Aimbot and ESP for Locks the aim to the nearest player and shows lines between nearby players. Removes ceilings from buildings and let's you see inside them too.
// ==UserScript==// @name Surviv.IO Aimbot, ESP & X-Ray// @namespace @version 0.0.4// @description Aimbot and ESP for Locks the aim to the nearest player and shows lines between nearby players. Removes ceilings from buildings and let's you see inside them too.// @author Zertalious (Zert)// @match *://*// @match *://*// @match *://*// @match *://*// @match *://*// @match *://*// @match *://*// @match *://*// @match *://*// @match *://*// @match *://*// @match *://*// @match *://*// @match *://*// @match *://*// @match *://*// @icon @grant none// @run-at document-start// @antifeature ads// ==/UserScript==let espEnabled = true;let aimbotEnabled = true;let xrayEnabled = true;Object.defineProperty( Object.prototype, 'textureCacheIds', {set( value ) {this._textureCacheIds = value;if ( Array.isArray( value ) ) {const scope = this;value.push = new Proxy( value.push, {apply( target, thisArgs, args ) {if ( args[ 0 ].indexOf( 'ceiling' ) > - 1 ) {Object.defineProperty( scope, 'valid', {set( value ) {this._valid = value;},get() {return xrayEnabled ? false : this._valid;}} );}return Reflect.apply( ...arguments );}} );}},get() {return this._textureCacheIds;}} );const params = {get() {console.log( 'getting ctx', this );return null;}};Object.defineProperty( window, 'WebGLRenderingContext', params );Object.defineProperty( window, 'WebGL2RenderingContext', params );let ctx;HTMLCanvasElement.prototype.getContext = new Proxy( HTMLCanvasElement.prototype.getContext, {apply( target, thisArgs, args ) {const r###lt = Reflect.apply( ...arguments );if ( thisArgs.parentNode ) {ctx = r###lt;}return r###lt;}} );const players = [];let radius;let mouseX = 0, mouseY = 0;window.addEventListener( 'mousemove', function ( event ) {if ( event.dispatchedByMe !== true ) {mouseX = event.clientX;mouseY = event.clientY;}} );window.addEventListener( 'keyup', function ( event ) {switch ( String.fromCharCode( event.keyCode ) ) {case 'N' : espEnabled = ! espEnabled; break;case 'B' : aimbotEnabled = ! aimbotEnabled; break;case 'H' : xrayEnabled = ! xrayEnabled; break;}} );const Context2D = CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype;Context2D.drawImage = new Proxy( Context2D.drawImage, {apply( target, thisArgs, args ) {if ( aimbotEnabled && args[ 0 ].src && args[ 0 ].src.indexOf( 'loadout' ) > - 1 && args[ 8 ] === 142 ) {const { a, b, e, f } = thisArgs.getTransform();radius = Math.hypot( a, b ) * args[ 8 ] + 10;const centerX = thisArgs.canvas.width / 2;const centerY = thisArgs.canvas.height / 2;if ( e !== centerX && f !== centerY ) {players.push( { x: e, y: f } );}}return Reflect.apply( ...arguments );}} );window.requestAnimationFrame = new Proxy( window.requestAnimationFrame, {apply( target, thisArgs, args ) {args[ 0 ] = new Proxy( args[ 0 ], {apply( target, thisArgs, args ) {players.length = 0;Reflect.apply( ...arguments );ctx.fillStyle = '#fff';const array = [[ '[B] Aimbot', aimbotEnabled ],[ '[N] ESP', espEnabled ],[ '[H] X-Ray', xrayEnabled ]];const fontSize = 20;ctx.textAlign = 'center';ctx.textBaseline = 'top';ctx.font = 'bolder ' + fontSize + 'px monospace';for ( let i = 0; i < array.length; i ++ ) {const [ text, status ] = array[ i ];ctx.globalAlpha = status ? 1 : 0.5;ctx.fillText( text + ': ' + ( status ? 'ON' : 'OFF' ), ctx.canvas.width / 2, 10 + i * fontSize );}ctx.globalAlpha = 1;if ( players.length === 0 ) {return;}ctx.lineWidth = 5;ctx.strokeStyle = 'red';if ( espEnabled ) {const centerX = ctx.canvas.width / 2;const centerY = ctx.canvas.height / 2;ctx.beginPath();for ( let i = 0; i < players.length; i ++ ) {const player = players[ i ];ctx.moveTo( centerX, centerY );ctx.lineTo( player.x, player.y );}ctx.stroke();}if ( aimbotEnabled ) {let minDistance = Infinity;let targetPlayer;for ( let i = 0; i < players.length; i ++ ) {const player = players[ i ];const distance = Math.hypot( player.x - mouseX, player.y - mouseY );if ( distance < minDistance ) {minDistance = distance;targetPlayer = player;}}ctx.beginPath();ctx.arc( targetPlayer.x, targetPlayer.y, radius, 0, Math.PI * 2 );ctx.stroke();window.dispatchEvent( new MouseEvent( 'mousemove', {clientX: targetPlayer.x,clientY: targetPlayer.y,dispatchedByMe: true} ) );}}} );return Reflect.apply( ...arguments );}} );window.addEventListener( 'DOMContentLoaded', function () {const value = parseInt( new URLSearchParams( ).get( 'showAd' ), 16 );const shouldShowAd = isNaN( value ) || - value < 0 || - value > 10 * 60 * 1000;const el = document.createElement( 'div' );el.innerHTML = `<style>.my-dialog {position: absolute;left: 50%;top: 50%;padding: 20px;background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.9);box-shadow: 0 0 0 1000vw rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);border-radius: 5px;color: #fff;transform: translate(-50%, -50%);text-align: center;z-index: 999999;}.my-dialog * {color: #fff;}.my-close {position: absolute;right: 5px;top: 5px;width: 20px;height: 20px;opacity: 0.5;cursor: pointer;}.my-close:before, .my-close:after {content: ' ';position: absolute;left: 50%;top: 50%;width: 100%;height: 20%;transform: translate(-50%, -50%) rotate(-45deg);background: #fff;}.my-close:after {transform: translate(-50%, -50%) rotate(45deg);}.my-close:hover {opacity: 1;}</style><div class="my-dialog">${shouldShowAd ? `<big>Loading ad...</big>` : `<div class="my-close" onclick="'none';"></div><big style="font-size: 2em;">Aimbot, ESP & X-Ray</big><br><br>[B] to toggle aimbot<br>[H] to toggle x-ray<br>[N] to toggle esp<br><br>By Zertalious<br><br><div class="btn-purple btn-darken menu-option" style="position: unset !important;" onclick="'')">Discord</div><div class="btn-orange btn-darken menu-option" onclick="'', '_blank')">Instagram</div><div class="btn-blue btn-darken menu-option" onclick="'', '_blank')">Twitter</div><div class="btn-green btn-darken menu-option" onclick="'', '_blank')">More scripts</div>` }</div>`;while ( el.children.length > 0 ) {document.body.appendChild( el.children[ 0 ] );}if ( shouldShowAd ) {const url = new URL( window.location.href );url.searchParams.set( 'showAd', 16 ) );window.location.href = '' + new TextEncoder().encode( url.href ).toString();}} );