Allows you to see the entire Walmart Grocery cart all at once and sorts from prices from high to low when you add ?sort to the url
// ==UserScript== // @name Walmart Cart Review // @namespace // @version 0.1 // @description Allows you to see the entire Walmart Grocery cart all at once and sorts from prices from high to low when you add ?sort to the url // @author timsayshey // @match* // @match* // @grant none // ==/UserScript== function addJQuery(callback) { var script = document.createElement("script"); script.setAttribute("src", "//"); script.addEventListener('load', function() { var script = document.createElement("script"); script.textContent = "window.jQ=jQuery.noConflict(true);(" + callback.toString() + ")();"; document.body.appendChild(script); }, false); document.body.appendChild(script); } window.totalRuns = 0; // the guts of this userscript function main() { jQ("ytd-rich-item-renderer").css("visibility","hidden"); window.timer = setInterval(go, 500); window.onpopstate = function (event) { go() } function go() { var divList = jQ("div[class^='CartItem__itemContainer___']"); if(divList.length) { var searchParams = new URLSearchParams(; if(searchParams.has('sort')) { divList.sort(function(a, b){ var aa = parseFloat(jQ(a).find("span[class^='Price__priceUnit___']").text().replace(/[^0-9,.]+/g,'')); var bb = parseFloat(jQ(b).find("span[class^='Price__priceUnit___']").text().replace(/[^0-9,.]+/g,'')); return bb - aa; }); jQ("div[class^='Cart__items___']").html(divList); } jQ("div[class^='styles__mainContent___'] section,div[class^='styles__mainContent___'] header").remove(); jQ("div[class^='Cart__items___']").attr("style",` width: 100%; position: fixed; z-index: 9999999999999999; left: 0; right: 0; top: 0; bottom: 0; background: white; `); } } // Detect content changes var proxied = window.XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send; window.XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send = function() { //Here is where you can add any code to process the request. //If you want to pass the Ajax request object, pass the 'pointer' below var pointer = this var intervalId = window.setInterval(function(){ if(pointer.readyState != 4){ return; } //Here is where you can add any code to process the response. go(); setTimeout(function(){ go(); }, 2000); //If you want to pass the Ajax request object, pass the 'pointer' below clearInterval(intervalId); }, 1);//I found a delay of 1 to be sufficient, modify it as you need. return proxied.apply(this, []; }; } // load jQuery and execute the main function addJQuery(main);