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Aliexpress: .ru links to .com

Use after setting English: https://webapps.stackexchange.com/a/153233

Install this script?
// ==UserScript==
// @name        Aliexpress: .ru links to .com
// @namespace   tadoritz
// @author      tadoritz
// @description Use after setting English: https://webapps.stackexchange.com/a/153233
// @version     1.1
// @match       https://*.aliexpress.ru/*
// @match       https://*.aliexpress.com/*
// @license     WTFPL
// ==/UserScript==
/* some preselected links */
.inside-page-logo a,
.right-shopcart a,
.nav-cart-box a,
.ng-bp a,
.nav-wishlist a,
.flyout-quick-entry a,
.ng-mobile a,
.sf-aliexpressInfo a,
.sf-seoKeyword a,
.items-list a`).forEach(item => {
url = new URL(item.href);
url.host = url.host.replace(".ru", ".com");
item.href = url.href;
// another variants:
//   `.inside-page-logo a[href*=".ru"], ...` - same result, but too much words
//   `a[href*=".ru"]` - applying to all links, may break some links