Store resource values from the ticker for calculation in other scripts
// ==UserScript== // @name Resource Value Saver // @namespace // @version 0.11 // @description Store resource values from the ticker for calculation in other scripts // @author Talus // @match* // @require // @license GPL-3.0-or-later // @grant none // ==/UserScript== (function(){ var tickerSelectPath = '#rightcolumn > p.alert.alert-warning > marquee'; var resourceRE = /Food: \$(?<food>[\d,]+) Steel: \$(?<steel>[\d,]+) Aluminum: \$(?<aluminum>[\d,]+) Munitions: \$(?<munitions>[\d,]+) Gasoline: \$(?<gasoline>[\d,]+) Coal: \$(?<coal>[\d,]+) Oil: \$(?<oil>[\d,]+) Uranium: \$(?<uranium>[\d,]+) Iron: \$(?<iron>[\d,]+) Bauxite: \$(?<bauxite>[\d,]+) Lead: \$(?<lead>[\d,]+) Credits: \$(?<credits>[\d,]+)/; var $ = window.jQuery; var tickerText = $(tickerSelectPath).text(); var resourceValues = tickerText.match(resourceRE).groups; for (const property in resourceValues) { resourceValues[property] = resourceValues[property].replaceAll(',',''); } localStorage.setItem('resourceValues', JSON.stringify(resourceValues)); })();