// ==UserScript== // @name 移动页面的阅读模式 // @namespace Reading_mode_for_mobile_CN // @version 0.0.6beta // @description 只是希望能够稍微提高一点在移动端的阅读体验。 // @author 稻米鼠 // @run-at document-start // @icon https://i.v2ex.co/L00DUOAOl.png // @contributionURL https://script.izyx.xyz/reading-mode-for-mobile/ // @require https://cdn.bootcdn.net/ajax/libs/highlight.js/11.0.0-alpha0/highlight.min.js // @noframes // @antifeature payment // @match *://www.jianshu.com/p/* // @match *://www.zhihu.com/question/* // @match *://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/* // @grant none // ==/UserScript== (() => { "use strict"; var e = { 863: (e, t, o) => { o.d(t, { Z: () => l }); var r = o(645); var n = o.n(r); var i = n()((function(e) { return e[1]; })); i.push([ e.id, "/*\n\nAtom One Dark by Daniel Gamage\nOriginal One Dark Syntax theme from https://github.com/atom/one-dark-syntax\n\nbase: #282c34\nmono-1: #abb2bf\nmono-2: #818896\nmono-3: #5c6370\nhue-1: #56b6c2\nhue-2: #61aeee\nhue-3: #c678dd\nhue-4: #98c379\nhue-5: #e06c75\nhue-5-2: #be5046\nhue-6: #d19a66\nhue-6-2: #e6c07b\n\n*/\n\n.hljs {\n display: block;\n overflow-x: auto;\n padding: 0.5em;\n color: #abb2bf;\n background: #282c34;\n}\n\n.hljs-comment,\n.hljs-quote {\n color: #5c6370;\n font-style: italic;\n}\n\n.hljs-doctag,\n.hljs-keyword,\n.hljs-formula {\n color: #c678dd;\n}\n\n.hljs-section,\n.hljs-name,\n.hljs-selector-tag,\n.hljs-deletion,\n.hljs-subst {\n color: #e06c75;\n}\n\n.hljs-literal {\n color: #56b6c2;\n}\n\n.hljs-string,\n.hljs-regexp,\n.hljs-addition,\n.hljs-attribute,\n.hljs-meta-string {\n color: #98c379;\n}\n\n.hljs-built_in,\n.hljs-class .hljs-title {\n color: #e6c07b;\n}\n\n.hljs-attr,\n.hljs-variable,\n.hljs-template-variable,\n.hljs-type,\n.hljs-selector-class,\n.hljs-selector-attr,\n.hljs-selector-pseudo,\n.hljs-number {\n color: #d19a66;\n}\n\n.hljs-symbol,\n.hljs-bullet,\n.hljs-link,\n.hljs-meta,\n.hljs-selector-id,\n.hljs-title {\n color: #61aeee;\n}\n\n.hljs-emphasis {\n font-style: italic;\n}\n\n.hljs-strong {\n font-weight: bold;\n}\n\n.hljs-link {\n text-decoration: underline;\n}\n", "" ]); 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() => e["default"] : () => e; __webpack_require__.d(t, { a: t }); return t; }; })(); (() => { __webpack_require__.d = (e, t) => { for (var o in t) if (__webpack_require__.o(t, o) && !__webpack_require__.o(e, o)) Object.defineProperty(e, o, { enumerable: true, get: t[o] }); }; })(); (() => { __webpack_require__.o = (e, t) => Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, t); })(); var o = {}; (() => { const e = { "www.jianshu.com": { name: "JianShu", blockModal: true, rules: [ { urlReg: /\/p\/\w+/i, contentGetter: ".main-view .content", contentHandler: e => { e.querySelectorAll("img").forEach((e => { if (!e.src) e.src = e.getAttribute("data-original-src"); })); e.querySelectorAll('div[aria-label="3rd-ad"]').forEach((e => { e.parentNode.removeChild(e); })); } } ] }, "www.zhihu.com": { name: "Zhihu", blockModal: true, rules: [ { urlReg: /\/question\/\d+\/answer\/\d+/i, titleGetter: ".QuestionHeader-title", contentGetter: ".Question-main .QuestionAnswer-content", contentHandler: e => { e.querySelectorAll(`\n .ContentItem-actions,\n .ModalWrap,\n .ModalLoading-content,\n .CommentItemV2-footer,\n .RichContent--unescapable.is-collapsed .ContentItem-rightButton,\n .ContentItem.AnswerItem button.Button--primary`).forEach((e => { e.parentNode.removeChild(e); })); e.querySelectorAll(".CommentItemV2").forEach((e => { const t = document.createElement("br"); e.before(t); })); } }, { urlReg: /\/question\/\d+/i, titleGetter: ".QuestionHeader-title", contentGetter: ".Question-main .List-item", contentHandler: e => { e.querySelectorAll(`\n .ContentItem-actions,\n .ModalWrap,\n .ModalLoading-content,\n .CommentItemV2-footer,\n .RichContent--unescapable.is-collapsed .ContentItem-rightButton,\n .ContentItem.AnswerItem button.Button--primary`).forEach((e => { e.parentNode.removeChild(e); })); e.querySelectorAll(".CommentItemV2").forEach((e => { const t = document.createElement("br"); e.before(t); })); } } ] }, "zhuanlan.zhihu.com": { name: "Zhihu Zhuanlan", blockModal: true, rules: [ { urlReg: /\/p\/\d+/i, titleGetter: "h1.Post-Title", contentGetter: ".Post-RichTextContainer" } ] } }; const t = e; const o = null && [ "EnterPage", "StartCard", "ReadingMode" ]; const r = { redirect: [ "pushState", "replaceState", "popstate" ], sameSite: [ "pushState", "replaceState", "popstate", "alert", "confirm" ] }; const valORnull = e => e ? e : null; const n = { state: { is_debug: 0, auto_reading_mode: 0, log: [], warn: [], el: {}, restore: {}, pos: {}, rule: {}, modal: [ "alert", "confirm" ], toc: [] }, get is_debug() { return this.state.is_debug; }, get auto_reading_mode() { return this.state.auto_reading_mode; }, get modal() { return this.state.modal; }, log(e, t) { if (this.is_debug) this.state.log.push((new Date).toLocaleString() + (e ? 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" " + e : "") + ": " + ([ "string", "number" ].includes(typeof t) ? t : JSON.stringify(t))); }, exposeState() { if (this.is_debug) this.log("State expose", "Debug: " + this.is_debug); if (this.is_debug) window.rmfmState = this.state; }, setRestore(e, t = null) { if (this.is_debug) this.log("State set Restore", { name: e, method: t }); if (t) { this.state.restore[e] = t; return; } delete this.state.restore[e]; }, getRestore(e) { if (this.is_debug) this.log("State get Restore", { name: e, el: valORnull(this.state.restore[e]) }); return valORnull(this.state.restore[e]); }, restore(e = []) { if (this.is_debug) this.log("State restore", e); if ("string" === typeof e) e = r[e] ? r[e] : []; const t = this.state.restore; for (const o in t) { if (e.includes(o)) continue; this.getRestore(o)(); this.setRestore(o); } }, getKeys(e) { if (this.is_debug) this.log("State get keys", { name: e, keys: Object.keys(this.state[e]) }); return Object.keys(this.state[e]); }, addToc(e) { if (this.is_debug) this.log("State set TOC", e); this.state.toc.push(e); }, getToc() { if (this.is_debug) this.log("State get TOC", this.state.toc); return this.state.toc; }, clearEls() { this.getKeys("el").forEach((e => { if ("el_root" === e) return; delete this.state.el[e]; })); } }; const i = { el: [ "root", "startCard", "readingMode", "main", "title", "content", "menu", "toc", "tocList" ], rule: [ "site", "default", "now" ], pos: [ "toc", "menu" ] }; for (const e in i) for (const t of i[e]) { const o = e + "_" + t; Object.defineProperty(n, o, { get: function() { if (this.is_debug) this.log("Store " + e + " get", o); return this.state[e][o]; }, set: function(t) { if (this.is_debug) this.log("Store " + e + " set", o + " = " + t); this.state[e][o] = t; } }); } n.exposeState(); const l = n; var a = __webpack_require__(920); var s = '<div class="start-content"> <p class="rmfm-small-tip">此提示来自于脚本:</p> <p class="rmfm-small-tip"><strong>移动页面的阅读模式</strong></p> <p class="rmfm-small-tip">当前版本号: 0.0.6beta</p> <p class="rmfm-small-tip">只是希望能够稍微提高一点在移动端的阅读体验。</p> <p class="rmfm-small-tip">此提示会在 <span id="rmfm-countdown"></span> 秒之后隐藏,刷新页面可以重新显示此提示。</p> <div class="start-card"> <button id="rmfm-show-button">进入阅读模式</button> <button id="rmfm-hide-button">╳</button> </div> </div>'; const d = s; var m = __webpack_require__(152); var c = '<article class="rmfm-main"> <div id="rmfm-menu"> <div class="rmfm-menu-top"> <div id="rmfm-close-button" class="rmfm-menu-item">关闭</div> <div id="rmfm-toc-button" class="rmfm-menu-item rmfm-menu-hidden">大纲</div> </div> <div class="rmfm-menu-bottom"> <div id="rmfm-top-button" class="rmfm-menu-item">返回顶部</div> </div> </div> <ul id="rmfm-toc-list"></ul> <h1 class="rmfm-title"></h1> <div class="rmfm-content"></div> </article>'; const f = c; var u = __webpack_require__(863); const removeEl = (e, t = false) => { if (l.is_debug) l.log("removeEl", { el: e, force: t }); try { e.parentNode.removeChild(e); } catch (o) { l.warn("Remove el", { parent: e.parentNode, el: e, error: o }); if (t) l.el_root.innerHTML = ""; } }; const addRootEl = () => { if (l.is_debug) l.log("addRootEl", "Everyone in it"); if (l.el_root) { l.warn("Add root el", "But here have a root el."); return; } l.el_root = document.createElement("div"); l.el_root.id = "rmfm-root-box"; document.querySelector("html").appendChild(l.el_root); }; const exitScript = () => { if (l.is_debug) l.log("exitScript", "End."); l.restore("redirect"); l.clearEls(); }; const getPostToShow = () => { if (l.is_debug) l.log("getPostToShow", ""); const e = l.rule_now; if (e.style) l.el_readingMode.querySelector("style").innerHTML += "\n" + e.style; l.el_title.innerText = titleGetter(e.titleGetter); l.el_content.innerHTML = contentGetter(e.contentGetter); const t = e.contentHandler; if ("function" === typeof t) t(l.el_content); getToc(); clearContent(); highlightCode(); }; const titleGetter = e => { if (l.is_debug) l.log("titleGetter", { selector: e }); if (e) { if ("string" === typeof e && e.length) return document.body.querySelector(e).innerText; if ("function" === typeof e) return e(); } const t = document.body.querySelector("h1"); if (t) return t.innerHTML; return document.title; }; const contentGetter = e => { if (l.is_debug) l.log("contentGetter", { selector: e }); const t = []; if (e) { if ("function" === typeof e) return e(); if ("string" === typeof e && e.length) t.unshift(e); } for (const e of t) { const t = document.body.querySelectorAll(e); if (t) { let e = ""; t.forEach((t => { e += `<div class="rmfm-section">` + t.innerHTML + `</div>`; })); return e; } } return document.body.innerHTML; }; const getToc = () => { const e = l.rule_now.toc ? 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