// ==UserScript== // @name pocketSelectAll // @namespace Violentmonkey Scripts // @match https://app.getpocket.com/* // @grant none // @version 1.2 // @author AdrianSkar // @description 9/Oct/2020 // ==/UserScript== (function () { setTimeout(() => {// Pocket loads content (including buttons) asynchronously let listen = document.querySelector("button[aria-label='Bulk Edit']"); function buttons() { setTimeout(() => {// Pocket loads content (including buttons) asynchronously let selectVis = function () { function eventFire(el) { let evt = new MouseEvent("click", { view: window, bubbles: true, cancelable: true, }); el.dispatchEvent(evt); } //svg let target = document.getElementsByTagName("use"); //loop trough <use> elements (some are not articles) for (let i = 0; i < target.length; i++) { // check if targets are selectable articles if ((target[i].getAttribute('xlink:href').indexOf("CheckOpen") > -1)) { //click on them eventFire(target[i]); } else { // console.log(target[i], 'is not clickable'); } } }; // console.log(' close bulk'); //prepend buttons before the close bulk edit one //prepend buttons before the close bulk edit one let responsiveX = document.querySelector('[*|href*="CloseX"]'); // X button on responsive let bulk = document.querySelector("button[aria-label='Close Bulk Edit']"); let selVis = bulk.cloneNode(); let selAll = bulk.cloneNode(); selVis.textContent = 'Select visible'; selAll.textContent = 'Select all'; //load styles depending on responsive or desktop version if (responsiveX) { let styleRes = 'margin-right: 0.5em; min-width: 4em; font-size: 0.8em; border: 1px solid lightgray; border-radius: 4px;'; selVis.setAttribute('style', styleRes); selAll.setAttribute('style', styleRes); } else { let styleDes = 'margin-right: 0.5em;'; selVis.setAttribute('style', styleDes); selAll.setAttribute('style', styleDes); } bulk.parentElement.prepend(selVis); bulk.parentElement.prepend(selAll); // select all articles (selectVis + scroll every 2secs) let selectAll = function () { let target = document.getElementsByTagName("use"), last = target[target.length - 1]; function scrollEnd() { if (last.getAttribute('xlink:href').indexOf("CheckOpen") === -1) { selAll.textContent = 'Selected'; // console.log('done'); clearInterval(timer); selectVis(); } else { selectVis(); last.scrollIntoView(); selAll.textContent = 'working...'; console.log('scrolling'); } } let timer = setInterval(() => { target = document.getElementsByTagName("use"); last = target[target.length - 1]; scrollEnd(); }, 2000); }; selVis.addEventListener('click', selectVis); selAll.addEventListener('click', selectAll); }, 100); } if (Boolean(listen)) { console.log('listen'); listen.addEventListener('click', buttons); } else { console.log('no listen'); } }, 2000); })();