// ==UserScript== // @name b站低质弹幕过滤 测试版 bilibili 哔哩哔哩 // @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/ // @version 0.0.3 // @description 低质弹幕屏蔽测试版,屏蔽无意义的弹幕如“哈哈哈哈”,刷屏弹幕如“完结撒花”。随便写的脚本,虽然搞过nlp,但都是语义建模,很少接触表达建模,而且js也不循序太高的复杂度,所以目前用的是简单测词频法,后续还会慢慢优化。 // @author You // @match https://www.bilibili.com/video/* // @grant none // ==/UserScript== function GET(url,fun=function(x){console.log(x.responseText)}){ const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest() xhr.open('get',url) xhr.send() xhr.onreadystatechange = function(){ if(xhr.readyState == 4 && xhr.status == 200){ fun(xhr) } } } (function() { 'use strict'; const cid = window.__INITIAL_STATE__.videoData.cid console.log('video cid',cid) const danmuURL = 'https://api.bilibili.com/x/v1/dm/list.so?oid='+cid console.log('danmu url:',danmuURL) const k = 5 //屏蔽强度 1~10,10最强 GET(danmuURL,function(xhr){ const xml = xhr.responseXML xml.getElementsByTagName('d') const danmuList = [] for(let d of xml.getElementsByTagName('d')){ const danmu = d.textContent.replace(/[~!@#$(),.?''""!(),。?“”‘’;:;: +-=\\、·…]/g,'').toLowerCase() if(!!danmu){ danmuList.push(danmu+'#') } } console.log(danmuList) const char_dict = {} const word_dict = {} let total_char = 0 for(let danmu of danmuList){ for(let i=0;i<danmu.length-1;i++){ const cc = danmu[i] const nc = danmu[i+1] if(!(cc in char_dict)){ char_dict[cc] = 0 } if(!(cc in word_dict)){ word_dict[cc] = {'total':0} } if(!(nc in word_dict[cc])){ word_dict[cc][nc] = 0 } char_dict[cc] += 1 word_dict[cc][nc] += 1 word_dict[cc]['total'] += 1 total_char += 1 } } for(let c in char_dict){ char_dict[c] = char_dict[c]/total_char } console.log('char dict',char_dict) for(let cc in word_dict){ let total_nc = word_dict[cc].total for(let nc in word_dict[cc]){ word_dict[cc][nc] = char_dict[cc]*word_dict[cc][nc] / total_nc } } let danmuFreqList = [] for(let danmu of danmuList){ let freq = 0 for(let i = 0;i < danmu.length -1;i++){ freq += word_dict[danmu[i]][danmu[i+1]] } freq /= danmu.length-1 danmuFreqList.push([danmu,freq]) } danmuFreqList = danmuFreqList.sort(function(a,b){ return b[1] - a[1] }) const size = parseInt(danmuList.length * k / 10) const removed_danmu = new Set() for(let i =0;i<size;i++){ removed_danmu.add(danmuFreqList[i][0].substring(0,danmuFreqList[i][0].length-1)) } console.log('danmu freq list',danmuFreqList) console.log('removed danmu list',removed_danmu) function addOBS(){ const container = document.getElementsByClassName('bilibili-player-video-danmaku')[0] if(container){ const init_danmu = container.getElementsByClassName('b-danmaku') for(let danmu of init_danmu){ if(removed_danmu.has(danmu.innerText.replace(/[~!@#$(),.?''""!(),。?“”‘’;:;: +-=\\、·…]/g,'').toLowerCase())){ console.log('屏蔽',danmu.innerText) danmu.innerText = '' } } function obsFunc(mutations,observer){ for(let mutation of mutations){ const target = mutation.target if('b-danmaku' == target.className){ if(removed_danmu.has(target.innerText.replace(/[~!@#$(),.?''""!(),。?“”‘’;:;: +-=\\、·…]/g,'').toLowerCase())){ console.log('屏蔽',target.innerText) target.innerText = '' } } } } const config = {childList: true, subtree: true} const obser = new MutationObserver(obsFunc) obser.observe(container,config) }else{ requestAnimationFrame(addOBS) } } addOBS() }) // Your code here... })();