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Скрывает активность Serg121

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// ==UserScript==
// @name         NoSerg121
// @namespace    http://tampermonkey.net/
// @version      0.4
// @description  Скрывает активность Serg121
// @author       S30N1K
// @match        https://dota2.ru/*
// @grant        none
// ==/UserScript==
(() => {
let banned = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("banned")) || ["Serg121"]
const removeUser = (li, find) => {
for (const j of $(li)) {
const $j = $(j)
const userNick = $j.find(find).html().split("<")[0].trim()
if (banned.includes(userNick)) {
const index = () => {
removeUser(".index__left-bar > .forum.component-block.component-block__hide-after-12 > ul > li", ".component-text-grey-11")
const members = () => {
const $userNick = $(".forum-profile__head > div > h3")
const userNick = $userNick.html().trim()
let isIgnored = banned.includes(userNick)
const banBtn = $(document.createElement("div")).css({
color: "#499062",
display: "inline-block",
border: "1px solid",
borderRadius: "5px",
padding: "3px 10px",
fontSize: "small",
margin: 0,
cursor: "pointer",
}).html(isIgnored ? "Удалить из игнора" : "Закинуть в игнор").click(() => {
if (isIgnored){
banned = banned.filter(e => e !== userNick)
} else {
localStorage.setItem("banned", JSON.stringify(banned))
isIgnored = !isIgnored
banBtn.html(isIgnored ? "Удалить из игнора" : "Закинуть в игнор")
const notifications = () => {
const forums = () => {
removeUser(".forum-section__list > li:not(.forum-section__item--first)", ".forum-section__name > a")
const threads = () => {
removeUser(".forum-theme__list > li", ".forum-theme__item-left-mob > a")
const pages = {
"^\/$": index,
"\/forum\/members\/(.+?)\/": members,
"\/forum\/notifications\/": notifications,
"\/forum\/threads\/": threads,
"\/forum\/forums\/(.+?)\/": forums,
for (const e of Object.keys(pages)) {
if (new RegExp(e).test(window.location.pathname)) {