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Stake.com Vault Script

Sends a percentage of your profits to the vault

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// ==UserScript==
// @name         Stake.com Vault Script
// @description  Sends a percentage of your profits to the vault
// @description  Updated to make it run on all official mirrors
// @description  If stake.com is blocked by your country, is lagging or has a bad performance, try one of their mirrorsites
// @description  Find all official mirrors at -->  https://playstake.io/
// @description  Tips through Stake appreciated: @nyaWon (https://stake.com/?modal=user&name=nyaWon)
// @description  My ref: stake.com/?c=564e5749df
// @description  Based on @Dauersendung script which is outdated
// @description  Tested with crypto display only (don't use USD, EUR, JPY, BRL, CAD, CNY, IDR, INR, KRW, MXN, PHP, RUB  view)
// @description  Setup percentage to be saved at SAVE_AMOUNT (at the beginning of the script)
// @description  Running it in more than one tab might cause duplicated deposits to the vault
// @version      1.5
// @author       Christoph Hummel
// @match        https://stake.com/*
// @match        https://stake.bet/*
// @match        https://stake.games/*
// @match        https://staketr.com/*
// @match        https://staketr2.com/*
// @match        https://staketr3.com/*
// @match        https://staketr4.com/*
// @match        https://stake.bz/*
// @run-at       document-end
// @namespace Stake.com Vault Script
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
const SAVE_AMOUNT = 0.10 //Percentage of the winnings, in decimal (Examples: 50% => 0.50,  75% => 0.75, 15% => 0.15, 10% => 0.10)
const DISPLAY_VAULT_TOTAL = true; // If true it will display the VAULT TOTAL. If false it will display the SUM of deposits made since opened
function getCookie(cname) {
var name = cname + "=";
var decodedCookie = decodeURIComponent(document.cookie);
var ca = decodedCookie.split(';');
for(var i = 0; i <ca.length; i++) {
var c = ca[i];
while (c.charAt(0) == ' ') {
c = c.substring(1);
if (c.indexOf(name) == 0) {
return c.substring(name.length, c.length);
return "";
class StakeApi {
constructor() {
this._accessToken = getCookie("session").replace(/"/g, '');
// this._accessToken = localStorage.getItem('session').replace(/"/g, '');
async call(body) {
return fetch("https://api.stake.com/graphql", {
"credentials": "omit",
"headers": {
"content-type": "application/json",
'x-access-token': this._accessToken,
'x-lockdown-token': ""},
"referrer": "https://stake.com/",
"body": body,
"method": "POST",
"mode": "cors"
async getBalances() {
return this.call("{\"operationName\":\"UserVaultBalances\",\"variables\":{},\"query\":\"query UserVaultBalances {\\n  user {\\n    id\\n    balances {\\n      available {\\n        amount\\n        currency\\n        __typename\\n      }\\n      vault {\\n        amount\\n        currency\\n        __typename\\n      }\\n      __typename\\n    }\\n    __typename\\n  }\\n}\\n\"}");
async depositToVault(currency, amount) {
var data = {
operationName: "CreateVaultDeposit",
variables: {
currency: currency,
amount: amount
query: "mutation CreateVaultDeposit($amount: Float!, $currency: CurrencyEnum!) {\n  createVaultDeposit(amount: $amount, currency: $currency) {\n    id\n    amount\n    currency\n    user {\n      id\n      balances {\n        available {\n          amount\n          currency\n          __typename\n        }\n        vault {\n          amount\n          currency\n          __typename\n        }\n        __typename\n      }\n      __typename\n    }\n    __typename\n  }\n}\n"
return this.call(JSON.stringify(data));
// let balanceSelector = 'header .styles__Cashier-puey40-2.dMSTdD .styles__Content-rlm06o-1.ixoRjG';
let balanceSelector = '.navigation .balance-toggle .currency span.content span';
var oldBal = '';
let activeCurrency;
const stakeApi = new StakeApi();
function getCurrency() {
return getCookie("currency_currency").replace(/"/g, '');
// return JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("v2_currency")).currency;
function updateCurrency() {
let c = getCurrency();
if(c != activeCurrency) {
activeCurrency = c;
return true;
return false;
class Wing {
constructor() {
this._element = document.createElement("span");
this._element.id = "wingElm";
this._element.innerText = "0.00000000";
// document.querySelector(".styles__Wrap-rlm06o-0.bGSyHm").insertBefore(this._element, null);
document.querySelector(".navigation .balance-toggle .currency").insertBefore(this._element, null);
this._element.title = "Deposited to vault";
setVaultBalance() {
stakeApi.getBalances().then((r) => r.json()).then((response) => {
let balance = response.data.user.balances.find(x => x.vault.currency == activeCurrency);
if(balance) {
this._element.innerText = balance.vault.amount.toFixed(8);
update(amount) {
this._element.innerText = amount.toFixed(8);
} else {
this._element.innerText = (parseFloat(this._element.innerText) + amount).toFixed(8);
reset() {
} else {
this._element.innerText = "0.00000000";
let wing;
function init(){
if (document.readyState === 'complete') {
var oldBal = document.querySelector(balanceSelector).innerText;
var curBalEle = document.querySelector(balanceSelector).innerText;
wing = new Wing();
function tresor() {
oldBal = curBalEle
if (oldBal = curBalEle) {
function checkBalance() {
var curBalEle = document.querySelector(balanceSelector);
if(updateCurrency()) { // if currency was changed return
oldBal = document.querySelector(balanceSelector).innerText;
curBalEle = document.querySelector(balanceSelector).innerText;
if(document.querySelectorAll(balanceSelector).length > 0) {
curBalEle = document.querySelector(balanceSelector).innerText;
if(curBalEle != '') {
if (curBalEle > oldBal) {
var depositAmount = ((curBalEle - oldBal) * SAVE_AMOUNT);
if (depositAmount >= 1e-8) {
oldBal = (parseFloat(curBalEle) - parseFloat(depositAmount)).toFixed(8);
stakeApi.depositToVault(activeCurrency, depositAmount).then((r) => r.json()).then((response) => {
try {
let cvd = response.data.createVaultDeposit;
let balanceObject = cvd.user.balances.find(x => x.vault.currency == cvd.currency);
} catch (err) {
console.log('Error trying to read vault balance');
} else {
window.setInterval(checkBalance, 751); //timerspeed read send to tresor
} else {
tresor(); //if different balance run func tresor
var myTimer = setTimeout(tresor, 5500);
} else {
setTimeout(init, 5000);