User script for humble bundle. Adds steam store links to all games and marks already owned games
// ==UserScript== // @name humble-bundle-extra // @namespace // @version 1.6.0 // @description User script for humble bundle. Adds steam store links to all games and marks already owned games // @match *://** // @author MrMarble // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // @connect // @connect // @icon // @license MIT // @source // ==/UserScript== (function () { 'use strict'; const xtmlHttp = (options) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { GM_xmlhttpRequest({ timeout: 3000, headers: { Accept: "application/json", "Content-Type": "application/json", }, ...options, onload: resolve, onabort: reject, ontimeout: reject, onerror: reject, }); }) }; const decodeEntities = (() => { const element = document.createElement("div"); function decodeHTMLEntities(str) { if (str && typeof str === "string") { str = str.replace(/<script[^>]*>([\S\s]*?)<\/script>/gim, ""); str = str.replace(/<\/?\w(?:[^"'>]|"[^"]*"|'[^']*')*>/gim, ""); element.innerHTML = str; str = element.textContent; element.textContent = ""; } return str } return decodeHTMLEntities })(); const sanitize = (str) => { return decodeEntities(str) .replace(/[\u{2122}\u{00AE}\n]/gu, "") .trim() .toLowerCase() }; const htmlToElement = (html) => { var template = document.createElement("template"); html = html.trim(); template.innerHTML = html; return template.content.firstChild }; const isBundlePage = () => { return !!document.querySelector("div.inner-main-wrapper div.bundle-page") }; const isChoicePage = () => { return !!document.querySelector( `div.inner-main-wrapper div.subscriber-hub, div.inner-main-wrapper .js-content-choices` ) }; const shouldUpdateCache = () => { const WEEK = 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; const lastCached = localStorage.getItem("&&hh_cache&&"); if (lastCached === null) { localStorage.setItem("&&hh_cache&&",; return true } if ( - lastCached > WEEK) { localStorage.setItem("&&hh_cache&&",; return true } return false }; const closeModal = "(()=> document.querySelector('.charity-details-view.humblemodal-wrapper').remove())()"; const createModal = (icon, title, text) => htmlToElement(` <div class="charity-details-view humblemodal-wrapper" tabindex="0"> <div class="humblemodal-modal humblemodal-modal--open" style="opacity: 1;"> <span class="js-close-modal close-modal" onclick="${closeModal}"> <i class="hb hb-times"></i> </span> <div class="charity-info-wrapper"> <div class="charity-media"> <div class="charity-logo"> <i class="hb ${icon}" style="font-size:13em;color:#c9262c"></i> </div> </div> <div class="charity-details"> <div class="charity-title"> <h2>${title}</h2> </div> <div class="charity-description"> ${text} </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> `); const CACHE_STEAM_APPS_KEY = "&&hh_extras&&"; const CACHE_OWNED_APPS_KEY = "&&hh_extras_owned&&"; const fetchSteamApps = async () => { const apps = {}; try { const r = await xtmlHttp({ url: "", method: "GET", timeout: 5000, }); const { applist } = JSON.parse(r.responseText); applist?.apps?.forEach(({ name, appid }) => { apps[sanitize(name)] = appid; }); } catch (error) { console.error(error); } return apps }; const cacheSteamApps = async (force) => { let data = {}; try { if (force) { data = await fetchSteamApps(); localStorage.setItem(CACHE_STEAM_APPS_KEY, JSON.stringify(data)); } else { if ((data = localStorage.getItem(CACHE_STEAM_APPS_KEY))) { data = JSON.parse(data); } else { data = await fetchSteamApps(); localStorage.setItem(CACHE_STEAM_APPS_KEY, JSON.stringify(data)); } } } catch (error) { console.error(error); } return data }; const fetchOwnedApps = async () => { const r = await xtmlHttp({ url: `${}`, method: "GET", }); const { rgOwnedApps } = JSON.parse(r.responseText); return rgOwnedApps }; const cacheOwnedApps = async (force) => { let data = []; if (force) { data = await fetchOwnedApps(); localStorage.setItem(CACHE_OWNED_APPS_KEY, JSON.stringify(data)); } else { if ((data = localStorage.getItem(CACHE_OWNED_APPS_KEY))) { data = JSON.parse(data); } else { data = await fetchOwnedApps(); localStorage.setItem(CACHE_OWNED_APPS_KEY, JSON.stringify(data)); } } return data }; const clearOwnedCache = () => localStorage.removeItem(CACHE_OWNED_APPS_KEY); const HIDE_MODAL = "&&hh_extras_modal&&"; function showModal() { const modal = createModal( "hb-exclamation-circle", "You are not logged in to the steam store or your profile is private", `<p>Information about games already in your library will not be available.</p> <p>You can login using this <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">link</a>. Reload the page after login to load the games in your library.</p> <p><div class="cta-button rectangular-button button-v2 red js-hero-cta" onclick="(function(){localStorage.setItem('${HIDE_MODAL}',1)})();${closeModal}">Don't show again</div></p>` ); document.querySelector("#site-modal").appendChild(modal); } async function bundle() { const apps = await cacheSteamApps(); const owned = await cacheOwnedApps(); const loggedIn = owned.length != 0; if (!loggedIn) { clearOwnedCache(); if (!localStorage.getItem(HIDE_MODAL)) { showModal(); } } document.querySelectorAll(".tier-item-view .item-title").forEach((el) => { let appid; if ((appid = apps[sanitize(el.textContent)])) { const url = `${appid}`; el.innerHTML = `<a href="${url}" style="text-decoration:underline;color:#ecf1fe" target="_blank" rel="noopener" title="Visit Steam Store" onclick="(()=>'${url}','_blank'))()">${el.textContent}</a>`; if (loggedIn && owned.includes(appid)) { = "#7f9a2f"; = "25%"; = parseInt(; } } }); } async function choice() { const force = shouldUpdateCache(); const apps = await cacheSteamApps(force); const owned = await cacheOwnedApps(force); const loggedIn = owned.length != 0; if (!loggedIn) { clearOwnedCache(); if (!localStorage.getItem(HIDE_MODAL)) { showModal(); } } document.querySelectorAll(".content-choice-title").forEach((el) => { let appid; if ((appid = apps[sanitize(el.textContent)])) { el.innerHTML = `<a href="${appid}" style="text-decoration:underline;color:#ecf1fe" target="_blank" rel="noopener" title="Visit Steam Store">${el.textContent}</a>`; if (loggedIn && owned.includes(appid)) { = "#7f9a2f"; = "25%"; = parseInt(; } } }); } if (isBundlePage()) { bundle(); } else if (isChoicePage()) { choice(); } })();