Hide buttons when the video is paused and show them again when hovered
/* ==UserStyle== @name YouTube - Show Buttons On Hover When Paused @namespace https://github.com/pabli24 @version 1.1.2 @description Hide buttons when the video is paused and show them again when hovered @author Pabli @license MIT @homepageURL https://github.com/pabli24/YTPlayerHideButtonsWhenPaused @supportURL https://github.com/pabli24/YTPlayerHideButtonsWhenPaused/issues @preprocessor stylus @var checkbox oHide "Show buttons on hover when paused" 1 @var number oPaused "Buttons opacity when paused" [1, 0, 1, 0.01] @var number oPlaying "Buttons opacity when playing" [1, 0, 1, 0.01] ==/UserStyle== */ @-moz-document domain("youtube.com") { if oHide { .paused-mode:not(.unstarted-mode) > div:not(.html5-video-container):not(.ytp-ce-shadow) { opacity: 0 } } .paused-mode:hover > div:not(.html5-video-container):not(.ytp-ce-shadow) { opacity: oPaused } .playing-mode:not(.ytp-autohide):hover > div:not(.html5-video-container):not(.ytp-ce-shadow):not(.ytp-caption-window-container) { opacity: oPlaying } }