Shows the full TO Do task title when you hover over it on the dashboard of your course.
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// ==UserScript==// @name To Do list title - Canvas Instructure// @namespace @version 5// @description Shows the full TO Do task title when you hover over it on the dashboard of your course.// @author hacker09// @match https://**// @icon @run-at document-end// @grant none// ==/UserScript==setTimeout(async function() {'use strict';document.querySelectorAll("div.ToDoSidebarItem__Title").forEach(el => el.title = el.querySelector('div > a > span').innerText); //Fully show each title on hovernew MutationObserver(async function() { //Se uma quantidade diferente for selecionadadocument.querySelectorAll("div.ToDoSidebarItem__Title").forEach(el => el.title = el.querySelector('div > a > span').innerText); //Fully show each title on hover}).observe(document.querySelector("#planner-todosidebar-item-list"), { //Defines the element and the characteristics to be observedattributes: false,attributeOldValue: false,characterData: false,characterDataOldValue: false,childList: true,subtree: true}); //Finishes the definitions to be observed}, 3000);