Hide NSFW post
// ==UserScript== // @name Pikabu NSFW // @namespace PikabuNSFW // @version 0.1.5 // @description Hide NSFW post // @author Gleb Liutsko // @match https://pikabu.ru/* // @grant none // @license MIT // @icon https://cs.pikabu.ru/assets/favicon.ico // ==/UserScript== (function() { 'use strict'; if (location.href.match(/story/)) { console.log('Ignore page') return; } const is_mobile = Boolean(document.getElementsByClassName('sidebar__control').length); function search_nsfw() { console.log('Search NTFS...'); let stories_nsfw = []; let stories = document.getElementsByClassName('story'); for (let story of stories) { if (story.getElementsByClassName('tags__tag_nsfw').length) { stories_nsfw.push(story); } } return stories_nsfw; } var hide_story; if (is_mobile) { hide_story = function(story) { story.getElementsByClassName('story__content')[0].style.display = 'none'; } } else { hide_story = function(story) { story.getElementsByClassName('collapse-button')[0].click(); } } function hide_stories(stories) { for (let story of stories) { if (Array.from(story.classList).indexOf('story_collapse') == -1) { console.log('Hide stories: ' + story.getElementsByClassName('story__title-link')[0].text); hide_story(story); } } } function hide() { hide_stories(search_nsfw()); } document.getElementsByClassName('stories-feed__container')[0].addEventListener('DOMNodeInserted', hide); hide(); })();