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Twitter: view more replies and remove useless sections

View more replies and remove useless sections from twitter

These are all versions of this script. Show only the versions where the code changed.

  • v2.0.11 2024-08-12

    - some changes in Twitter interface
    - workaround for 'TrustedHTML' assignment in Chrome

  • v2.0.10 2024-07-29

    Added: expanding of "Show probable spam" hidden section

  • v2.0.9 2024-06-10
  • v2.0.8 2024-05-19
  • v2.0.7 2023-10-30

    Minor fixes due to some changes in twitter's html-code.

    Icon is back to classic bird

  • v2.0.6 2023-08-09

    Changed: click on "View the following media includes potentially sensitive content" button is temporary disabled, because it shows the tweets from blocked users too

  • v2.0.5 2023-07-16

    - issue with "watch again" button for videos

  • v2.0.4 2023-07-13
  • v2.0.4 2023-07-13

    - option to show or hide additional replies, including those that may contain offensive content

  • v2.0.3 2023-06-07
  • v2.0.2 2023-04-25

    Added: options to hide "Explore" tab and "Relevant people" section

  • v2.0.1 2023-01-19

    - hiding of new analytics icon under retweeted tweets

  • v2.0.0 2023-01-17
  • v2.0.0 2023-01-17
  • v2.0.0 2023-01-17

    - options to hide or not to hide some sections

  • v1.8.9 2023-01-16

    Added: "You might like" tweets look fainter in timeline

  • v1.8.8 2022-12-25

    Added: hiding of tweet's analytics in timeline and replies. Analytics link is available now only for tweet which is currently active

  • v1.8.7 2022-12-18

    - hiding of a new section "More tweets", which appears when you have not loged in
    - hiding of a dialog which suggests you to log in when you browsing twitter being not logged in

  • v1.8.6 2022-12-11

    Fixed: automatic redirection to community in Japanese UI

  • v1.8.5 2022-12-11

    Added: hiding of a new section "Discover more"

  • v1.8.4 2022-10-21

    - changed html-code of promoted tweets in timeline and profile

  • v1.8.3 2022-10-18

    - showing sensitive content works in tweet but not in timeline

  • v1.8.2 2022-10-18

    - conflict between data saver and showing sensitive content

  • v1.8.1 2022-10-18

    - browser gets stuck when user tries to report tweet or another user

  • v1.8 2022-10-14

    Code rectified

  • v1.7.15 2022-10-14

    - bugs of hiding sensitive warning content

  • v1.7.14 2022-08-31

    - mistakes I made in English while adding Japanese

  • v1.7.13 2022-08-30

    - Japanese language support

  • v1.7.12 2022-08-28

    - hiding of inline prompts

  • v1.7.11 2022-08-05

    - hiding of some sections in French language

  • v1.7.10 2022-08-04

    - French language support

  • v1.7.9 2022-08-03

    Fixed hiding:
    - "Trends for you" section in simplified Chineese interface
    - "Topics to follow" section in Ukrainian and Chineese interfaces

    Added hiding:
    - "Promoted Tweet" section at anybody's profile
    - "Promoted" section at timeline

  • v1.7.8 2022-08-02

    - "expand your timeline with topics" section in English interface

  • v1.7.7 2022-05-23
  • v1.7.6 2022-05-22

    Added: Spanish

  • v1.7.5 2022-05-21
  • v1.7.4 2022-05-20

    Fixed: incorrect hiding of some sections, as Twitter changed css code

  • v1.7.2 2022-05-13

    Section "Get the app" is added to hiding

  • v1.7.1 2022-04-28
  • v1.7.1 2022-04-25

    Added expanding of section "Show replies"

  • v1.7 2022-04-24

    Added support for Ukrainian, Simplified and Traditional Chineese languages of Twitter's interface

  • v1.6.7 2022-03-26
  • v1.6.7 2022-03-13

    Section "Concerned about your digital security?" is added to hiding

  • v1.6.6 2022-02-06
  • v1.6.6 2022-02-05
  • v1.6.5 2022-01-15
  • v1.6.4 2022-01-15

    Section "Suggested Topics" on "Topics -> Followed" page is added to hiding

  • v1.6.3 2022-01-15

    Section "Trends for you" at the 'Explore' page is been hiding now

  • v1.6.2 2022-01-14

    Section "Expand your timeline with Topics" is back to hiding

  • v1.6.1 2022-01-09

    Corrected error in hiding of "Discover new Lists" section

Show all script versions