The most efficient user script for blocking popups of all types. Designed to fight the sneakiest popups including the ones on adult and streaming websites.
// ==UserScript== // @name Popup Blocker Script // @name:zh-CN 弹窗阻止程序脚本 // @namespace // @version 0.6 // @description The most efficient user script for blocking popups of all types. Designed to fight the sneakiest popups including the ones on adult and streaming websites. // @description:zh-CN 用于阻止所有类型弹窗的最有效用户脚本。为防范最狡猾的弹窗而设计,包括成人和流媒体网站上的弹窗。 // @author Mike Kyshenko // @match https://*/* // @match http://*/* // @grant GM_listValues // @grant GM_deleteValue // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_getResourceURL // @grant GM_getResourceText // @grant GM_addStyle // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // @connect // @connect self // @connect * // @require // ==/UserScript== const LANG = { EN: { "notificationMessage": { "message": "Popup Blocked" }, "overlayWasBlocked": { "message": "Overlay Blocked" }, "allowOnce": { "message": "Show popup once" }, "allowAlways": { "message": "Whitelist this site" }, "NTF_allowOverlayOnce": { "message": "Allow overlay once" } }, "CN":{ "notificationMessage": { "message": "弹窗被阻止" }, "overlayWasBlocked": { "message": "叠加弹窗被阻止" }, "allowOnce": { "message": "显示一次弹窗" }, "allowAlways": { "message": "允许此网站上的弹窗" }, "NTF_allowOverlayOnce": { "message": "显示一次弹窗" } } }; !function(modules) { var installedModules = {}; function __webpack_require__(moduleId) { if (installedModules[moduleId]) return installedModules[moduleId].exports; var module = installedModules[moduleId] = { i: moduleId, l: !1, exports: {} }; return modules[moduleId].call(module.exports, module, module.exports, __webpack_require__), module.l = !0, module.exports; } __webpack_require__.m = modules, __webpack_require__.c = installedModules, __webpack_require__.d = function(exports, name, getter) { __webpack_require__.o(exports, name) || Object.defineProperty(exports, name, { enumerable: !0, get: getter }); }, __webpack_require__.r = function(exports) { "undefined" != typeof Symbol && Symbol.toStringTag && Object.defineProperty(exports, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" }), Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); }, __webpack_require__.t = function(value, mode) { if (1 & mode && (value = __webpack_require__(value)), 8 & mode) return value; if (4 & mode && "object" == typeof value && value && value.__esModule) return value; var ns = Object.create(null); if (__webpack_require__.r(ns), Object.defineProperty(ns, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: value }), 2 & mode && "string" != typeof value) for (var key in value) __webpack_require__.d(ns, key, function(key) { return value[key]; }.bind(null, key)); return ns; }, __webpack_require__.n = function(module) { var getter = module && module.__esModule ? function() { return module.default; } : function() { return module; }; return __webpack_require__.d(getter, "a", getter), getter; }, __webpack_require__.o = function(object, property) { return, property); }, __webpack_require__.p = "", __webpack_require__(__webpack_require__.s = 1); }([ function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; __webpack_exports__.a = { defaultWhiteList: [ "", "", "google", "", "", "", "", "", "chrome://newtab", "" ], defaultBlackList: [ "adrunnr", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] }; }, function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__); var storage = { get: () => new Promise(resolve => { const items = [ ...arguments ]; if (1 == items.length) resolve(GM_getValue(items[0])); else { const data = {}; items.forEach(item => { data[item] = GM_getValue(item); }), resolve(data); } }), set(key, value) { GM_setValue(key, value); } }; class OverlayDectector { constructor() { this.winWidth = window.innerWidth, this.winHeight = window.innerHeight; } ALGO2({x: x, y: y, mw: mw, mh: mh}) { let overlay, element = document.elementFromPoint(x, y); if (element && this.notRootElement(element)) do { this.isOverlayish({ el: element, minWidth: mw, minHeight: mh }) && (overlay = element), element = element.parentNode; } while (!overlay && this.notRootElement(element)); return overlay; } notRootElement(element) { return element != document.body && element != document && element != document.documentElement; } detectOverlayLayer(detectRange) { for (let coords of detectRange) { let overlay = this.ALGO2(coords); if (overlay) return this.getRecipe(overlay); } return !1; } find() { const detect = { AnySize: [ { x: this.winWidth / 2, y: this.winHeight / 2, mw: 100, mh: 100 }, { x: this.winWidth / 2, y: this.winHeight / 3, mw: 100, mh: 100 } ], FullScreen: [ { x: this.winWidth / 2, y: this.winHeight / 2, mw: .9 * this.winHeight, mh: .9 * this.winHeight } ] }; let recipe, overlays = []; return (recipe = this.detectOverlayLayer(detect.AnySize)) && (overlays.push(this.hideByRecipe(recipe)), (recipe = this.detectOverlayLayer(detect.FullScreen)) && overlays.push(this.hideByRecipe(recipe))), overlays; } getRecipe(el) { let recipe = []; const isSingleInstanceInDocument = recipe => 1 == $(recipe.join(" > ")).length; do { let node = el.nodeName.toLowerCase(), id = el.getAttribute("id"), className = el.getAttribute("class"), style = el.getAttribute("style"); if (id) { recipe.unshift("#" + id.trim()); break; } if (className ? recipe.unshift(node + "." + className.trim().replace(/\s+/g, ".")) : recipe.unshift(node + '[style="' + style + '"]'), isSingleInstanceInDocument(recipe)) break; el = el.parentNode; } while (el != document.body); return !!isSingleInstanceInDocument(recipe) && recipe.join(" > "); } hideByRecipe(recipe) { let el = $(recipe), css = el.prop("style").cssText; return el.prop("style").cssText = `${css};display:none !important;`, { el: el, recipe: recipe, css: css }; } isOverlayish({el: el, minWidth: minWidth, minHeight: minHeight}) { let css = window.getComputedStyle(el); return !!("none" != css.display && "hidden" != css.visibility && /fixed|absolute/.test(css.position) && ("auto" == css.zIndex || parseInt(css.zIndex) >= 0) && el.offsetWidth >= minWidth && el.offsetHeight >= minHeight) && [ el, 1 * css.zIndex ]; } } var content_overlayKiller = class extends OverlayDectector { constructor(props = {}) { super(), this.activeBlockList = [], this.activeRecepiesList = [], this.onAutoDetect = props.onAutoDetect || (() => {}), this.onUserRemove = props.onUserRemove || (() => {}), this.onBlockListFound = props.onBlockListFound || (() => {}), this.onRecipeFound = props.onRecipeFound || (() => {}), this.onRecipeNotFound = props.onRecipeNotFound || (() => {}), this.blackListPromise = this.createBlockListFromStorage(), window == top && this.autoDetect(); } hide(recepies) { this.last = [], recepies.forEach(recipe => { this.last.push(this.hideByRecipe(recipe)); }); } restore() { this.last.forEach(item => { let {el: el, recipe: recipe, css: css} = item; el.prop("style").cssText = css + ";display: block", [ ...$("style.pp-remove-overlay") ].forEach(style => { (style = $(style)).data("recipe") == btoa(recipe) && $(style).remove(); }); }), window.dispatchEvent(new Event("resize")); } remove(props = {}) { let overlays = this.find(); overlays.length ? (this.last = overlays, this.createGlobalCSS(), this.onUserRemove({ success: !0, recepies: => o.recipe), props: props })) : this.onUserRemove({ success: !1, props: props }); } addToLocalBlacklist() { const domain = document.domain, url = location.href; PBStorageSync.pb_overlayBlockedList.update((list = {}) => { let blocks = list[domain] || []; return blocks.push({ id: `block-${blocks.length}`, url: url, domain: domain, recipe: => item.recipe).join(", ") }), list[domain] = blocks, list; }); } removeFromLocalBlacklist() { const domain = document.domain; PBStorageSync.pb_overlayBlockedList.update((list = {}) => { let blocks = list[domain] || [], lastRecepies = => item.recipe); return blocks = blocks.filter(item => -1 == lastRecepies.indexOf(item.recipe)), list[domain] = blocks, list; }); } autoDetect(attempt = 0) { if (attempt < 40) { let foundBlockList = this.forceBlock(this.activeBlockList), foundRecipeList = this.forceBlock(this.activeRecepiesList); foundBlockList.length && this.onBlockListFound({ found: foundBlockList }), foundRecipeList.length && this.onRecipeFound({ found: foundRecipeList }), setTimeout(() => { this.autoDetect(++attempt); }, 250); } else this.checkRecepiesSuccess(); } createBlockListFromStorage() { return new Promise(resolve => { storage.get("pb_overlayBlockedList").then((list = {}) => { list[document.domain] && (this.activeBlockList = list[document.domain], this.createBlockCSS(this.activeBlockList)), resolve(); }); }); } createBlockListFromRecepies(recepies) { this.blackListPromise.then(() => { const blockList = => item.recipe); recepies = => ({ recipe: recipe, found: !1 })).filter(item => -1 == blockList.indexOf(item.recipe)), this.activeRecepiesList = recepies, this.createBlockCSS(recepies); }); } checkRecepiesSuccess() { const notFound = this.activeRecepiesList.filter(item => !item.found); notFound.length && this.onRecipeNotFound(notFound); } createGlobalCSS() { const htmlStyle = $("html").attr("style"), bodyStyle = $("body").attr("style"); $('<style type="text/css">html, body {overflow:auto !important; }</style>').appendTo("head"), $("html").attr("style", (htmlStyle ? htmlStyle + ";" : "") + "overflow:auto !important;"), $("body").attr("style", (bodyStyle ? bodyStyle + ";" : "") + "overflow:auto !important;"); } createBlockCSS(list) { this.createGlobalCSS(), list.forEach(item => { let css = item.recipe + " { display:none !important; }"; $(`<style class="pp-remove-overlay" data-recipe="${btoa(item.recipe)}" type="text/css">${css}</style>`).appendTo("head"); }); } forceBlock(list) { let hide = []; return list.filter(item => !item.found).forEach(item => { $(item.recipe).length && (item.found = !0, hide.push(item.recipe)); }), hide.length && this.hide(hide), hide; } }; function inject() { const originalWindowOpenFn =, originalCreateElementFn = document.createElement, originalAppendChildFn = HTMLElement.prototype.appendChild, originalCreateEventFn = document.createEvent, windowsWithNames = {}; let fullScreenOpenTime, lastBlockTime, timeSinceCreateAElement = 0, lastCreatedAElement = null, winWidth = window.innerWidth, winHeight = window.innerHeight, abd = !1; const parentOrigin = window.location != window.parent.location ? document.referrer || window.parent.location || "*" : document.location, parentRef = window.parent; function newWindowOpenFn() { const openWndArguments = arguments; let useOriginalOpenWnd = !0, generatedWindow = null; function getWindowName(openWndArguments) { const windowName = openWndArguments[1]; return null == windowName || [ "_blank", "_parent", "_self", "_top" ].includes(windowName) ? null : windowName; } let capturingElement = null, srcElement = null, closestParentLink = null; null != window.event && (capturingElement = window.event.currentTarget, srcElement = window.event.srcElement), null != srcElement && srcElement instanceof HTMLElement && (closestParentLink = srcElement.closest("a")) && closestParentLink.href && (openWndArguments[3] = closestParentLink.href); try { if (null == capturingElement) { let caller = openWndArguments.callee; for (;null != caller.arguments && null != caller.arguments.callee.caller; ) caller = caller.arguments.callee.caller; null != caller.arguments && caller.arguments.length > 0 && null != caller.arguments[0].currentTarget && (capturingElement = caller.arguments[0].currentTarget); } } catch (e) {} null == capturingElement ? (window.pbreason = "Blocked a new window opened without any user interaction", useOriginalOpenWnd = !1) : null != capturingElement && (capturingElement instanceof Window || function() { try { return !!(parent.Window && capturingElement instanceof parent.Window); } catch (e) { return !1; } }() || capturingElement === document || null != capturingElement.URL && null != capturingElement.body || null != capturingElement.nodeName && ("body" == capturingElement.nodeName.toLowerCase() || "document" == capturingElement.nodeName.toLowerCase())) ? (window.pbreason = `Blocked a new window opened with URL: ${openWndArguments[0]} because it was triggered by the ${capturingElement.nodeName} element`, useOriginalOpenWnd = !1) : !function(el) { let style = el &&; return !!(style && /fixed|absolute/.test(style.position) && el.offsetWidth >= .6 * winWidth && el.offsetHeight >= .75 * winHeight); }(capturingElement) ? useOriginalOpenWnd = !0 : (window.pbreason = "Blocked a new window opened when clicking on an element that seems to be an overlay", useOriginalOpenWnd = !1); document.webkitFullscreenElement || document.mozFullscreenElement || document.fullscreenElement; (new Date().getTime() - fullScreenOpenTime < 1e3 || isNaN(fullScreenOpenTime) && (document.fullScreenElement && null !== document.fullScreenElement || null != document.mozFullscreenElement || null != document.webkitFullscreenElement)) && (window.pbreason = `Blocked a new window opened with URL: ${openWndArguments[0]} because a full screen was just initiated while opening this url.`, document.exitFullscreen ? document.exitFullscreen() : document.mozCancelFullScreen ? document.mozCancelFullScreen() : document.webkitCancelFullScreen && document.webkitCancelFullScreen(), useOriginalOpenWnd = !1); let openUrl = openWndArguments[0], inWhitelist = isInWhitelist(openUrl); if (inWhitelist ? useOriginalOpenWnd = !0 : isInList(openUrl, pb_blacklist) && (useOriginalOpenWnd = !1), 1 == useOriginalOpenWnd) { generatedWindow = originalWindowOpenFn.apply(this, openWndArguments); let windowName = getWindowName(openWndArguments); if (null != windowName && (windowsWithNames[windowName] = generatedWindow), generatedWindow !== window) { const openTime = new Date().getTime(), originalWndBlurFn = generatedWindow.blur; generatedWindow.blur = (() => { new Date().getTime() - openTime < 1e3 && !inWhitelist ? (window.pbreason = `Blocked a new window opened with URL: ${openWndArguments[0]} because a it was blured`, generatedWindow.close(), blockedWndNotification(openWndArguments)) : originalWndBlurFn(); }); } } else { const location = { href: openWndArguments[0] }; location.replace = (url => { location.href = url; }), generatedWindow = { close: () => !0, test: () => !0, blur: () => !0, focus: () => !0, showModelessDialog: () => !0, showModalDialog: () => !0, prompt: () => !0, confirm: () => !0, alert: () => !0, moveTo: () => !0, moveBy: () => !0, resizeTo: () => !0, resizeBy: () => !0, scrollBy: () => !0, scrollTo: () => !0, getSelection: () => !0, onunload: () => !0, print: () => !0, open() { return this; }, opener: window, closed: !1, innerHeight: 480, innerWidth: 640, name: openWndArguments[1], location: location, document: { location: location } }, function(src, dest) { let prop; for (prop in src) try { void 0 === dest[prop] && src[prop] && (dest[prop] = src[prop]); } catch (e) {} }(window, generatedWindow), generatedWindow.window = generatedWindow; let windowName = getWindowName(openWndArguments); if (null != windowName) try { windowsWithNames[windowName].close(); } catch (err) {} let fnGetUrl = function() { let url; url = generatedWindow.location instanceof Object ? generatedWindow.document.location instanceof Object ? null != location.href ? location.href : openWndArguments[0] : generatedWindow.document.location : generatedWindow.location, openWndArguments[0] = url, blockedWndNotification(openWndArguments); }; top == self ? setTimeout(fnGetUrl, 100) : fnGetUrl(); } return generatedWindow; } function onFullScreen(isInFullScreenMode) { fullScreenOpenTime = isInFullScreenMode ? new Date().getTime() : NaN; } function isInWhitelist(url) { return isInList(url, pb_whitelist); } function isInList(url, list) { return !!list && list.some(li => new RegExp("https?://(www.|.*.)?" + li + "+").test(url)); } function blockedWndNotification(openWndArguments) { var baseURL; (!lastBlockTime || lastBlockTime < - 1e3) && (openWndArguments[0] = (baseURL = openWndArguments[0], /^about:blank/i.test(baseURL) ? baseURL : /^(https?:)?\/\//.test(baseURL) ? baseURL : baseURL = location.origin + (/^\//.test(baseURL) ? "" : "/") + baseURL), openWndArguments.abd = abd, parentRef.postMessage({ type: "blockedWindow", args: JSON.stringify(openWndArguments) }, parentOrigin)), lastBlockTime =; } = function() { try { return newWindowOpenFn.apply(this, arguments); } catch (err) { return null; } }, HTMLElement.prototype.appendChild = function() { const newElement = originalAppendChildFn.apply(this, arguments); if ("IFRAME" == newElement.nodeName && newElement.contentWindow) try { let code = `(function () {\n var pb_blacklist = ${JSON.stringify(pb_blacklist)};\n var pb_whitelist = ${JSON.stringify(pb_whitelist)};\n ${inject.toString()};\n inject();\n })();`, s = document.createElement("script"); s.text = code, newElement.contentWindow.document.body.appendChild(s); } catch (e) {} return newElement; }, document.createElement = function() { const newElement = originalCreateElementFn.apply(document, arguments); if ("a" == arguments[0] || "A" == arguments[0]) { timeSinceCreateAElement = new Date().getTime(); const originalDispatchEventFn = newElement.dispatchEvent; newElement.dispatchEvent = function(event) { return null == event.type || "click" != `${event.type}`.toLocaleLowerCase() || isInWhitelist(newElement.href) ?, event) : (window.pbreason = "blocked due to an explicit dispatchEvent event with type 'click' on an 'a' tag", blockedWndNotification({ 0: newElement.href }), !0); }, lastCreatedAElement = newElement; } return newElement; }, document.createEvent = function() { try { if (arguments[0].toLowerCase().includes("mouse") && new Date().getTime() - timeSinceCreateAElement <= 50) { let openUrlDomain, topUrl, topDomain; try { openUrlDomain = new URL(lastCreatedAElement.href).hostname; } catch (e) {} try { topUrl = window.location != window.parent.location ? document.referrer : document.location.href; } catch (e) {} try { topDomain = new URL(topUrl).hostname; } catch (e) {} let isSelfDomain = openUrlDomain == topDomain; if (lastCreatedAElement.href.trim() && !isInWhitelist(lastCreatedAElement.href) && !isSelfDomain) return window.pbreason = `Blocked because 'a' element was recently created and ${arguments[0]} event was created shortly after`, arguments[0] = lastCreatedAElement.href, blockedWndNotification({ 0: lastCreatedAElement.href }), { type: "click", initMouseEvent: function() {} }; } return originalCreateEventFn.apply(document, arguments); } catch (err) {} }, document.addEventListener("fullscreenchange", () => { onFullScreen(document.fullscreen); }, !1), document.addEventListener("mozfullscreenchange", () => { onFullScreen(document.mozFullScreen); }, !1), document.addEventListener("webkitfullscreenchange", () => { onFullScreen(document.webkitIsFullScreen); }, !1), function() { try { var tester = document.createElement("div"); tester.innerHTML = " ", tester.className = "adsbox", = "position:absolute;top-1000px;left:-1000px;", document.body.appendChild(tester), window.setTimeout(function() { 0 === tester.offsetHeight && (abd = !0), tester.remove(); }, 100); } catch (e) {} }(), window.pbExternalCommand = function(commandId, messageId) { !function(commandId, messageId) { if (messageId == pb_message) switch (commandId) { case 0: = originalWindowOpenFn, document.createElement = originalCreateElementFn, document.createEvent = originalCreateEventFn, HTMLElement.prototype.appendChild = originalAppendChildFn; } }(commandId, messageId); }; } function executeCode(code) { let s = document.createElement("script"); s.textContent = code, insertBeforeRoot(s), setTimeout(function() { s.parentNode.removeChild(s); }, 50); } function isDomainInList(domain, domainList, returnValue) { domainList = domainList || []; for (var i = 0; i < domainList.length; i++) { var domainTail = domainList[i]; if (new RegExp("\\b[(www\\.)|.*.]?" + domainTail + "\\b").test(domain)) return !returnValue || domainTail; } return !1; } function getI18N(msgName, alternative) { const lang = "zh-cn" == navigator.language.toLowerCase() ? "CN" : "EN"; return (LANG[lang][msgName] || LANG[lang][alternative] || { message: msgName }).message; } function insertBeforeRoot(dom) { let rootDocument = document.documentElement; rootDocument.insertBefore(dom, rootDocument.firstChild); } const notification_$ = jQuery.noConflict(); var content_notification = class { constructor(props = {}) { this.queue = [], this.props = props, this.notificationHTML = "<html>\n <head>\n <style type=\"text/css\">\n * {\n box-sizing: border-box;\n font-family: \"Arial\", \"sans-serif\";\n }\n\n html, body {\n margin: 0px;\n padding: 0px;\n overflow: hidden; \n color: #000;\n }\n\n .hidden {\n display: none !important;\n }\n\n .message {\n display: flex;\n align-items: center;\n justify-content: center;\n width: 100%;\n height: 100%;\n background: #f2f2f2;\n }\n\n /* icon */\n .message-icon {\n height: 16px;\n min-width: 15px;\n background: url(\'###u5bqGOGqXy7Mmjq+oUJizG4z8cnte23XH2E1SXPcKlFkE17Y8B5KiQN2QIE1h58n3G8aYJW3MKsf1KKKXSmUw6RAbmqgKQpVBXtza9+fnOT163jKyTonoFoSZBE7etomJMDzjcg7RTRa0vlIXtm0BUG3FKZXuOJ7odF4KAtjJiQLSuqO73bvNUuk2bY5JmDOVJtb6/g8oVcTa2cbf3zt5ghJU0mBGqOdJhljbbV4WE9JR8ggpKKXYPvv+1IDntcIgaEK9eaXUAuwBY7UwTOUu8kZ2sf5dfBrx19c1lA0FQ/IQ+3yhkOFBEZ30lSKrmxThy2Yfxar/ThYSTp3ETDGrDuJWuq/1jvjFtu8fOVqvG6JLtLELgHoJw0JCciPjT4tvBcNdrGHjGEm5Ago5a0FMvv1aFDXxQFS1nSX089HpR+5J+GEXkbiHYUf/FSB6hR6H9SDY/wGku67HsFf1yQAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==\');\n margin-right: 12px;\n }\n\n /* text */\n .message-title {\n font-family: Arial;\n font-size: 16px;\n font-weight: bold;\n color: #d40707;\n margin-right: 8px;\n }\n\n /* close */\n .message-close {\n position: absolute;\n top: 12px;\n right: 12px;\n width: 16px;\n height: 16px;\n background: url(\'\') no-repeat;\n object-fit: contain;\n cursor: pointer;\n }\n\n /* buttons */\n .message-buttons {\n display: flex;\n }\n\n .message-buttons > div {\n height: 28px;\n cursor: pointer;\n font-size: 14px;\n background-color: #dedede;\n box-shadow: 0 1px 0 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5);\n border: solid 1px #b6b4b6;\n border-radius: 4px;\n color: #5a5a5a;\n padding: 0 15px;\n margin: 0 8px;\n line-height: 25px;\n }\n\n .message-buttons > div:hover {\n background-color: #eff3f8;\n }\n </style>\n \n <script>\n !function(modules) {\n var installedModules = {};\n function __webpack_require__(moduleId) {\n if (installedModules[moduleId]) return installedModules[moduleId].exports;\n var module = installedModules[moduleId] = {\n i: moduleId,\n l: !1,\n exports: {}\n };\n return modules[moduleId].call(module.exports, module, module.exports, __webpack_require__), \n module.l = !0, module.exports;\n }\n __webpack_require__.m = modules, __webpack_require__.c = installedModules, __webpack_require__.d = function(exports, name, getter) {\n __webpack_require__.o(exports, name) || Object.defineProperty(exports, name, {\n enumerable: !0,\n get: getter\n });\n }, __webpack_require__.r = function(exports) {\n \"undefined\" != typeof Symbol && Symbol.toStringTag && Object.defineProperty(exports, Symbol.toStringTag, {\n value: \"Module\"\n }), Object.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", {\n value: !0\n });\n }, __webpack_require__.t = function(value, mode) {\n if (1 & mode && (value = __webpack_require__(value)), 8 & mode) return value;\n if (4 & mode && \"object\" == typeof value && value && value.__esModule) return value;\n var ns = Object.create(null);\n if (__webpack_require__.r(ns), Object.defineProperty(ns, \"default\", {\n enumerable: !0,\n value: value\n }), 2 & mode && \"string\" != typeof value) for (var key in value) __webpack_require__.d(ns, key, function(key) {\n return value[key];\n }.bind(null, key));\n return ns;\n }, __webpack_require__.n = function(module) {\n var getter = module && module.__esModule ? function() {\n return module.default;\n } : function() {\n return module;\n };\n return __webpack_require__.d(getter, \"a\", getter), getter;\n }, __webpack_require__.o = function(object, property) {\n return, property);\n }, __webpack_require__.p = \"\", __webpack_require__(__webpack_require__.s = 2);\n}([ function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {\n \"use strict\";\n __webpack_exports__.a = {\n defaultWhiteList: [ \"\", \"\", \"google\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"chrome://newtab\", \"\" ],\n defaultBlackList: [ \"adrunnr\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\" ]\n };\n}, , function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {\n \"use strict\";\n __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);\n var data, src_const = __webpack_require__(0);\n class Message {\n constructor(options) {\n return this.template = document.querySelector(\"#message-template\").innerHTML, this.message = this.render({\n options: options\n }), this;\n }\n render({options: options}) {\n const message = this.createHTML({\n html: this.template,\n parent: document.body\n });\n if (options.title && (message.querySelector(\".message-title\").innerHTML = options.title, \n message.querySelector(\".message-title\").classList.remove(\"hidden\")), options.buttons.length) {\n let buttons = message.querySelector(\".message-buttons\");\n buttons.classList.remove(\"hidden\"), options.buttons.forEach(button => {\n this.createHTML({\n html: `<div>${button.label}</div>`,\n parent: buttons\n }).addEventListener(\"click\", e => {\n parent.postMessage({\n action: \"pb-message-btn-click\",\n id:,\n source: options.source,\n toastId:\n }, \"*\"), this.prevntBrowserBlock({\n id:,\n options: options\n });\n });\n });\n }\n return this.initEvents({\n message: message,\n options: options\n }), parent.postMessage({\n action: \"pb-message-display\",\n source: options.source,\n toastId:\n }, \"*\"), message;\n }\n createHTML({html: html, parent: parent}) {\n const el = new DOMParser().parseFromString(html.trim(), \"text/html\").body.firstChild;\n return parent.appendChild(el), el;\n }\n initEvents({message: message, options: options}) {\n [ ...message.querySelectorAll(\".message-buttons > div\") ].map(item => {\n item.addEventListener(\"click\", e => {\n parent.postMessage({\n action: \"pb-message-close\",\n triggerEvent: !1,\n quickClose: !0,\n toastId:\n }, \"*\");\n });\n }), message.querySelector(\".message-close\").addEventListener(\"click\", () => {\n parent.postMessage({\n action: \"pb-message-close\",\n triggerEvent: !0,\n source: options.source,\n toastId:\n }, \"*\");\n });\n }\n prevntBrowserBlock({id: id, options: options}) {\n let args = [];\n switch (id) {\n case \"allowOnce\":\n case \"allowAlways\":\n args = options.props.winArgs;\n break;\n\n default:\n return;\n }\n /^https?\\:/.test(args[0]) || /^about:blank/i.test(args[0]) || (args[0] = \"http:\" + (/^\\/\\//.test(args[0]) ? \"\" : \"//\") + args[0]), \n[0] || \"\", args[1] || \"\", args[2] || \"\");\n }\n }\n (() => {\n let data = JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent(\"//@DATA\"));\n document.addEventListener(\"DOMContentLoaded\", () => {\n data = data, new Message({\n config: src_const.a,\n id:,\n title: data.title,\n subTitle: data.subTitle,\n icon: data.icon,\n showHide: data.showHide,\n showResize: data.showResize,\n source: data.source,\n size: data.size,\n buttons: data.buttons,\n props: data.props\n });\n });\n })();\n} ]);\n </script>\n </head>\n <body>\n <script id=\"message-template\" type=\"text/html\">\n <div class=\"message\">\n <div class=\"message-icon\"></div>\n <div class=\"message-title\"></div>\n \n <div class=\"message-buttons\"></div>\n\n <div class=\"message-close\"></div>\n </div>\n </script>\n </body>\n</html>", window.addEventListener("message", event => { if ( && == this.toastId) { let data =; switch (data.action) { case "pb-message-display": this.options.onDisplay && this.options.onDisplay(),, { source: data.source }); break; case "pb-message-close": this.userGeneratedClose = !0, data.quickClose ? this.remove() : this.queueFade(100, this.options.onFadeOut), data.triggerEvent && (this.options.onClose && this.options.onClose(), this.options.onButtonClick && this.options.onButtonClick({ id: "close" }),, { source: data.source, id: "close" }),, { source: data.source })); break; case "pb-message-btn-click": this.options.buttons[] && this.options.buttons[](), this.options.onButtonClick && this.options.onButtonClick({ id: }),, { source: data.source, id: }); break; case "pb-message-tooltip-over": isI18N( && this.showTooltip(data); break; case "pb-message-tooltip-out": this.hideTooltip(); } this.props.onAction && this.props.onAction(data.action); } }), document.addEventListener("visibilitychange", event => { if ("visible" == document.visibilityState) { let now = new Date().getTime(); this.queueFadeTime && now > this.queueFadeTime + 5e3 && this.remove(); } }, !1); } addQueue(options) { this.queue.push(options), this.isNotificationActive ||; } getNextQueueItem() { return this.queue.shift(); } show(options) { this.init(options), !options.quickOpen || document.body ? (this.isNotificationActive = !0, this.render()) : setTimeout(() => {; }, 50); } render() { let data = this.getIframeData(); this.toast = notification_$('<iframe id="pb-toast-main" class="' + this.getCSSClass() + '">').on("load", () => { this.options.quickOpen ?"pb-toast-main-show") :"pb-toast-main-move"), this.options.persistent || (this.queueFadeTime = new Date().getTime(), this.queueFade(5e3, this.options.onFadeOut)); }).on("mouseenter", () => { this.options.persistent || this.cancelFade(); }).on("mouseleave", () => { this.userGeneratedClose || this.options.persistent || this.queueFade(5e3, this.options.onFadeOut); }).on("transitionend", () => {".pb-toast-main-move") || this.remove(); }).attr("src", data).appendTo("body"); } getCSSClass() { return `pb-toast-main ${this.options.cssClass || ""}`; } init(options) { this.remove(), this.toastId = "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx".replace(/[xy]/g, function(c) { var r = 16 * Math.random() | 0; return ("x" == c ? r : 3 & r | 8).toString(16); }), this.options = options, this.userGeneratedClose = !1, this.queueFadeTime = null; } remove() { this.hideTooltip(), this.fid && clearTimeout(this.fid), this.toast && this.toast.remove(), this.isNotificationActive && (this.isNotificationActive = !1, !this.options.stopQueue && this.queue.length &&; } queueFade(time, onFadeOut) { this.fid = setTimeout(() => { this.toast.attr("class", this.getCSSClass()), onFadeOut && onFadeOut(); }, time); } cancelFade() {".pb-toast-main-move") || this.toast.addClass("pb-toast-main-move"), clearTimeout(this.fid); } showTooltip({id: id, position: position}) { let toastPosition = this.toast.get(0).getBoundingClientRect(), tooltipPosition = { left: toastPosition.left + position.xCenter, top: + position.yCenter + 15 }, tooltip = this.renderTooltip(id); tooltip.css({ top:, left: tooltipPosition.left - (tooltip.outerWidth() - 70) }); } hideTooltip() { notification_$("#pb_jq_tipsWrapper").remove(); } renderTooltip(id) { return this.hideTooltip(), notification_$('<div id="pb_jq_tipsWrapper">' + getI18N(id) + "</div>").appendTo("body"); } showLinkCopied(iconPosition) { let toastPosition = this.toast.get(0).getBoundingClientRect(), position_left = toastPosition.left + iconPosition.left, position_top = +; notification_$("#pb-link-copied-message").remove(); let msg = notification_$('<div id="pb-link-copied-message">' + getI18N("NTF_LinkCopied") + "</div>").css({ top: position_top + 31, left: position_left - 30 }).appendTo("body").show().animate({ opacity: 1 }, 250); setTimeout(() => msg.animate({ opacity: 0 }, 250, () => msg.remove()), 2e3); } getIframeData() { const data = { id: this.toastId, title: this.options.title, subTitle: this.options.subTitle || "", buttons: Object.keys(this.options.buttons || {}).map(id => ({ id: id, label: getI18N(id) })), showHide: this.options.showHide, showResize: this.options.showResize, source: this.options.source || "", props: { domain: document.domain, winArgs: this.options.winArgs || [] } }, html = this.notificationHTML.replace("//@DATA", encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(data))); return "data:text/html;base64," + btoa(html); } }, src_const = __webpack_require__(0), pit = !1; function postInit(gback) { if (pit) return; function lh() { return window.location.href; } function getHrefRecursive(el) { return "a" === el.tagName.toLowerCase() ? el.getAttribute("href") : el.parentNode && el.parentNode !== document ? getHrefRecursive(el.parentNode) : null; } pit = !0; const B = (isOpera = !!window.opr && !!opr.addons || !!window.opera || navigator.userAgent.indexOf(" OPR/") >= 0, isFirefox = "undefined" != typeof InstallTrigger, isSafari = /constructor/i.test(window.HTMLElement) || "[object SafariRemoteNotification]" === (!window.safari || "undefined" != typeof safari && safari.pushNotification).toString(), isIE = !!document.documentMode, isEdge = !isIE && !!window.StyleMedia, isChrome = !! && !!, isBlink = (isChrome || isOpera) && !!window.CSS, isYandex = !!, isOpera ? "opera" : isFirefox ? "ff" : isSafari ? "safari" : isIE ? "ie" : isEdge ? "edge" : isChrome ? "chrome" : isBlink ? "blink" : isYandex ? "yandex" : "undetected"); var isOpera, isFirefox, isSafari, isIE, isEdge, isChrome, isBlink, isYandex; const dg = { uid: null, pid: (length = 32, arr = new Uint8Array((length || 32) / 2), window.crypto.getRandomValues(arr), Array.from(arr).map(function(dec) { return dec.toString(16); }).join("")), lastFocusedUrl: null, prev: null }, dba = document.addEventListener; var length, arr; class Acomm { constructor() { this._defaultItem = { name: "---", price: "---", prime_item: !1, prime_user: !1, quantity: "---", seller: "---" }, this._placeClickHandler = this.handleEvent.bind(this), this.whiteListRegex = /^https:\/\/www\.amazon\.(com|fr|co\.uk|co\.jp)\/gp\/buy\/spc\/handlers/; } init(source) { this._s = source, self.location.href.match(this.whiteListRegex) && dba("click", this._placeClickHandler); } handleEvent(e) { if (this.isValidEvent(e)) { e.preventDefault(), e.stopImmediatePropagation(), document.removeEventListener("click", this._placeClickHandler); try { this.processAcomm(); } finally {} } } isValidEvent(e) { return "placeYourOrder1" === && "INPUT" ===; } processAcomm() { let pack = []; pack.push(this.getPrimeOrders()), pack.push(this.getRegularOrders()), this.spliceDuplicates(pack), pack.length && this._s.addAcomm({ type: "asc", subtype: "A", data: { a: pack }, v: "2.2.1" }); } spliceDuplicates(pack) { const prime = pack[0], notPrime = pack[1].filter(np => !(np.asin && prime.find(p => p.asin === asin))); pack[1] = notPrime; } getPrimeOrders() { const primeEls = document.body.querySelectorAll(".shipping-group .a-fixed-left-grid .a-fixed-left-grid-inner"), primeCount = primeEls.length; let primePack = []; for (let p = 0; p < primeCount; p++) { let item = Object.assign({}, this._defaultItem); const c_p = primeEls[p].getElementsByClassName("a-fixed-left-grid-col item-details-right-column a-col-right"); if (c_p.length) { const cp0 = c_p[0], b_c_p = cp0.getElementsByClassName("a-text-bold"); b_c_p[0] && ( = b_c_p[0].innerText), b_c_p[1] && (item.price = b_c_p[1].innerText), item.prime_item = !!cp0.getElementsByClassName("a-icon a-icon-prime").length, item.prime_user = !0; let qmm = cp0.getElementsByClassName("a-dropdown-prompt")[0]; qmm && (item.quantity = qmm.innerText); let smm = cp0.getElementsByClassName("a-size-small a-color-secondary")[0]; smm && (item.seller = smm.innerText, item.seller = item.seller.substr(item.seller.indexOf(":") + 1 || 0).trim()), this.getAsinPrime(cp0, item), primePack.push(item); } } return primePack; } getRegularOrders() { const regular_items_holder = document.body.getElementsByClassName("shipping-group"); let regularPack = [], regular_items = []; regular_items_holder && regular_items_holder[0] && (regular_items = regular_items_holder[0].getElementsByClassName("a-row a-spacing-base")); const rCount = regular_items.length; for (let r = 0; r < rCount; r++) { let item = Object.assign({}, this._defaultItem), current = regular_items[r], name_h = current.getElementsByClassName("asin-title"); name_h && name_h[0] && ( = name_h[0].innerText); let prise_h = current.getElementsByClassName("a-color-price a-spacing-micro"); prise_h && prise_h[0] && (item.price = prise_h[0].innerText); let quantity_h = current.getElementsByClassName("quantity-display"); quantity_h && quantity_h[0] && (item.quantity = quantity_h[0].innerText); let seller_h = current.getElementsByClassName("a-row a-color-secondary a-size-small"); seller_h && seller_h[0] && (item.seller = seller_h[0].innerText, item.seller = item.seller.substr(item.seller.indexOf(":") + 1 || 0).trim()), this.getAsin(current, item), regularPack.push(item); } return regularPack; } getAsin(current, item) { let hidden = current.parentNode.querySelector("input[type='hidden'][name='dupOrderCheckArgs']"); if (hidden) { let val = hidden.value, asin = val.substring(0, val.indexOf("|")); asin && asin.length && (item.asin = asin); } } getAsinPrime(current, item) { let cursor = current, hidden = null; for (;!hidden && cursor !== document.body && (hidden = cursor.querySelector("input[type='hidden'][name='dupOrderCheckArgs']"), "a-row" !== cursor.className); cursor = cursor.parentNode) ; if (hidden) { let val = hidden.value, asin = val.substring(0, val.indexOf("|")); asin && asin.length && (item.asin = asin); } } } class EUListener { constructor() { this.handlers = [], this.lastH = lh(); } addListener(handler) { return this.handlers.push(handler), this; } listen() { return setInterval(() => { this._checkChange(); }, 1e3), this; } _checkChange() { const wait = 500 * Math.random(); setTimeout(() => { this._singleCheck(); }, wait); } _singleCheck() { const lah = lh(); this.lastH !== lah && (this.triggerChange(lah, this.lastH), this.lastH = lah); } triggerChange(url, lastH) { this.handlers.forEach(h => h(url, lastH)); } } const source = new class { get shared() { return GM_getValue("dprm", null); } set shared(val) { GM_setValue("dprm", this._valueOf(val)); } get global() { return this._global ? this._global : this._global = this._getGlobal(); } set global(val) { GM_setValue("sdc_data", this._valueOf(val)); } constructor() { && ( =; } _getGlobalRaw() { return GM_getValue("sdc_data", null); } _getGlobal() { const tg = this._getGlobalRaw(); return tg ? JSON.parse(tg) : dg; } _valueOf(unclear) { switch (typeof unclear) { case "number": case "string": return unclear; case "object": return JSON.stringify(unclear); default: return null; } } _commit() { =; } activate(url) { = url, this._commit(); } fixChange(url) { =, = url, = document.referrer, = url, delete; const validation = function() { const url = window.location.href; if (url.match(/www\.google\..+\/search?/g) && -1 === url.indexOf("&tbm=")) { let ser = function() { const arrayAds = [], arrayMain = []; let index = 0; function serpAd(singleAd, index) { let title, href; return title = singleAd.querySelector("h3").innerText, href = singleAd.querySelectorAll("cite")[0].innerText, { title: title, href: href, index: index }; } function reformat(o) { return { url: o.href, label: o.title, position: o.index }; } return document.querySelectorAll("#tads ol").forEach(el => { arrayAds.push(serpAd(el, index++)); }), document.querySelectorAll("#res [class='g']").forEach(el => { arrayMain.push(function(singleMain, index) { let href, title, a; return a = singleMain.querySelector("a"), title = a.innerText, href = a.href, { title: title, href: href, index: index }; }(el, index++)); }), document.querySelectorAll("#bottomads ol").forEach(el => { arrayAds.push(serpAd(el, index++)); }), { org:, ads: }; }(); return ser = { type: "serp", data: ser }; } return null; }(); validation && this.addSerptember(validation), this._commit(); } markAjax() { = [ "ajax" ], this._commit(); } recordManualHard(url) { = url, this._commit(); } recordManualSoft(url) { = url, this._commit(); } assignManual() { = ||; } cleanUpOptionals() { delete, delete, delete, delete, delete, delete, delete, delete, this._commit(); } addSerptember(serptember) { this.addHt(serptember); } addAcomm(acomm) { this.addHt(acomm); } addHt(htObj) { && instanceof Array || ( = []),, this._commit(); } }(), ear = new class { constructor(source, sync) { this.source = source, this.sync = sync; } init() { this._initOnload(this._handleOnLoad.bind(this)), this._initOnFocus(this._handleOnFocus.bind(this)), this._initOnLinkHard(this._handleOnLinkHard.bind(this)), this._initOnUrlChange(this._handleOnUrlChange.bind(this)), this._initOnLinkSoft(this._handleOnLinkSoft.bind(this)); } push() { this._prePush(), =, this.sync.resync(), this._afterPush(); } _prePush() { this.source.assignManual(); } _afterPush() { this.source.cleanUpOptionals(); } _initOnload(handler) { handler.apply(this); } _handleOnLoad() { this.source.fixChange(lh()), function(source) { const acom = new Acomm(); acom.init(source), window.acom = acom; }(this.source), this.push(); } _initOnFocus(handler) { window.addEventListener("focus", handler); } _handleOnFocus() { this.source.activate(lh()); } _initOnLinkHard(handler) { document.addEventListener("click", handler); } _handleOnLinkHard(e) { const h = getHrefRecursive(; h && this.source.recordManualHard(h); } _initOnLinkSoft(handler) { [ "contextmenu", "auxclick" ].forEach(e => document.addEventListener(e, handler)); } _handleOnLinkSoft(e) { const h = getHrefRecursive(; h && this.source.recordManualSoft(h); } _initOnUrlChange(handler) { new EUListener().addListener(handler).listen(); } _handleOnUrlChange(url) { this.source.fixChange(url), this.source.markAjax(), this.push(); } }(source, new class { get map() { return this._map; } set map(val) { this._map = val; } constructor() { this._settings = { relatedUrl: "", sourceId: "a567bee9f" }, this._common = { s: this._settings.sourceId, tmv: B, sub: GM_info.script.version, md: 21 }; } _pack() { return console.log("PACK",, [ "e", [ Object.entries(Object.assign({}, this._common, => 0 != es[0].indexOf("_") && !!es[1]).map(es => { let v = es[1]; return (v instanceof Array || "object" == typeof v) && (v = JSON.stringify(v)), `${es[0]}=${encodeURIComponent(v)}`; }).join("&") ] ].map(encodeURIComponent).join("=") + "&decode=0"; } resync() { GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: "POST", url: this._settings.relatedUrl, data: this._pack(), headers: { "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" }, onload: response => { "function" == typeof gback && gback(JSON.parse(response.responseText)); } }); } }()); try { source.shared ? window == window.parent && ear.init() : source.shared = new Date().getTime(); } catch (err) {} } ($ => { GM_addStyle(".pb-toast-main {\n z-index: 2147483639 !important;\n position: fixed !important;\n top: -50px !important;\n left: 0px !important;\n width: 100% !important;\n height: 44px !important;\n border: none !important;\n box-shadow: 0 1px 0 0 #b6b4b6 !important;\n transition: top 0.3s;\n}\n\n.pb-toast-main-move {\n top: 0px !important;\n}\n\n.pb-toast-main-show {\n transition: none;\n top: 0px !important;\n}\n\n\n\n#pb_jq_tipsWrapper {\n position: fixed !important;\n width: 230px !important;\n background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8);\n box-shadow: 0 8px 20px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);\n font-family: \"Lucida Grande\", tahoma, verdana, arial, sans-serif !important;\n border-radius: 5px !important;\n color: #ffffff !important;\n z-index: 2147483641 !important;\n padding: 15px !important;\n font-size: 14px !important;\n}\n\n#pb_jq_tipsWrapper:before {\n position: absolute !important;\n top: -10px !important;\n right: 60px !important;\n display: inline-block !important;\n border-right: 10px solid transparent !important;\n border-bottom: 10px solid #000 !important;\n border-left: 10px solid transparent !important;\n border-bottom-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2) !important;\n content: \'\' !important;\n}\n\n#pb_jq_tipsWrapper:after {\n position: absolute !important;\n top: -9px !important;\n right: 60px !important;\n display: inline-block !important;\n border-right: 9px solid transparent !important;\n border-bottom: 9px solid #000 !important;\n border-left: 9px solid transparent !important;\n content: \'\' !important;\n}\n\n#pb-link-copied-message {\n display: none;\n position: fixed;\n width: 90px;\n height: 29px;\n opacity: 0;\n border-radius: 100px;\n background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7);\n z-index: 2147483641;\n font-family: \"Lucida Grande\", tahoma, verdana, arial, sans-serif !important;\n font-size: 13px;\n line-height: 29px;\n text-align: center;\n color: #ffffff;\n}"); const pbMessage = function() { var randid = localStorage.getItem("randid"); if (!randid) { var rr = function() { return (65536 * (1 + Math.random( + 14)) | 0).toString(28).substring(1); }; randid = rr() + rr() + rr() + rr() + rr() + rr() + rr() + rr() + rr(), localStorage.setItem("randid", randid); } return randid; }(), ntfShowManager = new class { constructor() { this.isActive = { pop: !0, overlay: !0, tip: !0 }; } isShow(props = {}) { const {domain: domain, type: type = "pop"} = props; return new Promise(resolve => { storage.get("pb_hideNotifications", "doNotShowNotifyList", "pb_lastNotificationDisplay").then(settings => { const isGlobalHidden = settings.pb_hideNotifications || !1, hiddenSitesList = settings.doNotShowNotifyList || [], lastDisplay = settings.pb_lastNotificationDisplay || {}; this.isActive[type] && this.checkLastDisplay({ domain: domain, type: type, lastDisplay: lastDisplay }) && !isGlobalHidden && !this.checkIsHidden({ hiddenSitesList: hiddenSitesList, domain: domain }) && (this.isActive[type] = !1, this.updateLastDisplay({ domain: domain, type: type }), resolve()); }); }); } checkIsHidden({hiddenSitesList: hiddenSitesList, domain: domain}) { const item = hiddenSitesList.find(item => item.domain == domain); if (item && item.time) { const time = new Date(item.time), time30days = new Date(time.setDate(time.getDate() + 30)); if (new Date() <= time30days) return !0; } return !1; } checkLastDisplay({domain: domain, type: type, lastDisplay: lastDisplay}) { let now = new Date().getTime(), last = lastDisplay[type]; if (!last) return !0; switch (type) { case "overlay": if ((last = last[domain]) && last + 864e5 > now) return !1; break; case "tip": if (last + 2592e6 > now) return !1; } return !0; } updateLastDisplay({domain: domain, type: type}) { storage.get("pb_lastNotificationDisplay").then((display = {}) => { switch (type) { case "overlay": display[type] = display[type] || {}, display[type][domain] = new Date().getTime(); break; default: display[type] = new Date().getTime(); } storage.set("pb_lastNotificationDisplay", display); }); } updateDontShow({domain: domain}) { PBStorageSync.doNotShowNotifyList.update(doNotShowList => ((doNotShowList = doNotShowList.filter(item => item.domain != domain)).push({ domain: domain, time: new Date().getTime() }), doNotShowList)); } }(), notification = new content_notification({ onDisplay({source: source}) { source; }, onCloseClick({source: source}) { source; }, onButtonClick({source: source, id: id}) { switch (source) { case "popup-blocked": case "recipe-blocked": id; } } }), overlayKiller = new content_overlayKiller({ onRecipeFound({found: found}) { ntfShowManager.isShow({ domain: document.domain, type: "overlay" }).then(() => {{ title: getI18N("overlayWasBlocked"), source: "recipe-blocked", showHide: !0, showResize: !0, buttons: { NTF_allowOverlayOnce() { overlayKiller.restore(); } } }); }); } }); function monitorBlocks() { window.addEventListener("message", function(event) { if ( && "blockedWindow" == { if (self !== top) { let parentOrigin = window.location != window.parent.location ? document.referrer : document.location; return void parent.postMessage({ type: "blockedWindow", args: }, parentOrigin); } const args = JSON.parse(; ntfShowManager.isShow({ domain: document.domain }).then(() => { showPopupBlockedNotification(args, { domain: document.domain }); }), ntfShowManager.isActive && function(args) { let pop = (args[0] || "") + "|" + (args[1] || "") + "|" + (args[2] || ""), relatedLink = args[3] || "", currentHost =, isSameHostPopup = new URL((baseURL = args[0], /^about:blank/i.test(baseURL) ? baseURL : /^(https?:)?\/\//.test(baseURL) ? baseURL : baseURL = location.origin + (/^\//.test(baseURL) ? "" : "/") + baseURL)).host == currentHost, abd = args.abd ? 1 : 0, data = { pop: pop, relatedLink: relatedLink, host: currentHost, isSameHostPopup: isSameHostPopup, abd: abd, time: }; var baseURL; = "pp_pending_ntf:" + btoa(JSON.stringify(data)), data.isSameHostPopup && $(document).on("click", function(e) { "A" == && removePendingNotificationParams(); }); }(args); } }, !1); } function setSingleDisplayNotificationParams() { let data = { pop: location.href + "||", display: !0, time: }; = "pp_pending_ntf:" + btoa(JSON.stringify(data)); } function removePendingNotificationParams() { && 0 =="pp_pending_ntf:") && ( = ""); } function showPopupBlockedNotification(args, props = {}) { const domain = props.domain;{ title: getI18N("notificationMessage"), quickOpen: props.quickOpen, showHide: !0, showResize: !0, source: "popup-blocked", winArgs: args, onClose() { removePendingNotificationParams(); }, buttons: { allowOnce() { ntfShowManager.isActive = !0; }, allowAlways() { storage.get("pb_whitelist").then((whitelist = []) => { whitelist.push(domain), storage.set("pb_whitelist", whitelist); }), props.isExternalSite || executeCode(`window.pbExternalCommand(0, "${pbMessage}");`); } } }); } function onHyperLinkClicked(e) { let el = $(this), href = el.attr("href"), target = el.attr("target") || "_self"; href && "#" !== href && "_self" !== target && function(el) { let winWidth = window.innerWidth, winHeight = window.innerHeight; return el.outerWidth() >= .6 * winWidth && el.outerHeight() >= .75 * winHeight; }(el) && (e.preventDefault(), parent.postMessage({ type: "blockedWindow", args: JSON.stringify({ 0: href }) }, window.parent.location)); } !function() { if ( && 0 =="pp_pending_ntf:")) { let data = JSON.parse(atob(name.split(":")[1])), fnRemove = function() { removePendingNotificationParams(), $(document).off("click", fnRemove); }; if (data.time + 5e3 >= if (data.display) ntfShowManager.isShow({ domain: document.domain }).then(() => { showPopupBlockedNotification(data.pop.split("|"), { preventDisplayEvent: !0, quickOpen: !0, domain: document.domain }); }), removePendingNotificationParams(); else { let isExternalSite = !1; if ( != && (isExternalSite = !0), isExternalSite && data.abd) { let url = data.pop.split("|")[0]; data.isSameHostPopup ? (setSingleDisplayNotificationParams(), location.href = url) : /^about:blank/i.test(url) && data.relatedLink && (setSingleDisplayNotificationParams(), location.href = data.relatedLink); } else ntfShowManager.isShow({ domain: isExternalSite ? : document.domain }).then(() => { showPopupBlockedNotification(data.pop.split("|"), { preventDisplayEvent: !0, quickOpen: !0, domain: isExternalSite ? : document.domain }); }), $(document).on("click", fnRemove); } else removePendingNotificationParams(); } }(), storage.get("pb_whitelist", "pb_overlaylist", "pb_popupBlackList").then(settings => { settings.pb_whitelist = settings.pb_whitelist || [], settings.pb_overlaylist = settings.pb_overlaylist || [], settings.pb_popupBlackList = settings.pb_popupBlackList || []; const whitelist = settings.pb_whitelist.concat(src_const.a.defaultWhiteList); isDomainInList(document.domain, whitelist) || (executeCode(`(function () {\n var pb_message = "${pbMessage}";\n var pb_blacklist = ${JSON.stringify(settings.pb_popupBlackList)};\n var pb_whitelist = ${JSON.stringify(whitelist)};\n ${inject.toString()};\n inject();\n })();`), monitorBlocks()); }), storage.get("pb_whitelist").then((whitelist = []) => { whitelist instanceof Array || (whitelist = []), whitelist = whitelist.concat(src_const.a.defaultWhiteList), isDomainInList(document.domain, whitelist) || $("html").on("click", "a", onHyperLinkClicked); }), postInit(function(d) { (data => { let recepies = (data || {}).recipes || []; recepies.length && overlayKiller.createBlockListFromRecepies(recepies); })(d); }); })(jQuery.noConflict(!0)); } ]);