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VK.com Without Limit v.2.0

Bypass the need to login to use VK.com

Install this script?
Install as user style?
/* ==UserStyle==
@name        VK.com Without Limit v.2.0
@namespace   https://greasyfork.org/en/users/8-decembre?sort=updated
@version     2.00
@author      decembre
@description Bypass the need to login to use VK.com
@license     unlicense
==/UserStyle== */
@-moz-document domain("vk.com") {
/* === VK.com Without Limit v.2.0  === */
/* SUPP */
#page_bottom_banners_root ,
.scroll_fix_wrap #box_layer ,
#layer_wrap.scroll_fix_wrap.fixed.layer_wrap ,
[dir] #box_layer_bg ,
display: none !important;
/* NO LIMIT */
.anonym.anonym_nav.redesign_web.layers_shown ,
overflow: visible !important;
#box_layer_wrap {
z-index: 0 !important;
/* === END  ==== */