Removes all tracking info from imdb links. Keeps other parameters intact.
This script removes the tracking elements from all links on imdb pages.
It keeps other parameters intact: search query, hash element.
For me, the usefulness of the script is mainly to get back uniformity in pages urls.
With a tracking element, the same page can be linked with different urls, and your browsing history won't show a page as viewed (with a link in a different color) even if you have viewed it previously.
Example: | | | | |
Note (2021-08-17) : the new layout for the "title" page (film/episode) doesn't color visited links with a different color. I'm currently testing a new userstyle that fixes this as well as a couple of other things.
For more userscripts, styles, extensions, tips, ..., visit my programming page.
Feel free to look at my other imdb fixes: "fix title page / title page old layout" , "Fix links" , "Fix rating" , "Stop scripts" , "Fullscreen imageviewer" , "Set default user reviews sorting"