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ao3 rekudos converter

automatically comment on a fic when you've already left kudos

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// ==UserScript==
// @name         ao3 rekudos converter
// @version      3.15
// @history      3.15 - Fixing what I broke
// @history      3.1 - Manifest v3 change from "include" to "match"
// @history      3.0 - added Comment Assist Mode compatibility
// @history      2.53 - fixed stupid ####ing spelling errors I s2g
// @history      2.5 - fixed freeze on fics with lots of kudos
// @history      2.1 - added toggle for verification
// @history      2.0 - added confirmation check for rekudosing, did cleaned up
// @history      1.55 - fixed stupid spelling errors
// @history      1.5 - rename, add extra comment fields and ID functionality
// @history      1.0 - basic functionality
// @description  automatically comment on a fic when you've already left kudos
// @match        http*://archiveofourown.org/*works*
// @grant        none
// @namespace    https://greasyfork.org/users/36620
// ==/UserScript==
//ACNOWLEDGEMENT: most of the method is cribbed from "ao3 no rekudos" by scriptfairy
//Rest is cribbed from "Change Ao3 Kudos button text to Glory" by AlectoPerdita
//I do not know enough JS to do shit like this on my own
var auto = false;
//Set to "true" if you want to skip the confirmation automatically.
var comments = Array(
"Extra Kudos<3",
"This is an extra kudos, since I've already left one. :)",
"I just wanted to leave another kudos<3"
//Remember to keep your message between the quotation marks.
//Remember to separate comments with a comma!
//Message max length: 10000 characters
var lat = 500;
//Delay in milliseconds, waiting for reply from OTW servers. (Check with CTRL+SHIFT+K)
var verify = true;
//Set to "false" to turn off anti-spam verification. (Not recommended.)
var work_id, kudos, banner, kudo_btn, cmnt_btn, cmnt_field, id;
work_id = window.location.pathname;
work_id = work_id.substring(work_id.lastIndexOf('/')+1);
banner = document.getElementById('kudos_message');
kudo_btn = document.getElementById('new_kudo');
cmnt_btn = document.getElementById('comment_submit_for_'+work_id);
cmnt_field = document.getElementById('comment_content_for_'+work_id);
//Message randomiser
var random = Math.floor(Math.random() * comments.length);
var message = comments[random];
// ID
if (verify == true) {
var d = new Date();
id = d.toISOString();
id = id.substring(0,10);
message = message+'</br><sub>Sent '+id+' using Ao3 Rekudos Converter</sub>'
//Comment-sending with button press rather than form submit
function send() {
cmnt_field.value = message;
//Change kudos button behaviour
function change() {
kudo_btn.addEventListener("click", send);
//Extra click for confirmation
var active = 'Rekudos?';
function rename() {
'use strict';
var kudo_text = document.querySelector('#kudo_submit');
kudo_text.value = active;
//New method
function isAuto(){
if (auto == false || window.AssistMode == true) {
else {
function makeitwork() {
console.log('Rekudo latency check');
if (banner.classList.contains("kudos_error") == true) {
function delay(){
kudo_btn.addEventListener("click", delay);