
Live Stream Chat Users (Mentions & Search)

Minimalistic userscript that allows you to mention any user in chat by one click on their name or to search for their channel by double or middle click.

These are all versions of this script. Show only the versions where the code changed.

  • v1.1.12023-10-09

    Switching between "Top chat" and "Live chat" (full) should now work fine with userscript.

  • v1.1.02023-10-08
  • v1.1.02023-10-08
    • Can search for channel by middle/auxiliary mouse click in addition to double click.
    • Only names inside the chat will be underlined when pointing mouse over.
    • Added a small hack that suppresses the silly popup that YouTube is popping over when you click on chat message. If you can hunt what event causes this, and preferrably how to stop it, I'd be much obliged. Debugging is a mess...
  • v1.0.12022-04-24

    Added icon for userscript for better discoverability

  • v1.02022-01-01