Only to be used for TESTING purposes, in private lobbies.
// ==UserScript== // @name Toggleable (Key V) ESP for Shell Shockers (PROOF OF CONCEPT) // @version 0.3 // @author A3+++ // @description Only to be used for TESTING purposes, in private lobbies. // @match* // @grant none // @namespace // @run-at document-start // ==/UserScript== (function () { "use strict" window.espEnabled = false; window.espKey = "V"; window.addEventListener("keydown", function (e) { if (extern.inGame) { if (e.key.toUpperCase() == window.espKey) { window.espEnabled = !window.espEnabled } } else { window.espEnabled = false } }) XMLHttpRequest = class extends XMLHttpRequest { constructor() { super(...arguments) } open() { if (arguments[1] && arguments[1].includes("js/shellshock.js")) { this.scriptMatch = true; window[atob("Y29uc29sZQ==")]["log"](atob('RVNQIElOIFVTRS4=')); } } get response() { if (this.scriptMatch) { let responseText = super.response; responseText = responseText.replace(/.prototype.setVisible=function\(\w\){/, `.prototype.setVisible=function(eee){asda=document;arguments[0]=true;asda.title=atob('U2hlbGwgU2hvY2tlcnMgfCBBbHQgVVJMOiBFU1AgSU4gVVNF');this.getChildTransformNodes().forEach(child=>child.setRenderingGroupId&&child.setRenderingGroupId(window.espEnabled?1:0));`); return responseText; } return super.response; } }; }())