adds a link to myanimelist and anilist on Kitsu entries
// ==UserScript== // @name Kitsu External Links // @namespace // @version 1.0.1 // @description adds a link to myanimelist and anilist on Kitsu entries // @author Adrien Pyke // @match *://* // @grant none // @require // ==/UserScript== (() => { 'use strict'; const Api = { cache: {}, getId: () => document .querySelector('.cover-photo') .getAttribute('style') .match(/cover_images\/(?<id>\d+)/iu), getType: () => location.href.match(/kitsu\.io\/(?<type>anime|manga)/iu).groups.type, getLinks: async (id, type) => { const endpoint = `${type}/${id}?include=mappings`; if (Api.cache[endpoint]) return Api.cache[endpoint]; const response = await fetch(endpoint); const json = await response.json(); const mappings = json.included .filter(i => i.attributes.externalSite.match( /^(myanimelist|anilist)\/(anime|manga)$/iu ) ) .map(i => i.attributes); Api.cache[endpoint] = mappings; return mappings; } }; const getLinksContainer = container => { const node = document.createElement('div'); node.classList.add('where-to-watch-widget'); const links = document.createElement('ul'); links.classList.add('nav'); node.appendChild(links); container.appendChild(node); return links; }; const getLinkNode = mapping => { const { site, type } = mapping.externalSite.match( /^(?<site>myanimelist|anilist)\/(?<type>anime|manga)$/iu ).groups; const webSite = site === 'anilist' ? '' : ''; const href = `${webSite}/${type}/${mapping.externalId}`; const node = document.createElement('li'); const link = document.createElement('a'); link.classList.add('hint--top', 'hint--bounce', 'hint--rounded'); Object.assign(link, { href, target: '_blank', rel: 'noopener noreferrer' }); link.setAttribute('aria-label', site); node.appendChild(link); const logo = document.createElement('img'); Object.assign(logo, { src: site === 'anilist' ? '' : '', width: '20', height: '20' }); link.appendChild(logo); return node; }; waitForElems({ sel: '.media-sidebar', onmatch(container) { const links = getLinksContainer(container); const id = Api.getId(); const type = Api.getType(); Api.getLinks(id, type).then(list => list.forEach(m => links.appendChild(getLinkNode(m))) ); } }); })();