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Rank HN comments by engagement

Ranks HN comments by number of direct or indirect children, or by custom criteria

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// ==UserScript==
// @name         Rank HN comments by engagement
// @description  Ranks HN comments by number of direct or indirect children, or by custom criteria
// @version      1
// @author       heartbeats
// @namespace    https://news.ycombinator.com/user?id=heartbeats
// @include      *://news.ycombinator.com/*
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
'use strict';
/* Change this variable to change the ranking algorithm.
* Presently available ranking algorithms are:
*   bump: Whenever someone comments on a post, the entire tree gets moved to the top. Like old forums. Tiebreaker: hn_engagement
*   count: Most children first. New comments without children go on the bottom.
*   hn_engagement: One child (direct or indirect) is treated as 1 vote, HN's standard ranking algorithm is then applied
let SORT_METHOD = 'bump';
let ageCache = {};
function sortOp() {
if (SORT_METHOD === 'bump')
return 'max';
return 'add';
function rankComment(age, sortMethod) {
// TODO: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=1782473
// Rank. Higher is better.
let gravity = 1.8;
let timeBase = 7200; // from https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=1781417
console.assert(age !== undefined);
switch (sortMethod) {
case 'bump': return age; break;
case 'count': return 1; break;
case 'hn_engagement': return 1.0 / Math.pow(-age + timeBase, gravity); break;
default: console.assert(false); break;
function getIndent(id) {
let iwidth = 40; // hardcoded in document HTML
return Math.round(document.getElementById(id).querySelector(".ind > img").width/iwidth);
function getAge(id) {
// relative time, in negative seconds
let timeHuman = {
minute: 60,
hour: 3600,
day: 86400
let text = document.getElementById(id).querySelector(".age").textContent;
let tokenized = text.split(' ');
console.assert((tokenized.length == 3 && tokenized[2] === "ago") ||
(tokenized.length == 4 &&  tokenized[0] === "on"));
let rel = tokenized.length == 3;
if (rel)
return -tokenized[0] * timeHuman[/^.*[^s]/.exec(tokenized[1])];
return (Date.parse(tokenized.slice(1,).join(' ')) - Date.now())/1000;
function parseList(list) {
let ret = [];
let nodes = {};
nodes[0] = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
let ind = getIndent(list[i]);
ret.push([list[i], nodes[ind-1]]); // set to ID of last ancestor
nodes[ind] = list[i]; // prepare for children
return ret;
function flattenTree(tree) {
// Get (sorted) all comments in tree
let list = [tree.name];
for (let i = 0; i < tree.children.length; i++) {
list = list.concat(flattenTree(tree.children[i]));
return list;
function rankComments(subtree, sortMethod) {
// tree's rank is sum or max of all children's rank
// TODO: decay by say 0.8 for each level
let reductions = {max: (a, b) => (a > b) ? a : b,
add: (a, b) =>  a + b};
let rc = flattenTree(subtree).flatMap(id => (id == null) ? [] : rankComment(getAge(id), sortMethod)).reduce(reductions[sortOp()]);
return rc;
function compareTree(a, b) {
let rank_a = rankComments(a, SORT_METHOD);
let rank_b = rankComments(b, SORT_METHOD);
if (rank_a == rank_b) {
/* HN's times aren't very granular, especially for old posts.
* We thus use hn_engagement as a tiebreaker.
* This converges to "number of descendants" for old posts.
rank_a = rankComments(a, 'hn_engagement');
rank_b = rankComments(b, 'hn_engagement');
if (rank_a == rank_b)
return 0;
if (rank_a < rank_b)
return 1;
if (rank_a > rank_b)
return -1;
// TODO: stack
function appendSubtree(arg, ptr, item) {
// this inserts an item into a tree
// tree structure:
// {children: [
//   {name: 123, children: undefined},
//   {name: 124, children: [
//    {name: 125, children: undefined
//   ]}
//  ]
// }
// TODO refactor
let idx = 0;
console.assert(ptr !== undefined);
if (ptr.length > 0)
[arg.children[ptr[0]], idx] = appendSubtree(arg.children[ptr[0]], ptr.slice(1,), item);
idx = arg.children.push({name: item, children: []}) - 1;
return [arg, idx];
function listToTree(list) {
// will only append
let tree = {children: []};
let idx2root = {}; // ID: [3, 1, 4] = 3rd comment's 1st child's 4th child
for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
let subtree_ptr = [];
let id = list[i][0];
parent = list[i][1];
if (parent !== undefined) {
subtree_ptr = idx2root[parent];
console.assert(subtree_ptr !== undefined);
let last_ptr; // This is the lowest idx of the appended comment
console.assert(subtree_ptr !== undefined);
[tree, last_ptr] = appendSubtree(tree, subtree_ptr, id);
idx2root[id] = ((parent === undefined) ? [] : idx2root[parent]).concat(last_ptr);
return tree;
function getIndent(id) {
let iwidth = 40;
return Math.round(document.getElementById(id).querySelector(".ind > img").width/iwidth);
function parseList(list) {
let ret = []
let nodes = {}
nodes[0] = undefined;
for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
let id = list[i];
let ind = getIndent(id);
ret.push([id, nodes[ind-1]]); // set to ID of last ancestor
nodes[ind] = id; // prepare for children
return ret;
function getComments() {
return document.getElementsByClassName("comment-tree")[0].children[0].children;
function getCommentsList(comments) {
let l = [];
for (let i = 0; i < comments.length; i++)
return l;
function treeSort(tree, compar) {
for (let i = 0; i < tree.children.length; i++) {
tree.children[i] = treeSort(tree.children[i], compar);
tree.children = tree.children.sort(compar);
return tree;
function sortComments() {
//TODO: hide comments
let comments = getComments();
let commentsEl = document.getElementsByClassName("comment-tree")[0].children[0]; // TODO
let list = getCommentsList(comments);
let tree = parseList(list); // bottom-up tree
let tree2 = listToTree(tree); // real tree
tree2 = treeSort(tree2, compareTree);
let flat = flattenTree(tree2);
for (let i = 0; i < flat.length; i++) {
let child = document.getElementById(flat[i]);
if (child != null) commentsEl.appendChild(child);
//TODO: Show the comments again