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IIROSE - NoGamblings

Block the message of gamblings from AIs!

Install this script?
// ==UserScript==
// @name         蔷薇花园-禁止赌博
// @name:en      IIROSE - NoGamblings
// @namespace    ckylin-script-iirose-nogamble
// @version      0.1
// @description  屏蔽机器人赌博消息!
// @description:en  Block the message of gamblings from AIs!
// @author       CKylinMC
// @match        https://iirose.com/messages.html
// @grant        unsafeWindow
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
'use strict';
function onSocketMessage(event) {
setTimeout(() => {
let msgs = document.querySelectorAll("div.msg");
if (msgs.length > 0) [...msgs].forEach((msg, index) => {
let senderDom = msg.querySelector("div.PubChatUserInfo");
if (!senderDom) return;
if (!["艾泽", "艾瑞", "艾莉", "艾薇", "艾洛", "艾瑟", "艾花", "艾A", "艾B", "上杉夏乡", "上杉夏香", "logos"].includes(senderDom.firstElementChild.innerText.trim())) return;
let msgcontent = msg.querySelector("div.roomChatContentBox");
if (!msgcontent) return;
if (msgcontent.innerText.indexOf("押注") != -1
&& msgcontent.innerText.indexOf("总金")!=-1
) {
let newNode = msg.cloneNode(true);
msg.style.display = none;
let chatcontainer = newNode.querySelector("div.roomChatContentBox");
if (!chatcontainer) return;
chatcontainer.innerHTML = "";
let notifyDiv = document.createElement("div");
notifyDiv.innerText = "🚫 此消息已因 '禁止赌博' 而移除。";
msg.parentElement.insertBefore(newNode, msg);
}, 100);
function registerHook() {
console.log("Try hook socket");
let socket;
let win = unsafeWindow;
if (win.mainFrame) win = win.mainFrame.contentWindow;
if (socket = win.socket) {
socket.addEventListener("message", e => onSocketMessage(e));
console.log("Socket hooked");
return true;
} else return false;
function tryHook() {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 200);