Script for viewing the text of voice messages on VK.COM
// ==UserScript== // @name Voice VK // @namespace // @version 0.3 // @description Script for viewing the text of voice messages on VK.COM // @author Korolevsky Kirill // @homepage // @match *://** // @resource dekstopApi // @grant GM_getResourceText // ==/UserScript== function Inj() { const Logs = false; function addTextVoice(id, text) { let texts = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("cacheTextVoices")); if(texts == null) texts = {}; texts = {...texts, [id]: text}; localStorage.setItem("cacheTextVoices", JSON.stringify(texts)); if(Logs) console.log(`📍 Сообщение ${id} сохранено в localStorage!`); } function getTextVoice(id) { const texts = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("cacheTextVoices")); if(texts == null) return null; if(Logs) console.log(`📍 Сообщение ${id} получено из localStorage!`); return texts[id]; } function checkMessages(el) { var messages = el.querySelectorAll('.im-mess'); if (!messages) return; Array.from(messages).map(function (message) { if (message.checked) return; var find = message.getElementsByClassName('im_msg_media_audiomsg'); if(find.length == 0) return; checkMessage(message); message.checked = 1; }); } function setText(element, transcript) { const find = document.getElementById(`audio-text-message-${element.getAttribute('data-msgid').toString()}`); if(typeof(find) != "undefined" && find !== null) return; var text = document.createElement("span"); text.setAttribute("id", `audio-text-message-${element.getAttribute('data-msgid').toString()}`); = "color: rgba(127,127,127,1.0)"; if(transcript == "" || transcript == null) text.innerHTML = 'В голосовом сообщении слова не найдены.'; else text.innerHTML = '<span style="color: black">Сказал(-а):</span> ' + transcript; var injectElement = element.getElementsByClassName('im-mess--text'); injectElement[0].prepend(text); return transcript; } function checkMessage(msg) { if(msg.getAttribute('data-msgid').toString().indexOf("_") > -1) return 0; const find = getTextVoice(msg.getAttribute('data-msgid')); if(typeof(find) != "undefined" && find !== null) { setText(msg, find); return 0; } if(Logs) console.log(`📍 Начинаю распознование голсового сообщения с ID ${msg.getAttribute('data-msgid')}`); let attempts = 0; let interval = setInterval(() => { API("messages.getById", { message_ids: msg.getAttribute('data-msgid') }) .then((r) => { if(attempts >= 10) { clearInterval(interval); return r; } attempts += 1; if(r.response.items[0] == undefined) return r; else if(r.response.items[0].attachments[0] == undefined) return r; r = r.response.items[0].attachments[0].audio_message.transcript; clearInterval(interval); if(Logs) console.log(`😇 Сообщение ${msg.getAttribute('data-msgid')} успешно распознано!`); addTextVoice(msg.getAttribute('data-msgid'), r); setText(msg, r); return r; }).catch((e) => { if(Logs) { console.log(`😱 При распозновании сообщения ${msg.getAttribute('data-msgid')} произошла ошибка.\n\nЗапускаю через 5000ms новое распознование текста..`); console.error(e); } }); }, 5000); } var observer = new MutationObserver(async function (mutations) { mutations.forEach(async function (mutation) { if ( !== 1) return; checkMessages(; }); }); window.addEventListener("load", function () { checkMessages(document.body); observer.observe(document.body, { childList: true, subtree: true }); }); } (function injectScript() { var script = document.createElement('script'); var code = '(' + Inj + ')();'; code += '(function(){' + (GM_getResourceText('dekstopApi')) + '})();'; script.appendChild(document.createTextNode(code)); (document.body || document.head || document.documentElement).appendChild(script); })();