep": return interruptible(this._runtimeFlags) && this.isInterrupted() ? exitFailCause(stripFailures(cause)) : exitSucceed(exitFailCause(cause)) case "RevertFlags": this.patchRuntimeFlags(this._runtimeFlags, cont.patch) return interruptible(this._runtimeFlags) && this.isInterrupted() ? exitFailCause(sequential(cause, this.getInterruptedCause())) : exitFailCause(cause) default: fiberRuntime_absurd(cont) } } WithRuntime(op) { return internalCall(() => op.effect_instruction_i0( this, FiberStatus_running(this._runtimeFlags), ), ) } Blocked(op) { const refs = this.getFiberRefs(), flags = this._runtimeFlags if (this._steps.length > 0) { const frames = [], snap = this._steps[this._steps.length - 1] let frame = this.popStack() for (; frame && "OnStep" !== frame._op; ) { frames.push(frame) frame = this.popStack() } this.setFiberRefs(snap.refs) this._runtimeFlags = snap.flags const patchRefs = FiberRefsPatch_diff(snap.refs, refs), patchFlags = runtimeFlags_diff(snap.flags, flags) return exitSucceed( blocked( op.effect_instruction_i0, withFiberRuntime(newFiber => { for (; frames.length > 0; ) newFiber.pushStack(frames.pop()) newFiber.setFiberRefs( FiberRefsPatch_patch(, newFiber.getFiberRefs(), )(patchRefs), ) newFiber._runtimeFlags = runtimeFlags_patch(patchFlags)( newFiber._runtimeFlags, ) return op.effect_instruction_i1 }), ), ) } return uninterruptibleMask(restore => core_flatMap( fiberRuntime_forkDaemon( (blockedRequests => { const effect = new EffectPrimitive("RunBlocked") effect.effect_instruction_i0 = blockedRequests return effect })(op.effect_instruction_i0), ), () => restore(op.effect_instruction_i1), ), ) } RunBlocked(op) { return (self => forEachSequentialDiscard( (self => { let current = List_of(self), updated = List_empty() for (;;) { const [parallel, sequential] = List_reduce( current, [parallelCollectionEmpty(), List_empty()], ([parallel, sequential], blockedRequest) => { const [par, seq] = blockedRequests_step(blockedRequest) return [ parallelCollectionCombine(parallel, par), List_appendAll(sequential, seq), ] }, ) updated = blockedRequests_merge(updated, parallel) if (isNil(sequential)) return List_reverse(updated) current = sequential } throw new Error( "BUG: BlockedRequests.flatten - please report an issue at", ) })(self), requestsByRequestResolver => forEachConcurrentDiscard( (self => Array.from(, ([dataSource, sequential]) => { const map = new Map(), arr = [] for (const block of sequential) { arr.push(toReadonlyArray(block)) for (const entry of block) map.set(entry.request, entry) } const flat = arr.flat() return fiberRefLocally( invokeWithInterrupt(dataSource.runAll(arr), flat, () => flat.forEach(entry => { entry.listeners.interrupted = !0 }), ), currentRequestMap, map, ) }, !1, !1, ), ))(op.effect_instruction_i0) } UpdateRuntimeFlags(op) { const updateFlags = op.effect_instruction_i0, oldRuntimeFlags = this._runtimeFlags, newRuntimeFlags = runtimeFlags_patch(oldRuntimeFlags, updateFlags) if (interruptible(newRuntimeFlags) && this.isInterrupted()) return exitFailCause(this.getInterruptedCause()) this.patchRuntimeFlags(this._runtimeFlags, updateFlags) if (op.effect_instruction_i1) { const revertFlags = runtimeFlags_diff( newRuntimeFlags, oldRuntimeFlags, ) this.pushStack(new RevertFlags(revertFlags, op)) return internalCall(() => op.effect_instruction_i1(oldRuntimeFlags)) } return exitVoid } OnSuccess(op) { this.pushStack(op) return op.effect_instruction_i0 } OnStep(op) { this.pushStack(op) return op.effect_instruction_i0 } OnFailure(op) { this.pushStack(op) return op.effect_instruction_i0 } OnSuccessAndFailure(op) { this.pushStack(op) return op.effect_instruction_i0 } Async(op) { this._asyncBlockingOn = op.effect_instruction_i1 this.initiateAsync(this._runtimeFlags, op.effect_instruction_i0) yieldedOpChannel.currentOp = op return YieldedOp } Yield(op) { this.isYielding = !1 yieldedOpChannel.currentOp = op return YieldedOp } While(op) { const check = op.effect_instruction_i0, body = op.effect_instruction_i1 if (check()) { this.pushStack(op) return body() } return exitVoid } Commit(op) { return internalCall(() => op.commit()) } runLoop(effect0) { let cur = effect0 this.currentOpCount = 0 for (;;) { 0 != (2 & this._runtimeFlags) && this._supervisor.onEffect(this, cur) this._queue.length > 0 && (cur = this.drainQueueWhileRunning(this._runtimeFlags, cur)) if (!this.isYielding) { this.currentOpCount += 1 const shouldYield = this._scheduler.shouldYield(this) if (!1 !== shouldYield) { this.isYielding = !0 this.currentOpCount = 0 const oldCur = cur cur = core_flatMap( yieldNow({ priority: shouldYield }), () => oldCur, ) } } try { ;("_op" in cur && cur._op in this) || fiberRuntime_absurd(cur) cur = this._tracer.context(() => { return "3.5.7" !== cur[Effectable_EffectTypeId]._V ? ((message = `Cannot execute an Effect versioned ${cur[Effectable_EffectTypeId]._V} with a Runtime of version 3.5.7`), core_flatMap( sync(() => die(new RuntimeException(message))), failCause, )) : this[cur._op](cur) var message }, this) if (cur === YieldedOp) { const op = yieldedOpChannel.currentOp if ("Yield" === op._op || "Async" === op._op) return YieldedOp yieldedOpChannel.currentOp = null return "Success" === op._op || "Failure" === op._op ? op : exitFailCause(die(op)) } } catch (e) { cur = isEffectError(e) ? exitFailCause(e.cause) : isInterruptedException(e) ? exitFailCause(sequential(die(e), interrupt(FiberId_none))) : core_die(e) } } } run = () => { this.drainQueueOnCurrentThread() } } const currentMinimumLogLevel = globalValue( "effect/FiberRef/currentMinimumLogLevel", () => fiberRefUnsafeMake(Info), ), defaultLogger = globalValue( Symbol.for("effect/Logger/defaultLogger"), () => (self => makeLogger(opts => { const services = FiberRefs_getOrDefault( opts.context, currentServices, ) Context_get(services, consoleTag).unsafe.log(self.log(opts)) }))(stringLogger), ), tracerLogger = globalValue(Symbol.for("effect/Logger/tracerLogger"), () => makeLogger( ({ annotations, cause, context, fiberId, logLevel, message }) => { const span = flatMap( fiberRefs_get(context, currentContext), Context_getOption(spanTag), ), clockService = map(fiberRefs_get(context, currentServices), _ => Context_get(_, clockTag), ) if ( "None" === span._tag || "ExternalSpan" === span.value._tag || "None" === clockService._tag ) return const attributes = Object.fromEntries( HashMap_map(annotations, toStringUnknown), ) attributes["effect.fiberId"] = FiberId_threadName(fiberId) attributes["effect.logLevel"] = logLevel.label null !== cause && "Empty" !== cause._tag && (attributes["effect.cause"] = pretty(cause)) span.value.event( String(message), clockService.value.unsafeCurrentTimeNanos(), attributes, ) }, ), ), currentLoggers = globalValue( Symbol.for("effect/FiberRef/currentLoggers"), () => (initial => { const differ = differ_make({ empty: differ_hashSetPatch_empty(), combine: (first, second) => hashSetPatch_combine(second)(first), diff: (oldValue, newValue) => ((oldValue, newValue) => { const [removed, patch] = HashSet_reduce( [oldValue, differ_hashSetPatch_empty()], ([set, patch], value) => HashSet_has(value)(set) ? [HashSet_remove(value)(set), patch] : [ set, hashSetPatch_combine(hashSetPatch_makeAdd(value))( patch, ), ], )(newValue) return HashSet_reduce(patch, (patch, value) => hashSetPatch_combine( (value => { const o = Object.create(hashSetPatch_RemoveProto) o.value = value return o })(value), )(patch), )(removed) })(oldValue, newValue), patch: (patch, oldValue) => hashSetPatch_patch(oldValue)(patch), }) return fiberRefUnsafeMakePatch(initial, { differ, fork: differ.empty, }) })(HashSet_make(defaultLogger, tracerLogger)), ), fiberRuntime_acquireRelease = Function_dual( args => isEffect(args[0]), (acquire, release) => uninterruptible( core_tap(acquire, a => fiberRuntime_addFinalizer(exit => release(a, exit)), ), ), ), fiberRuntime_addFinalizer = finalizer => withFiberRuntime(runtime => { const acquireRefs = runtime.getFiberRefs(), acquireFlags = runtime._runtimeFlags return core_flatMap(fiberRuntime_scope, scope => scopeAddFinalizerExit(scope, exit => withFiberRuntime(runtimeFinalizer => { const preRefs = runtimeFinalizer.getFiberRefs(), preFlags = runtimeFinalizer._runtimeFlags, patchRefs = FiberRefsPatch_diff(preRefs, acquireRefs), patchFlags = runtimeFlags_diff(preFlags, acquireFlags), inverseRefs = FiberRefsPatch_diff(acquireRefs, preRefs) runtimeFinalizer.setFiberRefs( FiberRefsPatch_patch( patchRefs,, acquireRefs, ), ) return fiberRuntime_ensuring( withRuntimeFlags(finalizer(exit), patchFlags), sync(() => { runtimeFinalizer.setFiberRefs( FiberRefsPatch_patch( inverseRefs,, runtimeFinalizer.getFiberRefs(), ), ) }), ) }), ), ) }), fiberRuntime_all = (arg, options) => { const [effects, reconcile] = (input => { if (Array.isArray(input) || Predicate_isIterable(input)) return [input, Option_none()] const keys = Object.keys(input), size = keys.length return [ => input[k]), Option_some(values => { const res = {} for (let i = 0; i < size; i++) res[keys[i]] = values[i] return res }), ] })(arg) return "validate" === options?.mode ? ((effects, reconcile, options) => { const eitherEffects = [] for (const effect of effects) eitherEffects.push(core_either(effect)) return core_flatMap( fiberRuntime_forEach(eitherEffects, Function_identity, { concurrency: options?.concurrency, batching: options?.batching, }), eithers => { const none = Option_none(), size = eithers.length, errors = new Array(size), successes = new Array(size) let errored = !1 for (let i = 0; i < size; i++) { const either = eithers[i] if ("Left" === either._tag) { errors[i] = Option_some(either.left) errored = !0 } else { successes[i] = either.right errors[i] = none } } return errored ? "Some" === reconcile._tag ? core_fail(reconcile.value(errors)) : core_fail(errors) : options?.discard ? core_void_ : "Some" === reconcile._tag ? succeed(reconcile.value(successes)) : succeed(successes) }, ) })(effects, reconcile, options) : "either" === options?.mode ? ((effects, reconcile, options) => { const eitherEffects = [] for (const effect of effects) eitherEffects.push(core_either(effect)) return options?.discard ? fiberRuntime_forEach(eitherEffects, Function_identity, { concurrency: options?.concurrency, batching: options?.batching, discard: !0, }) : core_map( fiberRuntime_forEach(eitherEffects, Function_identity, { concurrency: options?.concurrency, batching: options?.batching, }), eithers => "Some" === reconcile._tag ? reconcile.value(eithers) : eithers, ) })(effects, reconcile, options) : !0 !== options?.discard && "Some" === reconcile._tag ? core_map( fiberRuntime_forEach(effects, Function_identity, options), reconcile.value, ) : fiberRuntime_forEach(effects, Function_identity, options) }, fiberRuntime_forEach = Function_dual( args => Predicate_isIterable(args[0]), (self, f, options) => withFiberRuntime(r => { const isRequestBatchingEnabled = !0 === options?.batching || ("inherit" === options?.batching && r.getFiberRef(currentRequestBatching)) return options?.discard ? concurrency_match( options.concurrency, () => finalizersMask(ExecutionStrategy_sequential)(restore => isRequestBatchingEnabled ? forEachConcurrentDiscard( self, (a, i) => restore(f(a, i)), !0, !1, 1, ) : forEachSequentialDiscard(self, (a, i) => restore(f(a, i)), ), ), () => finalizersMask(ExecutionStrategy_parallel)(restore => forEachConcurrentDiscard( self, (a, i) => restore(f(a, i)), isRequestBatchingEnabled, !1, ), ), n => finalizersMask(ExecutionStrategy_parallelN(n))(restore => forEachConcurrentDiscard( self, (a, i) => restore(f(a, i)), isRequestBatchingEnabled, !1, n, ), ), ) : concurrency_match( options?.concurrency, () => finalizersMask(ExecutionStrategy_sequential)(restore => isRequestBatchingEnabled ? forEachParN(self, 1, (a, i) => restore(f(a, i)), !0) : forEachSequential(self, (a, i) => restore(f(a, i))), ), () => finalizersMask(ExecutionStrategy_parallel)(restore => forEachParUnbounded( self, (a, i) => restore(f(a, i)), isRequestBatchingEnabled, ), ), n => finalizersMask(ExecutionStrategy_parallelN(n))(restore => forEachParN( self, n, (a, i) => restore(f(a, i)), isRequestBatchingEnabled, ), ), ) }), ), forEachParUnbounded = (self, f, batching) => suspend(() => { const as = Array_fromIterable(self), array = new Array(as.length) return core_zipRight( forEachConcurrentDiscard( as, (a, i) => core_flatMap(f(a, i), b => sync(() => (array[i] = b))), batching, !1, ), succeed(array), ) }), forEachConcurrentDiscard = (self, f, batching, processAll, n) => uninterruptibleMask(restore => (f => withFiberRuntime(state => { const scope = Function_pipe( state.getFiberRef(currentForkScopeOverride), getOrElse(() => state.scope()), ) return f( fiberRefLocally(currentForkScopeOverride, Option_some(scope)), ) }))(graft => withFiberRuntime(parent => { let todos = Array.from(self).reverse(), target = todos.length if (0 === target) return core_void_ let counter = 0, interrupted = !1 const fibersCount = n ? Math.min(todos.length, n) : todos.length, fibers = new Set(), r###lts = new Array(), startOrder = new Array(), joinOrder = new Array(), residual = new Array(), collectExits = () => { const exits = r###lts .filter(({ exit }) => "Failure" === exit._tag) .sort((a, b) => a.index < b.index ? -1 : a.index === b.index ? 0 : 1, ) .map(({ exit }) => exit) 0 === exits.length && exits.push(exitVoid) return exits }, runFiber = (eff, interruptImmediately = !1) => { const runnable = uninterruptible(graft(eff)), fiber = unsafeForkUnstarted( runnable, parent, parent._runtimeFlags, globalScope, ) parent._scheduler.scheduleTask(() => { interruptImmediately && fiber.unsafeInterruptAsFork( fiber.r###me(runnable) }, 0) return fiber }, onInterruptSignal = () => { if (!processAll) { target -= todos.length todos = [] } interrupted = !0 fibers.forEach(fiber => { fiber._scheduler.scheduleTask(() => { fiber.unsafeInterruptAsFork( }, 0) }) }, stepOrExit = batching ? step : core_exit, processingFiber = runFiber( core_async(r###me => { const pushR###lt = (res, index) => { if ("Blocked" === res._op) residual.push(res) else { r###lts.push({ index, exit: res }) "Failure" !== res._op || interrupted || onInterruptSignal() } }, next = () => { if (todos.length > 0) { const a = todos.pop() let index = counter++ const returnNextElement = () => { const a = todos.pop() index = counter++ return core_flatMap(yieldNow(), () => core_flatMap( stepOrExit(restore(f(a, index))), onRes, ), ) }, onRes = res => { if (todos.length > 0) { pushR###lt(res, index) if (todos.length > 0) return returnNextElement() } return succeed(res) }, todo = core_flatMap( stepOrExit(restore(f(a, index))), onRes, ), fiber = runFiber(todo) startOrder.push(fiber) fibers.add(fiber) interrupted && fiber._scheduler.scheduleTask(() => { fiber.unsafeInterruptAsFork( }, 0) fiber.addObserver(wrapped => { let exit exit = "Failure" === wrapped._op ? wrapped : wrapped.effect_instruction_i0 joinOrder.push(fiber) fibers.delete(fiber) pushR###lt(exit, index) if (r###lts.length === target) r###me( succeed( getOrElse( exitCollectAll(collectExits(), { parallel: !0, }), () => exitVoid, ), ), ) else if ( residual.length + r###lts.length === target ) { const requests = residual .map(blocked => blocked.effect_instruction_i0) .reduce(par) r###me( succeed( blocked( requests, forEachConcurrentDiscard( [ getOrElse( exitCollectAll(collectExits(), { parallel: !0, }), () => exitVoid, ), blocked => blocked.effect_instruction_i1, ), ], i => i, batching, !0, n, ), ), ), ) } else next() }) } } for (let i = 0; i < fibersCount; i++) next() }), ) return core_asVoid( onExit( core_flatten( restore( (self => core_zipLeft( core_flatten(self.await), self.inheritAll, ))(processingFiber), ), ), exitMatch({ onFailure: () => { onInterruptSignal() const target = residual.length + 1, concurrency = Math.min( "number" == typeof n ? n : residual.length, residual.length, ), toPop = Array.from(residual) return core_async(cb => { const exits = [] let count = 0, index = 0 const check = (index, hitNext) => exit => { exits[index] = exit count++ count === target && cb( getOrThrow( exitCollectAll(exits, { parallel: !0 }), ), ) toPop.length > 0 && hitNext && next() }, next = () => { runFiber(toPop.pop(), !0).addObserver( check(index, !0), ) index++ } processingFiber.addObserver(check(index, !1)) index++ for (let i = 0; i < concurrency; i++) next() }) }, onSuccess: () => forEachSequential(joinOrder, f => f.inheritAll), }), ), ) }), ), ), forEachParN = (self, n, f, batching) => suspend(() => { const as = Array_fromIterable(self), array = new Array(as.length) return core_zipRight( forEachConcurrentDiscard( as, (a, i) => core_map(f(a, i), b => (array[i] = b)), batching, !1, n, ), succeed(array), ) }), fiberRuntime_forkDaemon = self => forkWithScopeOverride(self, globalScope), unsafeForkUnstarted = ( effect, parentFiber, parentRuntimeFlags, overrideScope = null, ) => unsafeMakeChildFiber( effect, parentFiber, parentRuntimeFlags, overrideScope, ), unsafeMakeChildFiber = ( effect, parentFiber, parentRuntimeFlags, overrideScope = null, ) => { const childId = FiberId_unsafeMake(), parentFiberRefs = parentFiber.getFiberRefs(), childFiberRefs = forkAs(parentFiberRefs, childId), childFiber = new FiberRuntime( childId, childFiberRefs, parentRuntimeFlags, ), childContext = getOrDefault(childFiberRefs, currentContext), supervisor = childFiber._supervisor supervisor.onStart( childContext, effect, Option_some(parentFiber), childFiber, ) childFiber.addObserver(exit => supervisor.onEnd(exit, childFiber)) ;(null !== overrideScope ? overrideScope : Function_pipe( parentFiber.getFiberRef(currentForkScopeOverride), getOrElse(() => parentFiber.scope()), ) ).add(parentRuntimeFlags, childFiber) return childFiber }, forkWithScopeOverride = (self, scopeOverride) => withFiberRuntime((parentFiber, parentStatus) => succeed( (( effect, parentFiber, parentRuntimeFlags, overrideScope = null, ) => { const childFiber = unsafeMakeChildFiber( effect, parentFiber, parentRuntimeFlags, overrideScope, ) childFiber.r###me(effect) return childFiber })(self, parentFiber, parentStatus.runtimeFlags, scopeOverride), ), ), parallelFinalizers = self => contextWithEffect(context => match(Context_getOption(context, scopeTag), { onNone: () => self, onSome: scope => { switch (scope.strategy._tag) { case "Parallel": return self case "Sequential": case "ParallelN": return core_flatMap( scopeFork(scope, ExecutionStrategy_parallel), inner => scopeExtend(self, inner), ) } }, }), ), parallelNFinalizers = parallelism => self => contextWithEffect(context => match(Context_getOption(context, scopeTag), { onNone: () => self, onSome: scope => "ParallelN" === scope.strategy._tag && scope.strategy.parallelism === parallelism ? self : core_flatMap( scopeFork(scope, ExecutionStrategy_parallelN(parallelism)), inner => scopeExtend(self, inner), ), }), ), finalizersMask = strategy => self => contextWithEffect(context => match(Context_getOption(context, scopeTag), { onNone: () => self(Function_identity), onSome: scope => { const patch = "Parallel" === strategy._tag ? parallelFinalizers : "Sequential" === strategy._tag ? sequentialFinalizers : parallelNFinalizers(strategy.parallelism) switch (scope.strategy._tag) { case "Parallel": return patch(self(parallelFinalizers)) case "Sequential": return patch(self(sequentialFinalizers)) case "ParallelN": return patch( self(parallelNFinalizers(scope.strategy.parallelism)), ) } }, }), ), sequentialFinalizers = self => contextWithEffect(context => match(Context_getOption(context, scopeTag), { onNone: () => self, onSome: scope => { switch (scope.strategy._tag) { case "Sequential": return self case "Parallel": case "ParallelN": return core_flatMap( scopeFork(scope, ExecutionStrategy_sequential), inner => scopeExtend(self, inner), ) } }, }), ), zipLeftOptions = Function_dual( args => isEffect(args[1]), (self, that, options) => !0 === options?.concurrent || (void 0 !== options?.batching && !1 !== options.batching) ? zipWithOptions(self, that, (a, _) => a, options) : core_zipLeft(self, that), ), zipRightOptions = Function_dual( args => isEffect(args[1]), (self, that, options) => !0 === options?.concurrent || (void 0 !== options?.batching && !1 !== options.batching) ? zipWithOptions(self, that, (_, b) => b, options) : core_zipRight(self, that), ), zipWithOptions = Function_dual( args => isEffect(args[1]), (self, that, f, options) => core_map( fiberRuntime_all([self, that], { concurrency: options?.concurrent ? 2 : 1, batching: options?.batching, }), ([a, a2]) => f(a, a2), ), ), scopeTag = GenericTag("effect/Scope"), fiberRuntime_scope = scopeTag, ScopeImplProto = { [ScopeTypeId]: ScopeTypeId, [CloseableScopeTypeId]: CloseableScopeTypeId, pipe() { return Pipeable_pipeArguments(this, arguments) }, fork(strategy) { return sync(() => { const newScope = fiberRuntime_scopeUnsafeMake(strategy) if ("Closed" === this.state._tag) { newScope.state = this.state return newScope } const fin = exit => newScope.close(exit) this.state.finalizers.add(fin) ;((scope, fin) => { "Open" === scope.state._tag && scope.state.finalizers.add(fin) })(newScope, _ => sync(() => { "Open" === this.state._tag && this.state.finalizers.delete(fin) }), ) return newScope }) }, close(exit) { return suspend(() => { if ("Closed" === this.state._tag) return core_void_ const finalizers = Array.from( this.state.finalizers.values(), ).reverse() this.state = { _tag: "Closed", exit } return 0 === finalizers.length ? core_void_ : (self => "Sequential" === this.strategy._tag)() ? Function_pipe( forEachSequential(finalizers, fin => core_exit(fin(exit))), core_flatMap(r###lts => Function_pipe( exitCollectAll(r###lts), map(exitAsVoid), getOrElse(() => exitVoid), ), ), ) : (self => "Parallel" === this.strategy._tag)() ? Function_pipe( forEachParUnbounded( finalizers, fin => core_exit(fin(exit)), !1, ), core_flatMap(r###lts => Function_pipe( exitCollectAll(r###lts, { parallel: !0 }), map(exitAsVoid), getOrElse(() => exitVoid), ), ), ) : Function_pipe( forEachParN( finalizers, this.strategy.parallelism, fin => core_exit(fin(exit)), !1, ), core_flatMap(r###lts => Function_pipe( exitCollectAll(r###lts, { parallel: !0 }), map(exitAsVoid), getOrElse(() => exitVoid), ), ), ) }) }, addFinalizer(fin) { return suspend(() => { if ("Closed" === this.state._tag) return fin(this.state.exit) this.state.finalizers.add(fin) return core_void_ }) }, }, fiberRuntime_scopeUnsafeMake = ( strategy = executionStrategy_sequential, ) => { const scope = Object.create(ScopeImplProto) scope.strategy = strategy scope.state = { _tag: "Open", finalizers: new Set() } return scope }, fiberRuntime_scopeMake = (strategy = executionStrategy_sequential) => sync(() => fiberRuntime_scopeUnsafeMake(strategy)), scopeExtend = Function_dual(2, (effect, scope) => mapInputContext(effect, Context_merge(Context_make(scopeTag, scope))), ), fiberRefUnsafeMak###pervisor = initial => fiberRefUnsafeMakePatch(initial, { differ: patch_differ, fork: supervisor_patch_empty, }), fiberRefLocallyScoped = Function_dual(2, (self, value) => core_asVoid( fiberRuntime_acquireRelease( core_flatMap(fiberRefGet(self), oldValue => core_as(fiberRefSet(self, value), oldValue), ), oldValue => fiberRefSet(self, oldValue), ), ), ), fiberRefLocallyScopedWith = Function_dual(2, (self, f) => fiberRefGetWith(self, a => fiberRefLocallyScoped(self, f(a))), ), currentRuntimeFlags = fiberRefUnsafeMakeRuntimeFlags(runtimeFlags_none), currentSupervisor = fiberRefUnsafeMak###pervisor(supervisor_none), fiberRuntime_ensuring = Function_dual(2, (self, finalizer) => uninterruptibleMask(restore => matchCauseEffect(restore(self), { onFailure: cause1 => matchCauseEffect(finalizer, { onFailure: cause2 => failCause(sequential(cause1, cause2)), onSuccess: () => failCause(cause1), }), onSuccess: a => core_as(finalizer, a), }), ), ), invokeWithInterrupt = (self, entries, onInterrupt) => fiberIdWith(id => core_flatMap( core_flatMap( fiberRuntime_forkDaemon(core_interruptible(self)), processing => core_async(cb => { const counts = => _.listeners.count), checkDone = () => { if ( counts.every(count => 0 === count) && entries.every( _ => "Pending" === _.r###lt.state.current._tag || !( "Done" !== _.r###lt.state.current._tag || !exitIsExit(_.r###lt.state.current.effect) || "Failure" !== _.r###lt.state.current.effect._tag || !(self => Option_isSome( (self => find(self, cause => "Interrupt" === cause._tag ? Option_some(cause.fiberId) : Option_none(), ))(self), ))(_.r###lt.state.current.effect.cause) ), ) ) { cleanup.forEach(f => f()) onInterrupt?.() cb( (self => core_flatMap(fiberId, fiberId => Function_pipe(self, interruptAsFiber(fiberId)), ))(processing), ) } } processing.addObserver(exit => { cleanup.forEach(f => f()) cb(exit) }) const cleanup =, i) => { const observer = count => { counts[i] = count checkDone() } r.listeners.addObserver(observer) return () => r.listeners.removeObserver(observer) }) checkDone() return sync(() => { cleanup.forEach(f => f()) }) }), ), () => suspend(() => { const residual = entries.flatMap(entry => entry.state.completed ? [] : [entry], ) return forEachSequentialDiscard(residual, entry => request_complete( entry.request, (fiberId => exitFailCause(interrupt(fiberId)))(id), ), ) }), ), ), Cause_fail = fail, Cause_failureOrCause = failureOrCause, Cause_NoSuchElementException = NoSuchElementException, Cause_pretty = pretty, String_Equivalence = Equivalence_string, String_isEmpty = self => 0 === self.length, String_isNonEmpty = self => self.length > 0, String_split = Function_dual(2, (self, separator) => { const out = self.split(separator) return isNonEmptyArray(out) ? out : [self] }) Symbol.iterator const IntervalTypeId = Symbol.for("effect/ScheduleInterval"), interval_empty = { [IntervalTypeId]: IntervalTypeId, startMillis: 0, endMillis: 0, }, ScheduleInterval_empty = interval_empty, ScheduleInterval_after = startMilliseconds => { return (startMillis = startMilliseconds) > (endMillis = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY) ? interval_empty : { [IntervalTypeId]: IntervalTypeId, startMillis, endMillis } var startMillis, endMillis }, IntervalsTypeId = Symbol.for("effect/ScheduleIntervals"), ScheduleDecision_continueWith = interval => { return { _tag: "Continue", intervals: ((intervals = Chunk_of(interval)), { [IntervalsTypeId]: IntervalsTypeId, intervals }), } var intervals }, ScheduleTypeId = Symbol.for("effect/Schedule"), ScheduleDriverTypeId = Symbol.for("effect/ScheduleDriver"), scheduleVariance = { _Out: _ => _, _In: _ => _, _R: _ => _ }, scheduleDriverVariance = { _Out: _ => _, _In: _ => _, _R: _ => _ } class ScheduleImpl { initial step; [ScheduleTypeId] = scheduleVariance constructor(initial, step) { this.initial = initial this.step = step } pipe() { return Pipeable_pipeArguments(this, arguments) } } class ScheduleDriverImpl { schedule ref; [ScheduleDriverTypeId] = scheduleDriverVariance constructor(schedule, ref) { this.schedule = schedule this.ref = ref } get state() { return core_map(ref_get(this.ref), tuple => tuple[1]) } get last() { return core_flatMap(ref_get(this.ref), ([element, _]) => { switch (element._tag) { case "None": return failSync(() => new NoSuchElementException()) case "Some": return succeed(element.value) } }) } get reset() { return ref_set(this.ref, [Option_none(), this.schedule.initial]) } next(input) { return Function_pipe( core_map(ref_get(this.ref), tuple => tuple[1]), core_flatMap(state => Function_pipe( Clock_currentTimeMillis, core_flatMap(now => Function_pipe( suspend(() => this.schedule.step(now, input, state)), core_flatMap(([state, out, decision]) => { const setState = ref_set(this.ref, [ Option_some(out), state, ]) if ((self => "Done" === self._tag)(decision)) return core_zipRight(setState, core_fail(Option_none())) const millis = (self => Function_pipe( self.intervals, Chunk_head, getOrElse(() => ScheduleInterval_empty), ).startMillis)(decision.intervals) - now return millis <= 0 ? core_as(setState, out) : Function_pipe( setState, core_zipRight( (duration => { const decodedDuration = decode(duration) return clockWith(clock => clock.sleep(decodedDuration), ) })(Duration_millis(millis)), ), core_as(out), ) }), ), ), ), ), ) } } const schedule_Effect = Function_dual(2, (self, schedule) => scheduleFrom_Effect(self, void 0, schedule), ), scheduleFrom_Effect = Function_dual(3, (self, initial, schedule) => core_flatMap( (self => Function_pipe( ref_make([Option_none(), self.initial]), core_map(ref => new ScheduleDriverImpl(self, ref)), ))(schedule), driver => scheduleFrom_EffectLoop(self, initial, driver), ), ), scheduleFrom_EffectLoop = (self, initial, driver) => matchEffect(, { onFailure: () => (self => orDieWith(self, Function_identity))(driver.last), onSuccess: () => core_flatMap(self, a => scheduleFrom_EffectLoop(self, a, driver)), }) class Semaphore { permits waiters = new Set() taken = 0 constructor(permits) { this.permits = permits } get free() { return this.permits - this.taken } take = n => core_async(r###me => { if ( < n) { const observer = () => { if (!( < n)) { this.waiters.delete(observer) this.taken += n r###me(succeed(n)) } } this.waiters.add(observer) return sync(() => { this.waiters.delete(observer) }) } this.taken += n return r###me(succeed(n)) }) updateTaken = f => withFiberRuntime(fiber => { this.taken = f(this.taken) this.waiters.size > 0 && fiber.getFiberRef(currentScheduler).scheduleTask(() => { const iter = this.waiters.values() let item = for (; !1 === item.done && > 0; ) { item.value() item = } }, fiber.getFiberRef(currentSchedulingPriority)) return succeed( }) release = n => this.updateTaken(taken => taken - n) releaseAll = this.updateTaken(_ => 0) withPermits = n => self => uninterruptibleMask(restore => core_flatMap(restore(this.take(n)), permits => fiberRuntime_ensuring(restore(self), this.release(permits)), ), ) } const SynchronizedTypeId = Symbol.for("effect/Ref/SynchronizedRef"), synchronizedVariance = { _A: _ => _ } class SynchronizedImpl { ref withLock; [SynchronizedTypeId] = synchronizedVariance; [RefTypeId] = refVariance; [Readable_TypeId] constructor(ref, withLock) { this.ref = ref this.withLock = withLock this[Readable_TypeId] = Readable_TypeId this.get = ref_get(this.ref) } get; modify(f) { return this.modifyEffect(a => succeed(f(a))) } modifyEffect(f) { return this.withLock( Function_pipe( core_flatMap(ref_get(this.ref), f), core_flatMap(([b, a]) => core_as(ref_set(this.ref, a), b)), ), ) } pipe() { return Pipeable_pipeArguments(this, arguments) } } const makeSynchronized = value => sync(() => unsafeMakeSynchronized(value)), unsafeMakeSynchronized = value => { const ref = ref_unsafeMake(value), sem = new Semaphore(1) return new SynchronizedImpl(ref, sem.withPermits(1)) }, Scope_close = scopeClose, Scope_fork = scopeFork, runtime_unsafeFork = runtime => (self, options) => { const fiberId = FiberId_unsafeMake(), fiberRefUpdates = [[currentContext, [[fiberId, runtime.context]]]] options?.scheduler && fiberRefUpdates.push([ currentScheduler, [[fiberId, options.scheduler]], ]) let fiberRefs = FiberRefs_updateManyAs(runtime.fiberRefs, { entries: fiberRefUpdates, forkAs: fiberId, }) options?.updateRefs && (fiberRefs = options.updateRefs(fiberRefs, fiberId)) const fiberRuntime = new FiberRuntime( fiberId, fiberRefs, runtime.runtimeFlags, ) let effect = self options?.scope && (effect = core_flatMap( Scope_fork(options.scope, executionStrategy_sequential), closeableScope => core_zipRight( ((self, finalizer) => self.addFinalizer(() => core_asVoid(finalizer)))( closeableScope, fiberIdWith(id => equals(id, ? core_void_ : interruptAsFiber(fiberRuntime, id), ), ), onExit(self, exit => Scope_close(closeableScope, exit)), ), )) const supervisor = fiberRuntime._supervisor if (supervisor !== supervisor_none) { supervisor.onStart( runtime.context, effect, Option_none(), fiberRuntime, ) fiberRuntime.addObserver(exit => supervisor.onEnd(exit, fiberRuntime)) } globalScope.add(runtime.runtimeFlags, fiberRuntime) !1 === options?.immediate ? fiberRuntime.r###me(effect) : fiberRuntime.start(effect) return fiberRuntime }, unsafeRunSync = runtime => effect => { const r###lt = unsafeRunSyncExit(runtime)(effect) if ("Failure" === r###lt._tag) throw fiberFailure(r###lt.effect_instruction_i0) return r###lt.effect_instruction_i0 } class AsyncFiberExceptionImpl extends Error { fiber _tag = "AsyncFiberException" constructor(fiber) { super( `Fiber #${} cannot be resolved synchronously. This is caused by using runSync on an effect that performs async work`, ) this.fiber = fiber = this._tag this.stack = this.message } } const FiberFailureId = Symbol.for("effect/Runtime/FiberFailure"), FiberFailureCauseId = Symbol.for("effect/Runtime/FiberFailure/Cause") class FiberFailureImpl extends Error { [FiberFailureId]; [FiberFailureCauseId] constructor(cause) { super() this[FiberFailureId] = FiberFailureId this[FiberFailureCauseId] = cause const prettyErrors = cause_prettyErrors(cause) if (prettyErrors.length > 0) { const head = prettyErrors[0] = this.message = head.message this.stack = head.stack } = `(FiberFailure) ${}` ;(void 0 !== this.message && 0 !== this.message.length) || (this.message = "An error has occurred") } toJSON() { return { _id: "FiberFailure", cause: this[FiberFailureCauseId].toJSON(), } } toString() { return "(FiberFailure) " + (this.stack ?? this.message) } [Inspectable_NodeInspectSymbol]() { return this.toString() } } const fiberFailure = cause => { const limit = Error.stackTraceLimit Error.stackTraceLimit = 0 const error = new FiberFailureImpl(cause) Error.stackTraceLimit = limit return error }, fastPath = effect => { const op = effect switch (op._op) { case "Failure": case "Success": return op case "Left": return exitFail(op.left) case "Right": return exitSucceed(op.right) case "Some": return exitSucceed(op.value) case "None": return exitFail(NoSuchElementException()) } }, unsafeRunSyncExit = runtime => effect => { const op = fastPath(effect) if (op) return op const scheduler = new SyncScheduler(), fiberRuntime = runtime_unsafeFork(runtime)(effect, { scheduler }) scheduler.flush() const r###lt = fiberRuntime.unsafePoll() if (r###lt) return r###lt throw (fiber => { const limit = Error.stackTraceLimit Error.stackTraceLimit = 0 const error = new AsyncFiberExceptionImpl(fiber) Error.stackTraceLimit = limit return error })(fiberRuntime) }, unsafeRunPromise = runtime => (effect, options) => unsafeRunPromiseExit(runtime)(effect, options).then(r###lt => { switch (r###lt._tag) { case "Success": return r###lt.effect_instruction_i0 case "Failure": throw fiberFailure(r###lt.effect_instruction_i0) } }), unsafeRunPromiseExit = runtime => (effect, options) => new Promise(resolve => { const op = fastPath(effect) op && resolve(op) const fiber = runtime_unsafeFork(runtime)(effect) fiber.addObserver(exit => { resolve(exit) }) void 0 !== options?.signal && (options.signal.aborted ? fiber.unsafeInterruptAsFork( : options.signal.addEventListener( "abort", () => { fiber.unsafeInterruptAsFork( }, { once: !0 }, )) }) class RuntimeImpl { context runtimeFlags fiberRefs constructor(context, runtimeFlags, fiberRefs) { this.context = context this.runtimeFlags = runtimeFlags this.fiberRefs = fiberRefs } pipe() { return Pipeable_pipeArguments(this, arguments) } } const runtime_make = options => new RuntimeImpl( options.context, options.runtimeFlags, options.fiberRefs, ), defaultRuntimeFlags = runtimeFlags_make(1, 32, 4), defaultRuntime = runtime_make({ context: Context_empty(), runtimeFlags: defaultRuntimeFlags, fiberRefs: FiberRefs_empty(), }), unsafeRunPromiseEffect = unsafeRunPromise(defaultRuntime), unsafeRunSyncEffect = unsafeRunSync(defaultRuntime), modifyEffect = Function_dual(2, (self, f) => self.modifyEffect(f)), LayerTypeId = Symbol.for("effect/Layer"), layer_proto = { [LayerTypeId]: { _RIn: _ => _, _E: _ => _, _ROut: _ => _ }, pipe() { return Pipeable_pipeArguments(this, arguments) }, }, MemoMapTypeId = Symbol.for("effect/Layer/MemoMap"), isFresh = self => "Fresh" === self._tag class MemoMapImpl { ref; [MemoMapTypeId] constructor(ref) { this.ref = ref this[MemoMapTypeId] = MemoMapTypeId } getOrElseMemoize(layer, scope) { return Function_pipe( modifyEffect(this.ref, map => { const inMap = map.get(layer) if (void 0 !== inMap) { const [acquire, release] = inMap, cached = Function_pipe( acquire, core_flatMap(([patch, b]) => Function_pipe( (patch => { return ( (f = (fiberId, fiberRefs) => Function_pipe( patch, patch_patch(fiberId, fiberRefs), )), withFiberRuntime(state => { state.setFiberRefs( f(, state.getFiberRefs()), ) return core_void_ }) ) var f })(patch), core_as(b), ), ), onExit( exitMatch({ onFailure: () => core_void_, onSuccess: () => scopeAddFinalizerExit(scope, release), }), ), ) return succeed([cached, map]) } return Function_pipe( ref_make(0), core_flatMap(observers => Function_pipe( core_flatMap(fiberId, id => (fiberId => sync(() => deferredUnsafeMake(fiberId)))(id), ), core_flatMap(deferred => Function_pipe( ref_make(() => core_void_), core_map(finalizerRef => { const resource = uninterruptibleMask(restore => Function_pipe( fiberRuntime_scopeMake(), core_flatMap(innerScope => Function_pipe( restore( core_flatMap( makeBuilder(layer, innerScope, !0), f => (self => summarized( self, core_effect_fiberRefs, patch_diff, ))(f(this)), ), ), core_exit, core_flatMap(exit => { switch (exit._tag) { case "Failure": return Function_pipe( deferredFailCause( deferred, exit.effect_instruction_i0, ), core_zipRight( scopeClose(innerScope, exit), ), core_zipRight( failCause( exit.effect_instruction_i0, ), ), ) case "Success": return Function_pipe( ref_set(finalizerRef, exit => Function_pipe( scopeClose(innerScope, exit), whenEffect( ref_modify(observers, n => [ 1 === n, n - 1, ]), ), core_asVoid, ), ), core_zipRight( ref_update(observers, n => n + 1), ), core_zipRight( scopeAddFinalizerExit(scope, exit => Function_pipe( sync(() => map.delete(layer)), core_zipRight( ref_get(finalizerRef), ), core_flatMap(finalizer => finalizer(exit), ), ), ), ), core_zipRight( deferredSucceed( deferred, exit.effect_instruction_i0, ), ), core_as( exit.effect_instruction_i0[1], ), ) } }), ), ), ), ), memoized = [ Function_pipe( deferredAwait(deferred), onExit( exitMatchEffect({ onFailure: () => core_void_, onSuccess: () => ref_update(observers, n => n + 1), }), ), ), exit => Function_pipe( ref_get(finalizerRef), core_flatMap(finalizer => finalizer(exit)), ), ] return [ resource, isFresh(layer) ? map : map.set(layer, memoized), ] }), ), ), ), ), ) }), core_flatten, ) } } const makeMemoMap = suspend(() => core_map(makeSynchronized(new Map()), ref => new MemoMapImpl(ref)), ), buildWithScope = Function_dual(2, (self, scope) => core_flatMap(makeMemoMap, memoMap => core_flatMap(makeBuilder(self, scope), run => run(memoMap)), ), ), makeBuilder = (self, scope, inMemoMap = !1) => { const op = self switch (op._tag) { case "Locally": return sync( () => memoMap => op.f(memoMap.getOrElseMemoize(op.self, scope)), ) case "ExtendScope": return sync(() => memoMap => { return ( (f = scope => memoMap.getOrElseMemoize(op.layer, scope)), core_flatMap(scopeTag, f) ) var f }) case "Fold": return sync( () => memoMap => Function_pipe( memoMap.getOrElseMemoize(op.layer, scope), matchCauseEffect({ onFailure: cause => memoMap.getOrElseMemoize(op.failureK(cause), scope), onSuccess: value => memoMap.getOrElseMemoize(op.successK(value), scope), }), ), ) case "Fresh": return sync( () => _ => Function_pipe(op.layer, buildWithScope(scope)), ) case "FromEffect": return sync( inMemoMap ? () => _ => op.effect : () => memoMap => memoMap.getOrElseMemoize(self, scope), ) case "Provide": return sync( () => memoMap => Function_pipe( memoMap.getOrElseMemoize(op.first, scope), core_flatMap(env => Function_pipe( memoMap.getOrElseMemoize(op.second, scope), provideContext(env), ), ), ), ) case "Scoped": return sync( inMemoMap ? () => _ => scopeExtend(op.effect, scope) : () => memoMap => memoMap.getOrElseMemoize(self, scope), ) case "Suspend": return sync( () => memoMap => memoMap.getOrElseMemoize(op.evaluate(), scope), ) case "ProvideMerge": return sync( () => memoMap => Function_pipe( memoMap.getOrElseMemoize(op.first, scope), core_zipWith( memoMap.getOrElseMemoize(op.second, scope), op.zipK, ), ), ) case "ZipWith": return sync( () => memoMap => Function_pipe( memoMap.getOrElseMemoize(op.first, scope), zipWithOptions( memoMap.getOrElseMemoize(op.second, scope), op.zipK, { concurrent: !0 }, ), ), ) } }, layer_fail = error => layer_failCause(Cause_fail(error)), layer_failCause = cause => (function (effect) { const fromEffect = Object.create(layer_proto) fromEffect._tag = "FromEffect" fromEffect.effect = effect return fromEffect })(failCause(cause)), layer_flatMap = Function_dual(2, (self, f) => layer_match(self, { onFailure: layer_fail, onSuccess: f }), ), layer_matchCause = Function_dual(2, (self, { onFailure, onSuccess }) => { const fold = Object.create(layer_proto) fold._tag = "Fold" fold.layer = self fold.failureK = onFailure fold.successK = onSuccess return fold }), layer_match = Function_dual(2, (self, { onFailure, onSuccess }) => layer_matchCause(self, { onFailure: cause => { const failureOrCause = Cause_failureOrCause(cause) switch (failureOrCause._tag) { case "Left": return onFailure(failureOrCause.left) case "Right": return layer_failCause(failureOrCause.right) } }, onSuccess, }), ), scopedDiscard = effect => scopedContext(Function_pipe(effect, core_as(Context_empty()))), scopedContext = effect => { const scoped = Object.create(layer_proto) scoped._tag = "Scoped" scoped.effect = effect return scoped }, provideSomeLayer = Function_dual(2, (self, layer) => acquireUseRelease( fiberRuntime_scopeMake(), scope => core_flatMap(buildWithScope(layer, scope), context => provideSomeContext(self, context), ), (scope, exit) => scopeClose(scope, exit), ), ), provideSomeRuntime = Function_dual(2, (self, rt) => { const patchRefs = FiberRefsPatch_diff( defaultRuntime.fiberRefs, rt.fiberRefs, ), patchFlags = runtimeFlags_diff( defaultRuntime.runtimeFlags, rt.runtimeFlags, ) return uninterruptibleMask(restore => withFiberRuntime(fiber => { const oldContext = fiber.getFiberRef(currentContext), oldRefs = fiber.getFiberRefs(), newRefs = FiberRefsPatch_patch(, oldRefs)(patchRefs), oldFlags = fiber._runtimeFlags, newFlags = runtimeFlags_patch(patchFlags)(oldFlags), rollbackRefs = FiberRefsPatch_diff(newRefs, oldRefs), rollbackFlags = runtimeFlags_diff(newFlags, oldFlags) fiber.setFiberRefs(newRefs) fiber._runtimeFlags = newFlags return fiberRuntime_ensuring( provideSomeContext( restore(self), Context_merge(oldContext, rt.context), ), withFiberRuntime(fiber => { fiber.setFiberRefs( FiberRefsPatch_patch(, fiber.getFiberRefs(), )(rollbackRefs), ) fiber._runtimeFlags = runtimeFlags_patch(rollbackFlags)( fiber._runtimeFlags, ) return core_void_ }), ) }), ) }), effect_provide = Function_dual(2, (self, source) => (u => Predicate_hasProperty(u, LayerTypeId))(source) ? provideSomeLayer(self, source) : Context_isContext(source) ? provideSomeContext(self, source) : provideSomeRuntime(self, source), ), consoleWith = f => fiberRefGetWith(currentServices, services => f(Context_get(services, consoleTag)), ) Symbol.iterator Symbol.iterator const Effect_isEffect = isEffect, Effect_all = fiberRuntime_all, Effect_allSuccesses = (elements, options) => core_map( fiberRuntime_all( Array_fromIterable(elements).map(core_exit), options, ), Array_filterMap(exit => (self => "Success" === self._tag)(exit) ? Option_some(exit.effect_instruction_i0) : Option_none(), ), ), Effect_forEach = fiberRuntime_forEach, Effect_fail = core_fail, Effect_gen = function () { let f f = 1 === arguments.length ? arguments[0] : arguments[1].bind(arguments[0]) return suspend(() => { const iterator = f(Function_pipe), state = internalCall(() =>, run = state => state.done ? succeed(state.value) : core_flatMap( (function (self) { if ( "object" == typeof self && null !== self && YieldWrapTypeId in self ) return self[YieldWrapTypeId]() throw new Error(getBugErrorMessage("yieldWrapGet")) })(state.value), val => run(internalCall(() =>, ) return run(state) }) }, Effect_promise = evaluate => evaluate.length >= 1 ? core_async((resolve, signal) => { evaluate(signal).then( a => resolve(exitSucceed(a)), e => resolve(exitDie(e)), ) }) : core_async(resolve => { evaluate().then( a => resolve(exitSucceed(a)), e => resolve(exitDie(e)), ) }), Effect_succeed = succeed, Effect_suspend = suspend, Effect_sync = sync, _void = core_void_, Effect_catchAll = catchAll, Effect_ignore = self => core_effect_match(self, { onFailure: Function_constVoid, onSuccess: Function_constVoid, }), Effect_map = core_map, Effect_mapError = mapError, Effect_forkDaemon = fiberRuntime_forkDaemon, Effect_withConcurrency = withConcurrency, Effect_provide = effect_provide, Effect_either = core_either, Effect_option = self => matchEffect(self, { onFailure: () => succeed(Option_none()), onSuccess: a => succeed(Option_some(a)), }), Effect_filterOrElse = filterOrElse, Effect_filterOrFail = core_effect_filterOrFail, Effect_when = core_effect_when, Effect_flatMap = core_flatMap, Effect_tap = core_tap, Effect_tapErrorCause = core_effect_tapErrorCause, schedule = schedule_Effect, Effect_locally = fiberRefLocally, Effect_isSuccess = self => core_effect_match(self, { onFailure: constFalse, onSuccess: Function_constTrue, }), Effect_matchEffect = matchEffect, Effect_log = log, Effect_logDebug = logDebug, Effect_logInfo = logInfo, Effect_logWarning = logWarning, Effect_logError = logError, Effect_annotateLogs = annotateLogs, Effect_orElse = core_orElse, Effect_orEls###cceed = core_effect_orEls###cceed, Effect_runPromise = unsafeRunPromiseEffect, Effect_runSync = unsafeRunSyncEffect, Effect_zipLeft = zipLeftOptions, Effect_zipRight = zipRightOptions, Effect_fromNullable = value => null == value ? core_fail(new NoSuchElementException()) : succeed(value), external_rxjs_namespaceObject = rxjs, lib = observer => value => { } var EMPTY_OBJ = {}, EMPTY_ARR = [], hyperapp_id = a => a, hyperapp_map =, hyperapp_isArray = Array.isArray, enqueue = "undefined" != typeof requestAnimationFrame ? requestAnimationFrame : setTimeout, createClass = obj => { var out = "" if ("string" == typeof obj) return obj if (hyperapp_isArray(obj)) for (var tmp, k = 0; k < obj.length; k++) (tmp = createClass(obj[k])) && (out += (out && " ") + tmp) else for (var k in obj) obj[k] && (out += (out && " ") + k) return out }, shouldRestart = (a, b) => { for (var k in { ...a, ...b }) if ("function" == typeof (hyperapp_isArray(a[k]) ? a[k][0] : a[k])) b[k] = a[k] else if (a[k] !== b[k]) return !0 }, getKey = vdom => (null == vdom ? vdom : vdom.key), patchProperty = (node, key, oldValue, newValue, listener, isSvg) => { if ("style" === key) for (var k in { ...oldValue, ...newValue }) { oldValue = null == newValue || null == newValue[k] ? "" : newValue[k] "-" === k[0] ? node[key].setProperty(k, oldValue) : (node[key][k] = oldValue) } else "o" === key[0] && "n" === key[1] ? (( || ( = {}))[(key = key.slice(2))] = newValue) ? oldValue || node.addEventListener(key, listener) : node.removeEventListener(key, listener) : !isSvg && "list" !== key && "form" !== key && key in node ? (node[key] = newValue ?? "") : null == newValue || !1 === newValue ? node.removeAttribute(key) : node.setAttribute(key, newValue) }, createNode = (vdom, listener, isSvg) => { var props = vdom.props, node = 3 === vdom.type ? document.createTextNode(vdom.tag) : (isSvg = isSvg || "svg" === vdom.tag) ? document.createElementNS( "", vdom.tag, && props, ) : document.createElement(vdom.tag, && props) for (var k in props) patchProperty(node, k, null, props[k], listener, isSvg) for (var i = 0; i < vdom.children.length; i++) node.appendChild( createNode( (vdom.children[i] = maybeVNode(vdom.children[i])), listener, isSvg, ), ) return (vdom.node = node) }, hyperapp_patch = (parent, node, oldVNode, newVNode, listener, isSvg) => { if (oldVNode === newVNode); else if (null != oldVNode && 3 === oldVNode.type && 3 === newVNode.type) oldVNode.tag !== newVNode.tag && (node.nodeValue = newVNode.tag) else if (null == oldVNode || oldVNode.tag !== newVNode.tag) { node = parent.insertBefore( createNode((newVNode = maybeVNode(newVNode)), listener, isSvg), node, ) null != oldVNode && parent.removeChild(oldVNode.node) } else { var tmpVKid, oldVKid, oldKey, newKey, oldProps = oldVNode.props, newProps = newVNode.props, oldVKids = oldVNode.children, newVKids = newVNode.children, oldHead = 0, newHead = 0, oldTail = oldVKids.length - 1, newTail = newVKids.length - 1 isSvg = isSvg || "svg" === newVNode.tag for (var i in { ...oldProps, ...newProps }) ("value" === i || "selected" === i || "checked" === i ? node[i] : oldProps[i]) !== newProps[i] && patchProperty(node, i, oldProps[i], newProps[i], listener, isSvg) for ( ; newHead <= newTail && oldHead <= oldTail && null != (oldKey = getKey(oldVKids[oldHead])) && oldKey === getKey(newVKids[newHead]); ) hyperapp_patch( node, oldVKids[oldHead].node, oldVKids[oldHead], (newVKids[newHead] = maybeVNode( newVKids[newHead++], oldVKids[oldHead++], )), listener, isSvg, ) for ( ; newHead <= newTail && oldHead <= oldTail && null != (oldKey = getKey(oldVKids[oldTail])) && oldKey === getKey(newVKids[newTail]); ) hyperapp_patch( node, oldVKids[oldTail].node, oldVKids[oldTail], (newVKids[newTail] = maybeVNode( newVKids[newTail--], oldVKids[oldTail--], )), listener, isSvg, ) if (oldHead > oldTail) for (; newHead <= newTail; ) node.insertBefore( createNode( (newVKids[newHead] = maybeVNode(newVKids[newHead++])), listener, isSvg, ), (oldVKid = oldVKids[oldHead]) && oldVKid.node, ) else if (newHead > newTail) for (; oldHead <= oldTail; ) node.removeChild(oldVKids[oldHead++].node) else { var keyed = {}, newKeyed = {} for (i = oldHead; i <= oldTail; i++) null != (oldKey = oldVKids[i].key) && (keyed[oldKey] = oldVKids[i]) for (; newHead <= newTail; ) { oldKey = getKey((oldVKid = oldVKids[oldHead])) newKey = getKey( (newVKids[newHead] = maybeVNode(newVKids[newHead], oldVKid)), ) if ( newKeyed[oldKey] || (null != newKey && newKey === getKey(oldVKids[oldHead + 1])) ) { null == oldKey && node.removeChild(oldVKid.node) oldHead++ } else if (null == newKey || 1 === oldVNode.type) { if (null == oldKey) { hyperapp_patch( node, oldVKid && oldVKid.node, oldVKid, newVKids[newHead], listener, isSvg, ) newHead++ } oldHead++ } else { if (oldKey === newKey) { hyperapp_patch( node, oldVKid.node, oldVKid, newVKids[newHead], listener, isSvg, ) newKeyed[newKey] = !0 oldHead++ } else if (null != (tmpVKid = keyed[newKey])) { hyperapp_patch( node, node.insertBefore(tmpVKid.node, oldVKid && oldVKid.node), tmpVKid, newVKids[newHead], listener, isSvg, ) newKeyed[newKey] = !0 } else hyperapp_patch( node, oldVKid && oldVKid.node, null, newVKids[newHead], listener, isSvg, ) newHead++ } } for (; oldHead <= oldTail; ) null == getKey((oldVKid = oldVKids[oldHead++])) && node.removeChild(oldVKid.node) for (var i in keyed) null == newKeyed[i] && node.removeChild(keyed[i].node) } } return (newVNode.node = node) }, maybeVNode = (newVNode, oldVNode) => !0 !== newVNode && !1 !== newVNode && newVNode ? "function" == typeof newVNode.tag ? ((!oldVNode || null == oldVNode.memo || ((a, b) => { for (var k in a) if (a[k] !== b[k]) return !0 for (var k in b) if (a[k] !== b[k]) return !0 })(oldVNode.memo, newVNode.memo)) && ((oldVNode = newVNode.tag(newVNode.memo)).memo = newVNode.memo), oldVNode) : newVNode : hyperapp_text(""), recycleNode = node => 3 === node.nodeType ? hyperapp_text(node.nodeValue, node) : createVNode( node.nodeName.toLowerCase(), EMPTY_OBJ,, recycleNode), 1, node, ), createVNode = (tag, { key, ...props }, children, type, node) => ({ tag, props, key, children, type, node, }), hyperapp_text = (value, node) => createVNode(value, EMPTY_OBJ, EMPTY_ARR, 3, node), h = (tag, { class: c, ...props }, children = EMPTY_ARR) => createVNode( tag, { ...props, ...(c ? { class: createClass(c) } : EMPTY_OBJ) }, hyperapp_isArray(children) ? children : [children], ), app = ({ node, view, subscriptions, dispatch = hyperapp_id, init = EMPTY_OBJ, }) => { var state, busy, vdom = node && recycleNode(node), subs = [], update = newState => { if (state !== newState) { null == (state = newState) && (dispatch = subscriptions = render = hyperapp_id) subscriptions && (subs = ((oldSubs, newSubs = EMPTY_ARR, dispatch) => { for ( var oldSub, newSub, subs = [], i = 0; i < oldSubs.length || i < newSubs.length; i++ ) { oldSub = oldSubs[i] newSub = newSubs[i] subs.push( newSub && !0 !== newSub ? !oldSub || newSub[0] !== oldSub[0] || shouldRestart(newSub[1], oldSub[1]) ? [ newSub[0], newSub[1], (oldSub && oldSub[2](), newSub[0](dispatch, newSub[1])), ] : oldSub : oldSub && oldSub[2](), ) } return subs })(subs, subscriptions(state), dispatch)) view && !busy && enqueue(render, (busy = !0)) } }, render = () => (node = hyperapp_patch( node.parentNode, node, vdom, (vdom = view(state)), listener, (busy = !1), )), listener = function (event) { dispatch([event.type], event) } return ( (dispatch = dispatch((action, props) => "function" == typeof action ? dispatch(action(state, props)) : hyperapp_isArray(action) ? "function" == typeof action[0] ? dispatch(action[0], action[1]) : action .slice(1) .map( fx => fx && !0 !== fx && (fx[0] || fx)(dispatch, fx[1]), update(action[0]), ) : update(action), ))(init), dispatch ) } const wrapApp = (comp, init) => Function_pipe( Effect_sync(() => document.createElement(comp.tag)), Effect_flatMap(node => Effect_sync(() => ({ node, dispatch: app({ init, view: comp.view, node }), })), ), ) Promise.resolve(!1), Promise.resolve(!0) var PROMISE_RESOLVED_VOID = Promise.resolve() function util_sleep(time, resolveWith) { time || (time = 0) return new Promise(function (res) { return setTimeout(function () { return res(resolveWith) }, time) }) } function randomToken() { return Math.random().toString(36).substring(2) } var lastMs = 0 function microSeconds() { var ret = 1e3 * ret <= lastMs && (ret = lastMs + 1) lastMs = ret return ret } var NativeMethod = { create: function (channelName) { var state = { time: microSeconds(), messagesCallback: null, bc: new BroadcastChannel(channelName), subFns: [], } state.bc.onmessage = function (msgEvent) { state.messagesCallback && state.messagesCallback( } return state }, close: function (channelState) { channelState.bc.close() channelState.subFns = [] }, onMessage: function (channelState, fn) { channelState.messagesCallback = fn }, postMessage: function (channelState, messageJson) { try { channelState.bc.postMessage(messageJson, !1) return PROMISE_RESOLVED_VOID } catch (err) { return Promise.reject(err) } }, canBeUsed: function () { if ( "undefined" != typeof globalThis && globalThis.Deno && globalThis.Deno.args ) return !0 if ( ("undefined" == typeof window && "undefined" == typeof self) || "function" != typeof BroadcastChannel ) return !1 if (BroadcastChannel._pubkey) throw new Error( "BroadcastChannel: Do not overwrite window.BroadcastChannel with this module, this is not a polyfill", ) return !0 }, type: "native", averageResponseTime: function () { return 150 }, microSeconds, } class ObliviousSet { ttl map = new Map() _to = !1 constructor(ttl) { this.ttl = ttl } has(value) { return } add(value) {, now()) if (!this._to) { this._to = !0 setTimeout(() => { this._to = !1 !(function (obliviousSet) { const olderThen = now() - obliviousSet.ttl, iterator =[Symbol.iterator]() for (;;) { const next = if (!next) return const value = next[0] if (!(next[1] < olderThen)) return } })(this) }, 0) } } clear() { } } function now() { return } function options_fillOptionsWithDefaults() { var originalOptions = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : {}, options = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(originalOptions)) void 0 === options.webWorkerSupport && (options.webWorkerSupport = !0) options.idb || (options.idb = {}) options.idb.ttl || (options.idb.ttl = 45e3) options.idb.fallbackInterval || (options.idb.fallbackInterval = 150) originalOptions.idb && "function" == typeof originalOptions.idb.onclose && (options.idb.onclose = originalOptions.idb.onclose) options.localstorage || (options.localstorage = {}) options.localstorage.removeTimeout || (options.localstorage.removeTimeout = 6e4) originalOptions.methods && (options.methods = originalOptions.methods) options.node || (options.node = {}) options.node.ttl || (options.node.ttl = 12e4) options.node.maxParallelWrites || (options.node.maxParallelWrites = 2048) void 0 === options.node.useFastPath && (options.node.useFastPath = !0) return options } var OBJECT_STORE_ID = "messages", TRANSACTION_SETTINGS = { durability: "relaxed" } function getIdb() { if ("undefined" != typeof indexedDB) return indexedDB if ("undefined" != typeof window) { if (void 0 !== window.mozIndexedDB) return window.mozIndexedDB if (void 0 !== window.webkitIndexedDB) return window.webkitIndexedDB if (void 0 !== window.msIndexedDB) return window.msIndexedDB } return !1 } function commitIndexedDBTransaction(tx) { tx.commit && tx.commit() } function _readLoop(state) { state.closed || readNewMessages(state) .then(function () { return util_sleep(state.options.idb.fallbackInterval) }) .then(function () { return _readLoop(state) }) } function readNewMessages(state) { return state.closed ? PROMISE_RESOLVED_VOID : state.messagesCallback ? (function (db, lastCursorId) { var tx = db.transaction( OBJECT_STORE_ID, "readonly", TRANSACTION_SETTINGS, ), objectStore = tx.objectStore(OBJECT_STORE_ID), ret = [], keyRangeValue = IDBKeyRange.bound(lastCursorId + 1, 1 / 0) if (objectStore.getAll) { var getAllRequest = objectStore.getAll(keyRangeValue) return new Promise(function (res, rej) { getAllRequest.onerror = function (err) { return rej(err) } getAllRequest.onsuccess = function (e) { res( } }) } return new Promise(function (res, rej) { var openCursorRequest = (function () { try { keyRangeValue = IDBKeyRange.bound(lastCursorId + 1, 1 / 0) return objectStore.openCursor(keyRangeValue) } catch (e) { return objectStore.openCursor() } })() openCursorRequest.onerror = function (err) { return rej(err) } openCursorRequest.onsuccess = function (ev) { var cursor = if (cursor) if ( < lastCursorId + 1) cursor.continue(lastCursorId + 1) else { ret.push(cursor.value) cursor.continue() } else { commitIndexedDBTransaction(tx) res(ret) } } }) })(state.db, state.lastCursorId).then(function (newerMessages) { var useMessages = newerMessages .filter(function (msgObj) { return !!msgObj }) .map(function (msgObj) { > state.lastCursorId && (state.lastCursorId = return msgObj }) .filter(function (msgObj) { return (function (msgObj, state) { return !( msgObj.uuid === state.uuid || state.eMIs.has( || < state.messagesCallbackTime ) })(msgObj, state) }) .sort(function (msgObjA, msgObjB) { return msgObjA.time - msgObjB.time }) useMessages.forEach(function (msgObj) { if (state.messagesCallback) { state.eMIs.add( state.messagesCallback( } }) return PROMISE_RESOLVED_VOID }) : PROMISE_RESOLVED_VOID } var IndexedDBMethod = { create: function (channelName, options) { options = options_fillOptionsWithDefaults(options) return (function (channelName) { var dbName = "pubkey.broadcast-channel-0-" + channelName, openRequest = getIdb().open(dbName) openRequest.onupgradeneeded = function (ev) {, { keyPath: "id", autoIncrement: !0, }) } return new Promise(function (res, rej) { openRequest.onerror = function (ev) { return rej(ev) } openRequest.onsuccess = function () { res(openRequest.r###lt) } }) })(channelName).then(function (db) { var state = { closed: !1, lastCursorId: 0, channelName, options, uuid: randomToken(), eMIs: new ObliviousSet(2 * options.idb.ttl), writeBlockPromise: PROMISE_RESOLVED_VOID, messagesCallback: null, readQueuePromises: [], db, } db.onclose = function () { state.closed = !0 options.idb.onclose && options.idb.onclose() } _readLoop(state) return state }) }, close: function (channelState) { channelState.closed = !0 channelState.db.close() }, onMessage: function (channelState, fn, time) { channelState.messagesCallbackTime = time channelState.messagesCallback = fn readNewMessages(channelState) }, postMessage: function (channelState, messageJson) { channelState.writeBlockPromise = channelState.writeBlockPromise .then(function () { return (function (db, readerUuid, messageJson) { var writeObject = { uuid: readerUuid, time:, data: messageJson, }, tx = db.transaction( [OBJECT_STORE_ID], "readwrite", TRANSACTION_SETTINGS, ) return new Promise(function (res, rej) { tx.oncomplete = function () { return res() } tx.onerror = function (ev) { return rej(ev) } tx.objectStore(OBJECT_STORE_ID).add(writeObject) commitIndexedDBTransaction(tx) }) })(channelState.db, channelState.uuid, messageJson) }) .then(function () { 0 === Math.floor(11 * Math.random() + 0) && (function (channelState) { return ((db = channelState.db), (ttl = channelState.options.idb.ttl), (olderThen = - ttl), (tx = db.transaction( OBJECT_STORE_ID, "readonly", TRANSACTION_SETTINGS, )), (objectStore = tx.objectStore(OBJECT_STORE_ID)), (ret = []), new Promise(function (res) { objectStore.openCursor().onsuccess = function (ev) { var cursor = if (cursor) { var msgObk = cursor.value if (msgObk.time < olderThen) { ret.push(msgObk) cursor.continue() } else { commitIndexedDBTransaction(tx) res(ret) } } else res(ret) } })).then(function (tooOld) { return (function (channelState, ids) { if (channelState.closed) return Promise.resolve([]) var objectStore = channelState.db .transaction( OBJECT_STORE_ID, "readwrite", TRANSACTION_SETTINGS, ) .objectStore(OBJECT_STORE_ID) return Promise.all( (id) { var deleteRequest = objectStore.delete(id) return new Promise(function (res) { deleteRequest.onsuccess = function () { return res() } }) }), ) })( channelState, (msg) { return }), ) }) var db, ttl, olderThen, tx, objectStore, ret })(channelState) }) return channelState.writeBlockPromise }, canBeUsed: function () { return !!getIdb() }, type: "idb", averageResponseTime: function (options) { return 2 * options.idb.fallbackInterval }, microSeconds, } function getLocalStorage() { var localStorage if ("undefined" == typeof window) return null try { localStorage = window.localStorage localStorage = window["ie8-eventlistener/storage"] || window.localStorage } catch (e) {} return localStorage } function storageKey(channelName) { return "pubkey.broadcastChannel-" + channelName } function localstorage_canBeUsed() { var ls = getLocalStorage() if (!ls) return !1 try { var key = "__broadcastchannel_check" ls.setItem(key, "works") ls.removeItem(key) } catch (e) { return !1 } return !0 } var LocalstorageMethod = { create: function (channelName, options) { options = options_fillOptionsWithDefaults(options) if (!localstorage_canBeUsed()) throw new Error("BroadcastChannel: localstorage cannot be used") var uuid = randomToken(), eMIs = new ObliviousSet(options.localstorage.removeTimeout), state = { channelName, uuid, eMIs } state.listener = (function (channelName, fn) { var key = storageKey(channelName), listener = function (ev) { ev.key === key && (function (msgObj) { if ( state.messagesCallback && msgObj.uuid !== uuid && msgObj.token && !eMIs.has(msgObj.token) && !( && < state.messagesCallbackTime ) ) { eMIs.add(msgObj.token) state.messagesCallback( } })(JSON.parse(ev.newValue)) } window.addEventListener("storage", listener) return listener })(channelName) return state }, close: function (channelState) { ;(listener = channelState.listener), window.removeEventListener("storage", listener) var listener }, onMessage: function (channelState, fn, time) { channelState.messagesCallbackTime = time channelState.messagesCallback = fn }, postMessage: function (channelState, messageJson) { return new Promise(function (res) { util_sleep().then(function () { var key = storageKey(channelState.channelName), writeObj = { token: randomToken(), time:, data: messageJson, uuid: channelState.uuid, }, value = JSON.stringify(writeObj) getLocalStorage().setItem(key, value) var ev = document.createEvent("Event") ev.initEvent("storage", !0, !0) ev.key = key ev.newValue = value window.dispatchEvent(ev) res() }) }) }, canBeUsed: localstorage_canBeUsed, type: "localstorage", averageResponseTime: function () { var userAgent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase() return userAgent.includes("safari") && !userAgent.includes("chrome") ? 240 : 120 }, microSeconds, }, simulate_microSeconds = microSeconds, SIMULATE_CHANNELS = new Set(), SimulateMethod = { create: function (channelName) { var state = { time: simulate_microSeconds(), name: channelName, messagesCallback: null, } SIMULATE_CHANNELS.add(state) return state }, close: function (channelState) { SIMULATE_CHANNELS.delete(channelState) }, onMessage: function (channelState, fn) { channelState.messagesCallback = fn }, postMessage: function (channelState, messageJson) { return new Promise(function (res) { return setTimeout(function () { Array.from(SIMULATE_CHANNELS).forEach(function (channel) { === && channel !== channelState && channel.messagesCallback && channel.time < messageJson.time && channel.messagesCallback(messageJson) }) res() }, 5) }) }, canBeUsed: function () { return !0 }, type: "simulate", averageResponseTime: function () { return 5 }, microSeconds: simulate_microSeconds, }, METHODS = [NativeMethod, IndexedDBMethod, LocalstorageMethod], OPEN_BROADCAST_CHANNELS = new Set(), lastId = 0, broadcast_channel_BroadcastChannel = function (name, options) { = lastId++ OPEN_BROADCAST_CHANNELS.add(this) = name this.options = options_fillOptionsWithDefaults(options) this.method = (function (options) { var chooseMethods = [] .concat(options.methods, METHODS) .filter(Boolean) if (options.type) { if ("simulate" === options.type) return SimulateMethod var ret = chooseMethods.find(function (m) { return m.type === options.type }) if (ret) return ret throw new Error("method-type " + options.type + " not found") } options.webWorkerSupport || (chooseMethods = chooseMethods.filter(function (m) { return "idb" !== m.type })) var useMethod = chooseMethods.find(function (method) { return method.canBeUsed() }) if (useMethod) return useMethod throw new Error( "No usable method found in " + JSON.stringify( (m) { return m.type }), ), ) })(this.options) this._iL = !1 this._onML = null this._addEL = { message: [], internal: [] } this._uMP = new Set() this._befC = [] this._prepP = null !(function (channel) { var obj, maybePromise = channel.method.create(, channel.options) if ((obj = maybePromise) && "function" == typeof obj.then) { channel._prepP = maybePromise maybePromise.then(function (s) { channel._state = s }) } else channel._state = maybePromise })(this) } broadcast_channel_BroadcastChannel._pubkey = !0 broadcast_channel_BroadcastChannel.prototype = { postMessage: function (msg) { if (this.closed) throw new Error( "BroadcastChannel.postMessage(): Cannot post message after channel has closed " + JSON.stringify(msg), ) return _post(this, "message", msg) }, postInternal: function (msg) { return _post(this, "internal", msg) }, set onmessage(fn) { var listenObj = { time: this.method.microSeconds(), fn } _removeListenerObject(this, "message", this._onML) if (fn && "function" == typeof fn) { this._onML = listenObj _addListenerObject(this, "message", listenObj) } else this._onML = null }, addEventListener: function (type, fn) { _addListenerObject(this, type, { time: this.method.microSeconds(), fn }) }, removeEventListener: function (type, fn) { _removeListenerObject( this, type, this._addEL[type].find(function (obj) { return obj.fn === fn }), ) }, close: function () { var _this = this if (!this.closed) { OPEN_BROADCAST_CHANNELS.delete(this) this.closed = !0 var awaitPrepare = this._prepP ? this._prepP : PROMISE_RESOLVED_VOID this._onML = null this._addEL.message = [] return awaitPrepare .then(function () { return Promise.all(Array.from(_this._uMP)) }) .then(function () { return Promise.all( (fn) { return fn() }), ) }) .then(function () { return _this.method.close(_this._state) }) } }, get type() { return this.method.type }, get isClosed() { return this.closed }, } function _post(broadcastChannel, type, msg) { var msgObj = { time: broadcastChannel.method.microSeconds(), type, data: msg, } return ( broadcastChannel._prepP ? broadcastChannel._prepP : PROMISE_RESOLVED_VOID ).then(function () { var sendPromise = broadcastChannel.method.postMessage( broadcastChannel._state, msgObj, ) broadcastChannel._uMP.add(sendPromise) sendPromise.catch().then(function () { return broadcastChannel._uMP.delete(sendPromise) }) return sendPromise }) } function _hasMessageListeners(channel) { return ( channel._addEL.message.length > 0 || channel._addEL.internal.length > 0 ) } function _addListenerObject(channel, type, obj) { channel._addEL[type].push(obj) !(function (channel) { if (!channel._iL && _hasMessageListeners(channel)) { var listenerFn = function (msgObj) { channel._addEL[msgObj.type].forEach(function (listenerObject) { msgObj.time >= listenerObject.time && listenerObject.fn( }) }, time = channel.method.microSeconds() if (channel._prepP) channel._prepP.then(function () { channel._iL = !0 channel.method.onMessage(channel._state, listenerFn, time) }) else { channel._iL = !0 channel.method.onMessage(channel._state, listenerFn, time) } } })(channel) } function _removeListenerObject(channel, type, obj) { channel._addEL[type] = channel._addEL[type].filter(function (o) { return o !== obj }) !(function (channel) { if (channel._iL && !_hasMessageListeners(channel)) { channel._iL = !1 var time = channel.method.microSeconds() channel.method.onMessage(channel._state, null, time) } })(channel) } const SynchronizedRef_make = makeSynchronized, SynchronizedRef_get = ref_get, SynchronizedRef_set = ref_set, SynchronizedRef_update = ref_update, Schedule_fixed = intervalInput => { const interval = decode(intervalInput), intervalMillis = toMillis(interval) return ( (initial = [Option_none(), 0]), new ScheduleImpl(initial, (now, _, [option, n]) => sync(() => { switch (option._tag) { case "None": return [ [Option_some([now, now + intervalMillis]), n + 1], n, ScheduleDecision_continueWith( ScheduleInterval_after(now + intervalMillis), ), ] case "Some": { const [startMillis, lastRun] = option.value, runningBehind = now > lastRun + intervalMillis, boundary = equals(interval, zero) ? interval : Duration_millis( intervalMillis - ((now - startMillis) % intervalMillis), ), sleepTime = equals(boundary, zero) ? interval : boundary, nextRun = runningBehind ? now : now + toMillis(sleepTime) return [ [Option_some([startMillis, nextRun]), n + 1], n, ScheduleDecision_continueWith( ScheduleInterval_after(nextRun), ), ] } } }), ) ) var initial } var fast_deep_equal = __webpack_require__(371), fast_deep_equal_default = __webpack_require__.n(fast_deep_equal) const mak###bject = configKeys => Function_pipe( configKeys, Array_map(x => [x, new external_rxjs_namespaceObject.Subject()]), Object.fromEntries, ), mapObject = f => o => Function_pipe(Object.entries(o), Array_map(f), Object.fromEntries), makeGetter = c => Function_pipe( c, mapObject(([x]) => [x, Effect_sync(() => c[x])]), ), external_DeepDiff_namespaceObject = DeepDiff, makePageState = mapObject(([k, v]) => [ k, { ele: Option_none(), read: v }, ]), external_astring_namespaceObject = astring, external_jsep_namespaceObject = jsep var external_jsep_default = __webpack_require__.n( external_jsep_namespaceObject, ), u = { "||": function (r, e) { return r || e }, "&&": function (r, e) { return r && e }, "|": function (r, e) { return r | e }, "^": function (r, e) { return r ^ e }, "&": function (r, e) { return r & e }, "==": function (r, e) { return r == e }, "!=": function (r, e) { return r != e }, "===": function (r, e) { return r === e }, "!==": function (r, e) { return r !== e }, "<": function (r, e) { return r < e }, ">": function (r, e) { return r > e }, "<=": function (r, e) { return r <= e }, ">=": function (r, e) { return r >= e }, "<<": function (r, e) { return r << e }, ">>": function (r, e) { return r >> e }, ">>>": function (r, e) { return r >>> e }, "+": function (r, e) { return r + e }, "-": function (r, e) { return r - e }, "*": function (r, e) { return r * e }, "/": function (r, e) { return r / e }, "%": function (r, e) { return r % e }, }, i = { "-": function (r) { return -r }, "+": function (r) { return +r }, "~": function (r) { return ~r }, "!": function (r) { return !r }, } function s(r, e) { return (r) { return a(r, e) }) } function c(r, e) { var n, t = a(r.object, e) if ( ((n = r.computed ? a(, e) :, /^__proto__|prototype|constructor$/.test(n)) ) throw Error('Access to member "' + n + '" disallowed.') return [t, t[n]] } function a(r, e) { var n = r switch (n.type) { case "ArrayExpression": return s(n.elements, e) case "BinaryExpression": return u[n.operator](a(n.left, e), a(n.right, e)) case "CallExpression": var t, o, l if ( ("MemberExpression" === n.callee.type ? ((t = (l = c(n.callee, e))[0]), (o = l[1])) : (o = a(n.callee, e)), "function" != typeof o) ) return return o.apply(t, s(n.arguments, e)) case "ConditionalExpression": return a(n.test, e) ? a(n.consequent, e) : a(n.alternate, e) case "Identifier": return e[] case "Literal": return n.value case "LogicalExpression": return "||" === n.operator ? a(n.left, e) || a(n.right, e) : "&&" === n.operator ? a(n.left, e) && a(n.right, e) : u[n.operator](a(n.left, e), a(n.right, e)) case "MemberExpression": return c(n, e)[1] case "ThisExpression": return e case "UnaryExpression": return i[n.operator](a(n.argument, e)) default: return } } const fycKey = key => `FYC_${key}`, languages = ["FYC_EN", "FYC_JA", "FYC_ZH_CN"], stringsArgs = [ [], x => Function_pipe( String_split(x, /\r\n|\n/), Array_filter(not(String_isEmpty)), ), join("\n"), ], sc = (k, d) => { return ( (key = fycKey(k)), (defaultValue = d), { gmKey: key, getValue: Effect_promise(async () => GM.getValue(key, defaultValue), ), defaultValue, toGm: Function_identity, } ) var key, defaultValue }, ic = (k, d, c, g) => { return ( (key = fycKey(k)), (toConfig = c), Function_pipe( { gmKey: key, defaultValue: (defaultValue = d), toGm: g }, ctx => ({ ...ctx, getValue: Function_pipe( Effect_promise(() => GM.getValue(key)), Effect_map(x => (void 0 !== x ? toConfig(x) : defaultValue)), ), }), ) ) var key, defaultValue, toConfig }, src_defaultGMConfig = Function_pipe( { lang: ic( "LANG", "FYC_EN", x => (languages.includes(x) ? x : "FYC_EN"), x => x, ), font: sc("FONT", "MS PGothic"), chatOpacity: sc("OPACITY", 0.8), color: sc("COLOR", "#ffffff"), ownerColor: sc("COLOR_OWNER", "#ffd600"), moderatorColor: sc("COLOR_MODERATOR", "#c564ff"), memberColor: sc("COLOR_MEMBER", "#9fffff"), fontSize: sc("SIZE", 1), fontWeight: sc("WEIGHT", 730), shadowFontWeight: sc("WEIGHT_SHADOW", 1), maxChatCount: sc("LIMIT", 40), flowSpeed: sc("SPEED", 18), maxChatLength: sc("MAX", 100), laneCount: sc("LANE_DIV", 12), bannedWords: ic("NG_WORDS", ...stringsArgs), bannedWordRegexes: ic("NG_REG_WORDS", ...stringsArgs), bannedUsers: ic("NG_USERS", ...stringsArgs), createChats: sc("TOGGLE_CREATE_COMMENTS", !0), noOverlap: sc("NO_OVERLAP", !0), createBanButton: sc("NG_BUTTON", !0), simplifyChatField: sc("SIMPLE_CHAT_FIELD", !1), displayModName: sc("DISPLAY_MODERATOR_NAME", !0), displaySuperChatAuthor: sc("DISPLAY_SUPER_CHAT_AUTHOR", !0), textOnly: sc("TEXT_ONLY", !1), timingFunction: sc("TIMING_FUNCTION", "linear"), displayChats: sc("DISPLAY_COMMENTS", !0), minSpacing: sc("MIN_SPACING", 0.5), fieldScale: sc("FIELD_SCALE", 1), flowY1: sc("flowY1", 0), flowY2: sc("flowY2", 1), flowX1: sc("flowX1", 0), flowX2: sc("flowX2", 1), shadowColor: sc("shadowColor", "#000000"), logEvents: sc("logEvents", !0), }, x => ({ ...x, filterExp: ic( "filterExp", external_jsep_default()( `\n or([\n A.some(\n flip(flow([inText, A.some]))(${JSON.stringify(x.bannedWords.defaultValue)})\n )(A.getSomes([\n messageText,\n paymentInfo\n ])),\n A.some(\n flip(flow([matchedByText, A.some]))(${JSON.stringify(x.bannedWordRegexes.defaultValue)})\n )(A.getSomes([\n messageText,\n paymentInfo\n ])),\n O.exists(\n flip(flow([eqText, A.some]))(${JSON.stringify(x.bannedUsers.defaultValue)})\n )(authorID)\n ])\n `, ), external_jsep_default(), external_astring_namespaceObject.generate, ), }), ), configKeys = Object.keys(src_defaultGMConfig), removeOldChats = flowChats => maxChatCount => Function_pipe( SynchronizedRef_get(flowChats), Effect_map( sort( Order_mapInput(x => Either_isRight(x.animationState))( Boolean_Order, ), ), ), Effect_map(x => splitAt(x, x.length - maxChatCount)), Effect_flatMap(([oldChats, newChats]) => Function_pipe( oldChats, Effect_forEach(x => Function_pipe( Effect_logDebug("RemoveChat"), Effect_zipRight( Effect_sync(() => { x.element.remove() }), ), ), ), Effect_map(() => newChats), ), ), Effect_tap(x => Effect_logDebug(`length after clear: ${x.length}`)), Effect_flatMap(x => SynchronizedRef_set(flowChats, x)), ), lit_html_t = globalThis, lit_html_i = lit_html_t.trustedTypes, lit_html_s = lit_html_i ? lit_html_i.createPolicy("lit-html", { createHTML: t => t }) : void 0, lit_html_h = `lit$${Math.random().toFixed(9).slice(2)}$`, lit_html_o = "?" + lit_html_h, lit_html_n = `<${lit_html_o}>`, lit_html_r = document, lit_html_l = () => lit_html_r.createComment(""), lit_html_c = t => null === t || ("object" != typeof t && "function" != typeof t), lit_html_a = Array.isArray, d = "[ \t\n\f\r]", lit_html_f = /<(?:(!--|\/[^a-zA-Z])|(\/?[a-zA-Z][^>\s]*)|(\/?$))/g, v = /-->/g, _ = />/g, lit_html_m = RegExp( `>|${d}(?:([^\\s"'>=/]+)(${d}*=${d}*(?:[^ \t\n\f\r"'\`<>=]|("|')|))|$)`, "g", ), lit_html_p = /'/g, g = /"/g, $ = /^(?:script|style|textarea|title)$/i, y = t => (i, ...s) => ({ _$litType$: t, strings: i, values: s }), lit_html_x = y(1), w = (y(2), Symbol.for("lit-noChange")), T = Symbol.for("lit-nothing"), A = new WeakMap(), lit_html_E = lit_html_r.createTreeWalker(lit_html_r, 129) function C(t, i) { if (!Array.isArray(t) || !t.hasOwnProperty("raw")) throw Error("invalid template strings array") return void 0 !== lit_html_s ? lit_html_s.createHTML(i) : i } const P = (t, i) => { const s = t.length - 1, o = [] let r, l = 2 === i ? "<svg>" : "", c = lit_html_f for (let i = 0; i < s; i++) { const s = t[i] let a, u, d = -1, y = 0 for ( ; y < s.length && ((c.lastIndex = y), (u = c.exec(s)), null !== u); ) (y = c.lastIndex), c === lit_html_f ? "!--" === u[1] ? (c = v) : void 0 !== u[1] ? (c = _) : void 0 !== u[2] ? ($.test(u[2]) && (r = RegExp("</" + u[2], "g")), (c = lit_html_m)) : void 0 !== u[3] && (c = lit_html_m) : c === lit_html_m ? ">" === u[0] ? ((c = r ?? lit_html_f), (d = -1)) : void 0 === u[1] ? (d = -2) : ((d = c.lastIndex - u[2].length), (a = u[1]), (c = void 0 === u[3] ? lit_html_m : '"' === u[3] ? g : lit_html_p)) : c === g || c === lit_html_p ? (c = lit_html_m) : c === v || c === _ ? (c = lit_html_f) : ((c = lit_html_m), (r = void 0)) const x = c === lit_html_m && t[i + 1].startsWith("/>") ? " " : "" l += c === lit_html_f ? s + lit_html_n : d >= 0 ? (o.push(a), s.slice(0, d) + "$lit$" + s.slice(d) + lit_html_h + x) : s + lit_html_h + (-2 === d ? i : x) } return [C(t, l + (t[s] || "<?>") + (2 === i ? "</svg>" : "")), o] } class V { constructor({ strings: t, _$litType$: s }, n) { let r = [] let c = 0, a = 0 const u = t.length - 1, d =, [f, v] = P(t, s) if ( ((this.el = V.createElement(f, n)), (lit_html_E.currentNode = this.el.content), 2 === s) ) { const t = this.el.content.firstChild t.replaceWith(...t.childNodes) } for (; null !== (r = lit_html_E.nextNode()) && d.length < u; ) { if (1 === r.nodeType) { if (r.hasAttributes()) for (const t of r.getAttributeNames()) if (t.endsWith("$lit$")) { const i = v[a++], s = r.getAttribute(t).split(lit_html_h), e = /([.?@])?(.*)/.exec(i) d.push({ type: 1, index: c, name: e[2], strings: s, ctor: "." === e[1] ? k : "?" === e[1] ? H : "@" === e[1] ? I : R, }), r.removeAttribute(t) } else t.startsWith(lit_html_h) && (d.push({ type: 6, index: c }), r.removeAttribute(t)) if ($.test(r.tagName)) { const t = r.textContent.split(lit_html_h), s = t.length - 1 if (s > 0) { r.textContent = lit_html_i ? lit_html_i.emptyScript : "" for (let i = 0; i < s; i++) r.append(t[i], lit_html_l()), lit_html_E.nextNode(), d.push({ type: 2, index: ++c }) r.append(t[s], lit_html_l()) } } } else if (8 === r.nodeType) if ( === lit_html_o) d.push({ type: 2, index: c }) else { let t = -1 for (; -1 !== (t =, t + 1)); ) d.push({ type: 7, index: c }), (t += lit_html_h.length - 1) } c++ } } static createElement(t, i) { const s = lit_html_r.createElement("template") return (s.innerHTML = t), s } } function N(t, i, s = t, e) { if (i === w) return i let h = void 0 !== e ? s._$Co?.[e] : s._$Cl const o = lit_html_c(i) ? void 0 : i._$litDirective$ return ( h?.constructor !== o && (h?._$AO?.(!1), void 0 === o ? (h = void 0) : ((h = new o(t)), h._$AT(t, s, e)), void 0 !== e ? ((s._$Co ??= [])[e] = h) : (s._$Cl = h)), void 0 !== h && (i = N(t, h._$AS(t, i.values), h, e)), i ) } class S { constructor(t, i) { ;(this._$AV = []), (this._$AN = void 0), (this._$AD = t), (this._$AM = i) } get parentNode() { return this._$AM.parentNode } get _$AU() { return this._$AM._$AU } u(t) { const { el: { content: i }, parts: s, } = this._$AD, e = (t?.creationScope ?? lit_html_r).importNode(i, !0) lit_html_E.currentNode = e let h = lit_html_E.nextNode(), o = 0, n = 0, l = s[0] for (; void 0 !== l; ) { if (o === l.index) { let i 2 === l.type ? (i = new M(h, h.nextSibling, this, t)) : 1 === l.type ? (i = new l.ctor(h,, l.strings, this, t)) : 6 === l.type && (i = new L(h, this, t)), this._$AV.push(i), (l = s[++n]) } o !== l?.index && ((h = lit_html_E.nextNode()), o++) } return (lit_html_E.currentNode = lit_html_r), e } p(t) { let i = 0 for (const s of this._$AV) void 0 !== s && (void 0 !== s.strings ? (s._$AI(t, s, i), (i += s.strings.length - 2)) : s._$AI(t[i])), i++ } } class M { get _$AU() { return this._$AM?._$AU ?? this._$Cv } constructor(t, i, s, e) { ;(this.type = 2), (this._$AH = T), (this._$AN = void 0), (this._$AA = t), (this._$AB = i), (this._$AM = s), (this.options = e), (this._$Cv = e?.isConnected ?? !0) } get parentNode() { let t = this._$AA.parentNode const i = this._$AM return void 0 !== i && 11 === t?.nodeType && (t = i.parentNode), t } get startNode() { return this._$AA } get endNode() { return this._$AB } _$AI(t, i = this) { ;(t = N(this, t, i)), lit_html_c(t) ? t === T || null == t || "" === t ? (this._$AH !== T && this._$AR(), (this._$AH = T)) : t !== this._$AH && t !== w && this._(t) : void 0 !== t._$litType$ ? this.$(t) : void 0 !== t.nodeType ? this.T(t) : (t => lit_html_a(t) || "function" == typeof t?.[Symbol.iterator])(t) ? this.k(t) : this._(t) } S(t) { return this._$AA.parentNode.insertBefore(t, this._$AB) } T(t) { this._$AH !== t && (this._$AR(), (this._$AH = this.S(t))) } _(t) { this._$AH !== T && lit_html_c(this._$AH) ? (this._$ = t) : this.T(lit_html_r.createTextNode(t)), (this._$AH = t) } $(t) { const { values: i, _$litType$: s } = t, e = "number" == typeof s ? this._$AC(t) : (void 0 === s.el && (s.el = V.createElement(C(s.h, s.h[0]), this.options)), s) if (this._$AH?._$AD === e) this._$AH.p(i) else { const t = new S(e, this), s = t.u(this.options) t.p(i), this.T(s), (this._$AH = t) } } _$AC(t) { let i = A.get(t.strings) return void 0 === i && A.set(t.strings, (i = new V(t))), i } k(t) { lit_html_a(this._$AH) || ((this._$AH = []), this._$AR()) const i = this._$AH let s, e = 0 for (const h of t) e === i.length ? i.push( (s = new M( this.S(lit_html_l()), this.S(lit_html_l()), this, this.options, )), ) : (s = i[e]), s._$AI(h), e++ e < i.length && (this._$AR(s && s._$AB.nextSibling, e), (i.length = e)) } _$AR(t = this._$AA.nextSibling, i) { for (this._$AP?.(!1, !0, i); t && t !== this._$AB; ) { const i = t.nextSibling t.remove(), (t = i) } } setConnected(t) { void 0 === this._$AM && ((this._$Cv = t), this._$AP?.(t)) } } class R { get tagName() { return this.element.tagName } get _$AU() { return this._$AM._$AU } constructor(t, i, s, e, h) { ;(this.type = 1), (this._$AH = T), (this._$AN = void 0), (this.element = t), ( = i), (this._$AM = e), (this.options = h), s.length > 2 || "" !== s[0] || "" !== s[1] ? ((this._$AH = Array(s.length - 1).fill(new String())), (this.strings = s)) : (this._$AH = T) } _$AI(t, i = this, s, e) { const h = this.strings let o = !1 if (void 0 === h) (t = N(this, t, i, 0)), (o = !lit_html_c(t) || (t !== this._$AH && t !== w)), o && (this._$AH = t) else { const e = t let n, r for (t = h[0], n = 0; n < h.length - 1; n++) (r = N(this, e[s + n], i, n)), r === w && (r = this._$AH[n]), (o ||= !lit_html_c(r) || r !== this._$AH[n]), r === T ? (t = T) : t !== T && (t += (r ?? "") + h[n + 1]), (this._$AH[n] = r) } o && !e && this.j(t) } j(t) { t === T ? this.element.removeAttribute( : this.element.setAttribute(, t ?? "") } } class k extends R { constructor() { super(...arguments), (this.type = 3) } j(t) { this.element[] = t === T ? void 0 : t } } class H extends R { constructor() { super(...arguments), (this.type = 4) } j(t) { this.element.toggleAttribute(, !!t && t !== T) } } class I extends R { constructor(t, i, s, e, h) { super(t, i, s, e, h), (this.type = 5) } _$AI(t, i = this) { if ((t = N(this, t, i, 0) ?? T) === w) return const s = this._$AH, e = (t === T && s !== T) || t.capture !== s.capture || t.once !== s.once || t.passive !== s.passive, h = t !== T && (s === T || e) e && this.element.removeEventListener(, this, s), h && this.element.addEventListener(, this, t), (this._$AH = t) } handleEvent(t) { "function" == typeof this._$AH ? this._$ ?? this.element, t) : this._$AH.handleEvent(t) } } class L { constructor(t, i, s) { ;(this.element = t), (this.type = 6), (this._$AN = void 0), (this._$AM = i), (this.options = s) } get _$AU() { return this._$AM._$AU } _$AI(t) { N(this, t) } } const Z = lit_html_t.litHtmlPolyfillSupport Z?.(V, M), (lit_html_t.litHtmlVersions ??= []).push("3.1.4") class directive_i { constructor(t) {} get _$AU() { return this._$AM._$AU } _$AT(t, e, i) { ;(this._$Ct = t), (this._$AM = e), (this._$Ci = i) } _$AS(t, e) { return this.update(t, e) } update(t, e) { return this.render(...e) } } const style_map_o = ((t = class extends directive_i { constructor(t) { if ( (super(t), 1 !== t.type || "style" !== || t.strings?.length > 2) ) throw Error( "The `styleMap` directive must be used in the `style` attribute and must be the only part in the attribute.", ) } render(t) { return Object.keys(t).reduce((e, r) => { const s = t[r] return null == s ? e : e + `${(r = r.includes("-") ? r : r.replace(/(?:^(webkit|moz|ms|o)|)(?=[A-Z])/g, "-$&").toLowerCase())}:${s};` }, "") } update(e, [r]) { const { style: s } = e.element if (void 0 === this.ft) return (this.ft = new Set(Object.keys(r))), this.render(r) for (const t of this.ft) null == r[t] && (this.ft.delete(t), t.includes("-") ? s.removeProperty(t) : (s[t] = null)) for (const t in r) { const e = r[t] if (null != e) { this.ft.add(t) const r = "string" == typeof e && e.endsWith(" !important") t.includes("-") || r ? s.setProperty( t, r ? e.slice(0, -11) : e, r ? "important" : "", ) : (s[t] = e) } } return w } }), (...e) => ({ _$litDirective$: t, values: e })), getChatFontSize = ({ config: { value: config }, playerRect }) => SynchronizedRef_get(playerRect).pipe( Effect_map( rect => Math.round( ((Math.max(config.fontSize - 0.2, 0.01) * rect.height) / config.laneCount) * (config.flowY2 - config.flowY1) * 100, ) / 100, ), ), textShadow = shadowColor => offset => Function_pipe( offset, x => `${x}px`, x => (a, b) => `${a}${x} ${b}${x} ${shadowColor}99`, x => join(", ")([x("-", "-"), x("", "-"), x("-", ""), x("", "")]), ), textStyle = { fontFamily: "inherit" }, renderChat = chat => mainState => ((chat, mainState) => Function_pipe( Effect_gen(function* () { return { data:, config: mainState.config.value, fontSize: yield* getChatFontSize(mainState), } }), Effect_map( ({ data, config, fontSize }) => lit_html_x`<span style=${style_map_o({ fontSize: `${fontSize}px`, visibility: config.displayChats ? "visible" : "hidden", color: "owner" === data.authorType ? config.ownerColor : "moderator" === data.authorType ? config.moderatorColor : "member" === data.authorType ? config.memberColor : config.color, fontWeight: config.fontWeight.toString(), fontFamily: config.font, opacity: config.chatOpacity.toString(), textShadow: textShadow(config.shadowColor)(config.shadowFontWeight) })}>${Function_pipe( [ Function_pipe( data.authorName, filter( () => ("moderator" === data.authorType && config.displayModName) || (Option_isSome(data.paymentInfo) && config.displaySuperChatAuthor), ), map( text => lit_html_x`<span style=${style_map_o({ ...match(data.textColor, { onNone: () => {}, onSome: x => ({ color: x }) }), fontSize: "0.84em", ...textStyle })}>${text}: </span>`, ), ), Function_pipe( data.messageElement, map(x => ((message, config) => { const eleWin = message.ownerDocument.defaultView ?? window, { maxChatLength } = config return Function_pipe( Array.from(message.childNodes), Array_reduce( { vnodes: [], length: 0 }, ({ vnodes, length }, node) => { return length >= maxChatLength ? { vnodes, length } : !config.textOnly && node instanceof eleWin.HTMLImageElement ? { vnodes: [ ...vnodes, lit_html_x`<img style=${style_map_o({ height: "1em", width: "1em", verticalAlign: "text-top" })} src=${node.src.replace(/=w\d+-h\d+-c-k-nd$/, "")} alt=${node.alt}>`, ], length: length + 1, } : Function_pipe( node.textContent ?? "", ((end = maxChatLength), self => self.slice(0, end)), x => node instanceof eleWin.HTMLAnchorElement ? { vnodes: [ ...vnodes, lit_html_x`<span style=${style_map_o({ fontSize: "0.84em", textDecoration: "underline", ...textStyle })}>${x}</span>`, ], length: length + x.length, } : { vnodes: [ ...vnodes, lit_html_x`${x}`, ], length: length + x.length, }, ) var end }, ), ) })(x, config), ), map( text => lit_html_x`<span style=${style_map_o({ ...match(data.textColor, { onNone: () => {}, onSome: x => ({ color: x }) }), ...textStyle })}>${text.vnodes}</span>`, ), ), Function_pipe( data.paymentInfo, map( text => lit_html_x`<span style=${style_map_o({ ...match(data.paidColor, { onNone: () => {}, onSome: x => ({ color: x }) }), fontSize: "0.84em", ...textStyle })}><strong style=${style_map_o(textStyle)}></strong> ${text.trim()}</span>`, ), ), ], Array_getSomes, )}</span>`, ), ))(chat, mainState).pipe( Effect_flatMap(node => Effect_sync(() => ((t, i, s) => { const e = i let h = e._$litPart$ if (void 0 === h) { const t = null e._$litPart$ = h = new M( i.insertBefore(lit_html_l(), t), t, void 0, {}, ) } return h._$AI(t), h })(node, chat.element), ), ), ), external_window_hash_it_namespaceObject = window["hash-it"] var t, external_window_hash_it_default = __webpack_require__.n( external_window_hash_it_namespaceObject, ) const external_window_micro_memoize_namespaceObject = window["micro-memoize"] var external_window_micro_memoize_default = __webpack_require__.n( external_window_micro_memoize_namespaceObject, ) const getFlowChatProgress = animationState => animationState.pipe( Either_match({ onLeft: Option_none, onRight: Option_some }), flatMapNullable(x => x.currentTime), map(x => ("number" == typeof x ? x :"ms").value)), map(x => x / 6400), getOrElse(() => 0), ), getFlowChatRect = (chat, config, playerRect) => Function_pipe( config, x => playerRect.width * x.flowX2 - (chat.width + playerRect.width * (x.flowX2 - x.flowX1)) * getFlowChatProgress(chat.animationState), x => new DOMRectReadOnly(x, chat.y, chat.width, chat.height), ), getChatLane = (flowChat, chatIndex, progress) => ({ config: { value: config }, flowChats, playerRect }) => Effect_gen(function* () { const rect = yield* SynchronizedRef_get(playerRect), flowWidth = rect.width * (config.flowX2 - config.flowX1), { width: chatWidth, height: chatHeight, x: chatX, } = getFlowChatRect(flowChat, config, rect), movingChats = Function_pipe( yield* SynchronizedRef_get(flowChats), chats => Array_take( chats, getOrElse(chatIndex, () => chats.length), ), Array_filter( chat => Either_isRight(chat.animationState) && chat.width > 0, ), sort(Order_mapInput(x => x.lane)(Number_Order)), ), tooCloseTo = external_window_micro_memoize_default()( x => { const { width: otherWidth, x: otherX } = getFlowChatRect( x, config, rect, ), gap = (chatHeight * otherWidth * chatWidth) ** 0.333 * config.minSpacing return ( (flowWidth - otherX) / (flowWidth + otherWidth) - progress < (chatWidth + gap) / (flowWidth + chatWidth) || otherX + otherWidth + gap > chatX ) }, { maxSize: 1e3 }, ), occupyInfo = Function_pipe( movingChats, Array_map(x => ({ tooClose: () => tooCloseTo(x), lane: x.lane, })), Array_append({ tooClose: () => !0, lane: config.laneCount }), ), index = Function_pipe( occupyInfo, findFirstIndex(x => x.lane >= flowChat.lane), getOrElse(() => -1), ), nextOccupiedLaneAbove = Function_pipe( occupyInfo, Array_take(index), Array_findLast(x => x.tooClose()), map(x => x.lane), getOrElse(() => -1), ), nextOccupiedLaneBelow = Function_pipe( occupyInfo, Array_drop(index), Array_findFirst(x => x.tooClose()), map(x => x.lane), getOrElse(() => config.laneCount), ), formerLaneInterval = Math.min( flowChat.lane - nextOccupiedLaneAbove, nextOccupiedLaneBelow - flowChat.lane, 1, ) return Function_pipe( occupyInfo, Array_reduce( { maxInterval: 0, maxIntervalLane: 0, lastLane: -1 }, ({ maxInterval, maxIntervalLane, lastLane }, info) => maxInterval > 0.999 || !info.tooClose() ? { maxInterval, maxIntervalLane, lastLane } : (() => { const nextLane = info.lane, interLane = Number_clamp({ minimum: 0, maximum: config.laneCount - 1, })((lastLane + nextLane) / 2), newInterval = Math.min( interLane - lastLane, nextLane - interLane, 1, ) return { lastLane: nextLane, ...(newInterval - maxInterval > 0.001 ? { maxInterval: newInterval, maxIntervalLane: Math.max( lastLane + newInterval, 0, ), } : { maxInterval, maxIntervalLane }), } })(), ), x => ({ lane: Math.abs(formerLaneInterval - x.maxInterval) < 0.001 ? flowChat.lane : x.maxIntervalLane, interval: x.maxInterval, }), ) }), intervalTooSmall = interval => config => config.noOverlap && interval < 0.999, setChatPlayState = chat => mainState => Function_pipe( chat.animationState, Effect_tap(x => SynchronizedRef_get(mainState.chatPlaying).pipe( Effect_flatMap(playing => Effect_sync(playing ? () => : () => x.pause()), ), ), ), Effect_flatMap(x => Effect_sync(() => { x.playbackRate = mainState.config.value.flowSpeed / 15 }), ), Effect_ignore, ), getWidth = external_window_micro_memoize_default()( ele => ele?.getBoundingClientRect().width ?? 0, { maxSize: 2e3, transformKey: Array_map(external_window_hash_it_default()), }, ), setChatAnimation = chat => mainState => Function_pipe( getChatFontSize(mainState), Effect_tap(height => Effect_gen(function* () { = `translate(${(yield* SynchronizedRef_get(mainState.playerRect)).width * (mainState.config.value.flowX2 - mainState.config.value.flowX1)}px, -${2 * height}px)` }), ), Effect_filterOrFail(() => Either_match(chat.animationState, { onLeft: x => "NotStarted" === x, onRight: () => !0, }), ), Effect_flatMap(height => Effect_gen(function* () { return { newChat: {, width: getWidth(chat.element.firstElementChild), height, }, oldChatIndex: Function_pipe( yield* SynchronizedRef_get(mainState.flowChats), findFirstIndex(x => x === chat), ), progress: getFlowChatProgress(chat.animationState), } }), ), Effect_flatMap(ctx => getChatLane( ctx.newChat, ctx.oldChatIndex, ctx.progress, )(mainState).pipe( Effect_flatMap(({ lane, interval }) => intervalTooSmall(interval)(mainState.config.value) ? ctx.newChat.animationState.pipe( Effect_tap(x => Effect_sync(() => x.finish())), Effect_map(() => ({ ...ctx.newChat, animationState: Either_left("Ended"), })), Effect_orElse(() => Effect_succeed(ctx.newChat)), ) : ( chat => lane => progress => mainState => Function_pipe( ((lane, { config: { value: config }, playerRect }) => SynchronizedRef_get(playerRect).pipe( Effect_map( rect => rect.height * ((lane / config.laneCount + 0.005) * (config.flowY2 - config.flowY1) + config.flowY1), ), ))(lane, mainState), Effect_map(y => ({, lane, y })), Effect_tap(newChat => Function_pipe( newChat.animationState, Either_match({ onLeft: () => _void, onRight: x => Effect_sync(() => x.cancel()), }), ), ), Effect_flatMap(newChat => SynchronizedRef_get(mainState.playerRect).pipe( Effect_map(rect => [ [ rect.width * (mainState.config.value.flowX2 - mainState.config.value.flowX1), newChat.y, ], [-newChat.width, newChat.y], ]), Effect_map( Function_pipe( x => `${x}px`, x => Array_map( mapBoth({ onFirst: x, onSecond: x }), ), ), ), Effect_map( Array_map(([x, y]) => ({ transform: `translate(${x}, ${y})`, })), ), Effect_flatMap(x => Effect_sync(() => newChat.element.animate(x, { duration: 6400, easing: mainState.config.value.timingFunction, }), ), ), Effect_flatMap(animation => Effect_sync(() => { const newNewChat = { ...newChat, animationState: Either_right(animation), } Object.assign(animation, { onfinish: () => Object.assign(newNewChat, { animationState: Either_left("Ended"), }), currentTime: 6400 * progress, }) return newNewChat }), ), ), ), ) )(ctx.newChat)(lane)(ctx.progress)(mainState), ), Effect_map(x => ({ oldChatIndex: ctx.oldChatIndex, newChat: x })), ), ), Effect_tap(x => setChatPlayState(x.newChat)(mainState)), Effect_flatMap(x => match(x.oldChatIndex, { onNone: () => Effect_succeed({ newChat: x.newChat }), onSome: index => Function_pipe( SynchronizedRef_update( mainState.flowChats, Array_replace(index, x.newChat), ), Effect_zipRight( Effect_fail(new Cause_NoSuchElementException()), ), ), }), ), ), tapEffect = f => (0, external_rxjs_namespaceObject.concatMap)(x => (0, external_rxjs_namespaceObject.from)(Effect_runPromise(f(x))).pipe( (0, => x), ), ), configStream = (provideLog, mainState, co, chatScreen, live) => (0, external_rxjs_namespaceObject.defer)(() => (0, external_rxjs_namespaceObject.merge)( (0, external_rxjs_namespaceObject.merge)( co.bannedWordRegexes, co.bannedWords, co.bannedUsers, ), Function_pipe( co.fieldScale, (0, external_rxjs_namespaceObject.startWith)( mainState.config.value.fieldScale, ), (0, ( live => scale => Function_pipe( live.chatField.ele, Effect_flatMap(field => Function_pipe( [ Function_pipe( fromNullable(field.parentElement), map(x => Effect_sync(() => Object.assign(, { transformOrigin: (scale >= 1 ? "top" : "bottom") + " left", transform: `scale(${scale})`, width: 100 / scale + "%", height: 100 / scale + "%", }), ), ), ), Function_pipe( live.chatScroller.ele, map(scroller => Effect_sync(() => { scroller.scrollTop = scroller.scrollHeight }), ), ), ], Array_getSomes, Effect_all, ), ), Effect_ignore, ) )(live), ), tapEffect(provideLog), ), Function_pipe( (0, external_rxjs_namespaceObject.merge)( Function_pipe( (0, external_rxjs_namespaceObject.merge)( co.displayModName, co.displaySuperChatAuthor, co.font, co.fontSize, co.fontWeight, co.laneCount, co.minSpacing, co.flowY1, co.flowY2, Function_pipe( co.flowX1, (0, external_rxjs_namespaceObject.startWith)( mainState.config.value.flowX1, ), tapEffect(x => provideLog( Effect_sync(() => Object.assign(, { left: 100 * x + "%", width: 100 * (mainState.config.value.flowX2 - x) + "%", }), ), ), ), ), Function_pipe( co.flowX2, tapEffect(x => provideLog( Effect_sync(() => Object.assign(, { left: 100 * mainState.config.value.flowX1 + "%", width: 100 * (x - mainState.config.value.flowX1) + "%", }), ), ), ), ), co.textOnly, ), (0, => ({ render: !0, setAnimation: !0, })), ), Function_pipe( (0, external_rxjs_namespaceObject.merge)( co.color, co.ownerColor, co.moderatorColor, co.memberColor, co.shadowColor, co.chatOpacity, co.shadowFontWeight, co.displayChats, ), (0, => ({ render: !0, })), ), Function_pipe( co.flowSpeed, (0, => ({ setPlayState: !0, })), ), Function_pipe( (0, external_rxjs_namespaceObject.merge)( Function_pipe( co.maxChatCount, (0, removeOldChats(mainState.flowChats), ), tapEffect(provideLog), ), co.noOverlap, co.timingFunction, ), (0, => ({ setAnimation: !0, })), ), ), (0, external_rxjs_namespaceObject.throttleTime)(180, void 0, { leading: !0, trailing: !0, }), (0, => ({ render: !1, setAnimation: !1, setPlayState: !1, ...x, })), tapEffect(c => provideLog( Function_pipe( SynchronizedRef_get(mainState.flowChats), Effect_map( Array_filter(x => Either_isRight(x.animationState)), ), Effect_flatMap( Effect_forEach(chat => Function_pipe( Effect_allSuccesses([ c.render ? Effect_succeed(renderChat(chat)) : Effect_fail(new Cause_NoSuchElementException()), c.setAnimation ? Effect_succeed(state => Effect_ignore(setChatAnimation(chat)(state)), ) : c.setPlayState ? Effect_succeed(setChatPlayState(chat)) : Effect_fail( new Cause_NoSuchElementException(), ), ]), Effect_flatMap(Effect_forEach(apply(mainState))), ), ), ), ), ), ), ), co.lang, co.maxChatLength, co.simplifyChatField, co.createBanButton, co.createChats, co.fieldScale, ), ), src_listeningBroadcastConfigKeys = [ "lang", "bannedWords", "bannedWordRegexes", "bannedUsers", "filterExp", "simplifyChatField", "createBanButton", "fieldScale", ], chatApp = Function_pipe( Effect_sync(() => document.querySelector("#chatframe")), Effect_flatMap(nullableFrame => Function_pipe( fromNullable(nullableFrame), filter(frame => Function_pipe( frame.contentDocument?.readyState, x => "loading" === x || "complete" === x, ), ), flatMapNullable(x => x.contentDocument), orElse(() => Option_some(document)), flatMapNullable(x => x.querySelector("yt-live-chat-app")), ), ), ), livePageYt = { toggleChatBtnParent: Function_pipe( Effect_sync(() => Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(".ytp-right-controls")), ), Effect_flatMap(Array_findFirst(x => null !== x.offsetParent)), ), settingsToggleNextElement: Function_pipe( Effect_sync(() => document.querySelector("#menu-container")), Effect_flatMap(Effect_fromNullable), Effect_filterOrFail(x => null !== x.offsetParent), Effect_flatMap(x => Effect_fromNullable( x.querySelector(".dropdown-trigger.ytd-menu-renderer"), ), ), Effect_orElse(() => Effect_fromNullable( document.querySelector( "#top-row .dropdown-trigger.ytd-menu-renderer", ), ), ), Effect_filterOrFail(x => null !== x.parentElement?.offsetParent), ), settingsContainer: Function_pipe( Effect_sync(() => document.body), Effect_flatMap(fromNullable), ), player: Function_pipe( Effect_sync(() => document.querySelector("#movie_player")), Effect_flatMap(fromNullable), ), video: Function_pipe( Effect_sync(() => document.querySelector(""), ), Effect_flatMap(fromNullable), ), chatField: Function_pipe( chatApp, Effect_flatMap(app => Function_pipe( app.querySelector(""), fromNullable, ), ), ), chatTicker: Function_pipe( chatApp, Effect_flatMap(app => Function_pipe( app.querySelector(""), fromNullable, ), ), ), chatScroller: Function_pipe( chatApp, Effect_flatMap(app => Function_pipe( app.querySelector( "", ), fromNullable, ), ), ), offlineSlate: Function_pipe( Effect_sync(() => document.querySelector(".ytp-offline-slate")), Effect_flatMap(fromNullable), ), }, logMeta = fiberRefUnsafeMake(Option_none()), logWithMeta = level => message => data => Function_pipe( Effect_log(message), Effect_locally(logMeta, Option_some(data)), x => locally(level)(x), ), mainCss = Function_pipe( Effect_sync(() => document.createElement("style")), Effect_tap(x => Effect_sync(() => { x.textContent = ".fyc_chat {\n line-height: 1;\n z-index: 30;\n position: absolute;\n user-select: none;\n white-space: nowrap;\n will-change: transform;\n}\n.fyc_button {\n display: inline-block;\n border-style: none;\n z-index: 4;\n font-weight: 500;\n color: var(--yt-spec-text-secondary);\n}" }), ), ), observePair = con => Effect_sync(() => { const subject = new external_rxjs_namespaceObject.Subject() return { subject, observer: new con(lib(subject)) } }), emptyElement = document.createElement("span"), addFlowChat = (data, chatScrn, mainState) => Effect_gen(function* () { const chatFontSize = yield* getChatFontSize(mainState) ;(yield* Function_pipe( Effect_succeed({ data, element: emptyElement, lane: -1, animationState: Either_left("NotStarted"), width: 2, height: chatFontSize, y: 0, }), Effect_flatMap(x => getChatLane(x, Option_none(), 0)(mainState)), Effect_map( ({ interval }) => !intervalTooSmall(interval)(mainState.config.value), ), )) && (yield* Function_pipe( SynchronizedRef_get(mainState.flowChats), Effect_flatMap(chats => findFirstIndex( chats, chat => Either_match(chat.animationState, { onLeft: x => "Ended" === x, onRight: () => !1, }) || chats.length >= mainState.config.value.maxChatCount, ), ), Effect_matchEffect({ onFailure: () => Function_pipe( Effect_sync(() => document.createElement("span")), Effect_tap(element => Effect_sync(() => chatScrn.append(element)), ), Effect_tap(element => Effect_sync(() => element.classList.add("fyc_chat")), ), Effect_zipLeft(Effect_logDebug("Flow chat element added")), ), onSuccess: index => Function_pipe( Effect_gen(function* () { const chat = Function_pipe( yield* SynchronizedRef_get(mainState.flowChats), Array_unsafeGet(index), ) yield* SynchronizedRef_update( mainState.flowChats, Array_remove(index), ) yield* chat.animationState.pipe( Effect_tap(animation => Effect_sync(() => animation.cancel()), ), Effect_ignore, ) return chat.element }), ), }), Effect_map(element => ({ data, element, lane: -1, animationState: Either_left("NotStarted"), width: 2, height: chatFontSize, y: 0, })), Effect_flatMap(flowChat => Function_pipe( Effect_succeed(mainState), Effect_tap(renderChat(flowChat)), Effect_flatMap(setChatAnimation(flowChat)), Effect_matchEffect({ onFailure: () => Function_pipe( Effect_sync(() => flowChat.element.remove()), Effect_zipLeft( Effect_logDebug("Flow chat element removed"), ), ), onSuccess: x => SynchronizedRef_update( mainState.flowChats, Array_append(x.newChat), ), }), ), ), )) }), appendChatMessage = flip(chat => Effect_flatMap(x => Effect_sync(() => chat.querySelector("#content #message")?.append(x)), ), ), template = Effect_runPromise( Function_pipe( Effect_succeed(document.createElement("button")), Effect_tap(x => Effect_sync(() => x.classList.add("style-scope", "yt-icon-button", "fyc_button"), ), ), Effect_tap(x => Effect_sync(() => Object.assign(, { padding: "0px", width: "20px", height: "20px", fill: "#fff", }), ), ), Effect_tap(x => Effect_sync(() => x.setAttribute("aria-label", "NGに入れる(Ban this user)"), ), ), Effect_tap(x => Effect_sync(() => { const svg = document.createElementNS( "", "svg", ) svg.setAttribute("class", "style-scope yt-icon") Object.assign(, { width: "100%", height: "75%", fill: "var(--yt-spec-text-secondary)", }) svg.setAttribute("viewBox", "0 0 512 512") const path = document.createElementNS( "", "path", ) path.setAttribute( "d", "M440 78A256 256 0 1 0 73 435 256 256 0 0 0 440 78zm-99 35L113 341C37 179 212 44 341 113zM177 405l228-228c76 162-99 297-228 228z", ) path.setAttribute("fill-rule", "evenodd") svg.appendChild(path) x.appendChild(svg) }), ), ), ), fromSemigroup = (S, empty) => ({ combine: S.combine, combineMany: S.combineMany, empty, combineAll: collection => S.combineMany(empty, collection), }), Semigroup_make = ( combine, combineMany = (self, collection) => { return ((b = self), (f = combine), function (iterable) { if (Array.isArray(iterable)) return iterable.reduce(f, b) let r###lt = b for (const n of iterable) r###lt = f(r###lt, n) return r###lt })(collection) var b, f }, ) => ({ combine, combineMany }), SemigroupEvery = Semigroup_make( (self, that) => self && that, (self, collection) => { if (!1 === self) return !1 for (const b of collection) if (!1 === b) return !1 return !0 }, ), SemigroupSome = Semigroup_make( (self, that) => self || that, (self, collection) => { if (!0 === self) return !0 for (const b of collection) if (!0 === b) return !0 return !1 }, ), MonoidEvery = fromSemigroup(SemigroupEvery, !0), MonoidSome = fromSemigroup(SemigroupSome, !1), filter_filterOperators = { flip, flow: fns => x => Function_pipe(x, ...fns), and: MonoidEvery.combineAll, or: MonoidSome.combineAll, A: { some: Array_some, getSomes: Array_getSomes }, O: { exists }, inText: text => x => { return ((searchString = x), self => self.includes(searchString, void 0))(text) var searchString }, eqText: text => x => text === x, matchedByText: text => x => isTruthy(text.match(RegExp(x, "u"))), }, setChatFieldSimplifyStyle = chat => Effect_gen(function* () { chat.querySelector( "", ) || (yield* Function_pipe( [ "#author-photo", "", ], Array_map(x => fromNullable(chat.querySelector(x))), Array_getSomes, Array_map(x => Effect_sync(() => { = "none" }), ), Array_append( Effect_sync(() => { = "1px solid var(--yt-spec-text-secondary)" }), ), Effect_all, )) }), strictOptionEquivalence = ((isEquivalent = strict()), Equivalence_make((x, y) => Option_isNone(x) ? Option_isNone(y) : !Option_isNone(y) && isEquivalent(x.value, y.value), )), allStream = provideLog => (function (ab, bc, cd, de, ef, fg, gh, hi, ij) { switch (arguments.length) { case 1: return ab case 2: return function () { return bc(ab.apply(this, arguments)) } case 3: return function () { return cd(bc(ab.apply(this, arguments))) } case 4: return function () { return de(cd(bc(ab.apply(this, arguments)))) } case 5: return function () { return ef(de(cd(bc(ab.apply(this, arguments))))) } case 6: return function () { return fg(ef(de(cd(bc(ab.apply(this, arguments)))))) } case 7: return function () { return gh(fg(ef(de(cd(bc(ab.apply(this, arguments))))))) } case 8: return function () { return hi(gh(fg(ef(de(cd(bc(ab.apply(this, arguments)))))))) } case 9: return function () { return ij(hi(gh(fg(ef(de(cd(bc(ab.apply(this, arguments))))))))) } } })( ctx => Effect_gen(function* () { const live = makePageState(livePageYt) return { ...ctx, live, ...Function_pipe( new external_rxjs_namespaceObject.BehaviorSubject( new DOMRectReadOnly(0, 0, 660, 395), ), settingsRectSubject => ({ settingsRectSubject, tapUpdateSettingsRect: ob => (0, external_rxjs_namespaceObject.switchMap)(value => { return Function_pipe( settingsRectSubject, (0, external_rxjs_namespaceObject.first)(), (0, ((toggleSettingsElement = ctx.apps.toggleSettingsPanelApp.node), nextSettingsRect => last => Function_pipe( Effect_succeed(toggleSettingsElement), Effect_filterOrFail( x => null !== x.offsetParent, ), Effect_map(x => x.getBoundingClientRect()), Effect_map( x => new DOMRectReadOnly( Math.max( 0, x.right + window.scrollX - 660, ), Math.max(0, x.y + window.scrollY - 395), 660, Math.min(x.y + window.scrollY, 395), ), ), Effect_orEls###cceed( () => new DOMRectReadOnly(-660, -395, 660, 395), ), Effect_filterOrFail( x => x.x !== last.x || x.y !== last.y || x.width !== last.width || x.height !== last.height, ), Effect_tap(nextSettingsRect), Effect_ignore, ))(rect => Effect_sync(() =>, ), ), tapEffect(provideLog), (0, => value), ) var toggleSettingsElement })(ob), }), ), config$: configStream( provideLog, ctx.mainState,, ctx.chatScreen, live, ), css: yield* mainCss, documentMutationPair: yield* observePair(MutationObserver), chatMutationPair: yield* observePair(MutationObserver), playerResizePair: yield* observePair(ResizeObserver), bodyResizePair: yield* observePair(ResizeObserver), liveElementKeys: Object.keys(live), } }), Effect_map(c => Function_pipe( c.reinitSubject, (0, external_rxjs_namespaceObject.observeOn)( external_rxjs_namespaceObject.asyncScheduler, ), Function_pipe(Duration_millis(100), initDelay => (0, external_rxjs_namespaceObject.delay)(toMillis(initDelay)), ), tapEffect(() => provideLog(Effect_logInfo("Init"))), (0, external_rxjs_namespaceObject.switchMap)(() => Function_pipe( Duration_millis(700), changeDetectInterval => (0, external_rxjs_namespaceObject.interval)( toMillis(changeDetectInterval), ), c.tapUpdateSettingsRect, (0, external_rxjs_namespaceObject.concatMap)(index => Function_pipe( (0, external_rxjs_namespaceObject.from)( Effect_runPromise( provideLog( Function_pipe( Effect_succeed(c.liveElementKeys), Effect_flatMap( Effect_forEach(key =>[key].read.pipe( Effect_option, Effect_flatMap( liftPredicate( newEle => !strictOptionEquivalence([key].ele, newEle, ), ), ), Effect_tap(x => Effect_sync(() => {[key].ele = x }), ), Effect_map(Option_isSome), Effect_map( x => `${key} ${x ? "found" : "lost"}`, ), Effect_flatMap(Effect_logDebug), Effect_isSuccess, ), ), ), Effect_map(Array_some(Function_identity)), ), ), ), ), (0, external_rxjs_namespaceObject.filter)( Function_identity, ), (0, => index), ), ), (0, external_rxjs_namespaceObject.startWith)(0), ), ), tapEffect(() => provideLog( Function_pipe( Effect_logDebug("Loading..."), Effect_zipRight( Effect_sync(() => { ;[ c.documentMutationPair, c.chatMutationPair, c.playerResizePair, c.bodyResizePair, ].forEach(pair => { }), { childList: !0, subtree: !0, }) document.head.append(c.css) }), ), Effect_zipRight( Effect_allSuccesses([ ...Array_map( [,], Effect_flatMap(x => Effect_sync(() =>, { childList: !0, }), ), ), ), Effect_flatMap(element => Function_pipe( Effect_succeed(element), Effect_tap(x => Effect_sync(() =>, ), ), Effect_flatMap(x => Effect_sync(() => x.prepend(c.chatScreen)), ), ), ), ), Effect_flatMap(x => Effect_sync(() => x.prepend(c.apps.toggleChatButtonApp.node), ), ), ), Effect_flatMap(x => Effect_sync(() => x.before(c.apps.toggleSettingsPanelApp.node), ), ), Effect_orElse(() => Effect_flatMap(() => Effect_sync(() => c.apps.toggleChatButtonApp.node.before( c.apps.toggleSettingsPanelApp.node, ), ), ), ), ), ), Effect_flatMap(x => Effect_sync(() => x.append(c.apps.settingsApp.node), ), ), ), Function_pipe( document.body, Effect_fromNullable, Effect_flatMap(x => Effect_sync(() =>, ), ), ), Effect_filterOrElse( x => !x.paused, () =>, ), Effect_isSuccess, Effect_flatMap(x => SynchronizedRef_set(c.mainState.chatPlaying, x), ), ), ]), ), ), ), ), (0, external_rxjs_namespaceObject.switchMap)(() => { return (0, external_rxjs_namespaceObject.merge)( Function_pipe( (0, external_rxjs_namespaceObject.fromEvent)(, "message", ), (0,[key, val]) => Function_pipe( src_listeningBroadcastConfigKeys.includes(key), x => x ? c.setChangedConfig[key](val) : Effect_sync(() => {}), ), ), tapEffect(provideLog), ), ...Function_pipe( configKeys, Array_map(key => Function_pipe([key], (0, external_rxjs_namespaceObject.startWith)( c.mainState.config.value[key], ), (0, external_rxjs_namespaceObject.bufferCount)(2, 1), (0,[x, y]) => (0, external_DeepDiff_namespaceObject.diff)(x, y), ), (0, => Effect_logDebug( `Config ${key}: ${JSON.stringify(x, void 0, 2)}`, ), ), tapEffect(provideLog), ), ), ), c.config$, match({ onNone: () => external_rxjs_namespaceObject.EMPTY, onSome: element => { return Function_pipe( ((video = element), Function_pipe( [["playing"], ["waiting", "pause"]], Array_map((x, i) => [x, 0 === i]), Array_flatMap(([xs, b]) => Function_pipe( xs, Array_map(x => [x, b]), ), ), Array_map(([x, b]) => Function_pipe( (0, external_rxjs_namespaceObject.fromEvent)( video, x, ), (0, => b), ), ), x => (0, external_rxjs_namespaceObject.merge)(...x), )), (0, playing => playing || Option_isSome(, ), (0, => Function_pipe( SynchronizedRef_set( c.mainState.chatPlaying, chatPlaying, ), Effect_zipRight( Function_pipe( SynchronizedRef_get(c.mainState.flowChats), Effect_map(Array_map(setChatPlayState)), Effect_flatMap( Effect_forEach(apply(c.mainState)), ), ), ), ), ), tapEffect(provideLog), ) var video }, }), ), Function_pipe( c.chatMutationPair.subject, (0, ((chatScrn = c.chatScreen), (mainState = c.mainState), records => Function_pipe( Effect_succeed(records), Effect_map( Array_flatMap(e => Array.from(e.addedNodes)), ), Effect_map(Array_filter(x => x.children.length > 0)), Effect_map(Array_reverse), Effect_flatMap( Effect_forEach(chat => Effect_gen(function* () { yield* Effect_logDebug("Chat detected") const data = (chat => { const chatType = chat.querySelector( ".yt-live-chat-ticker-paid-message-item-renderer", ) ? "ticker" : chat.querySelector( ".yt-live-chat-membership-item-renderer", ) ? "membership" : chat.querySelector( ".yt-live-chat-viewer-engagement-message-renderer", ) ? "engagement" : "normal", paymentInfo = Function_pipe( "ticker" === chatType || null !== chat.querySelector("#card"), isPaid => fromNullable( isPaid ? chat.querySelector( join(", ")([ "#purchase-amount", "#purchase-amount-chip", "#content>#text", ]), )?.textContent : void 0, ), ), messageElement = fromNullable( chat.querySelector("#message"), ), isPaidNormal = Option_isSome(paymentInfo) && isTruthy( chat.querySelector( ".yt-live-chat-paid-message-renderer", ), ), isPaidSticker = Option_isSome(paymentInfo) && !isPaidNormal && isTruthy( chat.querySelector( ".yt-live-chat-paid-sticker-renderer", ), ), visibleBackgroundColor = element => Function_pipe( window .getComputedStyle(element) .getPropertyValue("background-color"), liftPredicate( x => "transparent" !== x && "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)" !== x, ), ) return { chatType, authorType: chat.querySelector(".owner") ? "owner" : chat.querySelector(".moderator") ? "moderator" : chat.querySelector(".member") ? "member" : "normal", authorID: Function_pipe( chat .querySelector( join(" ")(["#author-photo", "img"]), ) ?.src.match( /ggpht\.com\/(ytc\/)?(.*)=/, ), authorPhotoMatches => fromNullable( authorPhotoMatches?.at(-1), ), ), authorName: fromNullable( chat.querySelector("#author-name") ?.textContent, ), timestamp: fromNullable( chat.querySelector("#timestamp") ?.textContent, ), messageElement, message: Function_pipe( messageElement, map(x => x.innerHTML), ), messageText: Function_pipe( messageElement, map(x => x.textContent ?? ""), ), paymentInfo, textColor: isPaidNormal ? Function_pipe( fromNullable( chat.querySelector("#header"), ), flatMap(visibleBackgroundColor), orElse(() => Function_pipe( fromNullable( chat.querySelector("#card"), ), flatMap(visibleBackgroundColor), ), ), orElse(() => Function_pipe( fromNullable( chat.querySelector("#content"), ), flatMap(visibleBackgroundColor), ), ), ) : isPaidSticker ? Option_some( window .getComputedStyle(chat) .getPropertyValue( "--yt-live-chat-paid-sticker-chip-background-color", ), ) : Option_none(), paidColor: isPaidNormal ? Function_pipe( fromNullable( chat.querySelector("#content"), ), flatMap(visibleBackgroundColor), orElse(() => Function_pipe( fromNullable( chat.querySelector("#card"), ), flatMap(visibleBackgroundColor), ), ), orElse(() => Function_pipe( fromNullable( chat.querySelector("#header"), ), flatMap(visibleBackgroundColor), ), ), ) : isPaidSticker ? Option_some( window .getComputedStyle(chat) .getPropertyValue( "--yt-live-chat-paid-sticker-background-color", ), ) : Option_none(), } })(chat) ;(yield* ((data, config) => Function_pipe( Effect_succeed(data), Effect_filterOrFail(x => a( config.filterExp, (data => ({ ...filter_filterOperators, authorName: data.authorName, message: data.message, messageText: data.messageText, paymentInfo: data.paymentInfo, authorID: data.authorID, }))(x), ), ), Effect_map(x => [x.message, x.paymentInfo]), Effect_flatMap( Effect_forEach( Effect_orElse(() => Effect_succeed("")), ), ), Effect_map(JSON.stringify), Effect_flatMap(x => Effect_logDebug(`Filtered: ${x}`), ), Effect_isSuccess, ))(data, mainState.config.value)) ? ( = "none") : yield* Effect_all( [ Function_pipe( addFlowChat( data, chatScrn, mainState, ), Effect_when( Function_pipe( yield* SynchronizedRef_get( mainState.flowChats, ), flowChats => () => mainState.config.value .createChats && "normal" === data.chatType && !Array_some( flowChats, x => Either_isRight( x.animationState, ) && strictOptionEquivalence(, data.authorID, ) && strictOptionEquivalence(, data.messageText, ) && strictOptionEquivalence(, data.timestamp, ), ), ), ), ), data.authorID.pipe( filter( () => mainState.config.value .createBanButton && !chat.children.namedItem("card"), ), Effect_flatMap(x => { return appendChatMessage( ((id = x), getConfig => setConfig => chat => Function_pipe( getConfig.bannedUsers, Effect_filterOrFail( x => !x.includes(id), ), Effect_map(x => Function_pipe( dedupeWith( x, String_Equivalence, ), Array_append(id), ), ), Effect_flatMap(x => Function_pipe( setConfig.bannedUsers(x), ), ), Effect_ignore, Effect_zipRight( Effect_sync(() => { = "none" }), ), onclick => Function_pipe( Effect_promise( () => template, ), Effect_map(x => x.cloneNode(!0), ), Effect_tap(x => Effect_sync(() => { x.onclick = () => Effect_runPromise( onclick, ) }), ), ), ))(mainState.config.getConfig)( mainState.config.setConfig, )(chat), )(chat) var id }), Effect_zipLeft( Effect_logDebug("Ban button added"), ), ), Function_pipe( setChatFieldSimplifyStyle(chat), Effect_when( () => mainState.config.value .simplifyChatField, ), Effect_zipLeft( Effect_logDebug("Chat simplified"), ), ), ], { mode: "either" }, ) }), ), ), )), ), tapEffect(provideLog), ), Function_pipe( c.documentMutationPair.subject, (0, () => window.location.href, ), (0, external_rxjs_namespaceObject.distinctUntilChanged)(), (0, external_rxjs_namespaceObject.skip)(1), c.tapUpdateSettingsRect, (0, => Effect_all([ Effect_logDebug(`URL Changed: ${x}`), removeOldChats(c.mainState.flowChats)(0), ]), ), tapEffect(provideLog), Function_pipe(Duration_millis(1700), urlDelay => (0, external_rxjs_namespaceObject.delay)( toMillis(urlDelay), ), ), tapEffect(() => c.reinitialize), ), Function_pipe( c.playerResizePair.subject, (0, external_rxjs_namespaceObject.throttleTime)( 500, void 0, { leading: !0, trailing: !0 }, ), (0, external_rxjs_namespaceObject.startWith)([]), (0, => map(x => x.getBoundingClientRect()), match({ onNone: () => _void, onSome: x => { return ( (rect = x), (mainState = c.mainState), Function_pipe( Effect_succeed(rect), Effect_tap(x => Effect_logDebug( `Resize [${x.width.toFixed(1)}, ${x.height.toFixed(1)}]`, ), ), Effect_flatMap(r => SynchronizedRef_set(mainState.playerRect, r), ), Effect_zipRight( SynchronizedRef_get(mainState.flowChats), ), Effect_flatMap( Effect_forEach(x => Effect_all([ renderChat(x)(mainState), Effect_ignore( setChatAnimation(x)(mainState), ), ]), ), ), ) ) var rect, mainState }, }), ), ), tapEffect(provideLog), ), Function_pipe( c.bodyResizePair.subject, Function_pipe( Duration_millis(300), bodyResizeDetectInterval => (0, external_rxjs_namespaceObject.throttleTime)( toMillis(bodyResizeDetectInterval), void 0, { leading: !0, trailing: !0 }, ), ), (0, external_rxjs_namespaceObject.startWith)([]), c.tapUpdateSettingsRect, ), Function_pipe( c.settingsRectSubject, tapEffect(panelRect => c.updateSettingState(s => ({ ...s, panelRect })), ), ), ) var chatScrn, mainState }), (0, external_rxjs_namespaceObject.retry)({ delay: e => Function_pipe( (0, external_rxjs_namespaceObject.of)(e), tapEffect(() => provideLog( logWithMeta(LogLevel_Error)(`Errored: ${e}`)(e), ), ), Function_pipe(Duration_millis(5e3), errorRetryInterval => (0, external_rxjs_namespaceObject.delay)( toMillis(errorRetryInterval), ), ), tapEffect(() => c.reinitialize), ), }), ), ), ), defaultFilter = config => external_jsep_default()( `\nor([\nA.some(\n flip(flow([inText, A.some]))(${JSON.stringify(config.bannedWords)})\n)(A.getSomes([\n messageText,\n paymentInfo\n])),\nA.some(\n flip(flow([matchedByText, A.some]))(${JSON.stringify(config.bannedWordRegexes)})\n)(A.getSomes([\n messageText,\n paymentInfo\n])),\nO.exists(\n flip(flow([eqText, A.some]))(${JSON.stringify(config.bannedUsers)})\n)(authorID)\n])\n`, ), makeChatScreen = Function_pipe( Effect_sync(() => document.createElement("div")), Effect_tap(x => Effect_sync(() => Object.assign(, { pointerEvents: "none", zIndex: "30", position: "absolute", overflow: "hidden", height: "100%", width: "100%", }), ), ), ), Editable_of = x => [x, Option_none()], fromValueText = v => t => [v, Option_some([t, Option_none()])], Editable_value = getFirst, Editable_text = x => Function_pipe(getSecond(x), map(getFirst)), Editable_error = x => Function_pipe(getSecond(x), flatMap(getSecond)), setValue = v => Function_pipe(constant(v), x => mapFirst(x)), setText = x => mapSecond(snd => snd.pipe( map(mapFirst(constant(x))), orElse(constant(Option_some([x, Option_none()]))), ), ), hasError = x => Option_isSome(Editable_error(x)), exceptions = ["timingFunction", "lang"], isEditable = k => v => ("number" == typeof v || "string" == typeof v || (Array.isArray(v) && ("string" == typeof v[0] || 0 === v.length))) && !Array_some(x => x === k)(exceptions), RefinedConstructorsTypeId = Symbol.for("effect/Brand/Refined") var isEquivalent const nominal = () => Object.assign(args => args, { [RefinedConstructorsTypeId]: RefinedConstructorsTypeId, option: args => Option_some(args), either: args => Either_right(args), is: _args => !0, }), external_LZString_namespaceObject = LZString, makeCompressedLogBlock = nominal(), makeLog = nominal(), decompressBlock = x => Function_pipe( (0, external_LZString_namespaceObject.decompressFromUTF16)(x), JSON.parse, ), importLog = s => makeLog( Function_pipe( "<" === s[0] ? s.slice(5, -6) : s, x => JSON.parse(x), log => ({ nextId: log.nextId, ...Function_pipe( log.blocks, Array_map( external_LZString_namespaceObject.decompressFromEncodedURIComponent, ), matchRight({ onEmpty: () => ({ compressedBlocks: [], lastBlock: [] }), onNonEmpty: (init, last) => ({ compressedBlocks: Array_map(init, x => Function_pipe( (0, external_LZString_namespaceObject.compressToUTF16)( x, ), makeCompressedLogBlock, ), ), lastBlock: JSON.parse(last), }), }), ), }), ), ), makeComponent = x => tag => ({ tag, view: x(tag) }), node_option = (value, label, selected) => h("option", { value, selected }, hyperapp_text(label)), tabContainer = style => ontabSelect => labels => tabs => mainTab => h("div", { style: style.container }, [ h( "div", {}, Function_pipe( labels, Array_map((x, i) => h( "span", { style: {, ...(mainTab === i ? style.labelFocus : {}), display: "inline-block", }, onpointerdown: [ontabSelect, i], }, hyperapp_text(x), ), ), ), ), h( "div", { style: {, overflow: "auto", boxSizing: "border-box", }, }, Function_pipe( tabs, Array_get(mainTab), match({ onNone: () => {}, onSome: x => x() }), ), ), ]), defaultText = { setting: ["Settings", "設定", "设置"], font: ["Font", "フォント", "字体"], color: ["Color(Normal)", "色(通常)", "颜色(正常)"], ownerColor: ["Color(Owner)", "色(オーナー)", "颜色(主人)"], moderatorColor: [ "Color(Moderator)", "色(モデレーター)", "颜色(管理员)", ], memberColor: ["Color(Member)", "色(メンバー)", "颜色(成员)"], feedback: ["Feedback", "バグ報告と要望", "反馈"], eventLog: ["Event log", "イベントログ", "事件日志"], giveFeedback: [ "Give your feedbacks here(Please attach the event log for bug reports)", "バグ報告、要望はこちら(バグの場合は、イベントログを添付してください)", "在此处提供您的反馈(如报告错误,请附上事件日志)", ], chatOpacity: ["Opacity", "不透明度", "不透明度"], fontSize: ["Size", "サイズ", "字体大小"], fontWeight: ["Weight", "太さ", "字体粗细"], shadowFontWeight: ["Shadow Weight", "影の太さ", "阴影粗细"], flowSpeed: ["Speed", "速度", "弹幕速度"], maxChatCount: ["Max number of chats", "最大表示数", "最大聊天数量"], maxChatLength: ["Max number of characters", "最大文字数", "最大字符数"], laneCount: ["Number of rows", "行数", "行数"], bannedWords: ["Banned Words", "NGワード", "屏蔽词"], bannedWordRegexes: [ "Banned Words(Regex)", "NGワード(正規表現)", "屏蔽词(正则表达式)", ], bannedUsers: ["Banned Users", "NGユーザー", "屏蔽用户"], simplifyChatField: ["Simplify", "簡略化する", "简化聊天栏"], createBanButton: [ "Show ban button", "NGボタンを表示する", "显示屏蔽按钮", ], displayModName: [ "Show moderator's name", "モデレーターの名前を表示する", "显示管理员姓名", ], displaySuperChatAuthor: [ "Show super chat author", "スパチャの作成者を表示する", "显示超级留言作者", ], createChats: ["Create flowing chats", "チャットを流す", "创建弹幕"], textOnly: [ "Text only(ignore emojis)", "文字のみ(絵文字を無視する)", "仅文本(忽略表情符号)", ], error: ["Error", "エラー", "错误"], video: ["Video", "画面", "视频"], chatField: ["Chat Window", "チャット欄", "聊天窗口"], useStepTiming: [ "Move chat in steps", "チャットを段階的に動かす", "按步骤移动弹幕", ], timingStepCount: ["└Step Count", "└段階数", "└步骤数"], chatFilter: ["Chat Filter", "チャットフィルター", "聊天过滤器"], flowChat: ["Flow Chat", "チャット流れ", "聊天弹幕"], clearFlowChats: [ "Clear Flowing Chats", "流れるチャットをクリアする", "清除弹幕", ], flowNewChatIf: [ "A new chat will appear if all of the followings are met:", "新しいチャットは以下のすべてを満たす場合に流れます:", "如果满足以下所有条件,新弹幕会出现:", ], noOverlap: [ "└Chats won't overlap", "└他のチャットと重ならない", "└弹幕不会重叠", ], minSpacing: [ "Min spacing between chats", "チャットの最小間隔", "弹幕间的最小间距", ], fieldScale: ["Scale", "拡大率", "缩放比例"], copy: ["Copy", "コピーする", "复制"], showChats: ["Show chats", "チャットを表示する", "显示弹幕"], hideChats: ["Hide chats", "チャットを非表示にする", "隐藏弹幕"], flowY1: ["Flow area top edge", "流れ範囲の上端", "显示区域上边缘"], flowY2: ["Flow area bottom edge", "流れ範囲の下端", "显示区域下边缘"], flowX1: ["Flow area left edge", "流れ範囲の左端", "显示区域左边缘"], flowX2: ["Flow area right edge", "流れ範囲の右端", "显示区域右边缘"], shadowColor: ["Shadow Color", "影の色", "阴影颜色"], invalidColor: ["Invalid color", "無効な色", "无效颜色"], inputNonNumberic: [ "Input isn't a number", "入力値が数字でない", "输入值非数字", ], invalidSetting: ["Invalid setting", "無効な設定値", "无效的设置值"], logEvents: [ "Enable event logging", "イベントログを有効にする", "启用事件日志", ], importLog: [ "Import event log", "イベントログを取り込む", "导入事件日志", ], }, getText = key => state => Function_pipe( languages, findFirstIndex(x => x === state.lang), map(x => Array_unsafeGet(defaultText[key], x)), getOrElse(() => "Error"), ), languageLabels = ["English(US)", "日本語", "简体中文"], panelBoxStyle = width => ({ flex: `0 0 ${width}px`, width: `${width}px`, margin: "2px", }), computed = { useStepTiming: s => isTruthy(s.timingFunction.match(/^steps\(.+/)), }, getState = k => (k in computed ? computed[k] : s => s[k]), Data_Error = (function () { return class extends YieldableError { constructor(args) { super(args?.message, args?.cause ? { cause: args.cause } : void 0) args && Object.assign(this, args) } } })(), Data_TaggedError = tag => { class Base extends Data_Error { _tag = tag } = tag return Base }, getKeysForIndexSignature = (input, parameter) => { switch (parameter._tag) { case "StringKeyword": case "TemplateLiteral": return Object.keys(input) case "SymbolKeyword": return Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(input) case "Refinement": return getKeysForIndexSignature(input, parameter.from) } }, util_ownKeys = o => Object.keys(o).concat(Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(o)), memoizeThunk = f => { let a, done = !1 return () => { if (done) return a a = f() done = !0 return a } }, formatUnknown = u => { if (isString(u)) return JSON.stringify(u) if ( isNumber(u) || null == u || Predicate_isBoolean(u) || isSymbol(u) || u instanceof Date ) return String(u) if (isBigInt(u)) return String(u) + "n" if ( !isArray(u) && Predicate_hasProperty(u, "toString") && Predicate_isFunction(u.toString) && u.toString !== Object.prototype.toString ) return u.toString() try { JSON.stringify(u) return isArray(u) ? `[${",")}]` : `{${util_ownKeys(u) .map( k => `${isString(k) ? JSON.stringify(k) : String(k)}:${formatUnknown(u[k])}`, ) .join(",")}}` } catch (e) { return String(u) } }, util_isNonEmpty = x => Array.isArray(x), formatPathKey = key => { return `[${((name = key), "string" == typeof name ? JSON.stringify(name) : String(name))}]` var name }, formatPath = path => util_isNonEmpty(path) ?"") : formatPathKey(path), getErrorMessage = (reason, details, path, ast) => { let out = reason path && isNonEmptyReadonlyArray(path) && (out += `\nat path: ${formatPath(path)}`) void 0 !== details && (out += `\ndetails: ${details}`) ast && (out += `\nschema (${ast._tag}): ${ast}`) return out }, getASTDuplicateIndexSignatureErrorMessage = type => getErrorMessage("Duplicate index signature", `${type} index signature`), getASTIndexSignatureParameterErrorMessage = getErrorMessage( "Unsupported index signature parameter", "An index signature parameter type must be `string`, `symbol`, a template literal type or a refinement of the previous types", ), getASTRequiredElementFollowinAnOptionalElementErrorMessage = getErrorMessage( "Invalid element", "A required element cannot follow an optional element. ts(1257)", ), TypeAnnotationId = Symbol.for("@effect/schema/annotation/Type"), MessageAnnotationId = Symbol.for("@effect/schema/annotation/Message"), MissingMessageAnnotationId = Symbol.for( "@effect/schema/annotation/MissingMessage", ), IdentifierAnnotationId = Symbol.for( "@effect/schema/annotation/Identifier", ), TitleAnnotationId = Symbol.for("@effect/schema/annotation/Title"), DescriptionAnnotationId = Symbol.for( "@effect/schema/annotation/Description", ), ExamplesAnnotationId = Symbol.for("@effect/schema/annotation/Examples"), DefaultAnnotationId = Symbol.for("@effect/schema/annotation/Default"), JSONSchemaAnnotationId = Symbol.for( "@effect/schema/annotation/JSONSchema", ), DocumentationAnnotationId = Symbol.for( "@effect/schema/annotation/Documentation", ), ConcurrencyAnnotationId = Symbol.for( "@effect/schema/annotation/Concurrency", ), BatchingAnnotationId = Symbol.for("@effect/schema/annotation/Batching"), ParseIssueTitleAnnotationId = Symbol.for( "@effect/schema/annotation/ParseIssueTitle", ), ParseOptionsAnnotationId = Symbol.for( "@effect/schema/annotation/ParseOptions", ), SurrogateAnnotationId = Symbol.for("@effect/schema/annotation/Surrogate"), StableFilterAnnotationId = Symbol.for( "@effect/schema/annotation/StableFilter", ), getAnnotation = Function_dual(2, (annotated, key) =>, key) ? Option_some(annotated.annotations[key]) : Option_none(), ), getMessageAnnotation = getAnnotation(MessageAnnotationId), getMissingMessageAnnotation = getAnnotation(MissingMessageAnnotationId), getTitleAnnotation = getAnnotation(TitleAnnotationId), getIdentifierAnnotation = getAnnotation(IdentifierAnnotationId), getDescriptionAnnotation = getAnnotation(DescriptionAnnotationId), getConcurrencyAnnotation = getAnnotation(ConcurrencyAnnotationId), getBatchingAnnotation = getAnnotation(BatchingAnnotationId), getParseIssueTitleAnnotation = getAnnotation(ParseIssueTitleAnnotationId), getParseOptionsAnnotation = getAnnotation(ParseOptionsAnnotationId), getSurrogateAnnotation = getAnnotation(SurrogateAnnotationId), getStableFilterAnnotation = getAnnotation(StableFilterAnnotationId), JSONIdentifierAnnotationId = Symbol.for( "@effect/schema/annotation/JSONIdentifier", ), getJSONIdentifierAnnotation = getAnnotation(JSONIdentifierAnnotationId) class Declaration { typeParameters decodeUnknown encodeUnknown annotations _tag = "Declaration" constructor( typeParameters, decodeUnknown, encodeUnknown, annotations = {}, ) { this.typeParameters = typeParameters this.decodeUnknown = decodeUnknown this.encodeUnknown = encodeUnknown this.annotations = annotations } toString() { return getOrElse(getExpected(this), () => "<declaration schema>") } toJSON() { return { _tag: this._tag, typeParameters: => ast.toJSON()), annotations: toJSONAnnotations(this.annotations), } } } const createASTGuard = tag => ast => ast._tag === tag class Literal { literal annotations _tag = "Literal" constructor(literal, annotations = {}) { this.literal = literal this.annotations = annotations } toString() { return getOrElse(getExpected(this), () => formatUnknown(this.literal)) } toJSON() { return { _tag: this._tag, literal: isBigInt(this.literal) ? String(this.literal) : this.literal, annotations: toJSONAnnotations(this.annotations), } } } const isLiteral = createASTGuard("Literal") class UniqueSymbol { symbol annotations _tag = "UniqueSymbol" constructor(symbol, annotations = {}) { this.symbol = symbol this.annotations = annotations } toString() { return getOrElse(getExpected(this), () => formatUnknown(this.symbol)) } toJSON() { return { _tag: this._tag, symbol: String(this.symbol), annotations: toJSONAnnotations(this.annotations), } } } class NeverKeyword { annotations _tag = "NeverKeyword" constructor(annotations = {}) { this.annotations = annotations } toString() { return formatKeyword(this) } toJSON() { return { _tag: this._tag, annotations: toJSONAnnotations(this.annotations), } } } const neverKeyword = new NeverKeyword({ [TitleAnnotationId]: "never" }) class UnknownKeyword { annotations _tag = "UnknownKeyword" constructor(annotations = {}) { this.annotations = annotations } toString() { return formatKeyword(this) } toJSON() { return { _tag: this._tag, annotations: toJSONAnnotations(this.annotations), } } } const unknownKeyword = new UnknownKeyword({ [TitleAnnotationId]: "unknown", }) class AnyKeyword { annotations _tag = "AnyKeyword" constructor(annotations = {}) { this.annotations = annotations } toString() { return formatKeyword(this) } toJSON() { return { _tag: this._tag, annotations: toJSONAnnotations(this.annotations), } } } const anyKeyword = new AnyKeyword({ [TitleAnnotationId]: "any" }), isStringKeyword = createASTGuard("StringKeyword"), isNumberKeyword = createASTGuard("NumberKeyword"), isSymbolKeyword = createASTGuard("SymbolKeyword") class Type { type annotations constructor(type, annotations = {}) { this.type = type this.annotations = annotations } toJSON() { return { type: this.type.toJSON(), annotations: toJSONAnnotations(this.annotations), } } toString() { return String(this.type) } } class OptionalType extends Type { isOptional constructor(type, isOptional, annotations = {}) { super(type, annotations) this.isOptional = isOptional } toJSON() { return { type: this.type.toJSON(), isOptional: this.isOptional, annotations: toJSONAnnotations(this.annotations), } } toString() { return String(this.type) + (this.isOptional ? "?" : "") } } const getRestASTs = rest => => annotatedAST.type) class TupleType { elements rest isReadonly annotations _tag = "TupleType" constructor(elements, rest, isReadonly, annotations = {}) { this.elements = elements = rest this.isReadonly = isReadonly this.annotations = annotations let hasOptionalElement = !1, hasIllegalRequiredElement = !1 for (const e of elements) if (e.isOptional) hasOptionalElement = !0 else if (hasOptionalElement) { hasIllegalRequiredElement = !0 break } if ( hasIllegalRequiredElement || (hasOptionalElement && rest.length > 1) ) throw new Error( getASTRequiredElementFollowinAnOptionalElementErrorMessage, ) } toString() { return getOrElse(getExpected(this), () => formatTuple(this)) } toJSON() { return { _tag: this._tag, elements: => e.toJSON()), rest: => ast.toJSON()), isReadonly: this.isReadonly, annotations: toJSONAnnotations(this.annotations), } } } const formatTuple = ast => { const formattedElements =", ") return matchLeft(, { onEmpty: () => `readonly [${formattedElements}]`, onNonEmpty: (head, tail) => { const formattedHead = String(head), wrappedHead = formattedHead.includes(" | ") ? `(${formattedHead})` : formattedHead if (tail.length > 0) { const formattedTail =", ") return ast.elements.length > 0 ? `readonly [${formattedElements}, ...${wrappedHead}[], ${formattedTail}]` : `readonly [...${wrappedHead}[], ${formattedTail}]` } return ast.elements.length > 0 ? `readonly [${formattedElements}, ...${wrappedHead}[]]` : `ReadonlyArray<${formattedHead}>` }, }) } class PropertySignature extends OptionalType { name isReadonly constructor(name, type, isOptional, isReadonly, annotations) { super(type, isOptional, annotations) = name this.isReadonly = isReadonly } toString() { return ( (this.isReadonly ? "readonly " : "") + String( + (this.isOptional ? "?" : "") + ": " + this.type ) } toJSON() { return { name: String(, type: this.type.toJSON(), isOptional: this.isOptional, isReadonly: this.isReadonly, annotations: toJSONAnnotations(this.annotations), } } } const isParameter = ast => { switch (ast._tag) { case "StringKeyword": case "SymbolKeyword": case "TemplateLiteral": return !0 case "Refinement": return isParameter(ast.from) } return !1 } class IndexSignature { type isReadonly parameter constructor(parameter, type, isReadonly) { this.type = type this.isReadonly = isReadonly if (!isParameter(parameter)) throw new Error(getASTIndexSignatureParameterErrorMessage) this.parameter = parameter } toString() { return ( (this.isReadonly ? "readonly " : "") + `[x: ${this.parameter}]: ${this.type}` ) } toJSON() { return { parameter: this.parameter.toJSON(), type: this.type.toJSON(), isReadonly: this.isReadonly, } } } class TypeLiteral { annotations _tag = "TypeLiteral" propertySignatures indexSignatures constructor(propertySignatures, indexSignatures, annotations = {}) { this.annotations = annotations const keys = {} for (let i = 0; i < propertySignatures.length; i++) { const name = propertySignatures[i].name if (, name)) throw new Error( getErrorMessage( "Duplicate property signature", `Duplicate key ${formatUnknown(name)}`, ), ) keys[name] = null } const parameters = { string: !1, symbol: !1 } for (let i = 0; i < indexSignatures.length; i++) { const parameter = getParameterBase(indexSignatures[i].parameter) if (isStringKeyword(parameter)) { if (parameters.string) throw new Error( getASTDuplicateIndexSignatureErrorMessage("string"), ) parameters.string = !0 } else if (isSymbolKeyword(parameter)) { if (parameters.symbol) throw new Error( getASTDuplicateIndexSignatureErrorMessage("symbol"), ) parameters.symbol = !0 } } this.propertySignatures = sortPropertySignatures(propertySignatures) this.indexSignatures = sortIndexSignatures(indexSignatures) } toString() { return getOrElse(getExpected(this), () => formatTypeLiteral(this)) } toJSON() { return { _tag: this._tag, propertySignatures: => ps.toJSON()), indexSignatures: => ps.toJSON()), annotations: toJSONAnnotations(this.annotations), } } } const formatIndexSignatures = iss =>"; "), formatTypeLiteral = ast => { if (ast.propertySignatures.length > 0) { const pss ="; ") return ast.indexSignatures.length > 0 ? `{ ${pss}; ${formatIndexSignatures(ast.indexSignatures)} }` : `{ ${pss} }` } return ast.indexSignatures.length > 0 ? `{ ${formatIndexSignatures(ast.indexSignatures)} }` : "{}" }, sortCandidates = sort( Order_mapInput(Number_Order, ast => { switch (ast._tag) { case "AnyKeyword": return 0 case "UnknownKeyword": return 1 case "ObjectKeyword": return 2 case "StringKeyword": case "NumberKeyword": case "BooleanKeyword": case "BigIntKeyword": case "SymbolKeyword": return 3 } return 4 }), ), literalMap = { string: "StringKeyword", number: "NumberKeyword", boolean: "BooleanKeyword", bigint: "BigIntKeyword", }, AST_flatten = candidates => Array_flatMap(candidates, ast => isUnion(ast) ? AST_flatten(ast.types) : [ast], ) class Union { types annotations static make = (candidates, annotations) => { const types = [], memo = new Set() for (let i = 0; i < candidates.length; i++) { const ast = candidates[i] if (ast !== neverKeyword && !memo.has(ast)) { memo.add(ast) types.push(ast) } } return Union.union(types, annotations) } static members = (candidates, annotations) => Union.union( (candidates => candidates.filter(ast => !(ast === neverKeyword)))( candidates, ), annotations, ) static unify = (candidates, annotations) => Union.union( (candidates => { const cs = sortCandidates(candidates), out = [], uniques = {}, literals = [] for (const ast of cs) switch (ast._tag) { case "NeverKeyword": break case "AnyKeyword": return [anyKeyword] case "UnknownKeyword": return [unknownKeyword] case "ObjectKeyword": case "UndefinedKeyword": case "VoidKeyword": case "StringKeyword": case "NumberKeyword": case "BooleanKeyword": case "BigIntKeyword": case "SymbolKeyword": if (!uniques[ast._tag]) { uniques[ast._tag] = ast out.push(ast) } break case "Literal": { const type = typeof ast.literal switch (type) { case "string": case "number": case "bigint": case "boolean": if ( !uniques[literalMap[type]] && !literals.includes(ast.literal) ) { literals.push(ast.literal) out.push(ast) } break case "object": if (!literals.includes(ast.literal)) { literals.push(ast.literal) out.push(ast) } } break } case "UniqueSymbol": if ( !uniques.SymbolKeyword && !literals.includes(ast.symbol) ) { literals.push(ast.symbol) out.push(ast) } break case "TupleType": uniques.ObjectKeyword || out.push(ast) break case "TypeLiteral": if ( 0 === ast.propertySignatures.length && 0 === ast.indexSignatures.length ) { if (!uniques["{}"]) { uniques["{}"] = ast out.push(ast) } } else uniques.ObjectKeyword || out.push(ast) break default: out.push(ast) } return out })(AST_flatten(candidates)), annotations, ) static union = (types, annotations) => isMembers(types) ? new Union(types, annotations) : 1 === types.length ? types[0] : neverKeyword _tag = "Union" constructor(types, annotations = {}) { this.types = types this.annotations = annotations } toString() { return getOrElse(getExpected(this), () =>" | "), ) } toJSON() { return { _tag: this._tag, types: => ast.toJSON()), annotations: toJSONAnnotations(this.annotations), } } } const isMembers = as => as.length > 1, isUnion = createASTGuard("Union"), toJSONMemoMap = globalValue( Symbol.for("@effect/schema/AST/toJSONMemoMap"), () => new WeakMap(), ) class Suspend { f annotations _tag = "Suspend" constructor(f, annotations = {}) { this.f = f this.annotations = annotations this.f = memoizeThunk(f) } toString() { return getExpected(this).pipe( orElse(() => { return flatMap( ((f = this.f), (...a) => { try { return Option_some(f(...a)) } catch (e) { return Option_none() } })(), ast => getExpected(ast), ) var f }), getOrElse(() => "<suspended schema>"), ) } toJSON() { const ast = this.f() let out = toJSONMemoMap.get(ast) if (out) return out toJSONMemoMap.set(ast, { _tag: this._tag }) out = { _tag: this._tag, ast: ast.toJSON(), annotations: toJSONAnnotations(this.annotations), } toJSONMemoMap.set(ast, out) return out } } class Refinement { from filter annotations _tag = "Refinement" constructor(from, filter, annotations = {}) { this.from = from this.filter = filter this.annotations = annotations } toString() { return getOrElse(getExpected(this), () => `{ ${this.from} | filter }`) } toJSON() { return { _tag: this._tag, from: this.from.toJSON(), annotations: toJSONAnnotations(this.annotations), } } } const isRefinement = createASTGuard("Refinement"), defaultParseOption = {}, isTransformation = createASTGuard("Transformation"), AST_annotations = (ast, annotations) => { const d = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(ast) d.annotations.value = { ...ast.annotations, ...annotations } return Object.create(Object.getPrototypeOf(ast), d) }, typeAST = ast => { switch (ast._tag) { case "Declaration": { const typeParameters = changeMap(ast.typeParameters, typeAST) return typeParameters === ast.typeParameters ? ast : new Declaration( typeParameters, ast.decodeUnknown, ast.encodeUnknown, ast.annotations, ) } case "TupleType": { const elements = changeMap(ast.elements, e => { const type = typeAST(e.type) return type === e.type ? e : new OptionalType(type, e.isOptional) }), restASTs = getRestASTs(, rest = changeMap(restASTs, typeAST) return elements === ast.elements && rest === restASTs ? ast : new TupleType( elements, => new Type(type)), ast.isReadonly, ast.annotations, ) } case "TypeLiteral": { const propertySignatures = changeMap(ast.propertySignatures, p => { const type = typeAST(p.type) return type === p.type ? p : new PropertySignature(, type, p.isOptional, p.isReadonly, ) }), indexSignatures = changeMap(ast.indexSignatures, is => { const type = typeAST(is.type) return type === is.type ? is : new IndexSignature(is.parameter, type, is.isReadonly) }) return propertySignatures === ast.propertySignatures && indexSignatures === ast.indexSignatures ? ast : new TypeLiteral( propertySignatures, indexSignatures, ast.annotations, ) } case "Union": { const types = changeMap(ast.types, typeAST) return types === ast.types ? ast : Union.make(types, ast.annotations) } case "Suspend": return new Suspend(() => typeAST(ast.f()), ast.annotations) case "Refinement": { const from = typeAST(ast.from) return from === ast.from ? ast : new Refinement(from, ast.filter, ast.annotations) } case "Transformation": return typeAST( } return ast }, createJSONIdentifierAnnotation = annotated => match( (annotated => orElse(getJSONIdentifierAnnotation(annotated), () => getIdentifierAnnotation(annotated), ))(annotated), { onNone: () => {}, onSome: identifier => ({ [JSONIdentifierAnnotationId]: identifier, }), }, ) function changeMap(as, f) { let changed = !1 const out = allocate(as.length) for (let i = 0; i < as.length; i++) { const a = as[i], fa = f(a) fa !== a && (changed = !0) out[i] = fa } return changed ? out : as } const encodedAST_ = (ast, isBound) => { switch (ast._tag) { case "Declaration": { const typeParameters = changeMap(ast.typeParameters, ast => encodedAST_(ast, isBound), ) return typeParameters === ast.typeParameters ? ast : new Declaration( typeParameters, ast.decodeUnknown, ast.encodeUnknown, ast.annotations, ) } case "TupleType": { const elements = changeMap(ast.elements, e => { const type = encodedAST_(e.type, isBound) return type === e.type ? e : new OptionalType(type, e.isOptional) }), restASTs = getRestASTs(, rest = changeMap(restASTs, ast => encodedAST_(ast, isBound)) return elements === ast.elements && rest === restASTs ? ast : new TupleType( elements, => new Type(ast)), ast.isReadonly, createJSONIdentifierAnnotation(ast), ) } case "TypeLiteral": { const propertySignatures = changeMap(ast.propertySignatures, ps => { const type = encodedAST_(ps.type, isBound) return type === ps.type ? ps : new PropertySignature(, type, ps.isOptional, ps.isReadonly, ) }), indexSignatures = changeMap(ast.indexSignatures, is => { const type = encodedAST_(is.type, isBound) return type === is.type ? is : new IndexSignature(is.parameter, type, is.isReadonly) }) return propertySignatures === ast.propertySignatures && indexSignatures === ast.indexSignatures ? ast : new TypeLiteral( propertySignatures, indexSignatures, createJSONIdentifierAnnotation(ast), ) } case "Union": { const types = changeMap(ast.types, ast => encodedAST_(ast, isBound)) return types === ast.types ? ast : Union.make(types, createJSONIdentifierAnnotation(ast)) } case "Suspend": return new Suspend( () => encodedAST_(ast.f(), isBound), createJSONIdentifierAnnotation(ast), ) case "Refinement": { const from = encodedAST_(ast.from, isBound) if (isBound) { if (from === ast.from) return ast if (!isTransformation(ast.from)) { const annotations = getStableFilterAnnotation(ast) if (Option_isSome(annotations) && !0 === annotations.value) return new Refinement(from, ast.filter) } } return from } case "Transformation": return encodedAST_(ast.from, isBound) } return ast }, encodedAST = ast => encodedAST_(ast, !1), toJSONAnnotations = annotations => { const out = {} for (const k of Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(annotations)) out[String(k)] = annotations[k] return out }, sortPropertySignatures = sort( Order_mapInput(Number_Order, ps => (ast => { switch (ast._tag) { case "NeverKeyword": return 0 case "Literal": case "UndefinedKeyword": case "VoidKeyword": case "UniqueSymbol": return 1 case "BooleanKeyword": return 2 case "StringKeyword": case "NumberKeyword": case "BigIntKeyword": case "SymbolKeyword": return 3 case "ObjectKeyword": return 5 case "UnknownKeyword": case "AnyKeyword": return 6 default: return 4 } })(ps.type), ), ), sortIndexSignatures = sort( Order_mapInput(Number_Order, is => { switch (getParameterBase(is.parameter)._tag) { case "StringKeyword": return 2 case "SymbolKeyword": return 3 case "TemplateLiteral": return 1 } }), ), getParameterBase = ast => { switch (ast._tag) { case "StringKeyword": case "SymbolKeyword": case "TemplateLiteral": return ast case "Refinement": return getParameterBase(ast.from) } }, formatKeyword = ast => getOrElse(getExpected(ast), () => ast._tag), getExpected = ast => getIdentifierAnnotation(ast).pipe( orElse(() => getTitleAnnotation(ast)), orElse(() => getDescriptionAnnotation(ast)), ), TreeFormatter_make = (value, forest = []) => ({ value, forest }), drawTree = tree => tree.value + draw("\n", tree.forest), draw = (indentation, forest) => { let r = "" const len = forest.length let tree for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) { tree = forest[i] const isLast = i === len - 1 r += indentation + (isLast ? "└" : "├") + "─ " + tree.value r += draw( indentation + (len > 1 && !isLast ? "│ " : " "), tree.forest, ) } return r }, formatTransformationKind = kind => { switch (kind) { case "Encoded": return "Encoded side transformation failure" case "Transformation": return "Transformation process failure" case "Type": return "Type side transformation failure" } }, formatRefinementKind = kind => { switch (kind) { case "From": return "From side refinement failure" case "Predicate": return "Predicate refinement failure" } }, getAnnotated = issue => "ast" in issue ? Option_some(issue.ast) : Option_none(), createParseIssueGuard = tag => issue => issue._tag === tag, TreeFormatter_isComposite = createParseIssueGuard("Composite"), TreeFormatter_isRefinement = createParseIssueGuard("Refinement"), TreeFormatter_isTransformation = createParseIssueGuard("Transformation"), getMessage = issue => (issue => getAnnotated(issue).pipe( flatMap(getMessageAnnotation), Effect_flatMap(annotation => { const out = annotation(issue) return isString(out) ? Effect_succeed({ message: out, override: !1 }) : Effect_isEffect(out) ? Effect_map(out, message => ({ message, override: !1 })) : isString(out.message) ? Effect_succeed({ message: out.message, override: out.override, }) : Effect_map(out.message, message => ({ message, override: out.override, })) }), ))(issue).pipe( Effect_flatMap(currentMessage => !currentMessage.override && (TreeFormatter_isComposite(issue) || (TreeFormatter_isRefinement(issue) && "From" === issue.kind) || (TreeFormatter_isTransformation(issue) && "Transformation" !== issue.kind)) ? TreeFormatter_isTransformation(issue) || TreeFormatter_isRefinement(issue) ? getMessage(issue.issue) : Option_none() : Effect_succeed(currentMessage.message), ), ), TreeFormatter_getParseIssueTitleAnnotation = issue => getAnnotated(issue).pipe( flatMap(getParseIssueTitleAnnotation), filterMap(annotation => fromNullable(annotation(issue))), ), getParseIssueTitle = issue => getOrElse(TreeFormatter_getParseIssueTitleAnnotation(issue), () => String(issue.ast), ), formatForbiddenMessage = e => e.message ?? "is forbidden", getTree = (issue, onFailure) => Effect_matchEffect(getMessage(issue), { onFailure, onSuccess: message => Effect_succeed(TreeFormatter_make(message)), }), go = e => { switch (e._tag) { case "Type": return Effect_map( (e => getMessage(e).pipe( Effect_orElse(() => TreeFormatter_getParseIssueTitleAnnotation(e), ), Effect_catchAll(() => Effect_succeed( e.message ?? `Expected ${String(e.ast)}, actual ${formatUnknown(e.actual)}`, ), ), ))(e), TreeFormatter_make, ) case "Forbidden": return Effect_succeed( TreeFormatter_make(getParseIssueTitle(e), [ TreeFormatter_make(formatForbiddenMessage(e)), ]), ) case "Unexpected": return Effect_succeed( TreeFormatter_make((e => e.message ?? "is unexpected")(e)), ) case "Missing": return Effect_map( (e => getMissingMessageAnnotation(e.ast).pipe( Effect_flatMap(annotation => { const out = annotation() return isString(out) ? Effect_succeed(out) : out }), Effect_catchAll(() => Effect_succeed(e.message ?? "is missing"), ), ))(e), TreeFormatter_make, ) case "Transformation": return getTree(e, () => Effect_map(go(e.issue), tree => TreeFormatter_make(getParseIssueTitle(e), [ TreeFormatter_make(formatTransformationKind(e.kind), [tree]), ]), ), ) case "Refinement": return getTree(e, () => Effect_map(go(e.issue), tree => TreeFormatter_make(getParseIssueTitle(e), [ TreeFormatter_make(formatRefinementKind(e.kind), [tree]), ]), ), ) case "Pointer": return Effect_map(go(e.issue), tree => TreeFormatter_make(formatPath(e.path), [tree]), ) case "Composite": { const parseIssueTitle = getParseIssueTitle(e) return getTree(e, () => util_isNonEmpty(e.issues) ? Effect_map(Effect_forEach(e.issues, go), forest => TreeFormatter_make(parseIssueTitle, forest), ) : Effect_map(go(e.issues), tree => TreeFormatter_make(parseIssueTitle, [tree]), ), ) } } } class Pointer { path actual issue _tag = "Pointer" constructor(path, actual, issue) { this.path = path this.actual = actual this.issue = issue } } class Unexpected { actual message _tag = "Unexpected" constructor(actual, message) { this.actual = actual this.message = message } } class Missing { ast message _tag = "Missing" actual = void 0 constructor(ast, message) { this.ast = ast this.message = message } } class ParseR###lt_Composite { ast actual issues output _tag = "Composite" constructor(ast, actual, issues, output) { this.ast = ast this.actual = actual this.issues = issues this.output = output } } class ParseR###lt_Refinement { ast actual kind issue _tag = "Refinement" constructor(ast, actual, kind, issue) { this.ast = ast this.actual = actual this.kind = kind this.issue = issue } } class ParseR###lt_Transformation { ast actual kind issue _tag = "Transformation" constructor(ast, actual, kind, issue) { this.ast = ast this.actual = actual this.kind = kind this.issue = issue } } class ParseR###lt_Type { ast actual message _tag = "Type" constructor(ast, actual, message) { this.ast = ast this.actual = actual this.message = message } } class Forbidden { ast actual message _tag = "Forbidden" constructor(ast, actual, message) { this.ast = ast this.actual = actual this.message = message } } const ParseR###lt_ParseErrorTypeId = Symbol.for( "@effect/schema/ParseErrorTypeId", ) class ParseR###lt_ParseError extends Data_TaggedError("ParseError") { [ParseR###lt_ParseErrorTypeId] = ParseR###lt_ParseErrorTypeId get message() { return this.toString() } toString() { return ( (issue = this.issue), Effect_runSync( (issue => Effect_map(go(issue), tree => drawTree(tree)))(issue), ) ) var issue } toJSON() { return { _id: "ParseError", message: this.toString() } } [Inspectable_NodeInspectSymbol]() { return this.toJSON() } } const parseError = issue => new ParseR###lt_ParseError({ issue }), ParseR###lt_succeed = Either_right, ParseR###lt_fail = Either_left, ParseR###lt_flatMap = Function_dual(2, (self, f) => { const s = self return "Left" === s._tag ? s : "Right" === s._tag ? f(s.right) : Effect_flatMap(self, f) }), ParseR###lt_map = Function_dual(2, (self, f) => { const s = self return "Left" === s._tag ? s : "Right" === s._tag ? Either_right(f(s.right)) : Effect_map(self, f) }), ParseR###lt_mapError = Function_dual(2, (self, f) => { const s = self return "Left" === s._tag ? Either_left(f(s.left)) : "Right" === s._tag ? s : Effect_mapError(self, f) }), eitherOrUndefined = self => { const s = self if ("Left" === s._tag || "Right" === s._tag) return s }, mergeInternalOptions = (options, overrideOptions) => void 0 === overrideOptions || isNumber(overrideOptions) ? options : void 0 === options ? overrideOptions : { ...options, ...overrideOptions }, decodeUnknownSync = (schema, options) => ((ast, isDecoding, options) => { const parser = ((ast, isDecoding, options) => { const parser = goMemo(ast, isDecoding) return (u, overrideOptions) => parser(u, mergeInternalOptions(options, overrideOptions)) })(ast, isDecoding, options) return (input, overrideOptions) => Either_getOrThrowWith(parser(input, overrideOptions), parseError) })(schema.ast, !0, options), decodeMemoMap = globalValue( Symbol.for("@effect/schema/Parser/decodeMemoMap"), () => new WeakMap(), ), encodeMemoMap = globalValue( Symbol.for("@effect/schema/Parser/encodeMemoMap"), () => new WeakMap(), ), goMemo = (ast, isDecoding) => { const memoMap = isDecoding ? decodeMemoMap : encodeMemoMap, memo = memoMap.get(ast) if (memo) return memo const raw = ParseR###lt_go(ast, isDecoding), parseOptionsAnnotation = getParseOptionsAnnotation(ast), parser = Option_isSome(parseOptionsAnnotation) ? (i, options) => raw( i, mergeInternalOptions(options, parseOptionsAnnotation.value), ) : raw memoMap.set(ast, parser) return parser }, getConcurrency = ast => getOrUndefined(getConcurrencyAnnotation(ast)), getBatching = ast => getOrUndefined(getBatchingAnnotation(ast)), ParseR###lt_go = (ast, isDecoding) => { switch (ast._tag) { case "Refinement": if (isDecoding) { const from = goMemo(ast.from, !0) return (i, options) => handleForbidden( ParseR###lt_flatMap( ParseR###lt_mapError( from(i, options), e => new ParseR###lt_Refinement(ast, i, "From", e), ), a => match(ast.filter(a, options ?? defaultParseOption, ast), { onNone: () => Either_right(a), onSome: e => Either_left( new ParseR###lt_Refinement(ast, i, "Predicate", e), ), }), ), ast, i, options, ) } { const from = goMemo(typeAST(ast), !0), to = goMemo(dropRightRefinement(ast.from), !1) return (i, options) => handleForbidden( ParseR###lt_flatMap(from(i, options), a => to(a, options)), ast, i, options, ) } case "Transformation": { const transform = getFinalTransformation( ast.transformation, isDecoding, ), from = isDecoding ? goMemo(ast.from, !0) : goMemo(, !1), to = isDecoding ? goMemo(, !0) : goMemo(ast.from, !1) return (i, options) => handleForbidden( ParseR###lt_flatMap( ParseR###lt_mapError( from(i, options), e => new ParseR###lt_Transformation( ast, i, isDecoding ? "Encoded" : "Type", e, ), ), a => ParseR###lt_flatMap( ParseR###lt_mapError( transform(a, options ?? defaultParseOption, ast, i), e => new ParseR###lt_Transformation( ast, i, "Transformation", e, ), ), i2 => ParseR###lt_mapError( to(i2, options), e => new ParseR###lt_Transformation( ast, i, isDecoding ? "Type" : "Encoded", e, ), ), ), ), ast, i, options, ) } case "Declaration": { const parse = isDecoding ? ast.decodeUnknown(...ast.typeParameters) : ast.encodeUnknown(...ast.typeParameters) return (i, options) => handleForbidden( parse(i, options ?? defaultParseOption, ast), ast, i, options, ) } case "Literal": return fromRefinement(ast, u => u === ast.literal) case "UniqueSymbol": return fromRefinement(ast, u => u === ast.symbol) case "UndefinedKeyword": return fromRefinement(ast, isUndefined) case "NeverKeyword": return fromRefinement(ast, isNever) case "UnknownKeyword": case "AnyKeyword": case "VoidKeyword": return Either_right case "StringKeyword": return fromRefinement(ast, isString) case "NumberKeyword": return fromRefinement(ast, isNumber) case "BooleanKeyword": return fromRefinement(ast, Predicate_isBoolean) case "BigIntKeyword": return fromRefinement(ast, isBigInt) case "SymbolKeyword": return fromRefinement(ast, isSymbol) case "ObjectKeyword": return fromRefinement(ast, Predicate_isObject) case "Enums": return fromRefinement(ast, u => ast.enums.some(([_, value]) => value === u), ) case "TemplateLiteral": { const regex = (ast => { let pattern = `^${RegExp_escape(ast.head)}` for (const span of ast.spans) { isStringKeyword(span.type) ? (pattern += ".*") : isNumberKeyword(span.type) && (pattern += "[+-]?\\d*\\.?\\d+(?:[Ee][+-]?\\d+)?") pattern += RegExp_escape(span.literal) } pattern += "$" return new RegExp(pattern) })(ast) return fromRefinement(ast, u => isString(u) && regex.test(u)) } case "TupleType": { const elements = => goMemo(e.type, isDecoding)), rest = => goMemo(annotatedAST.type, isDecoding), ) let requiredTypes = ast.elements.filter(e => !e.isOptional) > 0 && (requiredTypes = requiredTypes.concat( const requiredLen = requiredTypes.length, expectedIndexes = ast.elements.length > 0 ?, i) => i).join(" | ") : "never", concurrency = getConcurrency(ast), batching = getBatching(ast) return (input, options) => { if (!isArray(input)) return Either_left(new ParseR###lt_Type(ast, input)) const allErrors = "all" === options?.errors, es = [] let stepKey = 0 const output = [], len = input.length for (let i = len; i <= requiredLen - 1; i++) { const e = new Pointer( i, input, new Missing(requiredTypes[i - len]), ) if (!allErrors) return Either_left( new ParseR###lt_Composite(ast, input, e, output), ) es.push([stepKey++, e]) } if (0 === for (let i = ast.elements.length; i <= len - 1; i++) { const e = new Pointer( i, input, new Unexpected( input[i], `is unexpected, expected: ${expectedIndexes}`, ), ) if (!allErrors) return Either_left( new ParseR###lt_Composite(ast, input, e, output), ) es.push([stepKey++, e]) } let queue, i = 0 for (; i < elements.length; i++) if (len < i + 1) { if (ast.elements[i].isOptional) continue } else { const te = (0, elements[i])(input[i], options), eu = eitherOrUndefined(te) if (eu) { if (Either_isLeft(eu)) { const e = new Pointer(i, input, eu.left) if (allErrors) { es.push([stepKey++, e]) continue } return Either_left( new ParseR###lt_Composite( ast, input, e, sortByIndex(output), ), ) } output.push([stepKey++, eu.right]) } else { const nk = stepKey++, index = i queue || (queue = []) queue.push(({ es, output }) => Effect_flatMap(Effect_either(te), t => { if (Either_isLeft(t)) { const e = new Pointer(index, input, t.left) if (allErrors) { es.push([nk, e]) return _void } return Either_left( new ParseR###lt_Composite( ast, input, e, sortByIndex(output), ), ) } output.push([nk, t.right]) return _void }), ) } } if (isNonEmptyReadonlyArray(rest)) { const [head, ...tail] = rest for (; i < len - tail.length; i++) { const te = head(input[i], options), eu = eitherOrUndefined(te) if (eu) { if (Either_isLeft(eu)) { const e = new Pointer(i, input, eu.left) if (allErrors) { es.push([stepKey++, e]) continue } return Either_left( new ParseR###lt_Composite( ast, input, e, sortByIndex(output), ), ) } output.push([stepKey++, eu.right]) } else { const nk = stepKey++, index = i queue || (queue = []) queue.push(({ es, output }) => Effect_flatMap(Effect_either(te), t => { if (Either_isLeft(t)) { const e = new Pointer(index, input, t.left) if (allErrors) { es.push([nk, e]) return _void } return Either_left( new ParseR###lt_Composite( ast, input, e, sortByIndex(output), ), ) } output.push([nk, t.right]) return _void }), ) } } for (let j = 0; j < tail.length; j++) { i += j if (!(len < i + 1)) { const te = tail[j](input[i], options), eu = eitherOrUndefined(te) if (eu) { if (Either_isLeft(eu)) { const e = new Pointer(i, input, eu.left) if (allErrors) { es.push([stepKey++, e]) continue } return Either_left( new ParseR###lt_Composite( ast, input, e, sortByIndex(output), ), ) } output.push([stepKey++, eu.right]) } else { const nk = stepKey++, index = i queue || (queue = []) queue.push(({ es, output }) => Effect_flatMap(Effect_either(te), t => { if (Either_isLeft(t)) { const e = new Pointer(index, input, t.left) if (allErrors) { es.push([nk, e]) return _void } return Either_left( new ParseR###lt_Composite( ast, input, e, sortByIndex(output), ), ) } output.push([nk, t.right]) return _void }), ) } } } } const computeR###lt = ({ es, output }) => Array_isNonEmptyArray(es) ? Either_left( new ParseR###lt_Composite( ast, input, sortByIndex(es), sortByIndex(output), ), ) : Either_right(sortByIndex(output)) if (queue && queue.length > 0) { const cqueue = queue return Effect_suspend(() => { const state = { es: copy(es), output: copy(output) } return Effect_flatMap( Effect_forEach(cqueue, f => f(state), { concurrency, batching, discard: !0, }), () => computeR###lt(state), ) }) } return computeR###lt({ output, es }) } } case "TypeLiteral": { if ( 0 === ast.propertySignatures.length && 0 === ast.indexSignatures.length ) return fromRefinement(ast, isNotNullable) const propertySignatures = [], expectedKeysMap = {}, expectedKeys = [] for (const ps of ast.propertySignatures) { propertySignatures.push([goMemo(ps.type, isDecoding), ps]) expectedKeysMap[] = null expectedKeys.push( } const indexSignatures = => [ goMemo(is.parameter, isDecoding), goMemo(is.type, isDecoding), is.parameter, ]), expectedAST = Union.make( ast.indexSignatures .map(is => is.parameter) .concat( => isSymbol(key) ? new UniqueSymbol(key) : new Literal(key), ), ), ), expected = goMemo(expectedAST, isDecoding), concurrency = getConcurrency(ast), batching = getBatching(ast) return (input, options) => { if (!isRecord(input)) return Either_left(new ParseR###lt_Type(ast, input)) const allErrors = "all" === options?.errors, es = [] let stepKey = 0 const onExcessPropertyError = "error" === options?.onExcessProperty, output = {} let inputKeys, queue if ( onExcessPropertyError || "preserve" === options?.onExcessProperty ) { inputKeys = util_ownKeys(input) for (const key of inputKeys) { const eu = eitherOrUndefined(expected(key, options)) if (Either_isLeft(eu)) { if (onExcessPropertyError) { const e = new Pointer( key, input, new Unexpected( input[key], `is unexpected, expected: ${String(expectedAST)}`, ), ) if (allErrors) { es.push([stepKey++, e]) continue } return Either_left( new ParseR###lt_Composite(ast, input, e, output), ) } output[key] = input[key] } } } const isExact = !0 === options?.exact for (let i = 0; i < propertySignatures.length; i++) { const ps = propertySignatures[i][1], name =, hasKey =, name) if (!hasKey) { if (ps.isOptional) continue if (isExact) { const e = new Pointer(name, input, new Missing(ps)) if (allErrors) { es.push([stepKey++, e]) continue } return Either_left( new ParseR###lt_Composite(ast, input, e, output), ) } } const te = (0, propertySignatures[i][0])(input[name], options), eu = eitherOrUndefined(te) if (eu) { if (Either_isLeft(eu)) { const e = new Pointer( name, input, hasKey ? eu.left : new Missing(ps), ) if (allErrors) { es.push([stepKey++, e]) continue } return Either_left( new ParseR###lt_Composite(ast, input, e, output), ) } output[name] = eu.right } else { const nk = stepKey++, index = name queue || (queue = []) queue.push(({ es, output }) => Effect_flatMap(Effect_either(te), t => { if (Either_isLeft(t)) { const e = new Pointer( index, input, hasKey ? t.left : new Missing(ps), ) if (allErrors) { es.push([nk, e]) return _void } return Either_left( new ParseR###lt_Composite(ast, input, e, output), ) } output[index] = t.right return _void }), ) } } for (let i = 0; i < indexSignatures.length; i++) { const indexSignature = indexSignatures[i], parameter = indexSignature[0], type = indexSignature[1], keys = getKeysForIndexSignature(input, indexSignature[2]) for (const key of keys) { const keu = eitherOrUndefined(parameter(key, options)) if (keu && Either_isRight(keu)) { const vpr = type(input[key], options), veu = eitherOrUndefined(vpr) if (veu) { if (Either_isLeft(veu)) { const e = new Pointer(key, input, veu.left) if (allErrors) { es.push([stepKey++, e]) continue } return Either_left( new ParseR###lt_Composite(ast, input, e, output), ) } expectedKeysMap, key, ) || (output[key] = veu.right) } else { const nk = stepKey++, index = key queue || (queue = []) queue.push(({ es, output }) => Effect_flatMap(Effect_either(vpr), tv => { if (Either_isLeft(tv)) { const e = new Pointer(index, input, tv.left) if (allErrors) { es.push([nk, e]) return _void } return Either_left( new ParseR###lt_Composite(ast, input, e, output), ) } expectedKeysMap, key, ) || (output[key] = tv.right) return _void }), ) } } } } const computeR###lt = ({ es, output }) => { if (Array_isNonEmptyArray(es)) return Either_left( new ParseR###lt_Composite( ast, input, sortByIndex(es), output, ), ) if ("original" === options?.propertyOrder) { const keys = inputKeys || util_ownKeys(input) for (const name of expectedKeys) -1 === keys.indexOf(name) && keys.push(name) const out = {} for (const key of keys), key) && (out[key] = output[key]) return Either_right(out) } return Either_right(output) } if (queue && queue.length > 0) { const cqueue = queue return Effect_suspend(() => { const state = { es: copy(es), output: Object.assign({}, output), } return Effect_flatMap( Effect_forEach(cqueue, f => f(state), { concurrency, batching, discard: !0, }), () => computeR###lt(state), ) }) } return computeR###lt({ es, output }) } } case "Union": { const searchTree = getSearchTree(ast.types, isDecoding), ownKeys = util_ownKeys(searchTree.keys), len = ownKeys.length, map = new Map() for (let i = 0; i < ast.types.length; i++) map.set(ast.types[i], goMemo(ast.types[i], isDecoding)) const concurrency = getConcurrency(ast) ?? 1, batching = getBatching(ast) return (input, options) => { const es = [] let queue, stepKey = 0, candidates = [] if (len > 0) if (isRecord(input)) for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) { const name = ownKeys[i], buckets = searchTree.keys[name].buckets if (, name)) { const literal = String(input[name]) if (, literal) ) candidates = candidates.concat(buckets[literal]) else { const literals = Union.make( searchTree.keys[name].literals, ) es.push([ stepKey++, new ParseR###lt_Composite( new TypeLiteral( [new PropertySignature(name, literals, !1, !0)], [], ), input, new Pointer( name, input, new ParseR###lt_Type(literals, input[name]), ), ), ]) } } else { const literals = Union.make( searchTree.keys[name].literals, ), fakeps = new PropertySignature(name, literals, !1, !0) es.push([ stepKey++, new ParseR###lt_Composite( new TypeLiteral([fakeps], []), input, new Pointer(name, input, new Missing(fakeps)), ), ]) } } else es.push([stepKey++, new ParseR###lt_Type(ast, input)]) searchTree.otherwise.length > 0 && (candidates = candidates.concat(searchTree.otherwise)) for (let i = 0; i < candidates.length; i++) { const candidate = candidates[i], pr = map.get(candidate)(input, options), eu = queue && 0 !== queue.length ? void 0 : eitherOrUndefined(pr) if (eu) { if (Either_isRight(eu)) return Either_right(eu.right) es.push([stepKey++, eu.left]) } else { const nk = stepKey++ queue || (queue = []) queue.push(state => Effect_suspend(() => "finalR###lt" in state ? _void : Effect_flatMap(Effect_either(pr), t => { Either_isRight(t) ? (state.finalR###lt = Either_right(t.right)) :[nk, t.left]) return _void }), ), ) } } const computeR###lt = es => Array_isNonEmptyArray(es) ? 1 === es.length && "Type" === es[0][1]._tag ? Either_left(es[0][1]) : Either_left( new ParseR###lt_Composite(ast, input, sortByIndex(es)), ) : Either_left(new ParseR###lt_Type(ast, input)) if (queue && queue.length > 0) { const cqueue = queue return Effect_suspend(() => { const state = { es: copy(es) } return Effect_flatMap( Effect_forEach(cqueue, f => f(state), { concurrency, batching, discard: !0, }), () => "finalR###lt" in state ? state.finalR###lt : computeR###lt(, ) }) } return computeR###lt(es) } } case "Suspend": { const get = memoizeThunk(() => goMemo(AST_annotations(ast.f(), ast.annotations), isDecoding), ) return (a, options) => get()(a, options) } } }, fromRefinement = (ast, refinement) => u => refinement(u) ? Either_right(u) : Either_left(new ParseR###lt_Type(ast, u)), getLiterals = (ast, isDecoding) => { switch (ast._tag) { case "Declaration": { const annotation = getSurrogateAnnotation(ast) if (Option_isSome(annotation)) return getLiterals(annotation.value, isDecoding) break } case "TypeLiteral": { const out = [] for (let i = 0; i < ast.propertySignatures.length; i++) { const propertySignature = ast.propertySignatures[i], type = isDecoding ? encodedAST(propertySignature.type) : typeAST(propertySignature.type) isLiteral(type) && !propertySignature.isOptional && out.push([, type]) } return out } case "Refinement": return getLiterals(ast.from, isDecoding) case "Suspend": return getLiterals(ast.f(), isDecoding) case "Transformation": return getLiterals(isDecoding ? ast.from :, isDecoding) } return [] }, getSearchTree = (members, isDecoding) => { const keys = {}, otherwise = [] for (let i = 0; i < members.length; i++) { const member = members[i], tags = getLiterals(member, isDecoding) if (tags.length > 0) for (let j = 0; j < tags.length; j++) { const [key, literal] = tags[j], hash = String(literal.literal) keys[key] = keys[key] || { buckets: {}, literals: [] } const buckets = keys[key].buckets if (!, hash)) { buckets[hash] = [member] keys[key].literals.push(literal) break } if (!(j < tags.length - 1)) { buckets[hash].push(member) keys[key].literals.push(literal) } } else otherwise.push(member) } return { keys, otherwise } }, dropRightRefinement = ast => isRefinement(ast) ? dropRightRefinement(ast.from) : ast, handleForbidden = (effect, ast, actual, options) => { const eu = eitherOrUndefined(effect) if (eu) return eu if (!0 === options?.isEffectAllowed) return effect try { return Effect_runSync(Effect_either(effect)) } catch (e) { return Either_left( new Forbidden( ast, actual, "cannot be be resolved synchronously, this is caused by using runSync on an effect that performs async work", ), ) } }, compare = ([a], [b]) => (a > b ? 1 : a < b ? -1 : 0) function sortByIndex(es) { return es.sort(compare).map(t => t[1]) } const getFinalTransformation = (transformation, isDecoding) => { switch (transformation._tag) { case "FinalTransformation": return isDecoding ? transformation.decode : transformation.encode case "ComposeTransformation": return Either_right case "TypeLiteralTransformation": return input => { let out = Either_right(input) for (const pst of transformation.propertySignatureTransformations) { const [from, to] = isDecoding ? [pst.from,] : [, pst.from], transformation = isDecoding ? pst.decode : pst.encode, f = input => { const o = transformation(, from) ? Option_some(input[from]) : Option_none(), ) delete input[from] Option_isSome(o) && (input[to] = o.value) return input } out = ParseR###lt_map(out, f) } return out } } }, ArbitraryHookId = Symbol.for("@effect/schema/ArbitraryHookId"), EquivalenceHookId = Symbol.for("@effect/schema/EquivalenceHookId"), PrettyHookId = Symbol.for("@effect/schema/PrettyHookId"), Schema_TypeId = Symbol.for("@effect/schema/Schema"), Schema_make = ast => class { [Schema_TypeId] = Schema_variance static Type static Encoded static [Schema_TypeId] = Schema_variance static ast = ast static annotations(annotations) { return Schema_make(mergeSchemaAnnotations(this.ast, annotations)) } static pipe() { return Pipeable_pipeArguments(this, arguments) } static toString() { return String(ast) } }, Schema_variance = { _A: _ => _, _I: _ => _, _R: _ => _ }, toASTAnnotations = annotations => { if (!annotations) return {} const out = {}, custom = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(annotations) for (const sym of custom) out[sym] = annotations[sym] if (void 0 !== annotations.typeId) { const typeId = annotations.typeId if ("object" == typeof typeId) { out[TypeAnnotationId] = out[] = typeId.annotation } else out[TypeAnnotationId] = typeId } const move = (from, to) => { void 0 !== annotations[from] && (out[to] = annotations[from]) } move("message", MessageAnnotationId) move("missingMessage", MissingMessageAnnotationId) move("identifier", IdentifierAnnotationId) move("title", TitleAnnotationId) move("description", DescriptionAnnotationId) move("examples", ExamplesAnnotationId) move("default", DefaultAnnotationId) move("documentation", DocumentationAnnotationId) move("jsonSchema", JSONSchemaAnnotationId) move("arbitrary", ArbitraryHookId) move("pretty", PrettyHookId) move("equivalence", EquivalenceHookId) move("concurrency", ConcurrencyAnnotationId) move("batching", BatchingAnnotationId) move("parseIssueTitle", ParseIssueTitleAnnotationId) move("parseOptions", ParseOptionsAnnotationId) return out }, mergeSchemaAnnotations = (ast, annotations) => AST_annotations(ast, toASTAnnotations(annotations)), InstanceOfTypeId = Symbol.for("@effect/schema/TypeId/InstanceOf"), instanceOf = (constructor, annotations) => (function () { return Array.isArray(arguments[0]) ? ((options = arguments[1]), (annotations = arguments[2]), Schema_make( new Declaration( arguments[0].map(tp => tp.ast), (...typeParameters) => options.decode(, (...typeParameters) => options.encode(, toASTAnnotations(annotations), ), )) : ((is, annotations) => { const decodeUnknown = () => (input, _, ast) => is(input) ? ParseR###lt_succeed(input) : ParseR###lt_fail(new ParseR###lt_Type(ast, input)) return Schema_make( new Declaration( [], decodeUnknown, decodeUnknown, toASTAnnotations(annotations), ), ) })(arguments[0], arguments[1]) var options, annotations })(u => u instanceof constructor, { title:, description: `an instance of ${}`, pretty: () => String, typeId: { id: InstanceOfTypeId, annotation: { constructor } }, ...annotations, }), configEffect = (k, v) => c => () => Effect_runPromise(c.provideLog(c.setConfig[k](v))), stepTiming = stepCount => `steps(${stepCount}, jump-end)`, setComputed = { useStepTiming: v => c => s => Function_pipe( v ? stepTiming(Editable_value(s.timingStepCount)) : "linear", timingFunction => [ { ...s, timingFunction }, configEffect("timingFunction", timingFunction)(c), ], ), }, settingUI_setComputed = setComputed, setRange = keyA => keyB => bFn => vA => commander => s => Function_pipe( Editable_value(vA), a => ({ a, b: bFn(a)(Editable_value(s[keyB])) }), ({ a, b }) => Function_pipe( [configEffect(keyA, a), configEffect(keyB, b)], xs => c => Function_pipe( xs, Array_map(x => x(c)), effects => [ { ...s, [keyA]: vA, [keyB]: setValue(b)(s[keyB]) }, ...effects, ], ), )(commander), ), setState = { flowY1: setRange("flowY1")("flowY2")(a => b => Math.max(b, a + 0.05)), flowY2: setRange("flowY2")("flowY1")(a => b => Math.min(b, a - 0.05)), flowX1: setRange("flowX1")("flowX2")(a => b => Math.max(b, a + 0.05)), flowX2: setRange("flowX2")("flowX1")(a => b => Math.min(b, a - 0.05)), timingStepCount: v => c => s => Function_pipe(stepTiming(Editable_value(v)), timingFunction => [ { ...s, timingStepCount: v, timingFunction }, configEffect("timingFunction", timingFunction)(c), ]), }, settingUI_setState = setState, updateAt = k => v => Function_pipe( k in settingUI_setComputed ? settingUI_setComputed[k](v) : k in settingUI_setState ? settingUI_setState[k](v) : c => s => [ { ...s, [k]: v }, ...(k in c.setConfig && "filterExp" !== k ? [ configEffect( k, Array.isArray(v) && 2 === v.length && isEditable(k)(v[0]) ? Editable_value(v) : v, )(c), ] : []), ], ), updateBool = ( updateAt => key => flip((s, e) => Function_pipe( (e => decodeUnknownSync(instanceOf(HTMLInputElement))(e.currentTarget) .checked)(e), updateAt(key), flip, apply(s), ), ) )(updateAt), settingUI_checkboxNode = ( (getText, getState, updateBool) => label => c => s => ((label, checked, onchange) => h( "div", {}, h("label", {}, [ hyperapp_text(label), h("input", { type: "checkbox", checked, onchange }), ]), ))(getText(label)(s), getState(label)(s), updateBool(label)(c)) )(getText, getState, updateBool), mapSettingNodes = f => xs => c => s => Function_pipe( xs, Array_map(x => x(c)(s)), f, ), errorText = subject => edit => Function_pipe( edit, Editable_error, map(x => `${subject}${"" === x ? "" : ": "}${x}`), getOrElse(constant("")), ), rangeRow = (config, action) => value => h("div", {}, [ h("input", { style: { width: "150px", verticalAlign: "middle" }, type: "range", ...config, value: Editable_value(value).toString(), oninput: action.onchange ?? Function_identity, }), h("input", { style: { width: "30px", backgroundColor: "transparent", color: "inherit", borderWidth: "1px", verticalAlign: "middle", borderColor: hasError(value) ? "#f55" : null, }, inputmode: "decimal", value: Function_pipe( value, Editable_text, getOrElse( constant( Editable_value(value) .toFixed(4) .replace(/\.?0+$/, ""), ), ), ), ...action, }), ]), settingRow = (label, error, content) => h("div", {}, [ h("span", {}, hyperapp_text(label)), h( "span", { style: { color: "#f55", marginLeft: "5px", whiteSpace: "pre-wrap", }, }, hyperapp_text(error), ), h("div", {}, content), ]), numericNode = setter => (editAction, getText, getState) => (label, min, max, step) => c => s => settingRow( getText(label)(s), errorText(getText("inputNonNumberic")(s))(getState(label)(s)), [ rangeRow( { min, max, step }, editAction(label, setter)(c), )(getState(label)(s)), ], ), numberNode = numericNode( editing => value => state => Function_pipe( value, Number.parseFloat, editing ? x => Number.isNaN(x) || "." === ? Function_pipe(state, setText(value)) : fromValueText(x)(value) : x => Number.isNaN(x) ? Function_pipe( state, mapSecond( constant(Option_some([value, Option_some("")])), ), ) : Editable_of(x), ), ), updateInput = ( (getState, updateAt) => key => setter => c => (s, e) => Function_pipe( (e => { const target = e.currentTarget ?? e.__target if ( target instanceof HTMLSelectElement || target instanceof HTMLTextAreaElement || target instanceof HTMLInputElement ) return target.value throw Error("Event target type isn't acceptable.") })(e), setter, apply(getState(key)(s)), updateAt(key), x => x(c)(s), ) )(getState, updateAt), editAction = (updateInput => (key, setter) => c => ({ oninput: updateInput(key)(setter(!0))(c), onchange: updateInput(key)(setter(!1))(c), }))(updateInput), settingUI_numberNode = numberNode(editAction, getText, getState), settingUI_chatFieldPanel = Function_pipe( [ Function_pipe( [ settingUI_numberNode("fieldScale", 0.7, 1.5, 0.05), settingUI_checkboxNode("simplifyChatField"), settingUI_checkboxNode("createBanButton"), ], mapSettingNodes(x => h("div", { style: panelBoxStyle(644) }, x)), ), ], mapSettingNodes(Function_identity), ), action = { copy: () => s => Effect_map( Effect_promise(async () => { return GM.setClipboard( ((x = s.eventLog), `<pre>${JSON.stringify({ nextId: x.nextId, blocks: Function_pipe(x.compressedBlocks, Array_map(external_LZString_namespaceObject.decompressFromUTF16), Array_append(JSON.stringify(x.lastBlock)), Array_map(external_LZString_namespaceObject.compressToEncodedURIComponent)) })}</pre>`), ) var x }), () => s, ), clearFlowChats: c => s => Effect_map(c.act.clearFlowChats, () => s), importLog: () => s => Function_pipe( Effect_sync(() => prompt(getText("importLog")(s))), Effect_flatMap(Effect_fromNullable), Effect_map(x => ({ ...s, eventLog: importLog(x) })), Effect_orEls###cceed(() => s), ), }, buttonNode = label => c => state => h( "button", { type: "button", onclick: s => [ s, d => Effect_runPromise( c.provideLog( Function_pipe( action[label](c)(s), Effect_flatMap(newS => Effect_sync(() => d(newS))), ), ), ), ], }, hyperapp_text(getText(label)(state)), ), feedbackPanel = c => s => Function_pipe( getState("eventLog")(s).compressedBlocks.length + 1, logPageCount => [ Function_pipe( [settingUI_checkboxNode("logEvents"), buttonNode("importLog")], mapSettingNodes(x => h("div", { style: panelBoxStyle(212) }, x)), )(c)(s), h("div", { style: panelBoxStyle(428) }, [ h( "a", { style: { color: "#f0f" }, href: "", target: "_blank", }, hyperapp_text(getText("giveFeedback")(s)), ), h("div", {}, [ h("span", {}, hyperapp_text(getText("eventLog")(s))), buttonNode("copy")(c)(s), tabContainer({ container: {}, label: { padding: "4px", width: "2em", textAlign: "center" }, labelFocus: { background: "#666" }, tab: { height: "251px", display: "flex", flexDirection: "column", padding: "6px", }, })((_, n) => updateAt("logTab")(n)(c))( Function_pipe(Array_makeBy(logPageCount, x => `${x}`)), )( Function_pipe(getState("eventLog")(s), l => Array_makeBy( logPageCount, i => () => Function_pipe( Array_get(l.compressedBlocks, i), map(decompressBlock), getOrElse(() => l.lastBlock), Array_map((x, j) => h("div", { style: { display: "flex" } }, [ h( "div", { style: { userSelect: "none", flex: "0 0 2em", }, }, hyperapp_text(, ), h( "div", { style: { background: j % 2 == 0 ? "#fff" : "#ddd", color: "#000", flex: "auto", wordBreak: "break-all", whiteSpace: "break-spaces", padding: "0 2px", }, }, hyperapp_text(`[${x.level}] ${x.text}`), ), ]), ), ), ), ), )(getState("logTab")(s)), ]), ]), ], ), textAreaRow = (rows, action) => value => h("textarea", { rows, style: { resize: "none", boxSizing: "border-box", width: "100%", borderColor: hasError(value) ? "#f55" : null, }, value: Function_pipe( value, Editable_text, getOrElse( Function_pipe(Editable_value(value), join("\n"), constant), ), ), ...action, }), textAreaNode = setter => (editAction, getText, getState) => (label, rows) => c => s => settingRow( getText(label)(s), errorText(getText("invalidSetting")(s))(getState(label)(s)), [ textAreaRow( rows, editAction(label, setter)(c), )(getState(label)(s)), ], ), settingUI_plainTextAreaNode = textAreaNode( editing => value => Function_pipe( value, String_split(/\r\n|\n/), Array_filter(not(String_isEmpty)), regexes => ({ regexes, errors: Function_pipe( regexes, Array_map((x, i) => { try { RegExp(x, "u") return Option_none() } catch (e) { return Option_some(`${e} in regex number ${i}`) } }), Array_getSomes, Array_reduce("", (b, a) => `${b}\n${a}`), liftPredicate(String_isNonEmpty), ), }), ctx => editing ? setText(value) : Function_pipe( ctx.errors, map(x => mapSecond(() => Option_some([value, Option_some(x)])), ), getOrElse(() => () => Editable_of(ctx.regexes)), ), ), )(editAction, getText, getState), settingUI_regexTextAreaNode = textAreaNode( editing => value => Function_pipe( value, String_split(/\r\n|\n/), Array_filter(not(String_isEmpty)), x => constant( editing ? [x, Option_some([value, Option_none()])] : Editable_of(x), ), ), )(editAction, getText, getState), filterPanelOld = c => s => [ h( "div", { style: panelBoxStyle(212) }, settingUI_plainTextAreaNode("bannedWords", 18)(c)(s), ), h( "div", { style: panelBoxStyle(212) }, settingUI_regexTextAreaNode("bannedWordRegexes", 18)(c)(s), ), h( "div", { style: panelBoxStyle(212) }, settingUI_plainTextAreaNode("bannedUsers", 18)(c)(s), ), ], colorPicker = action => color => h("input", { style: { width: "36px", verticalAlign: "middle" }, type: "color", value: color, oninput: action.onchange ?? Function_identity, }), textInput = action => value => h("input", { style: { verticalAlign: "middle", width: "5.5em", borderColor: hasError(value) ? "#f55" : null, }, maxlength: 20, value: Function_pipe( value, Editable_text, getOrElse(constant(Editable_value(value))), ), ...action, }) var validate_color_lib = __webpack_require__(742), lib_default = __webpack_require__.n(validate_color_lib) const setter_setEditColor = editing => value => editing ? lib_default()(value) ? constant(fromValueText(value)(value)) : setText(value) : lib_default()(value) ? constant(Editable_of(value)) : mapSecond(constant(Option_some([value, Option_some("")]))), settingUI_colorNode = ( (editAction, getText, getState) => label => c => s => settingRow( getText(label)(s), errorText(getText("invalidColor")(s))(getState(label)(s)), Function_pipe(editAction(label, setter_setEditColor)(c), x => [ colorPicker(x)(Editable_value(getState(label)(s))), textInput(x)(getState(label)(s)), ]), ) )(editAction, getText, getState), settingUI_intNode = numericNode( editing => value => state => Function_pipe( value, Number.parseInt, editing ? x => Number.isNaN(x) || "." === ? Function_pipe(state, setText(value)) : fromValueText(x)(value) : x => Number.isNaN(x) ? Function_pipe( state, mapSecond( constant(Option_some([value, Option_some("")])), ), ) : Editable_of(x), ), )(editAction, getText, getState), setter_setEditString = editing => x => constant(editing ? fromValueText(x)(x) : Editable_of(x)), fonts = currentFont => [ ["", "Default", "デフォルト", "Default"], ["arial", "Arial", "Arial", "Arial"], ["arial black", "Arial Black", "Arial Black", "Arial Black"], ["arial narrow", "Arial Narrow", "Arial Narrow", "Arial Narrow"], ["Century", "Century", "Century", "Century"], ["Comic Sans MS", "Comic Sans MS", "Comic Sans MS", "Comic Sans MS"], ["Courier", "Courier", "Courier", "Courier"], ["cursive", "cursive", "cursive", "cursive"], ["fantasy", "fantasy", "fantasy", "fantasy"], ["Impact", "Impact", "Impact", "Impact"], ["Meiryo", "Meiryo", "メイリオ", "Meiryo"], ["Meiryo UI", "Meiryo UI", "メイリオ UI", "Meiryo UI"], ["monospace", "monospace", "monospace", "monospace"], [ "Monotype Corsiva", "Monotype Corsiva", "Monotype Corsiva", "Monotype Corsiva", ], ["MS PGothic", "MS PGothic", "MS Pゴシック", "MS PGothic"], ["MS Gothic", "MS Gothic", "MS ゴシック", "MS Gothic"], ["MS Sans Serif", "MS Sans Serif", "MS Sans Serif", "MS Sans Serif"], ["MS Serif", "MS Serif", "MS Serif", "MS Serif"], ["MS UI Gothic", "MS UI Gothic", "MS UI Gothic", "MS UI Gothic"], ["sans-serif", "Sans-serif", "Sans-serif", "Sans-serif"], ["serif", "Serif", "Serif", "Serif"], [ "Times New Roman", "Times New Roman", "Times New Roman", "Times New Roman", ], ["Yu Gothic", "Yu Gothic", "遊ゴシック", "Yu Gothic"], ["YuGothic", "YuGothic", "游ゴシック体", "YuGothic"], [currentFont, "Custom", "カスタム", "自定义"], ], settingUI_textRowStyle = { width: "70%", boxSizing: "border-box" }, colorTextOutput = textStyle => color => h( "span", { style: { ...textStyle, color } }, hyperapp_text("Aa1あア亜"), ), settingUI_textColorNode = ( (editAction, getText, getState, getExampleTextStyle) => label => c => s => settingRow( getText(label)(s), errorText(getText("invalidColor")(s))(getState(label)(s)), Function_pipe( { a: editAction(label, setter_setEditColor)(c), v: Editable_value(getState(label)(s)), }, ({ a, v }) => [ colorPicker(a)(v), textInput(a)(getState(label)(s)), colorTextOutput(getExampleTextStyle(s))(v), ], ), ) )(editAction, getText, getState, s => ({ fontFamily: Editable_value(s.font), fontWeight: Editable_value(s.fontWeight).toString(), textShadow: textShadow(Editable_value(s.shadowColor))( Editable_value(s.shadowFontWeight), ), })), flowChatPanel = Function_pipe( [ Function_pipe( [ c => s => Function_pipe(Editable_value(s.font), font => settingRow(getText("font")(s), "", [ h( "select", { style: settingUI_textRowStyle, onchange: updateInput("font")(setter_setEditString(!1))( c, ), }, Function_pipe( fonts(font), findFirstIndex(x => x[0] === font), getOrElse(() => 0), index => Function_pipe( fonts(font), Array_map((f, i) => node_option( f[0], Function_pipe( languages, findFirstIndex(x => x === s.lang), map(x => Array_unsafeGet(x + 1)(f)), getOrElse(() => "Error"), ), i === index, ), ), ), ), ), h("input", { style: settingUI_textRowStyle, maxlength: 20, value: font, ...editAction("font", setter_setEditString), }), ]), ), settingUI_textColorNode("color"), settingUI_textColorNode("ownerColor"), settingUI_textColorNode("moderatorColor"), settingUI_textColorNode("memberColor"), settingUI_colorNode("shadowColor"), ], mapSettingNodes(x => h("div", { style: panelBoxStyle(212) }, x)), ), Function_pipe( [ settingUI_numberNode("chatOpacity", 0, 1, 0.05), settingUI_numberNode("fontSize", 0.3, 2, 0.05), settingUI_numberNode("fontWeight", 10, 1e3, 10), settingUI_numberNode("shadowFontWeight", 0, 3, 0.1), settingUI_numberNode("flowSpeed", 1, 50, 1), settingUI_intNode("maxChatCount", 5, 200, 5), settingUI_intNode("maxChatLength", 5, 200, 5), settingUI_intNode("laneCount", 1, 25, 1), ], mapSettingNodes(x => h("div", { style: panelBoxStyle(212) }, x)), ), Function_pipe( [ settingUI_numberNode("flowY1", 0, 0.95, 0.01), settingUI_numberNode("flowY2", 0.05, 1, 0.01), settingUI_numberNode("flowX1", 0, 0.95, 0.01), settingUI_numberNode("flowX2", 0.05, 1, 0.01), settingUI_numberNode("minSpacing", 0, 2.5, 0.1), c => s => h("div", {}, [ settingUI_checkboxNode("useStepTiming")(c)(s), h( "div", { style: { opacity: getState("useStepTiming")(s) ? null : "0.5", }, }, settingUI_intNode("timingStepCount", 1, 400, 1)(c)(s), ), ]), settingUI_checkboxNode("createChats"), settingUI_checkboxNode("displayModName"), settingUI_checkboxNode("displaySuperChatAuthor"), settingUI_checkboxNode("textOnly"), () => s => hyperapp_text(getText("flowNewChatIf")(s)), settingUI_checkboxNode("noOverlap"), buttonNode("clearFlowChats"), ], mapSettingNodes(x => h("div", { style: panelBoxStyle(212) }, x)), ), ], mapSettingNodes(Function_identity), ), settingUI_flowChatPanel = flowChatPanel, withMinimumLogLevel = Function_dual(2, (self, level) => fiberRefLocally(currentMinimumLogLevel, level)(self), ), Logger_make = makeLogger, Logger_replace = Function_dual(2, (self, that) => layer_flatMap( scopedDiscard( fiberRefLocallyScopedWith(currentLoggers, HashSet_remove(self)), ), () => scopedDiscard( fiberRefLocallyScopedWith(currentLoggers, HashSet_add(that)), ), ), ), Logger_withMinimumLogLevel = withMinimumLogLevel, Logger_zip = logger_zip, Logger_defaultLogger = defaultLogger var LogAnnotationKeys !(function (LogAnnotationKeys) { = "name" })(LogAnnotationKeys || (LogAnnotationKeys = {})) const src_LogAnnotationKeys = LogAnnotationKeys, maxEventLogBlockCount = Math.floor(50), preserveEventLogBlockCount = Math.floor(0.2 * maxEventLogBlockCount), Console_debug = (...args) => consoleWith(_ => _.debug(...args)), Console_error = (...args) => consoleWith(_ => _.error(...args)), Console_info = (...args) => consoleWith(_ =>, Console_log = (...args) => consoleWith(_ => _.log(...args)), Console_trace = (...args) => consoleWith(_ => _.trace(...args)), Console_warn = (...args) => consoleWith(_ => _.warn(...args)), getConsoleLog = x => x === Trace ? Console_trace : x === Debug ? Console_debug : x === Info ? Console_info : x === Warning ? Console_warn : x === LogLevel_Error || x === Fatal ? Console_error : Console_log, metaLogger = Logger_make(({ logLevel, message, context, annotations }) => Effect_runPromise( Function_pipe( () => `${Function_pipe(annotations, HashMap_get(, match({ onNone: () => "", onSome: x => `[${x}] ` }))}${message}`, getStr => Function_pipe( FiberRefs_getOrDefault(context, logMeta), match({ onNone: () => greaterThanEqual(Warning)(logLevel) ? getConsoleLog(logLevel)(getStr()) : _void, onSome: meta => Effect_sync(() => getConsoleLog(logLevel)(`${getStr()}: `, meta), ), }), ), ), ), ), provideLog = settingUpdateApps => effect => { return Function_pipe( Effect_succeed( Logger_replace( Logger_defaultLogger, Logger_zip(metaLogger)( ((apps = settingUpdateApps), Logger_make(({ logLevel, message }) => Effect_runPromise( ( apps => dispatchable => Function_pipe( apps, Effect_forEach(x => Effect_sync(() => x(dispatchable)), ), ) )(apps.getValue())(s => { return s.logEvents ? { ...s, eventLog: ((text = String(message)), (level = logLevel.label), x => Function_pipe( x.compressedBlocks.length === maxEventLogBlockCount ? (i => log => i > log.compressedBlocks.length ? log : makeLog({ nextId: log.nextId, ...(i === log.compressedBlocks.length ? { lastBlock: [], compressedBlocks: log.compressedBlocks, } : { lastBlock: log.lastBlock, compressedBlocks: Array_remove( log.compressedBlocks, i, ), }), }))( Math.floor(preserveEventLogBlockCount), )(x) : x, ( (text, level) => log => makeLog({ nextId: log.nextId + 1, ...Function_pipe( log.lastBlock, Array_append({ id: log.nextId, text, level, }), x => 200 === x.length ? { compressedBlocks: Array_append( log.compressedBlocks, makeCompressedLogBlock( (0, external_LZString_namespaceObject.compressToUTF16)( JSON.stringify(x), ), ), ), lastBlock: [], } : { compressedBlocks: log.compressedBlocks, lastBlock: x, }, ), }) )(text, level), ))(s.eventLog), } : s var text, level }), ), )), ), ), ), Effect_flatMap(logLayer => Function_pipe( effect, Effect_tapErrorCause(x => Effect_logError(Cause_pretty(x))), Effect_provide(logLayer), ), ), Effect_annotateLogs(, "FYC"), Logger_withMinimumLogLevel(Debug), ) var apps } Effect_runPromise( Function_pipe( Effect_gen(function* () { const settingUpdateApps = new external_rxjs_namespaceObject.BehaviorSubject([]) yield* (({ settingUpdateApps, provideLog }) => provideLog( Function_pipe( Effect_gen(function* () { const ctx = { updateSettingState: dispatchable => provideLog( Function_pipe( Effect_succeed(settingUpdateApps.value), Effect_flatMap( Effect_forEach(x => Effect_sync(() => x(dispatchable)), ), ), ), ), configSubject: mak###bject(configKeys), channel: new broadcast_channel_BroadcastChannel( "fyc-0615654655528523", ), configValue: yield* ((config = src_defaultGMConfig), Function_pipe( Object.entries(config), Effect_forEach(([k, c]) => c.getValue.pipe(Effect_map(x => [k, x])), ), Effect_map(Object.fromEntries), )), }, setterFromMap = ((keys = configKeys), f => Function_pipe( keys, Array_map(x => [x, f(x)]), Object.fromEntries, )), setConfigPlain = setterFromMap( key => val => Effect_sync(() => { Object.assign(ctx.configValue, { [key]: val }) ctx.configSubject[key].next(val) }), ) var keys, config yield* setConfigPlain.filterExp( defaultFilter(ctx.configValue), ) const changedConfigMap = key => val => Function_pipe( Effect_sync(() => ctx.configValue[key]), Effect_filterOrFail( x => !fast_deep_equal_default()(x, val), ), Effect_flatMap(() => setConfigPlain[key](val)), ) return { ...ctx, setChangedConfig: setterFromMap( key => val => changedConfigMap(key)(val).pipe(Effect_ignore), ), mainState: { chatPlaying: yield* SynchronizedRef_make(!0), playerRect: yield* SynchronizedRef_make( new DOMRectReadOnly(0, 0, 600, 400), ), flowChats: yield* SynchronizedRef_make([]), config: { value: ctx.configValue, getConfig: makeGetter(ctx.configValue), setConfig: setterFromMap( key => val => changedConfigMap(key)(val).pipe( Effect_zipRight( Effect_promise(() =>[key, val]), ), ), Effect_zipRight( Effect_promise(() => Function_pipe(src_defaultGMConfig[key], x => GM.setValue(x.gmKey, x.toGm(val)), ), ), ), Effect_ignore, ), ), }, }, } }), Effect_flatMap(ctx => Effect_gen(function* () { const stateInit = Function_pipe( (config = ctx.mainState.config.value), mapObject(([k, v]) => [ k, isEditable(k)(v) ? Editable_of(v) : "filterExp" === k ? void 0 : v, ]), x => ({ ...x, showPanel: !1, mainTab: 0, logTab: 0, timingStepCount: Editable_of( parseInt( config.timingFunction.match( /^steps\((\d+),.+/, )?.[1] ?? "150", 10, ), ), eventLog: makeLog({ nextId: 0, compressedBlocks: [], lastBlock: [], }), panelRect: new DOMRectReadOnly(0, 0, 660, 395), }), ) var config, updateState, command, setConfig return { ...ctx, apps: { toggleChatButtonApp: yield* wrapApp( ((setConfig = ctx.mainState.config.setConfig), Function_pipe( "button", makeComponent( tag => state => Function_pipe( getText( state.displayChats ? "hideChats" : "showChats", )(state), label => h( tag, { class: "ytp-button", style: { background: "none", border: "none", cursor: "pointer", float: "left", fontSize: "1em", height: "100%", outline: "none", overflow: "visible", padding: "0 0 0em", position: "relative", width: "48px", display: "flex", alignItems: "center", }, type: "button", "aria-label": label, title: label, onclick: s => Function_pipe( !s.displayChats, displayChats => [ { ...s, displayChats }, () => Effect_runPromise( setConfig.displayChats( displayChats, ), ), ], ), }, [ h( "svg", { style: { width: "36px" }, viewBox: "0 0 36 36", }, [ h("path", { class: "chat-button-path", d: "m11 12h17q1 0 1 1v9q0 1-1 1h-1v2l-4-2h-12q-1 0-1-1v-9q0-1 1-1z", fill: "#fff", "fill-opacity": state.displayChats ? "1" : "0", stroke: "#fff", "stroke-width": "2", }), ], ), ], ), ), ), )), stateInit, ), settingsApp: yield* wrapApp( ((command = { setConfig: ctx.mainState.config.setConfig, act: { clearFlowChats: removeOldChats( ctx.mainState.flowChats, )(0), }, provideLog, }), Function_pipe( (c => state => { return state.showPanel ? h( "div", { class: "fyc_panel", style: { backgroundColor: "rgba(30,30,30,0.9)", position: "absolute", zIndex: "66666", color: "#fff", fontSize: "14px", overflow: "auto", left: `${state.panelRect.x}px`, top: `${state.panelRect.y}px`, width: `${state.panelRect.width}px`, height: `${state.panelRect.height}px`, border: "solid 1px #666", fontFamily: "MS PGothic", lineHeight: "1.2", colorScheme: "dark", }, }, [ h( "div", { style: { position: "absolute", inset: "3px 3px auto auto", }, }, [ hyperapp_text("🌐"), h( "select", { onchange: updateInput("lang")( ((allowedStrings = languages), value => state => Function_pipe( value, liftPredicate(x => Array_containsWith( String_Equivalence, )(allowedStrings, x), ), getOrElse(() => state), )), )(c), }, Function_pipe( languages, Array_zip(languageLabels), Array_map(([lang, label]) => node_option( lang, label, lang === state.lang, ), ), ), ), ], ), tabContainer({ container: {}, label: { padding: "6px" }, labelFocus: { background: "#666" }, tab: { height: "364px", display: "flex", padding: "6px", }, })((s, n) => updateAt("mainTab")(n)(c)(s), )( Function_pipe( [ "flowChat", "chatFilter", "chatField", "feedback", ], Array_map(getText), Array_map(apply(state)), ), )( Function_pipe( [ settingUI_flowChatPanel, filterPanelOld, settingUI_chatFieldPanel, feedbackPanel, ], Array_map(apply(c)), Array_map(constant), Array_map(flip), Array_map(apply(state)), ), )(getState("mainTab")(state)), ], ) : h("div", {}) var allowedStrings })(command), panel => makeComponent( tag => s => h( tag, { style: { display: "contents" } }, panel(s), ), )("span"), )), stateInit, ), toggleSettingsPanelApp: yield* wrapApp( ((updateState = ctx.updateSettingState), Function_pipe( ( updateState => (x, e) => Function_pipe( { ...x, showPanel: !x.showPanel }, newState => [ newState, x.showPanel ? () => decodeUnknownSync( instanceOf(HTMLElement), )(e.currentTarget).blur() : () => {}, () => Effect_runPromise( updateState(oldState => ({ ...oldState, ...newState, })), ), ], ) )(updateState), toggle => state => h( "button", { class: "fyc_button", style: { background: "rgba(0,0,0,0)", marginLeft: "10px", whiteSpace: "nowrap", }, onclick: toggle, }, [ h( "svg", { preserveAspectRatio: "xMidYMid meet", viewBox: "0 0 640 640", width: "15", height: "15", style: { position: "relative", top: "1px", }, }, [ h( "defs", {}, h("path", { id: "d1TbzTC1zI", d: "M135 58c25 14 67 30 82 35-7 49 16 109-15 149-50 71-19 184 64 213 74 31 165-18 183-95-3-38 23-62 58-36l120 55c-39 10-106 35-72 85 40 38 1 71-29 98-29 53-70-17-109-5-46 22-25 109-96 85h-55c-24-31-21-103-80-84-32 32-70 31-93-9l-35-36c4-40 57-96-6-120-45 5-58-32-52-68 2-19-4-41 3-59 35-15 100-22 77-79-48-43 1-84 35-115 5-6 12-12 20-14zM577 2c52 3 72 62 62 106-5 51 19 117-27 155-18 24 8 49 11 74-39-8-98-46-146-60-55-1-111 2-167-2-52-15-57-76-52-121S242 52 282 18c38-30 88-11 132-16h163z", }), ), h("use", { href: "#d1TbzTC1zI", opacity: "1", fill: "var(--iron-icon-fill-color, currentcolor)", "fill-opacity": "1", }), ], ), h( "span", { style: { position: "relative", top: "-2px", marginLeft: "8px,", }, }, hyperapp_text(getText("setting")(state)), ), ], ), button => makeComponent( tag => s => h( tag, { style: { float: "left", display: "flex", minHeight: "100%", }, }, button(s), ), )("span"), )), stateInit, ), }, } }), ), Effect_tap(ctx => Effect_sync(() => Array_map( [ ctx.apps.settingsApp, ctx.apps.toggleSettingsPanelApp, ctx.apps.toggleChatButtonApp, ], x => x.dispatch, ), ), ), ), Effect_tap(ctx => Function_pipe( Effect_succeed([ "Version: 1.19.2", `User Agent: ${window.navigator.userAgent}`, `GMConfig: ${JSON.stringify(ctx.mainState.config, void 0, "\t")}`, ]), Effect_flatMap(Effect_forEach(x => Effect_logDebug(x))), ), ), Effect_zipLeft( Function_pipe( Effect_logDebug("10s..."), schedule(Schedule_fixed(seconds(10))), Effect_forkDaemon, ), ), Effect_flatMap(ctx => Effect_gen(function* () { const reinitSubject = new external_rxjs_namespaceObject.Subject(), reinitialize = provideLog( Effect_sync(() => { requestAnimationFrame(() => lib(reinitSubject)()) }), ) ;(yield* allStream(provideLog)({ ...ctx, reinitSubject, reinitialize, chatScreen: yield* makeChatScreen, co: Function_pipe( ctx.configSubject, mapObject(([k, value]) => [ k, Function_pipe( value, tapEffect(v => { return provideLog( Function_pipe( Effect_succeed(s => ({ ...s, [k]: v })), Effect_zipLeft( ctx.updateSettingState( ((key = k), value => state => ({ ...state, [key]: isEditable(key)(value) ? setValue(value)(state[key]) : "filterExp" === key ? void 0 : value, }))(v), ), ), Effect_zipLeft( Function_pipe( [ "bannedWords", "bannedUsers", "bannedWordRegexes", ], Array_containsWith(String_Equivalence)(k), x => x ? ctx.mainState.config.setConfig.filterExp( defaultFilter( ctx.mainState.config.value, ), ) : _void, ), ), x => Effect_sync(() => setTimeout( () => Effect_runPromise(provideLog(x)), 0, ), ), ), ) var key }), (0, external_rxjs_namespaceObject.share)(), ), ]), ), })).subscribe({ error: x => Effect_runPromise( logWithMeta(LogLevel_Error)(`Stream Errored: ${x}`)( x, ), ), complete: () => Effect_runPromise(Effect_logWarning("Stream complete")), }) yield* reinitialize }), ), ), ))({ settingUpdateApps, provideLog: provideLog(settingUpdateApps) }) }), Effect_withConcurrency(30), ), ) })() })()