Try to take over nitrotype!
// ==UserScript== // @name Nitrobot // @namespace // @version 1.0 // @description Try to take over nitrotype! // @author Andrew T. // @match* // @grant none // ==/UserScript== /* This is a userscript meant for use with tampermonkey. Please don't get yourself banned with this. :) It's very easy to do so. I made this mainly as a learning RE project. You use this at your own risk, I am not responsible for any accounts that are banned or penalties incurred. */ (function() { 'use strict'; window.textBuffer={}; var oldFillText = CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.fillText; CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.fillText=function() { var args =; var [text,x,y]=args.slice(0,3); if (text.length == 1) { if (!(y in textBuffer)) { textBuffer[y]=""; } textBuffer[y]+=text; } return oldFillText.apply(this,arguments); }; var INTRO_LEN=62; // Length of the junk text at the beginning. var WAIT_SECONDS=2; // Time to wait until the game has started. var CANVAS_ID="race-track"; var TOTAL_SECONDS = 35.50 - Math.random()*2; var KEY_DELAY=0.18; //Delay between keypress in seconds. Top speed is about 1077 WPM. var ACCURACY=95; //Percentage of accuracy. 95 is pretty good. window.startBot=function() { var key,shift; var i=0; setTimeout(function() { var typingText=textBuffer[30].slice(INTRO_LEN); KEY_DELAY = TOTAL_SECONDS / typingText.length; var intervalLoop=setInterval(function() { if (i >= typingText.length) { clearInterval(intervalLoop); console.log("Finished typing."); } else { key=typingText[i]; shift=(key == key.toUpperCase()); var e=jQuery.Event("keypress",{which:key.charCodeAt(0),shiftKey:shift}); $("#"+CANVAS_ID).trigger(e); if (Math.random() > ACCURACY/100) { key="="; shift=(key == key.toUpperCase()); e=jQuery.Event("keypress",{which:key.charCodeAt(0),shiftKey:shift}); $("#"+CANVAS_ID).trigger(e); } i++; } },KEY_DELAY*1000); },WAIT_SECONDS*1000); }; $("body").append("<button onclick=\"startBot()\"style=\"position:fixed;top:0px;left:0px;padding:15px;\">Start Bot</button>"); })();