Simple link redirection repair, used to skip some redirect links that have already targeted websites
// ==UserScript== // @icon // @name 简单链接重定向修复 // @name:zh 简单链接重定向修复 // @name:en Simple link redirection fix // @namespace RC1844.LinkRedirectFix // @author RC1844 // @homepageURL // @supportURL // @license MIT License // @description 简单链接重定向修复,用来跳过一些地址已有目标网站的重定向链接 // @description:en Simple link redirection repair, used to skip some redirect links that have already targeted websites // @include * // @version 1.0 // @run-at document-start // ==/UserScript== function makeLink(url) { var num = url.indexOf("http"); if (num != -1) { var link = url.substr(num); location.href = decodeURIComponent(link); } } makeLink(; makeLink(window.location.pathname);