One button click to download all imgs in twitter page. If Chrome keep popping up the annoying saveAs dialog, go to Chrome setting page and turn it off. Firefox is faster after testing.
// ==UserScript== // @name Twitter: Download All Images // @name:zh-CN Twitter:下载全部图片 // @version 0.0.3 // @description One button click to download all imgs in twitter page. If Chrome keep popping up the annoying saveAs dialog, go to Chrome setting page and turn it off. Firefox is faster after testing. // @description:zh-CN 一键下载twitter页面所有图片。需要注意使用chrome会一直疯狂跳弹窗,需要用户自行去设置页面关闭. firefox批量下载比chrome快。 // @author aji // @namespace // @icon // @include* // @include* // @grant GM_download // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_getValue // ==/UserScript== /* jshint esversion: 6 */ // function addButton(text, onclick, cssObj, id) { const defaultCSS = {position: 'fixed', top: '7%', left:'50%', 'z-index': 3, "background-color": "#57cff7", "color": "white", "padding": "10px", "border": "0px", "font-size": "1rem","font-weight": "bold" } cssObj = Object.assign(defaultCSS, cssObj || {} ) let button = document.createElement('button'), btnStyle =; document.body.appendChild(button) button.innerHTML = text; button.onclick = onclick btnStyle.position = 'fixed'; = id; Object.keys(cssObj).forEach(key => btnStyle[key] = cssObj[key]); return button; } function sleep(ms) { return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms)); } let downloadedLink = GM_getValue("downloadedLink") || {}; function formatDate(date) { var d = new Date(date), month = '' + (d.getMonth() + 1), day = '' + d.getDate(), year = d.getFullYear(); if (month.length < 2) month = '0' + month; if (day.length < 2) day = '0' + day; return [year, month, day].join('-'); } const MIN_LIKE = 100; async function findImgAndDownload(){ let queue = []; document.querySelectorAll("article").forEach(article => { //e.g 水洗卜イレ@suisentoire· asdsad let spans = Array.from(article.querySelectorAll("span span")); let author; let timestamp; //get author for(let ii = 0; ii < spans.length; ii++){ let e1 = spans[ii]; let e2 = e1.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement; if(e2.textContent.includes("@")){ author = e2.textContent; break; } } if(!author){ return; } //get like const likeDiv = (article.querySelector("[data-testid='like']") || article.querySelector("[data-testid='unlike']")); const likeStr = likeDiv.getAttribute("aria-label"); let likeNum = likeStr.match(/\d+/); if(!likeNum || parseInt(likeNum[0]) < MIN_LIKE){ return; } let timeSpan = article.querySelector("article time"); if(timeSpan){ let dt = new Date(timeSpan.getAttribute("datetime")); timestamp = formatDate(dt); }else{ return; } // video is too difficult to download //skip video let video = article.querySelector("video"); if(video){ return; } // if(video && video.src){ // const link = video.src; // queue.push({ // isVideo: true, // author, // link, // timestamp // }); // } // console.log(author); const imgs = article.querySelectorAll("img"); if(imgs.length > 1) { imgs.forEach(img => { if(img.clientWidth < 80 && img.clientHeight < 80){ //skip icon and emoji return; } const link = img.src; queue.push({ author, link, timestamp }); }); } }) // queue = queue.filter(e => !downloadedLink[]); let downloadNumInOneScroll = 0; for(let ii = 0; ii < queue.length; ii++){ const info = queue[ii]; let { link, author, timestamp, isVideo } = info; //replace slash author = author.replaceAll("/", "/"); if(_stop_download_){ break; } if(downloadedLink[link]){ continue; } let _link; let segment; const url = new URL(link); let format; if(isVideo){ _link = link; }else{ if({ if(url.searchParams.get("name")){ url.searchParams.set("name", "orig") } format = url.searchParams.get("format") } _link = url.href; } segment = url.pathname.substring(url.pathname.lastIndexOf('/') + 1); let fn = [(timestamp ||""), author, segment].filter(e => e.length > 0).join(" -- "); if(format){ fn = fn + "." + format; } fn = fn.trim(); const _log = ()=>{ if(download_count === 0){ download_time_beg = new Date(); } download_count++; downloadNumInOneScroll++; let download_time_middle = new Date(); const spd = (download_time_middle.getTime() - download_time_beg.getTime())/download_count/1000; console.log(download_count, "imgs downloaded. ", spd, "second/img"); } try{ await GM_downloadPromise(_link, fn); _log(); downloadedLink[link] = true; await sleep(100); }catch(err){ try{ await sleep(2000); await GM_downloadPromise(_link, fn); downloadedLink[link] = true; _log(); await sleep(1000); } catch(err2){ console.error("[error]", _link, err2); } // console.error(err) // debugger } } return downloadNumInOneScroll; } function GM_downloadPromise(_link, fn){ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { GM_download({ url: _link, name: fn, saveAs: false, // this do not work for Chrome onerror: err => { reject(err); }, ontimeout: ()=>{ reject("timeout"); }, onload: ()=>{ resolve(); } }); }) } let _stop_download_; const isChrome = /Chrome/.test(navigator.userAgent) && /Google Inc/.test(navigator.vendor); let download_count; let download_time_beg; async function beginDownloadAndScroll(){ // if(!_stop_download_){ // //avoid click twice // return; // } _stop_download_ = false; let scrollReachEndCount = 0; download_count = 0; console.log("begin", new Date()); while(!_stop_download_ && scrollReachEndCount < 60){ const downloadNumInOneScroll = await findImgAndDownload(); if(downloadNumInOneScroll === 0){ const newY = window.scrollY + 1000; window.scrollTo(0, newY); await sleep(100); }else{ const newY = window.scrollY + 500; window.scrollTo(0, newY); await sleep(500); } GM_setValue("downloadedLink", downloadedLink); // this code is buggy, it stops sometimes even there is still img // if(!isChrome){ // if(window.scrollY < newY){ // //not scroll as much as expected // //meaning reaching the end // scrollReachEndCount++; // }else{ // //use count here // //be very careful here, I want to download all imgs // scrollReachEndCount = 0; // } // } } console.log("download stop"); } (function() { 'use strict'; addButton("download all images", beginDownloadAndScroll, {top: '7%'}, "a-begin-button"); addButton("stop download", () => { _stop_download_ = true; console.log("going to stop..."); }, {top: '12%'}, "a-stop-button"); })();