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Youtube font type, color and brightness in dark mode

reduce font brightness, or change the color and type of font, for primary and secondary text in dark mode

Install as user style?
/* ==UserStyle==
@name         Youtube font type, color and brightness in dark mode
@version      1.1.1
@description  reduce font brightness, or change the color and type of font, for primary and secondary text in dark mode
@author       toppits
@namespace https://greasyfork.org/users/371090
@preprocessor uso
@var color prim "primary text color" #bbb
@var color prim-b "primary background color" #181818
@var color seco "seocndary text color" #bbb
@var color cta "URL's, Replies, etc." #bbb
@var text FF-main "Main Font (multiple devided by comma)"  ""roboto""
@var text FS-main "Main Font Size (px, ch, em, rem)" 10px
==/UserStyle== */
@-moz-document domain("youtube.com") {
:not(.style-scope)[dark] {
--yt-spec-text-primary: /*[[prim]]*/
--yt-spec-text-secondary: /*[[seco]]*/
--yt-spec-call-to-action: /*[[cta]]*/
--yt-spec-general-background-a: /*[[prim-b]]*/
html {
font: /*[[FS-main]]*/
, Roboto, monospace !important;