Bloble Pack Rank XP [ API ]
- // ==UserScript==
- // @name Git-Phantom
- // @namespace
- // @github
- // @license Apache License 2.0
- // @version 0.0.3
- // @description Bloble Pack Rank XP [ API ]
- // @author Git-Phantom
- // @match
- // @grant none
- // ==/UserScript==
- $(document)
- .ready(function () {
- $('#instructionsText, #youtuberOf, .adsbygoogle')
- .remove()
- var ngrok = prompt("Please enter API server : ", "");
- if (ngrok == null || ngrok == "") { // Connect the game to the API.
- alert('Connection False ')
- } else {
- var phantomConnection = $("<script />", {
- id: 'phantom_js'
- , class: 'js_phantom'
- , src: ngrok + '/api/game_api/routes.php'
- })
- $("#darkener")
- .append(phantomConnection)
- var openconn = $("<button />", { // Connect the API to player.
- id: 'openConn'
- , type: 'button'
- , onclick: "start()"
- , style: 'margin-left: 20px; background-color: red; color: white; font-family: "regularF"; font-size: 26px; padding: 6px; border: none; border-radius: 4px; '
- })
- $('#userInfoContainer')
- .append(openconn)
- $('#openConn')
- .text('Open Connection')
- $(function application() {
- var tag = $("<div />", {
- id: 'phantomdiv'
- , class: 'phantomd'
- })
- $("body")
- .append(tag)
- var phantom = $("<script />", {
- id: 'phantom_js'
- , class: 'js_phantom'
- , src: '' // SOURCE CODE
- })
- $("#phantomdiv")
- .append(phantom)
- })
- }
- })