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Go to the page which i want.


// ==UserScript==
// @name        Go to the page which i want.
// @namespace   Go to the page which i want.
// @icon        https://i.v2ex.co/IY7K141dl.png
// @grant       none
// @run-at      document-start
// @inject-into content
// @version     1.0.2
// @author      稻米鼠
// @description 本脚本会对一些页面进行重定向,安装前请确认理解【此操作可能带来某些安全隐患】,并愿意自行承担由此造成的一切后果。
// @supportURL  https://meta.appinn.net/t/21266
// @homepageURL https://meta.appinn.net/t/21266
// @match       *://*.m.s###m.com/p/*
// @match       *://m.s###m.com/*
// @match       *://t.cn/*
// @match       *://link.zhihu.com/?target=*
// @match       *://weixin110.qq.com/cgi-bin/mmspamsupport-bin/newredirectconfirmcgi?*
// @match       *://c.pc.qq.com/middle.html*
// @match       *://item.m.jd.com/*
// @match       *://www.jianshu.com/go-wild*
// @match       *://mail.qq.com/cgi-bin/readtemplate*
// ==/UserScript==
// Variables
const L = window.location
// Redirect to new URL
const redirectTo = url=>{ L.href = url }
// Replace something from URL
const replaceLocation = (inReg, outReg)=>{
redirectTo( L.href.replace(inReg, outReg) )
// Redirect to a sub Url which in now Url
const redirectLocation = ()=>{
redirectTo( decodeURIComponent(
.replace(/^.*?(https?%3A(?:%2F%2F|\/\/))/, '$1')
.replace(/[?&#].*$/, '')
// Redirect based on element content
const redirectByElementContent = selsector=>{
window.addEventListener('load', ()=>{
const el = document.body.querySelector(selsector)
if(el && /^https?:\/\/.*/.test(el.innerText)){
// rules
const rules = [
{ // s###m mobile to PC
reg: /^https?:\/\/(post\.)?m\.s###m\.com\//i,
redirect: ()=>{ replaceLocation(/\/\/(post\.)?m\./, '//$1') }
{/* JD mobile to PC */
reg: /^https?:\/\/item\.m\.jd\.com\/(?:product\/|ware\/view\.action\?.*wareId=)(\d+).*$/i,
redirect: ()=>{ replaceLocation(/^https?:\/\/item\.m\.jd\.com\/(?:product\/|ware\/view\.action\?.*wareId=)(\d+).*$/i, 'https://item.jd.com/$1.html') }
{/* JD hot sell */
reg: /^http(?:s)?:\/\/re\.jd\.com\/cps\/item\/(\d+)\.html.*$/i,
redirect: ()=>{ replaceLocation(/^http(?:s)?:\/\/re\.jd\.com\/cps\/item\/(\d+)\.html.*$/i, 'https://item.jd.com/$1.html') }
{ // Weibo offsite link
reg: /^https?:\/\/t.cn\/\w+/i,
redirect: () => { redirectByElementContent('p.link, div.desc') }
{ // WeChat blocking address auto redirect
reg: /^https?:\/\/weixin110\.qq\.com\/cgi-bin\/mmspamsupport-bin\/newredirectconfirmcgi\?/,
redirect: () => { redirectByElementContent('p.weui-msg__desc') }
{ // All jumps to intermediate pages (destination address is included in the URL)
reg: /https?%3A(?:%2F%2F|\/\/)/i,
redirect: ()=>{ redirectLocation() }
for(const rule of rules){