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Search Helper - MAL

Quickly search for the anime/manga title on any websites of your choice.

These are versions of this script where the code was updated. Show all versions.

  • v28 2024-10-13

    Changed the aniwave.to domain to aniwave.best

  • v27 2024-04-10


    kaas.am to kickassanime.mx
    anime-owl.net to animeowl.us
    realmscans.com to manga4.org
    lectortmo.com to visortmo.com
    animefire.com to animefire.plus
    asurascans.com to asuratoon.com
    serimanga.com to serimangas.com
    void-scans.com to hivescans.com
    leviatanscans.com to lscomic.com
    luminousscans.com to lumitoon.com

    Updated search URL

  • v26 2023-09-12

    Updated 9anime to AniWave

  • v25 2023-07-14

    Fixed a bug that was making the script not show up on a few entries.
    Updated a couple of links.

  • v24 2023-04-29

    Removed animepahe and franime.fr

  • v23 2023-04-29

    Added a good amount of new websites.

    Needless codes.
    A few websites that no longer exist.

  • v22 2022-08-30

    Increased show/hide button size for convenience.

  • v21 2022-08-30

    Fixed bug that was making the script not work when the Kitsu, 9anime, Crunchyroll or the Funimation btn didn't exist.

  • v20 2022-08-29

    Changed gogoanime.gg to gogoanime.tel.
    Updated the search url for a few websites.

    Now the script;
    Opens the direct entry on kitsu.io instead of the search page.
    Also opens the CrunchyRoll and Funimation direct links on MAL mobile if they exist.

  • v19 2022-08-04

    Fixed bug that was opening the Synopsis when the show button was clicked.

  • v18 2022-08-04

    Added support to mobile web browsers

  • v17 2022-07-30

    Updated from https://Animesonline2.org to https://animesonlinex.org

  • v16 2022-07-23

    Now the script opens the direct anime stream page link for Crunchyroll and for Funimation in case MAL has their direct page links under Streaming Platforms or under Watch Episodes.

  • v15 2022-06-25

    Changed animesonline.org to animesonline2.org

  • v14 2022-06-18

    Added support to +3 anime freak websites.

    Changed gogoanime.wiki to gogoanime.gg

  • v13 2022-05-21


  • v12 2022-05-01

    Version number fixed.

  • v0.10 2022-05-01

    Updated link from 9anime.to to 9anime.id

    Now when the 9anime search button is clicked, the entry title will be automatically copied to the clipboard and the website will be opened on a new tab, so the entry title can easily be pasted on the 9anime website search bar.

  • v0.10 2022-01-16

    Fixed bug that was making the script not properly search for the entry title on websites from the entry Videos tab.

  • v0.9 2022-01-09

    Fixed bug that was making the script run on pages where it has no need to run.

  • v0.8 2021-12-24

    Updated website from gogoanime.vc to gogoanime.wiki

  • v0.7 2021-12-23

    Website icons fixed.

  • v0.6 2021-12-22

    Removed the Anyan website, updated and fixed script and anbient website icons.

  • v0.5 2021-11-21

    Improved match rules. Now the script also works when the anime/manga link is opened from the history page.

    Updated AnimaFan to AnimeFan.

  • v0.4 2021-10-25

    Fixed aniyan.net icon. Replaced domain https://animefan.site/ to https://animafan.biz/

  • v0.3 2021-10-03

    Fixed bug that was making the script not able to search on 9anime.to and on animesvision.biz

  • v0.2 2021-09-06

    Renamed BRAnitube to Aniyan.

    Now when X is hovered the line corresponding to the remove button is highlighted.

  • v0.1 2021-07-23