// ==UserScript== // @name Chr_'s_Inventory_Helper // @namespace // @version 2.2 // @description Steam库存批量出售 // @author Chr_ // @include /https://steamcommunity\.com/(id|profiles)/[^\/]+/inventory/?/ // @connect // @license AGPL-3.0 // @icon // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_getValue // ==/UserScript== let Vver = '2.2'; // 版本号 // 上面的开关 let VAutoR = false;// 定时刷新开关 let VTime = 30; // 定时刷新间隔 let VFailR = false;// 出错刷新开关 let VPanel = false;// 面板开关 // 面板的设置 let VName = '';// 物品名称 let VNMode = 'mc';// 匹配模式 let VPrice = 0;// 卖出价格 let VPMode = 'sq';// 价格模式 let VSMode = 'hl';// 皮肤磨损 let VTask = false;// 自动化开关 let VHash = '';// APPID let VRun = false;// 终止任务 // 计时器 let Vart = -1;//自动刷新 let Vfrt = -1;//失败刷新 // 选项 const NameMode = { 'mc': '名称', 'lx': '类型', 'jj': '简介', 'qb': '全部' }; const PriceMode = { 'sq': '税前', 'sh': '税后' }; //TODO 'zd': '自动' const SkinMode = { 'ry': '不过滤', 'zx': '崭新出厂', 'lm': '略有磨损', 'jj': '久经沙场', 'ps': '破损不堪', 'zh': '战痕累累', 'ym': '枪皮(有磨损)', 'wm': '非枪皮(无磨损)' }; (function () { 'use strict'; loadCFG(); addPanel(); checkifCSGO() checkSetting(); if (VTask) { console.log('已开启自动任务,1秒后开始执行'); window.location.hash = VHash; setTimeout(() => { runAutomatic(); }, 1000); } })(); // 添加GUI function addPanel() { function genMidButton(text, foo, id) { let a = document.createElement('a'); let s = document.createElement('span'); s.textContent = text; a.appendChild(s); a.addEventListener('click', foo); if (id) { = id; } = 'margin-right:15px;'; a.className = 'btn_grey_black btn_medium'; //'btn_darkblue_white_innerfade btn_medium'; return a; } function genSecond(ida, idi, value, tips, foo) { let a = document.createElement('a'); let s = document.createElement('span'); let s1 = document.createElement('span'); let s2 = document.createElement('span'); let i = genInput(idi, value, tips, true); = ida; = 'margin-right:15px;display:none'; a.className = 'btn_grey_black btn_medium'; s1.textContent = '每'; s2.textContent = '秒'; = '40px'; += 'color:#000;background:#fff;vertical-align:inherit;'; i.step = 1; i.min = 5; i.addEventListener('change', foo); a.appendChild(s); s.appendChild(s1); s.appendChild(i); s.appendChild(s2); return a; } function genButton(text, foo, id) { let b = document.createElement('button'); b.textContent = text; = 'inherit'; b.addEventListener('click', foo); if (id) { = id; } return b; } function genDiv(cls, id) { let d = document.createElement('div'); = 'vertical-align:middle;'; if (cls) { d.className = cls }; if (id) { = id }; return d; } function genPanel(name, visiable) { let d = genDiv(name, name); = 'background: rgba(58, 58, 58, 0.8);position: fixed;top: 50%;right: 0px;'; += 'text-align: center;transform: translate(0px, -50%);z-index: 100;'; += 'border: 1px solid rgb(83, 83, 83);padding: 5px;border-radius: 10px 0 0 10px;'; += 'transition:right 0.8s;right:-300px;' // = visiable ? 'block' : 'none'; return d; } function genLabel(text, bind) { let l = document.createElement('label'); l.textContent = text; = 'inherit'; if (bind) { l.setAttribute('for', bind); } return l; } function genA(text, url) { let a = document.createElement('a'); a.textContent = text; a.href = url; return a; } function genInput(id, value, tips, number) { let i = document.createElement('input'); = id; = 'border:none;border-radius:0;margin:0px 5px;width:60%;text-align:center;'; += 'color:#000;background:#fff;vertical-align:inherit;'; if (value) { i.value = value; } if (tips) { i.placeholder = tips; } if (number) { i.type = 'number'; i.step = 0.01; i.min = 0; } return i; } function genSelect(id, choose, choice) { let s = document.createElement('select'); = id; = 'color:#000;background:#fff;border:none;border-radius:0;vertical-align:inherit;'; for (k in choose) { s.options.add(new Option(choose[k], k)); } s.value = choice; return s; } function genSpace() { let s = document.createElement('span'); s.textContent = ' '; return s; } function genBr() { return document.createElement('br'); } function genHr() { return document.createElement('hr'); } document.getElementById('pagebtn_previous').addEventListener('click', cancelHighLight); document.getElementById('pagebtn_next').addEventListener('click', cancelHighLight); document.querySelectorAll('.games_list_tabs>a').forEach((obj) => { obj.addEventListener('click', cancelHighLight); }) let lBtnArea = document.querySelector('.inventory_links'); let btnAutoReload = genMidButton(bool2txt(VAutoR) + '定时刷新', autoReloadCtrl, 'btnAutoReload'); let btnFailReload = genMidButton(bool2txt(VFailR) + '出错刷新', failReloadCtrl, 'btnFailReload'); let btnReloadConf = genSecond('btnReloadConf', 'iptTiming', VTime, '30', reloadTimeCtrl); lBtnArea.insertBefore(btnReloadConf, lBtnArea.children[0]); lBtnArea.insertBefore(btnAutoReload, lBtnArea.children[0]); lBtnArea.insertBefore(btnFailReload, lBtnArea.children[0]); let rBtnArea = document.querySelector('.inventory_rightnav'); let btnSwitch = genMidButton('面板', switchPanel, 'btnSwitch'); rBtnArea.insertBefore(btnSwitch, rBtnArea.children[0]) let panelFunc = genPanel('autoSell', false); document.body.appendChild(panelFunc); let lblTitle = genLabel('CIH - V' + Vver + ' - By ', null); let lblUrl = genA('Chr_', ''); let lblFeed = genA('[反馈]', ''); let divName = genDiv(); let lblName = genLabel('名称:', 'lblName'); let iptName = genInput('iptName', VName, ' *? 可作通配符', false); let selName = genSelect('selName', NameMode, VNMode); = '5px' divName.appendChild(lblName); divName.appendChild(iptName); divName.appendChild(selName); let divPrice = genDiv(); let lblPrice = genLabel('定价:', 'lblPrice'); let iptPrice = genInput('iptPrice', VPrice > 0 ? VPrice : ''.toString(), '卖出价格', true); let selPrice = genSelect('selPrice', PriceMode, VPMode); = '5px' divPrice.appendChild(lblPrice); divPrice.appendChild(iptPrice); divPrice.appendChild(selPrice); let divSkin = genDiv(); let lblSkin = genLabel('磨损:', 'lblSkin'); let selSkin = genSelect('selSkin', SkinMode, VSMode); = 'divSkin'; = '5px' divSkin.appendChild(lblSkin); divSkin.appendChild(selSkin); let divAction = genDiv(); = '5px'; let divAction2 = genDiv(); // let lblAction = genLabel('模式:', 'lblAction'); // let selAction = genSelect('selAction', { 'cs': '在市场出售', 'fj': '分解为宝珠' }, 'cs'); let btnReload = genButton('重载库存', reloadInventory, 'btnTarget'); let btnTarget = genButton('高亮匹配', enableHighLight, 'btnTarget'); let btnFill = genButton('当前物品', autoFill, 'btnFill'); // let btnTodo = genButton('自动价格', ()=>{alert('下个版本更新')}, 'btnTodo'); let btnSetup = genButton('保存配置', setupGoal, 'btnSetup'); let btnReset = genButton('重置配置', resetGoal, 'btnReset'); divAction.appendChild(btnReload); divAction.appendChild(genSpace()); divAction.appendChild(btnTarget); divAction.appendChild(genSpace()); divAction.appendChild(btnFill); // divAction2.appendChild(btnTodo); // divAction2.appendChild(genSpace()); divAction2.appendChild(btnSetup); divAction2.appendChild(genSpace()); divAction2.appendChild(btnReset); let btnManual = genButton('出售当前页', runManual, 'btnManual'); let btnAutomatic = genButton(bool2txt(VTask) + '自动运行', runAutomaticCtrl, 'btnAutomatic'); panelFunc.appendChild(lblTitle); panelFunc.appendChild(lblUrl); panelFunc.appendChild(genSpace()); panelFunc.appendChild(lblFeed); panelFunc.appendChild(genHr()); panelFunc.appendChild(divName); // panelFunc.appendChild(genBr()); panelFunc.appendChild(divPrice); // panelFunc.appendChild(genBr()); panelFunc.appendChild(divSkin); // panelFunc.appendChild(genBr()); panelFunc.appendChild(divAction); panelFunc.appendChild(divAction2); panelFunc.appendChild(genHr()); panelFunc.appendChild(btnManual); panelFunc.appendChild(genSpace()); panelFunc.appendChild(btnAutomatic); if (VFailR) { failReloadCtrl(); } if (VAutoR) { autoReloadCtrl(); } if (rBtnArea.children.length == 1) { = 'none'; } else { if (VPanel) { switchPanel(); } } } // 出售当前页(单页) function runManual() { let target = g_ActiveInventory.m_rgChildInventories == null ? g_ActiveInventory.m_rgItemElements : g_ActiveInventory.m_rgChildInventories[6].m_rgItemElements; let start = g_ActiveInventory.m_iCurrentPage * 25; let end = start + 25; let hashlist = [];//记录hash for (let i = start; i < end; i++) { if (target[i] == null) { continue; }//跳过无效元素 let obj = target[i][0].rgItem; let desc = obj.description; if (desc.marketable == 0) { continue; }//跳过不可出售 if (g_ActiveInventory.appid == 730) {//跳过磨损不匹配的项目 if (VSMode != 'ry') { let ns = desc.descriptions; if (ns != undefined) { let ms = checkSkin(ns[0].value); if ( (VSMode == 'ym' && ms == '') || (VSMode == 'wm' && ms != '') || (VSMode != 'ym' && VSMode != 'wm' && ms != VSMode) ) { // console.log(ms); continue; } } } } if (VNMode == 'mc' || VNMode == 'qb') { let n =; if (isMatch(n.toLowerCase(), VName)) { hashlist.push(getHash(obj)); continue; } } if (VNMode == 'lx' || VNMode == 'qb') { let n = desc.type; if (isMatch(n.toLowerCase(), VName)) { hashlist.push(getHash(obj)); continue; } } if (VNMode == 'jj' || VNMode == 'qb') { let ns = desc.descriptions; if (ns != undefined) { for (let n of ns) { if (isMatch(n.value.toLowerCase(), VName)) { hashlist.push(getHash(obj)); break; } } } } } VRun = true; if (hashlist.length == 0) { ShowAlertDialog('提示', '待出售物品列表为空'); } else { autoSellFunc(hashlist); } } // 自动运行(前三页) function runAutomatic() { let target = g_ActiveInventory.m_rgChildInventories == null ? g_ActiveInventory.m_rgItemElements : g_ActiveInventory.m_rgChildInventories[6].m_rgItemElements; let start = 0; let end = target.length; let hashlist = [];//记录hash for (let i = start; i < end; i++) { if (target[i] == null) { continue; }//跳过无效元素 let obj = target[i][0].rgItem; let desc = obj.description; if (desc.marketable == 0) { continue; }//跳过不可出售 if (g_ActiveInventory.appid == 730) {//跳过磨损不匹配的项目 if (VSMode != 'ry') { let ns = desc.descriptions; if (ns != undefined) { let ms = checkSkin(ns[0].value); if ( (VSMode == 'ym' && ms == '') || (VSMode == 'wm' && ms != '') || (VSMode != 'ym' && VSMode != 'wm' && ms != VSMode) ) { // console.log(ms); continue; } } } } if (VNMode == 'mc' || VNMode == 'qb') { let n =; if (isMatch(n.toLowerCase(), VName)) { hashlist.push(getHash(obj)); continue; } } if (VNMode == 'lx' || VNMode == 'qb') { let n = desc.type; if (isMatch(n.toLowerCase(), VName)) { hashlist.push(getHash(obj)); continue; } } if (VNMode == 'jj' || VNMode == 'qb') { let ns = desc.descriptions; if (ns != undefined) { for (let n of ns) { if (isMatch(n.value.toLowerCase(), VName)) { hashlist.push(getHash(obj)); break; } } } } } VRun = true; autoSellFunc(hashlist); } // 自动出售 function autoSellFunc(hashlist) { // console.log(hashlist); if (hashlist.length == 0) { console.log('待出售物品列表为空'); // setTimeout(() => { window.location.reload(); }, 5000); VRun = false; return; } let i = 0;//当前操作的位置 const max = 50; // 最大尝试次数 let tries = 0; // 当前次数 retry(waitLoad, 50); // 等待库存加载完全 function waitLoad() { if (g_ActiveInventory.m_ActivePromise == null) { console.log('加载完毕'); tries = 0; selectItem(); } else { retry(waitLoad, 500); } } // 选择对象 function selectItem() { let hash = hashlist[i++]; if (hash != undefined) { window.location.hash = hash; retry(() => { // 稍微等一下 SellCurrentSelection(); tries = 0; retry(fillPrice, 50); }, 500); } else { console.log('列表执行完毕'); VRun = false; } } // 填写价格 function fillPrice() { let dialog = document.getElementById('market_sell_dialog'); if (dialog != null && != 'none') { let eula = document.getElementById('market_sell_dialog_accept_ssa'); let sell = document.getElementById('market_sell_dialog_accept'); if (eula != null && sell != null) { eula.checked = true; let price = null; if (VPMode == 'sq') { price = document.getElementById('market_sell_buyercurrency_input'); } else if (VPMode == 'sh') { price = document.getElementById('market_sell_currency_input'); } else { throw 'VPMode有误'; } price.value = VPrice; retry(() => { //等待响应完成 keyupSimulater(price); retry(() => {; tries = 0; retry(sellItem, 500); }); }, 200); } else { retry(fillPrice, 200); } } else { retry(fillPrice, 500); } } // 出售 function sellItem() { let sell = document.getElementById('market_sell_dialog_ok');; retry(checkSuccess, 500) } // 判断上架是否成功 function checkSuccess() { let dialog = document.getElementById('market_sell_dialog'); let errmsg = document.getElementById('market_sell_dialog_error').textContent.trim(); let succmsg = document.querySelector('.newmodal_header>div.title_text'); let headertips = document.getElementById('market_headertip_itemsold'); if (succmsg != null) { //上架成功,但是需要确认 console.log('上架成功', succmsg.textContent); tries = 0; retry(closeModal, 200); } else if ( != 'none' && != 'none') { //上架成功,但是无需确认 if (succmsg != null) { console.log('上架成功', succmsg.textContent); } else { console.log('上架成功', headertips.textContent); } = 'none'; tries = 0; retry(closeModal, 200); } else if ( != 'none') {//上架失败,检查错误提示 if (errmsg == '') {//等待响应 retry(checkSuccess, 1000); } else if ('您已上架该物品并正等待确认') != -1 ||'You already have a listing for this item pending confirmation') != -1) { console.log('上架失败,当前物品正等待确认'); tries = 0; retry(closeModal, 200); } else if ('您的物品在上架时出现问题') != -1 ||'There was a problem listing your item') != -1) { console.log('上架失败,重新尝试上架'); retry(sellItem, 500); } else if ('直到前一个操作完成之前') != -1 ||'You cannot sell any items until your previous action completes') != -1) { console.log('上架失败,延长等待时间'); retry(closeModal, 2000); } else { console.log('未知返回值', errmsg); tries = 0; retry(closeModal, 200); } } else { retry(checkSuccess, 1000);//其他情况 } } // 关闭面板 function closeModal() { let cs = document.querySelectorAll('.newmodal_close'); if (cs != null) { cs.forEach((e) => {; }) } tries = 0; retry(selectItem, 200); } // 自动重试 function retry(foo, t) { console.log(; if (VRun) { if (tries++ <= max) { setTimeout(() => { try { foo(); } catch (e) { console.error(e); } }, t); } else { console.error('操作超时,等待页面刷新'); VRun = false; } } else { console.error('手动终止自动任务'); } } // 手动触发KeyUp function keyupSimulater(obj) { let e = new Event('keyup'); obj.dispatchEvent(e); } } // 重载库存 function reloadInventory() { VRun = false; let appid = g_ActiveInventory.appid; let contextid = g_ActiveInventory.contextid; g_ActiveInventory.m_owner.ReloadInventory(appid, contextid); } // 获取Hash字符串 function getHash(obj) { return '#' + obj.appid.toString() + '_' + obj.contextid + '_' + obj.assetid; } // 通配符匹配 function isMatch(string, pattern) { let dp = []; for (let i = 0; i <= string.length; i++) { let child = []; for (let j = 0; j <= pattern.length; j++) { child.push(false); } dp.push(child); } dp[string.length][pattern.length] = true; for (let i = pattern.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (pattern[i] != "*") { break; } else { dp[string.length][i] = true; } } for (let i = string.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { for (let j = pattern.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) { if (string[i] == pattern[j] || pattern[j] == "?") { dp[i][j] = dp[i + 1][j + 1]; } else if (pattern[j] == "*") { dp[i][j] = dp[i + 1][j] || dp[i][j + 1]; } else { dp[i][j] = false; } } } return dp[0][0]; }; // 判断是否为CSGO,否则隐藏磨损筛选 function checkifCSGO() { let div = document.getElementById('divSkin'); if (g_ActiveInventory.appid == 730) { = ''; } else { = 'none'; } } // 取消高亮 function cancelHighLight() { let div = document.getElementById('divSkin'); if (g_ActiveInventory.appid == 730) { = ''; } else { = 'none'; } let target = g_ActiveInventory.m_rgChildInventories == null ? g_ActiveInventory.m_rgItemElements : g_ActiveInventory.m_rgChildInventories[6].m_rgItemElements; let start = g_ActiveInventory.m_iCurrentPage * 25; let end = start + 25; for (let i = start; i < end; i++) { if (target[i] != null) { let objstyle = target[i][0].children[0].style; objstyle.outlineStyle = 'none'; } } checkifCSGO(); } // 检查是否有子TAB function checkSubChoose() { if (g_ActiveInventory.contextid == '0') { let choose = document.getElementById('contextselect_activecontext'); ShowAlertDialog('错误', '请先选择子分类'); = '3px #f00 dashed'; setTimeout(() => { = ''; }, 5000); return true; } else { return false; } } // 判断磨损 function checkSkin(str) { switch (str) { case '外观: 崭新出厂': case 'Exterior: Factory New': return 'zx'; case '外观: 略有磨损': case 'Exterior: Minimal Wear': return 'lm'; case '外观: 久经沙场': case 'Exterior: Field-Tested': return 'jj'; case '外观: 破损不堪': case 'Exterior: Well-Worn': return 'ps'; case '外观: 战痕累累': case 'Exterior: Battle-Scarred': return 'zh'; default: return ''; } } // 高亮匹配项 function enableHighLight() { if (checkSubChoose()) { return; }// 必须选择子TAB let target = g_ActiveInventory.m_rgItemElements; let pattern = document.getElementById('iptName').value.toLowerCase(); // if (pattern == '') { pattern = '*'; } let mode = document.getElementById('selName').value; let skin = document.getElementById('selSkin').value; let start = g_ActiveInventory.m_iCurrentPage * 25; let end = start + 25; let matchlist = []; for (let i = start; i < end; i++) { if (target[i] != null) { let desc = target[i][0].rgItem.description; if (g_ActiveInventory.appid == 730) {//跳过磨损不匹配的项目 if (skin != 'ry') { let ns = desc.descriptions; if (ns != undefined) { let ms = checkSkin(ns[0].value); if ( (skin == 'ym' && ms == '') || (skin == 'wm' && ms != '') || (skin != 'ym' && skin != 'wm' && ms != skin) ) { // console.log(ms); continue; } } } } if (mode == 'mc' || mode == 'qb') { let n =; if (isMatch(n.toLowerCase(), pattern)) { matchlist.push(i); continue; } } if (mode == 'lx' || mode == 'qb') { let n = desc.type; if (isMatch(n.toLowerCase(), pattern)) { matchlist.push(i); continue; } } if (mode == 'jj' || mode == 'qb') { let ns = desc.descriptions; if (ns != undefined) { for (let n of ns) { if (isMatch(n.value.toLowerCase(), pattern)) { matchlist.push(i); break; } } } } } } for (let i = start; i < end; i++) { //高亮显示 if (target[i] != null) { let obj = target[i][0]; let objstyle = obj.children[0].style; if (matchlist.indexOf(i) != -1) { objstyle.outlineStyle = 'dashed'; objstyle.outlineOffset = '-2px'; if (obj.rgItem.description.marketable == 1) { objstyle.outlineColor = '#FF9900'; //可交易 } else { objstyle.outlineColor = '#CCCCFF'; //不可交易 } } else { objstyle.outlineStyle = 'none'; } } } } // 按照当前物品填充设置 function autoFill() { let current = g_ActiveInventory.selectedItem; if (current) { let desc = current.description; let mode = document.getElementById('selName').value; let skin = document.getElementById('selSkin'); let iptname = document.getElementById('iptName'); let iptPrice = document.getElementById('iptPrice'); iptname.value = ''; if (g_ActiveInventory.appid == 730) { // 填充磨损设定 if (skin != 'ry') { let ns = desc.descriptions; if (ns != undefined) { let ms = checkSkin(ns[0].value); if (ms != '') { skin.value = ms; } else { skin.value = 'wm'; } } } } if (mode == 'mc' || mode == 'qb') { iptname.value =; } else if (mode == 'lx') { iptname.value = desc.type; } else if (mode == 'jj') { let ns = desc.descriptions; if (ns != undefined) { for (let n of ns) { if (n.value != '') { iptname.value = n.value; break; } else { iptname.value = '【该物品无简介】' } } } } iptPrice.focus(); } else { ShowAlertDialog('错误', '未选中物品'); } console.log(current); } // 设置目标 function setupGoal() { if (checkSubChoose()) { return; } // 必须选择子TAB let name = document.getElementById('iptName').value.toLowerCase(); let nmode = document.getElementById('selName').value; let price = Number(document.getElementById('iptPrice').value); let pmode = document.getElementById('selPrice').value; let smode = document.getElementById('selSkin').value; VRun = false; if (NameMode[nmode] != undefined && PriceMode[pmode] != undefined && SkinMode[smode] != undefined && price == price && price > 0) { VName = name; VNMode = nmode; VPrice = Math.floor(price * 100) / 100; VPMode = pmode; VSMode = smode; VHash = '#' + g_ActiveInventory.appid.toString() + '_' + g_ActiveInventory.contextid.toString(); saveCFG(); ShowAlertDialog('成功', '设置保存成功,请选择运行模式。<br>【出售当前页】:按照设置自动出售当前页的物品(只执行一次)。<br>【自动运行】:按照设置自动出售前三页的物品(每次刷新后执行)。<br>【自动运行】需要配合【定时刷新】和【出错刷新】使用。'); } else { ShowAlertDialog('错误', '价格填写有误。<br>价格必须是大于0的数字(支持整数和小数)。'); } checkSetting(); } // 重置目标 function resetGoal() { let name = document.getElementById('iptName'); name.value = ''; name.focus(); document.getElementById('selName').value = 'mc'; document.getElementById('iptPrice').value = ''; document.getElementById('selPrice').value = 'sq'; document.getElementById('selSkin').value = 'ry'; VName = ''; VNMode = 'mc'; VPrice = 0; VPMode = 'sq'; VSMode = 'hl'; VHash = ''; VRun = false; if (VTask) { runAutomaticCtrl(); } saveCFG(); checkSetting(); } // 检测设置是否正确 function checkSetting() { let btnManual = document.getElementById('btnManual'); let btnAutomatic = document.getElementById('btnAutomatic'); if (VPrice == VPrice && VPrice > 0) { btnAutomatic.disabled = false; btnManual.disabled = false; } else { btnAutomatic.disabled = true; btnManual.disabled = true; } } // 自动任务控制 function runAutomaticCtrl() { VTask = !VTask; document.getElementById('btnAutomatic').textContent = bool2txt(VTask) + '自动运行'; saveCFG(); if (VTask) { ShowAlertDialog('说明', '成功开启自动任务。<br>每次刷新页面后将会按照设置自动出售前三页的物品。<br>本功能需要配合【定时刷新】和【出错刷新】使用。'); } } // 定时刷新控制 function autoReloadCtrl() { let btn = document.getElementById('btnReloadConf'); VTime = readTime(30); if (Vart == -1) { = ''; Vart = setInterval(() => { window.location.reload(); }, VTime * 1000); console.log(`刷新时间${VTime}秒`); } else { clearInterval(Vart); Vart = -1; } VAutoR = Vart != -1; document.getElementById('btnAutoReload').children[0].textContent = bool2txt(VAutoR) + '定时刷新'; saveCFG(); } // 设置刷新时间 function reloadTimeCtrl() { VTime = readTime(30); if (VAutoR) { clearInterval(Vart); Vart = setInterval(() => { window.location.reload(); }, VTime * 1000); console.log(`刷新时间${VTime}秒`); } saveCFG(); } // 出错刷新控制 function failReloadCtrl() { if (Vfrt == -1) { Vfrt = setInterval(() => { console.log('checkfail'); let err = document.querySelector('.inventory_load_error_header'); if (err) { window.location.reload(); } }, 3000); } else { clearInterval(Vfrt); Vfrt = -1; } VFailR = Vfrt != -1; document.getElementById('btnFailReload').children[0].textContent = bool2txt(VFailR) + '出错刷新'; saveCFG(); } // 显示/隐藏面板 function switchPanel() { let p = document.getElementById('autoSell'); let b = document.getElementById('btnSwitch'); if ( == '-300px') { = '0'; b.className = 'btn_darkblue_white_innerfade btn_medium'; } else { = '-300px'; b.className = 'btn_grey_black btn_medium'; } VPanel = != '-300px'; saveCFG(); } // 显示布尔 function bool2txt(bool) { return bool ? '√ ' : '× '; } // 文本转数字 function readTime(def) { let ipt = document.getElementById('iptTiming'); let i = Number(ipt.value); if (i != i || i < 5) { return def; } else { return i; } } // 读取设置 function loadCFG() { let t = null; t = GM_getValue('VAutoR'); VAutoR = Boolean(t); t = GM_getValue('VFailR'); VFailR = Boolean(t); t = GM_getValue('VTime'); VTime = t ? t : 30; t = GM_getValue('VPanel'); VPanel = Boolean(t); t = GM_getValue('VName'); VName = t ? t.toLowerCase() : ''; t = GM_getValue('VNMode'); if (NameMode[t] == undefined) { t = 'mc'; } VNMode = t; t = GM_getValue('VPrice'); VPrice = t ? t : 0; t = GM_getValue('VPMode'); if (PriceMode[t] == undefined) { t = 'sq'; } VPMode = t; t = GM_getValue('VSMode'); if (SkinMode[t] == undefined) { t = 'ry'; } VSMode = t; t = GM_getValue('VTask'); VTask = Boolean(t); t = GM_getValue('VHash'); VHash = t ? t : ''; if (VTask) { VPanel = true; }//开启自动任务后始终打开面板 saveCFG(); } // 保存设置 function saveCFG() { GM_setValue('VAutoR', VAutoR); GM_setValue('VTime', VTime); GM_setValue('VFailR', VFailR); GM_setValue('VPanel', VPanel); GM_setValue('VName', VName); GM_setValue('VNMode', VNMode); GM_setValue('VPrice', VPrice); GM_setValue('VPMode', VPMode); GM_setValue('VSMode', VSMode); GM_setValue('VTask', VTask); GM_setValue('VHash', VHash); }