player keyboard control
// ==UserScript== // @name Zoom Cloud Playback keyboard shortcut control // @namespace // @include ** // @version 1.2 // @description player keyboard control // @author VinC // @grant none // @run-at document-end // ==/UserScript== // User input. window.addEventListener("keydown", keydown); // User determined events. function keydown (event) { // Spacebar: Play/Pause if (event.keyCode == 32) { document.getElementsByClassName('vjs-play-control')[0].click(); } // k key: Play/Pause if (event.keyCode == 75) { document.getElementsByClassName('vjs-play-control')[0].click(); } // c key: captions if (event.keyCode == 67) { document.getElementsByClassName('vjs-captions-control-button')[0].click(); } // f key: full scree if (event.keyCode == 70) { document.getElementsByClassName('vjs-fullscreen-toggle-control-button')[0].click(); } } /* Notes: - This script is designed for US keyboards. Some shortcuts won't work on non US keyboard. Non US keyboard users will need to edit keys in the script. - In YouTube, if the video speed is below 0.25x or above 2x, the YouTube setting display will be capped to 0.1x or 2x. - Web browser video speeds: Firefox = 0.25 to 5.0; Chrome = 0.1 to 16.0. Keyboard Shortcuts: j = Rewind media by 5 seconds k = Fast forward media by 5 seconds LEFT = Rewind media by 5 seconds RIGHT = Fast forward media by 5 seconds SHIFT+LEFT = Rewind media by 30 seconds SHIFT+RIGHT = Fast forward media by 30 seconds SHIFT+LEFT = Rewind media by 30 seconds SHIFT+j = Fast forward media by 30 seconds CTRL+l = Rewind media by 1 minute CTRL+RIGHT = Fast forward media by 1 minute CTRL+SHIFT+LEFT = Rewind media by 5 minutes CTRL+SHIFT+RIGHT = Fast forward media by 5 minutes CTRL+/ = Fast forward media by 1.5 minutes 0 to 9 = Seek media to 0%, 10%, 20%,...90% SHIFT+0 to SHIFT+9 = Seek media to 5%, 15%, 25%,...95% CTRL+1 to CTRL+5 = Change audio volume to 20%, 40%, 60$, 80%, 100% vinc:SHIFT+< = Decrease media speed by 0.2x (by default) vinc:z = Decrease media speed by 0.2x (by default) vinc:SHIFT+ = Increase media speed by 0.2x (by default) vinc:x = Increase media speed by 0.2x (by default) CTRL+; = Reset media speed CTRL+' = Change custom media speed CTRL+\ = Change unit of media speed increment/decrement For Widescreen Video Viewport: CTRL+6 = Zoom ultra widescreen content to remove top+bottom borders, but also remove left+right content a bit. CTRL+7 = Change video aspect ratio for letterbox content. Fix 4:3 letterbox content stretched to widescreen format. CTRL+8 = Change video aspect ratio for TV content. Fix 4:3 TV content stretched to widescreen format. For 4:3 TV Video Viewport: CTRL+SHIFT+6 = Change video aspect ratio for ultra widescreen content. Fix ultra widescreen content compressed into 4:3 TV format. CTRL+SHIFT+7 = Zoom 4:3 letterbox content to remove half of top+bottom borders, but also remove left+right content a little. This can also be used to half-zoom ultra widescreen content on widescreen viewport. i.e. half-zoom of CTRL+6. CTRL+SHIFT+8 = Change video aspect ratio for widescreen content. Fix widescreen content compressed into 4:3 TV format. For Any Video Viewport: CTRL+9 = Reset video aspect ratio */ ((eleOSD, osdTimer) => { //=== CONFIGURATION BEGIN === //Video speed increment/decrement unit. var incrementUnit = 0.2; //Duration (in milliseconds) to display On Screen Display (OSD) when changing playback rate. Set to zero or less to disable. var osdTimeout = 3000; //Keyboard shortcuts. //key = Key name. String type if single shortcut, or array of string if multiple shortcut (for single function multiple shortcuts). // Each key name can either be the character which is produced by the key (e.g. `a`, `4`, `*`, etc.), // or the code name for the key (e.g. `Digit2`, `BracketLeft`, etc.). Both types are case sensitive. // When SHIFT modifier is used with keys which produces a character, key code name should be used. // A list of key code names can be found here: //modifiers = Any combinations of "C", "S", and "A", for Ctrl, Shift, and Alt keys. var keys = [ { //ctrl+space: seek media to next frame (only when paused. firefox only) key: " ", modifiers: "C", func: (key, ele) => ele.seekToNextFrame && ele.seekToNextFrame() }, { //0 to 9: seek media to 0%,10%,20%,...90% key: ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9"], modifiers: "", func: (ele, key, keyIndex) => ele.currentTime = keyIndex / 10 * ele.duration }, { //shift+0 to shift+9: seek media to 5%,15%,25%,...95% key: [")", "!", "@", "#", "$", "%", "^", "&", "*", "("], modifiers: "S", func: (ele, key, keyIndex) => ele.currentTime = (keyIndex + 0.5) / 10 * ele.duration }, { //ctrl+1 to ctrl+5: set audio volume to 20%,40%,60%,80%,100% key: ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5"], modifiers: "C", func: (ele, key, keyIndex) => updAudioVolume(ele, (parseInt(key) * 2) / 10) }, { //vinc:j: rewind media by 5 seconds key: "j", modifiers: "", func: (ele, key) => ele.currentTime -= 5 }, { //vinc:left: rewind media by 5 seconds key: "ArrowLeft", modifiers: "", func: (ele, key) => ele.currentTime -= 5 }, { //shift+left: rewind media by 30 seconds key: "ArrowLeft", modifiers: "S", func: (ele, key) => ele.currentTime -= 30 }, { //shift+left: rewind media by 30 seconds key: "j", modifiers: "S", func: (ele, key) => ele.currentTime -= 30 }, { //ctrl+left: rewind media by 1 minute key: "ArrowLeft", modifiers: "C", func: (ele, key) => ele.currentTime -= 60 }, { //ctrl+shift+left: rewind media by 5 minutes key: "ArrowLeft", modifiers: "CS", func: (ele, key) => ele.currentTime -= 300 }, { //vinc:k: fast forward media by 5 seconds key: "l", modifiers: "", func: (ele, key) => ele.currentTime += 5 }, { //vinc:right: fast forward media by 5 seconds key: "ArrowRight", modifiers: "", func: (ele, key) => ele.currentTime += 5 }, { //shift+right: fast forward media by 30 seconds key: "ArrowRight", modifiers: "S", func: (ele, key) => ele.currentTime += 30 }, { //shift+right: fast forward media by 30 seconds key: "k", modifiers: "S", func: (ele, key) => ele.currentTime += 30 }, { //ctrl+right: fast forward media by 1 minute key: "ArrowRight", modifiers: "C", func: (ele, key) => ele.currentTime += 60 }, { //ctrl+shift+right: fast forward media by 5 minutes key: "ArrowRight", modifiers: "CS", func: (ele, key) => ele.currentTime += 300 }, { //ctrl+/: fast forward media by 1.5 minutes key: "/", modifiers: "CS", func: (ele, key) => ele.currentTime += 90 }, { //vinc:shift+<: decrease media speed by 0.2 key: "<", modifiers: "S", func: (ele, key) => { key = ele.playbackRate - incrementUnit; if (key < 0.1) { key = 0.1; } else if ((key < 1) && (ele.playbackRate > 1)) key = 1; updVideoSpeed(ele, key); } }, { //vinc:z: decrease media speed by 0.2 key: "z", modifiers: "", func: (ele, key) => { key = ele.playbackRate - incrementUnit; if (key < 0.1) { key = 0.1; } else if ((key < 1) && (ele.playbackRate > 1)) key = 1; updVideoSpeed(ele, key); } }, { //vinc:shift+> increase media speed by 0.2 key: ">", modifiers: "S", func: (ele, key) => { key = ele.playbackRate + incrementUnit; if (key > 16) { key = 16; } else if ((key > 1) && (ele.playbackRate < 1)) key = 1; updVideoSpeed(ele, key); } }, { //vinc:x increase media speed by 0.2 key: "x", modifiers: "", func: (ele, key) => { key = ele.playbackRate + incrementUnit; if (key > 16) { key = 16; } else if ((key > 1) && (ele.playbackRate < 1)) key = 1; updVideoSpeed(ele, key); } }, { //ctrl+;: reset media speed to 1x key: ";", modifiers: "C", func: (ele, key) => updVideoSpeed(ele, 1) }, { //ctrl+': use custom media speed key: "'", modifiers: "C", func: (ele, key) => { if ((key = prompt("Enter media speed from 0.1 to 16 (inclusive).\ne.g.: 1 = Normal, 0.5 = Half, 2 = Double, 3 = Triple, etc.", ele.playbackRate)) === null) return; if (isNaN(key = parseFloat(key.trim()))) { alert("Input must be a number."); return; } updVideoSpeed(ele, (key = parseFloat(key.toFixed(1))) < 0.1 ? 0.1 : (key > 16 ? 16 : key)); } }, { //ctrl+\: change unit of media speed increment/decrement key: "\\", modifiers: "C", func: (ele, key) => { if ((key = prompt("Enter unit of media speed increment/decrement from 0.1 to 4 (inclusive).", incrementUnit)) === null) return; if (!isNaN(key = parseFloat(key.trim()))) { incrementUnit = (key = parseFloat(key.toFixed(1))) < 0.1 ? 0.1 : (key > 4 ? 4 : key); } else alert("Input must be a number."); } }, { //ctrl+6: Zoom ultra widescreen key: "6", modifiers: "C", videoOnly: true, func: (ele, key) => updVideoAspect("scale(1.3333)", "Ultra Widescreen Zoom") }, { //ctrl+7: Letterbox aspect ratio key: "7", modifiers: "C", videoOnly: true, func: (ele, key) => updVideoAspect("scaleY(1.3333)", "Letterbox") }, { //ctrl+8: TV aspect ratio key: "8", modifiers: "C", videoOnly: true, func: (ele, key) => updVideoAspect("scaleX(0.75)", "TV") }, { //ctrl+shift+6: Ultra widescreen aspect ratio key: "Digit6", modifiers: "CS", videoOnly: true, func: (ele, key) => updVideoAspect("scaleY(0.7168)", "Ultra Widescreen") }, { //ctrl+shift+7: Half-zoom letterbox key: "Digit7", modifiers: "CS", videoOnly: true, func: (ele, key) => updVideoAspect("scale(1.1666)", "Letterbox Half-Zoom") }, { //ctrl+shift+8: Widescreen aspect ratio key: "Digit8", modifiers: "CS", videoOnly: true, func: (ele, key) => updVideoAspect("scaleY(0.5625)", "Widescreen") }, { //ctrl+9: reset video aspect ratio key: "9", modifiers: "C", videoOnly: true, func: (ele, key) => updVideoAspect("", "Reset") } ]; keys.forEach((k, s, m) => { s = k.modifiers.toUpperCase(); k.modifiers = {ctrl: s.includes("C"), shift: s.includes("S"), alt: s.includes("A")}; }); //=== CONFIGURATION END === function showOSD(s) { if (osdTimeout < 0) return; if (eleOSD) { eleOSD.textContent = s; } else { eleOSD = document.createElement("DIV"); = "position:fixed;z-index:999999999;right:.5rem;bottom:.5rem;margin:0;padding:.2rem .5rem .1rem .5rem;width:auto;height:auto;font:normal 16pt/normal sans-serif;background:#444;color:#fff"; eleOSD.textContent = s; document.body.appendChild(eleOSD); } clearTimeout(osdTimer); osdTimer = setTimeout(() => { eleOSD.remove(); eleOSD = null; }, osdTimeout); } function stopEvent(ev) { ev.preventDefault(); ev.stopPropagation(); ev.stopImmediatePropagation(); } function updVideoSpeed(ele, spd, e) { if ((location.hostname === "") && (e = ele.parentNode.parentNode).setPlaybackRate && (spd >= 0.25) && (spd <= 2)) { e.setPlaybackRate(spd = parseFloat(spd.toFixed(1))); } else ele.playbackRate = spd = parseFloat(spd.toFixed(1)); showOSD("Speed " + spd + "x"); } function updVideoAspect(asp, label, s) { if (!(s = document.getElementById("vidAspOvr"))) document.body.appendChild(s = document.createElement("STYLE")).id = "vidAspOvr"; s.innerHTML = asp ? `video{transform:${asp}!important}` : ""; showOSD("Ratio: " + label); } function updAudioVolume(ele, vol) { if ((location.hostname === "") && (e = ele.parentNode.parentNode).setVolume) { e.setVolume(vol * 100); } else ele.volume = vol; showOSD("Audio " + (vol * 100) + "%"); } incrementUnit = parseFloat((incrementUnit < 0.1 ? 0.1 : (incrementUnit > 1 ? 1 : incrementUnit)).toFixed(1)); addEventListener("keydown", function(ev, ele) { if ((!(ele = document.activeElement) || !((ele.contentEditable === "true") || ["BUTTON", "INPUT", "SELECT", "TEXTAREA"].includes(ele.tagName))) && (ele = document.querySelector("video,audio"))) { keys.some((k, a, i) => { a = Array.isArray(k.key); if ( ((!a && ((k.key === ev.key) || (k.key === ev.code))) || (a && (((i = k.key.indexOf(ev.key)) >= 0) || ((i = k.key.indexOf(ev.code)) >= 0)))) && (k.modifiers.ctrl === ev.ctrlKey) && (k.modifiers.shift === ev.shiftKey) && (k.modifiers.alt === ev.altKey) && (!k.videoOnly || (ele.tagName === "VIDEO")) ) { stopEvent(ev); k.func(ele, ev.key, a ? i : null); return true; } }); } }, true); })();