You can also try these related scripts:
- AC-baidu-google_sogou_bing_RedirectRemove_favicon_adaway_TwoLine - 1.bypass the redirect link at baidu\sogou\google\haosou; 2.remove ads at baidu; 3.add Favicon for each website; 4.render your own style; 5.counter; 6.Switch to handle all 7.Auto Pager
- Download Original Picture - A tool to help you download full size images from websites
- [Film Tools] VIP movie analysis, short video analysis, search engine, Douban/Time Quick Search - VIP movie analysis: Youku, Tencent, iQiqi, LeEco, PPTV, 1905, Mango, Fengxing, Bilibili, Sohu; Short video analysis: youtube, station B, watermelon, Tiktok, Kwai, Xiao####shu, microblog, acfun;
- chatGPT tools Plus(修改版) - Google, Bing, Baidu, Yandex, 360 Search, Google Mirror, Sogou, B Station, F Search, DuckDuckgo, CSDN sidebar CHAT search, integrate domestic words, star fire, sky work, righteous AI, Chatglm, 360 wisdom, 360 wisdom brain. Experience AI immediately, no need to turn over the wall, no registration, no need to wait!
- Search Engine Assistant - "Elegant search engine assistant" allows switching between engines; supports custom engines, keyword highlighting; offers redirect removal, ad blocking, keyword filtering, and auto-updates; compatible with Baidu, Google, Bing, Duckduckgo, Yandex, Sogou, Qwant, Ecosia, You, Startpage, Brave, Yahoo, Yep, Swisscows, searXNG and more.