Script meant for Ungoogled Chromium, but may be used with any browser to directly download Chrome Extensions from Chrome Web Store.
// ==UserScript== // @name Download Extension from Chrome Web Store // @namespace laniusone // @match*/* // @grant none // @icon // @version 1.0 // @author laniusone // @license BSD-3-Clause // @description Script meant for Ungoogled Chromium, but may be used with any browser to directly download Chrome Extensions from Chrome Web Store. // ==/UserScript== let bookmarklet = function () {location.href=',crx3&prodversion='+(navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\S+)/)[1])+'&x=id%'+'3D'+(document.querySelector('a[href^=""]').pathname.match(/[^\/]+\/*$/)[0])+'%'+'26installsource%'+'3Dondemand%'+'26uc';}; button = document.createElement('button'); button.type = 'button;' = 'position: fixed; z-index: 9999; bottom: 2%; right: 2%; padding: 10px; color: white; background-color: blue; text-decoration: none;'; button.onclick = bookmarklet; button.innerText = '+'; = 'custom-extension-download'; document.body.appendChild(button);